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  1. ChromeFamily


  2. Surprised no one mentioned elec/storm
  3. Second version of the build Chrome Nefertiti ver 2- Tanker (Bio Armor).mxd
  4. Here is a build I was toying around with, any feedback would be great Chrome Nefertiti - Tanker (Bio Armor).mxd
  5. I have this idea for a character for a tank that is Bio/BS/Fire and Mystic Flight (theme)... But I don't see many forum posts regarding this combination of Bio and Broadsword on a tank. Would this be desirable? What are your suggestions in what to look for in building it?
  6. So has anyone's opinion changed on this since all the updates? I'm thinking of rolling a robot mastermind but can't decide on a secondary.
  7. How does one get the anniversary badge "Pursuer / Elusive" ? See the screen shots, I don't see it as an option with Luna I've tried as both Hero and Villain, with the same result.
  8. Here is a picture of it, notice how it’s shifted to the left and I can’t move anything out of its way to see it. Look at “snapshot” and “brawl” for examples. (note: this doesn’t change regardless if I maximize the program or not)
  9. Might want to consider pinning this to the top of the forum page in this section
  10. So I have Windows 10 and I am trying to install the Exe/MSI from https://midsreborn.com and it keeps finding this file as malware and won't install. Anything else I can try? I got the zip file to work though, extracted it and now this new version seems to shift the power sockets to the left off page to where you can't see them.
  11. I have a elec/elec sent also, but I like to build around defense.. I am not sure which type of defense would be applicable for this build type though. Any suggestions?
  12. I was trying to create a elec/elec sent but I can't make up my mind how to make a build for it. Any suggestions? or after reading this thread is elec/bio the right way to go?
  13. I'm having the same question, I rolled a G I Joe type character for Merc/TA and I'm having issues making a build that gets the most out of this combination. Any suggestions on what to focus on and not to focus on?
  14. when is the last day of the winter event?
  15. Is there a macro version of this bind?
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