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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. You’ll have to let us know what you think
  2. Certainly seems overpowered, unless I misunderstand
  3. Anyone going to see this? It’s Sony, and I haven’t liked any of there Marvel movies in a long time. So I’ll wait until I can watch it at home. I know the star (Dakota Johnson) kinda took a shot at it this week by saying “it’s as if AI generated a perfect movie for your boyfriend”. BTW, the industry “experts” are predicting a worldwide total take of 55-100mill.
  4. I’d like for the ability to post on the forums to be locked behind the amount of SG prestige you have 😎
  5. I like how most on here think when this goes live, every team leader will suddenly demand the correct team makeup. We already have a very select few that require 50s to run low level TFs (it’s a thing and I can supply the Global if you like) We already have some me that only allow 50s on lvl35+ TFs We already have some that demand we have a certain incarnate power to run hard-mode content. Guess what? It’s not affecting how any of you play it if you find/join teams. Most likely these are the same leaders that will require the new team composition - so what? They do that already. Finally, just because the majority in here like/dislike something actually means nothing. We are the very vocal minority when it comes to this games player base.
  6. Don’t believe him. Does he look like he’s starving?
  7. I roll my eyes whenever I see the Panda jokes get going in LFG. Not sure why it happens or what the weird fascination is but…for some odd reason it’s put me off Panda characters so much, I most likely wouldn’t allow and Panda MMs on any team I was forming. I know. Weird rant. Sorry.
  8. I enjoyed both seasons of The Punisher - yes they could have been better, but I thought they did a really good job of capturing the character. Thought both seasons of Daredevil were way to long. Especially season 2 - Thought it should have been split into two separate seasons, with Daredevil/Punisher being one and Daredevil/Electra being the other. Thought the first seasons of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones were entertaining, but also too long. Didn’t really care about any subsequent seasons. Hated Iron Fist. Didnt think Defenders was that bad. Loved WandaVision, Cap/Winter Soldier, Loki (1st season) and Hawkeye. Thought they were all different, entertaining and just the right number of episodes. Enjoyed Ms Marvel - but I think it’s because I knew what to expect. A teen female hero, made for teen female fans. Also enjoyed Moon Knight. Hated Secret Wars - I wanted to like it, but by the end I had to admit it was trash. Never watched She-Hulk. The trailers looked bad. The CGI looked really bad (reports are now coming out as to why). Mostly, because I’m a huge fan of the Hulk, and it looked as if he was being portrayed as an even bigger punchline in this, than he already has been turned into in the MCU.
  9. I have to ask Just how long would you have enjoyed a game where you could easily herd and kill an entire map of +20 enemies? Sure it would have been fun for a little while, but I have to imagine you would have eventually wanted some type of challenge
  10. You regularly herded and beat up entire maps of enemies 20 levels higher than you. Then suddenly it would take you half the day to defeat enemies 10 levels below you. Are you sure this is the game you were playing?
  11. He was going to look funny playing Kamala Kang in the next season of Ms Marvel. Seriously though, since It’s widely reported that Marvel have already been looking for a new actor - I think it’s safe to say that the report of Majors contract is BS Marvel has a habit of signing it’s stars to multi picture deals to insure they are available for more movies. That’s a big difference from signing exclusivity of a character away to an actor. Think of it this way. If they gave that offer to RDJ, he could have held up Endgame by saying “I decided that I need 10x the paycheck or there will be no Iron Man in Marvels biggest movie!”
  12. I have to say it would be unprecedented for a studio to give away control of a character they own, to an actor. Not to mention the fact that some of the X-Men have been played by more than one actor already.
  13. Marvel/Disney hold the movie rights to the characters - not the actors. I’m sorry, but You’re gonna have to show me where it says that the studio is contractually obligated to only use the previous actors , because the only other time I heard something like this is when Twitter/Reddit users decided Majors was the only one allowed to play Kang per contract - which was false
  14. I don’t see why they have to use the same actors since Marvel owns the movie rights - they should be able to cast whomever they want
  15. You may be surprised to hear it had a huge edit. They actually shot more episodes and after viewing, thought it needed to be edited down - which is why the pacing seems to jump around
  16. I actually enjoyed it Thought the finale was very anti-climactic, but was still entertained by the entire series
  17. I never buy anything from Yomo. His prices are ridiculous, terrible customer service and an almost non-exist return policy.
  18. But.. If PVP isn’t implemented in PVE zones, how will some PVPers get to attack/kill unsuspecting and unprepared players? How will they ever feel good about themselves? Think of these PVPers. Please,
  19. Most of the villains have had their butts kicked and been locked away in prison (where they belong) 🙂
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