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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. I haven't had a chance to peek at these tweaks yet, I had to have very minor surgery on my face - jaw line - so hopefully I can go weird free for a few weeks at least. Haha. I am going to take a look at these soon - thanks for all the replies! I had trouble with updating mids also - that's why I haven't updated or posted anything new yet. I think I have it now as of tonight though.
  2. I have three scars there actually. I imagine I looked like something out of the x files when they were doing the surgery - laparoscopic they blow your gut out with CO2 and then go in with a sonic scalpel and 2 cameras. Best selfie ever! All kidding aside - I wanted to ask you a CoH related question, if you would be so kind - take my Nova Infinitum build and collaborate with me - I am just curious what changes you would make if you took that one over - retaining the overall theme with epic and travel powers. I am re evaluating my strategy (slightly) and wanted to see how your mind would proceed with that one. I think there is room to optimize both energy resistance and defense given the psionic was increased - it's now sitting at 90, or would you just leave that alone? Maybe even see if you can squeak some more toxic mitigation out of that one. There's obviously many ways to skin a cat - I just wanted to see how your feline culinary mastery matched up with mine on this one - given the recent changes. Imagine if DaVinci and Michaelangelo painted together in a collaboration 😁
  3. Most of them are up to date as of the typed dmg changes a few issues back, however I had a bunch of real life nemesis plots to take care of for a while, but am back now for a bit and I am taking a look at things. Sometimes you have to take a step back from the things you like to take care of the things you love. edit oh there was also my spur of the moment appendectomy on Valentine's day. 🤣. I told my wife I wanted some time alone without the kids but our own private ER Suite wasn't exactly what I had in mind.
  4. You forgot the doublemint gum.
  5. I have a few projects - if you wouldn't mind. 😉
  6. How many can he shoot at one time? 🤣 Just because Justin Hammer brought the bling don't mean it goes boom.
  7. I seriously doubt that - the top row alone - I modified - new heavier wiring, heavier micro switches, and upgraded motors. They hold (held - haven't nerfed seriously in years) records for attack rate and velocity for their class. The two nerf rival blasters below that can hold 200+ rounds and fire 10+ rounds per second with a velocity of around 170 ft per second. Even incorporated Lego magic in one.
  8. I was looking more at whirling axe pendulum and cleave in rotation with the Mu powers. All of them can proc great on paper and all are AOE/cone.
  9. Has anyone tried this with Axe/Fire or Fire/Axe - the new Axe setup on either S/L or Fire Farms? New Axe combined with My looks impressive on paper.
  10. After scaling down from this.
  11. Hah. This is my actual nerf wall.
  12. Are we still thumbs downing you arbitrarily? Asking for a friend 😀
  13. Reminds me of my college days many moon ago (see what I did there) when a group of us would walk into any room and one of us would proclaim "and THAT was the third time I had crabs". Always an entrance worthy of talk.
  14. Oooooo GM Downvote..
  15. This right here. And honestly. I was/have been a douche on here on so many levels - I have no idea why. One day it dawned on me - I am not that way in real life. Why am I being such a condescending douche on here? I regret in most cases some of the thing I have said on here in the past - it was me letting my irritation at someone else or what someone else said boil over into a response - while usually accurate made me a loser in my opinion for letting it boil out. So I have tried my best to reverse course on this behavior - it just really isn't who I am or want to be. So if I come across wrong now, I assure you it isn't intentional. You are right though - I think everyone needs to take a step back and think about what is being said and how it is being said before actually saying it. Devs/Moderators included - because I have seen Dev/moderator comments on here, HC Discord, and Beta Discord - even while I agree with the thought they were portraying - did not agree with the delivery. We are all human though - and hell - I am the last one that should point fingers at anyone else about being inflammatory. *Guilty* But the way I see it we either take a step back now and be kinder to each other - and also more open to listen to changes we may not agree with that are staying and possibly listen to changes that need to be reverted - in order to move forward. Or this community will cease to exist - and as bad as I hate some of the BS I have read on here in the past. I don't want this to cease to exist. It works both ways.
  16. I agree 100% with this. I think there is a lot of frustration to go around. Which, there is no way to alleviate it all unfortunately.
  17. Have another try reading this. Seriously. I don't mean that as a slight, but if one nerf was because of a bug (they professed to not know about) which exaggerated the original cause for the first nerf. Revisit the first nerf - fix the bug. I think that could go a long way for some people feeling slighted by all of this.
  18. At this point either they will do whatever they are intending to do, or reverse course slightly. I want to restate - the current changes aren't the end of the world for me, and the other changes are also really good, however - I can also see why the changes that have affected farming are upsetting to a lot of people. I believe that should be considered at this point, but honestly from reading another thread - just the outright bitterness - it may be too late. There is literally nobody a part of my group playing from 2+ years ago aside from my family. There are only 2 people playing from 2 years and under at this point. That's scary to me. I don't want to lose this again. And let's be honest we should never be a "good riddance" community to any group unless it's an outright exploit like paying money for xyz. That is also not to say every request could be accommodated - but I really don't see the problems with farming to warrant such attention towards negatively affecting them. That's just my thoughts - I am sure a lot of people will disagree.
  19. But from the original post - AE XP was halved because levels were being gained too fast back then - which - according to you was also in part due to the booster being out of whack - given that fix, should not the AE XP halving be revisited also given the original error compounded the speed back then at the beginning? - which has now been fixed either way. So my premise is not that the XP booster bug being fixed was wrong - rather the May 2019 AE XP halving should be revisited given the perception was skewed in part by the XP booster bug also. That was my point. I understood the how and the why, but to continue nerfs on top of nerfs which was based on other nerfs - it's just hard to see the justification of that - which you really don't need any justification at the end of the day, but in the long run it's a bad face IMO to keep taking from one segment of the community whether you agree with them or not. - which I mean it's a fact that the other night i couldn't even get a pick up ITF even broadcasting on LFG - so I just turned things off and went to bed watching Hotel Hell with Gordon Ramsay. I guess I am more than a little concerned at this point the game is dying the death of a star that once burned too bright - but is running out of gas now - the last thing we want is to push anyone away for any reason. I normally side with the devs on many things, but I honestly see the other side here also.
  20. Will do, Much appreciated my Friend!
  21. So 3.0.6 outputs correctly?
  22. I believe another look needs to be taken regarding this. If the ultimate goal is to nerf AE farms and leveling speed then these changes accomplish that fairly well - if the expressed goal was balance and bug fix it feels off from what an XP run should generate - if the goal was to limit influence in AE then these changes failed. It takes roughly 25-50% longer to make a run 1 to 50 now in AE. Again - doesn't matter to me either way, but at first glance I believe the initial HC opening nerfs on AE were overlooked when making the changes in Page 4 occurred.
  23. Here is more information on that patch update thread. This seems to go against the narrative that the recent release was a bug that was unknown.
  24. Yeah, I keep making it worse each time I try. I am going to revisit this weekend to try to get something usable for everyone on here. I have a version that works for me but that's about it unfortunately.
  25. To elaborate - I vaguely remember this - hell, I vaguely remember what happened 5 minutes ago so I could be completely off here. But AE at the beginning was lightning fast with the boosters, so the rewards were halved vs normal content per the patch notes above. I think I remember stories of hitting 50 in a little over an hour. Sadly I missed out on that craziness because I joined Homecoming 3 months after it's opening - and didn't partake in farming until nearly a year later. If the booster were the source of the bug and it was actually triple XP shouldn't the AE rewards be reverted to normal now that the bug has been fixed? Otherwise like I said it is double XP up but triple nerf down - so it is actually slower than what was intended at this point. It makes no difference to me because the extended AE time is actually increasing the Influence gained for a run from 1-50 which is all I have ever used AE for.
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