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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. Was it changed to where Oroboros now has a countdown when switching characters?
  2. Try this - it should be pretty beefy - it has been a looong time since I built one this way - thanks for bringing me back to my roots :-)
  3. For this, you are talking basic Crafted IOs? Any travel preference or theme to shoot for?
  4. Going to summon the help of @Spaghetti Betty for this because they are the clear Regen guru IMO
  5. What if one of the powers had an ability to freeze time - for your team so everyone could selectively target and get in position to annihilate whatever mob they face - or use that same ability to recover HP/End and allow powers a few extra seconds to recharge. Kinda like the omega 13 device on Galaxy Quest only not going back 13 seconds just freezing.
  6. I have attached a similar build I have played before - Katana is really fun and does a lot of damage. Invul is really strong - with a few weak points that I always aim to patch up. My most common way to patch Invul is to build heavy Psi Resists, Heavy Melee Defense and Heavy S/L defenses and then just do what invul does naturally - saturated typed defense to the rest and above average resists to the rest of the types. - that covers a vast portion of the game (less since the typed defense change that makes invul and EA slightly more vulnerable - but can be overcome with targeting and strategy. You can also toggle Hover on with this build - or pick maneuvers instead of flight if flying isn't your thing - to make your defenses a few points stronger which might make a difference in a heated battle. I have found this to be very reliable - and no slouch for damage - once you get Ageless Radial - which is a must for Invul because it doesn't have maxed DDR you should be pretty close to perma Hasten also (if it isn't you wont notice it) That is with 1 in range of invincibility that is 10 in range of invincibility. That is with 10 in range of Invincibility and Melee Core with 1 Stack - I would recommend Melee Core for when you need to be more durable, and Assault Radial for when you want to be more damaging and you don't need to be as durable - Get both :-) its easy to do. I also get Diamagnetic Core for the interface - on any defense leaning character because it is a guaranteed To Hit debuff that will help with you defenses in the long run. Hope this helps, let me know if there is any questions - build is attached below. Brute (Katana - Invulnerability).mbd
  7. For the record I think @Hyperstrike builds are fine - great in fact. I like mine better naturally because I make them for me first and foremost - I get nothing but satisfaction when someone uses my builds and enjoys them. If they dont - that's OK too because I still do. This is after all - a game and I think people who chase damage like this - lose sight of some of the more fun attributes this game can provide. Clear speed wins nothing but boredom from repetition for playing every AT and every Character the exact same way - missing out on cool powers along the way that don't fit the Moar damage quest. To each their own. 😉
  8. Your whole post is garbage, lol and I will leave it at that. Go poke your chest out in the mirror and feel accomplished by it though. By all means "Dr Phil"
  9. This /\ I have a philosophy of never stop learning - questions are a good thing.
  10. Here ya go, I am no expert on Axe but tried to get all the powers in there for ya, if you wanted to swap things around - as long as you keep the basic enhancement scheme in there the end result will be the same - night unkillable - which is the main goal you would want on a tanker. I leaned into psi and toxic resistances pretty heavily also because those are the gaps on the defenses for Inv. I also got to 45% melee which will also come in handy for any category below that - say for instance Invinc. isn't saturated yet - you will still be at the softcap with anything melee. Let me know if you have any questions, and hope you enjoy - thanks for following! Tanker (Invulnerability - Axe).mbd
  11. I'm good - I found a 4 leaf clover today
  12. You cared enough to run your mouth didn't you?
  13. If a brute or tanker and isn't around 10 or more 90% of the time - the point of the ATs are lost. The main point of my builds for tanker and brute is survivability - but they don't miss out on damage either. Lots of people have played my builds and Hyperstrikes builds in game and have never had issues with them for that matter. I certainly don't. If you need an in game demonstration hit me up. I will demonstrate and test with anyone - any one of my builds - and will own up if I am incorrect. Just ask @Spaghetti Betty
  14. You really don't know what you are talking about.
  15. Try this out - Destiny was cut off by the screen, but Ageless core works well with end game SR IMO The resistance numbers take into account HP loss which in turn increases Res - hope all this helps too. Brute (Street Justice - Super Reflexes).mbd
  16. I forgot to post in here, but I was talking with Wu in PM to customize a build for them. Trying to channel the hulk this is what we came up with. Brute (Super Strength - Invulnerability).mbd
  17. It's daylight. He won't be out yet anyway. I think the biggest problem to overcome with regen is you have no choice but to go outside the set to make it do what it needs to do to survive. It isn't remotely as viable as the other sets within itself - And it's isn't as cut and dry as get tough and Weave. I never thought about alternating Rune and Melee Core - also going to try with unleash potential in that mix to see if I can stabilize it further. I tried loooots of stuff though to make it work and got close a few times but never quite where I was satisfied with it. Going to play around with it the rest of the week to see what I can come up with now.
  18. Reconsider Pyre - mine started out energy too, but fireball is the cherry on top of the burn, combustion, fire sword circle aoe goodness. All that's left after that carnage GFS, incinerate and fire sword will take care of the hapless stragglers and round 2 is only a few seconds away also.
  19. note to anyone watching this thread - don't ever follow Betty into AE if "hey can i show you something".... lol nah that was fun too - if you ever want to stress test your builds for durability check out their AE missions too.
  20. if you want the best regen build and player I have ever come across - take a look at the post above- Betty was able to do things that I honestly didn't think was possible with regen. Saw it first hand. Having said that, it will take some practice to play it as effectively as Betty did, timing, targeting, power rotation is very key here from my observations. We were in a +4/8 ITF just duo - and Betty managed to keep going through just about everything we came across. I cant stress the skill aspect of it enough, if you are looking for a Ron Popeil set it and forget it armor set, regen will not be for you, but I have upgraded my assessment to doable now from hell no lol I still think regen needs some buffs thrown at it, starting with some form of debuff resistance, because it should be on a level playing field with the other sets - and it currently is not - but having said that - I totally understand people sticking up for Regen as is - it is a very niche set, that is not a beginner level playstyle - and anyone that can pull it off should be proud and go to the mattresses. Well done Betty!
  21. I haven't had a chance to look at your build yet but I had a thought. Go with force of will and get mighty leap instead of super jump and also pick up unleash potential.
  22. That was a good point you made about MOG then it's activation time vs duration.
  23. I should be on tonight, on excelsior but also open beta if that would be easier. Tonight probably after 9 eastern.
  24. That isn't an indication of what makes regen regen though. It's what a team can make regen do - this could apply to any armor set but doesn't say what the set itself is capable of or how it would perform against other sets. What did you use to survive this? Destiny, inspirations etc?
  25. What are you using to do it? Any outside team buffs inspirations etc?
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