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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Maybe they are doing it to mess with the afk MMs
  2. Miracle, The Thing and Tombstone are the 3 that come to mind for me
  3. Being a huge fan of Godzilla, I cant wait for this Only thing that scares me is AppleTV Every original show I’ve watched, started really strong but went downhill by mid season. Usually by the end of the season, I’m mad that I watched it (happened so often that I cancelled by subscription) The only exception was the first season of Ted Lasso - although it did go downhill after that, and the final season was pretty bad.
  4. Because MMS are smelly, and no one likes them. The world would be a better place without them. Pull the trigger Devs! As the great Scarlet Witch once said “no more masterminds”
  5. I agree! MMS should be banned and removed from the game!
  6. Glad you’re back screw those other games - you should dedicate all free time to COH and COH only! Sorry to hear about your friend 😔
  7. Strange that you went straight to “lying” Maybe they misremembered, or genuinely believed that an ambush took place.
  8. Games are just letting lefties know how the other half lives
  9. Don’t mistake confusion for anger Lesson learned. I’ll leave you to your trolling now.
  10. Not saying you have to sway, but if you’re suggesting something - at least have the decency to explain why the change. What’s even more baffling is that you did explain in another thread. All you had to do was either copy/paste or link that thread. Instead you just threw it out there and ignored any request for an explanation.
  11. ahhh I get it now. Thanks for clarifying that you are just a troll
  12. Is the OP so lazy that they couldn’t copy over what they said from that post so that the “why” at least would make some sense??????
  13. Did I miss the post where you explained why you want this change? or is this some sort of guessing game? If it is, my guess is………your ice melee brute keeps dying and you don’t know why, so you decided to blame ice patch cause you don’t know what it does. Did I win?
  14. Ghost


    Suuuuuuuuuuuure you dont
  15. I put Figs in my back pocket and routinely carry him through contact. Other than that, I’m average at everything I do
  16. Bad idea to allow Global names to be private GMs ask for the global when reporting a troublemaker. Allowing people to hide identity a global identity so they can act a fool on a throwaway toon could lead to more childish behavior.
  17. Something HAS to be the worst 😈
  18. If they don’t advertise it as speed and then say it is before starting, I drop and let them know I’m not interested. If they start it and I suddenly find out it’s speed, I usually just lag behind doing my own thing. Let them run off like a crazy person. I’m not following.
  19. Loved her in Werewolves Within - would no doubt loved her as Squirrel Girl
  20. Don’t know if it’s the same guy or not, but I was once on a +4 KM ITF This particular brute (I think it was) ran off fast as he could while the leader told him “not a speed run”. He would run into mobs, aggro and die. He had no rez so he would quickly hit the hospital, come back and repeat the process over and over again. None of us got upset because it was so funny to watch. Anyways, it is annoying to see players completely ignore the leaders requests and run off to do their own thing. After a warning, they should get booted. Simple.
  21. “If it ain’t sparkling, it ain’t a vampire” - Snarky
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