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M3z last won the day on November 2 2020

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About M3z

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Event starts in 15 minutes! Also if you don't want a free PL no idea why you're getting upset haha just don't get PL'd! Love you guys
  2. You know what guys, he's right, event cancelled. I can't believe we've made such a massive oversight! On a serious note we host anywhere, majority of pvp community is from indom hence the name. We might swap to excelsior and change the name in the future.
  3. Hi everyone! My new PvP community PvP Council Indomitable is throwing a community powerlevel event. Even if you don't intend to pvp anyone is welcome to join! DATE: July 30th - 2:45 PM EST LOCATION: Excelsior server - Pocket D AE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/QUdn7DHTDw
  4. EVENT DESCRIPTION This ruleset attempts to revive the disruption style pvp that existed prior to i13. Although nothing can replicate the craziness that was pre i13 pvp we can try to reintroduce some of the aspects that made that era so great by limiting meta archetypes and builds thus encouraging more disruption and adding a shielder role to bring back pure buffing roles. RULESET EXPLANATION Ruleset focuses on bringing more Archetypes into the mix while keeping 8v8 core in modified i13 meta intact (3 ranged offense w/ 2 healers). This should allow for more balanced teams if people want to bring non-meta characters. Shielder role adds additional dimension forcing shielders to choose between shielding, attacking and evading. The ban on APP/PPP(with shielder mode activated) shields will allow for more damage to make up for the lack of damage from going from 6 ranged offense to 3 ranged offense.
  5. Anyone can create the event if you can get enough people. Also you get free transfer tokens that refresh every week. So moving over to indom to come play is pretty simple. In the future I may run events exclusively on Excelsior through my new community. The new community is still in the works but for now transferring to indom once every Tuesday should at least allow you to get in on the 8v8 action. https://discord.gg/qfTYAufRt2
  6. 9 PM EST Tonight, TACO Tuesday! Link below for when the event goes live: Stream link: https://www.twitch.tv/coh_m3z
  7. Every player that signed up gets assigned to a team which leads to uneven teams.
  8. The Draft has been completed! See you all June 9th, I'll post stream link here when we go live with the first matches. See you there!
  9. Taco Tuesday starts now! Stream link: https://www.twitch.tv/coh_m3z
  10. Indom Kickball Tonight 9 PM EST! Everyone is invited! See you there.
  11. Are you disputing the devs don't know much about pvp or that they do? They definitely don't and that's not even a fault to them, it's just a complicated and completely separate system that's been divorced from PVE mechanics-wise since i13. So it really shouldn't be a surprise that no the devs probably don't know that much about pvp (in terms of balancing/changing the meta). As far as all of the hostility, you're giving the pvp community way too much credit, we don't have much of a say in terms of power changes. If the devs want to do something they will do it. And in regards to crey pistol cancelling, it was fun and it made more builds viable (isn't that what we want? more viable builds?). Is it a nonsensical bandaid that doesn't make sense and probably a bug? Yeah, but so is everything in pvp right now. It added a small amount of depth and allowed for ATs/powersets that used to rely on CCs or had very slow animations to be slightly more viable. Bottom line everyone just found it to make the game more FUN. 95% of the community wanted to keep it but the devs went ahead and did what they wanted. Now if you're wondering why the pvp community is focused on something as trivial as that and not the huge balance issues with ATs and powersets. Everyone in the community is aware of the balance issues. Everyone is aware that i12 is better. EVERYONE KNOWS! You are not the first person to see how BS pvp is right now. It's just a matter of dev resources. The code for i12 doesn't exist. Who knows how much work it would take to go back and then balance it. So many things exist now that that would absolutely ruin the game worse than anything that exists in pvp right now. There's just not enough dev resources to justify doing a massive undertaking like that right now. The solution is to fix/bandaid what we have now and just try and make it as enjoyable as possible IMO. Is it annoying that blasters/defenders are so much stronger than everything else? Yes, but let's focus on changes that can make other ATs/powersets viable in the current system. We'll probably have to get creative but I really don't think it'd be that hard to do small changes to make other ATs/powersets viable.
  12. Yeah when I come out of arena on my necro I tab out of the game because it explodes my ears.
  13. We're definitely working cleaning up the homecoming pvp discord, we also run PUG 8v8 pvp events every tuesday at 9 PM est. I am currently working on a video to help introduce new players/PVErs in 8v8 arenas including easy ways to fund builds and how to play certain roles.
  14. i13 just removed basically all of the mechanics(via DR) and made mezzes useless (outside of spiking in 8v8s) so nothing really functions. If those mechanics and mezzes were reintroduced a lot more things would be viable. But that'd be really complex thing to accomplish and balance. It would also require adjustments to DR curves, base resistances, procs in relation to base damage etc. Also i'd rather shoot myself then try to argue about mez changes with the competitive pvp community again because a lot of post i12 pvpers just don't have a clue about what made i12 so good. I've made so many posts about this same subject that I just can't rewrite the same thing I've written like 500 times lol so I'm gonna keep it nice and succinct this time.
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