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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. A horse walks into a bar and orders a shot and a pint. The bartender asks: are you a drunkard or something? The horse says: I don't think I am. POOF the horse disappears. See this is a Descartes joke. I think therefore I am, but you can't open with that because it would be putting Descartes before the horse.
  2. I second this. It's simply fantastic and gets an emotional response from me every time - especially at the beginning - I actually think I have a shot at changing the first outcome and end up disappointed every single time. No mission puts me in the game like this one does.
  3. Not everyone from live knew about HC day one or two. Or even months in. I was a few months behind - and just happened to get lucky by a random web search - I was just looking for pictures of coh and found out about this on reddit. Doesn't mean you loved the game more than me or anyone else. I managed to secure Infinitum on all but everlasting and indomitable and Nova Infinitum on all. That's the only ones I really care about. On indom and Everlasting - Forever Infinitum will do - but there is an imposter about on two servers. I can live with that. However... If I had found out someone had taken my name on every server when I logged in.... Ever seen the movie taken?
  4. Anytime, I actually had a few extra moments and put this together. Tanker (Electric Armor - Broad Sword).mbd
  5. That is a good catch. It wouldn't change the defense by much but any little bit with no cost trade off I am all for. It was a mistake on my part in mids. In fact, my actual in game build has everything but the end rec shield wall. And the unique - of course because it's already in Battle Agility. Thanks for the catch and the compliment!
  6. One of the complaints I have is - it feels horrible in terms of synergy with the other powers in the set. The worst part being it feels like it works directly against fire sword circle because of necessary positioning for BoF. If you position it well enough you are out of position for FSC - which being the better aoe - doesn't make sense to bias the chain for BoF. If you position for FSC - BoF basically becomes a one target melee - two maybe 3 if you are lucky. But at that point the animation feels so sluggish it doesn't synergize well at all. All in all it feels like it's a misplaced power in this set which is why I just respecd out of it only on day one of having Fire Sword Circle. Cremate works much better, feels better, looks better, and synergizes better.
  7. I have this little gem. It likely has more psi resists now since Cap PH added it to the set. Ultimate 01 - Tanker - Invulnerability - Martial Arts.mxd
  8. From this thread - You could take two of my builds - Alpha Infinitum for Electric Armor and Paladin Infinitum for Broadsword and mash them together. If you have trouble let me know and I will help out. The electric armor is res capped to all but 2 or 3 categories if memory serves. Edit. It is - see screenshot. Hope this helps.
  9. thats good lol
  10. What about a yellow spandex clad balding guy with a handlebar mustache named Bulk Rogan. Asking for a friend. 😜
  11. Try this one. It's from an old mids but still should open and allow you to save to the new format. If not I have the updated version - just haven't uploaded it here yet. Shield in most cases is top 2 in terms of survivability - just depends on what you are facing. Ultra Infinitum - Tanker (Shield Defense - Electric Melee).mxd
  12. The tanker version of fiery melee fire breath has the hand animation already. Reminds me of Seinfeld - I have HAND!! If Tankers have it is there a reason the Scrapper version cant?
  13. Is there any reason this doesn't exist? If not can this be a reality please?
  14. What is really cool is have 2 meleers with LR and watch the enemy melt. And the. 2 with LR+SC there's usually not much of anything left spawn to spawn. Like you said get the recharge down a bit and it's very serviceable.
  15. Anytime. I saw you skip LR and debated for 3 days whether or not to say anything, but it's just one of the most fun melee powers in the game. I had to. I am glad I did now especially if it helped.
  16. That's weird. Mine usually splashes the minions and lieutenants sometimes even. Mine is on Shield D wonder if AAO makes the difference?
  17. If you play the lightning rod card right during a buildup you are pretty much melting anything other than bosses across a large area then you enter your st rotation. It functions like a blasters nuke. Not to mention it's an awesome situational power - I love to camp out a level below a huge spawn and then LR to the second floor and fry them all. Slot avalanche in it if you want the knockdown proc for additional crowd control. I usually slot Armageddon. It's so much fun it's hard to pass up for me despite the long recharge. The damage isn't what I would call low either - especially treated like a blasters nuke.
  18. Man oh man that's good stuff. This is so exciting! Awesome job again and again.
  19. THIS world here that is - the other world yeah we can do absence there. 😂 Even when I lost access with this game after the sunset, I often would find myself searching memories and information about it. Haven't cracked open this book in a while because as my kids have gotten older and not so much kids anymore my time has grown more limited to where I haven't been able to dedicate as much attention as I would like to this. My type is such that if I can't be 100% or even 80+ its hard to stay involved because I do not care for half effort behavior. Plus - I have the attention span of a Hummingbird with ADHD - SQUIRREL! It was fantastic news to hear about acquiring rights to the game from NCSOFT - that was amazing work that I applaud the postage stamp mentality of this dev team to stick to it until they made it to the destination. I am going to try to catch up for a little bit here there and just kick back and enjoy this universe again. I always miss it when I am not current with it - even though I have ready access to it. Couple of questions to get my feet wet without having to search the forums endlessly if you all could oblige. 1. what is the latest issue of MIDS and does it take into account any changes that are current to the game? 2. have I missed any large updates or changes - the last large update I was apart of was hard mode task force options - we were just getting the feet wet there when my time grew more sparse. Lastly do we still make fun of @Troo? (kidding, I missed you too Troo!)
  20. There is probably a better attack chain in terms of numbers, bit mine is based off aesthetics. It reminds me of how the minbari and the Rangers fought on B5 which is one of my all time favorite shows. I will send the chain when I get home from work, but it's very fluid and eye pleasing.
  21. This is easily my Staff/EA Stalker - dude fights like a Minbari or a Ranger
  22. That's what it was, it isn't fixed completely on the latest version but easy to get around now that I know what it is. Thanks!
  23. It says 3.5.5 Rev 10 I think part of the problem is the new version saves them to MBD files whereas before it was MXD - I have been able to luckily save the majority of my builds to MBD without the problem I mentioned - however it does affect what seems to be Invul and a few others for whatever reason ( I haven't had time to try to troubleshoot the issue yet)
  24. I just realized the other night that my Mids is more messed up than I first realized - every time I modify certain builds - Invul is one type that does this - it will change my slotted enh and I will have to rebuild the build from scratch - it wont let me just revise the slotting that changed because once I re-save it - it reverts to the borked slotting again. I am working on it - hopefully there aren't any more surprises to updating mids like this haha
  25. I don't - but you could adapt the fulminare or ikari kanri build by swapping the Secondary to SS while retaining the same or similar slotting and it should be solid. I will put one together soon either way.
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