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Everything posted by Dynamo-Joe

  1. My namesake toon. 😄
  2. I love this guy! I love this scene! I'm lucky I got a good screenshot of this with the words in frame!
  3. Cyberman 8: "Um... Guys? GUYS?" This is in Bloody Bay. I took this screenshot back on live. But that's not even the funniest thing! The REALLY funny thing is that I actually saw it happen AGAIN recently while I was badge hunting on THIS server! Apparently the South Shore guards are a little on the THICK side! LMAO!
  4. It's the LITTLE things that amuse you so much, sometimes. 😄 Dex: I guess it's not safe to go in there? Cyberman 8: Says Microwave Oven in Use and Caution. I guess not? Dex: Who knew Microwave Ovens could be dangerous? Cyberman 8: Industrial Ovens don't have the same safety precautions I guess? Dex: This is a Crey Lab. Cyberman 8: Oh yeah. That explains a lot.
  5. A while back I posted a few characters/designs that were very Gundam-ish. Well I decided to make the "Grunt" soldier from the opposite side - The Zaku! There's nothing fancy or ground-breaking about a Zaku. It gets the job done with a minimum of flash, as far as mecha go. But there always seems to be at least one or two pilots that can take a Zaku and make it a terror!
  6. Okay - first off - before I get to my own bios, I have a few I want to pay tribute to from other people. These were all snapshots I made back before the game was shutdown in 2012. I had a little hobby of looking around me and checking the bios of people for notably good or amusing ones in down times while waiting for something else. Like during the recruitment period of a Task Force while waiting for the team lead to get enough people to join. Again - I want to STRESS. VERY CLEARLY. These are NOT MINE. I just liked them and got a screenshot of them. If you spot one of yours - feel free to take credit! Please! First - My late friend Rei, made this one. I think the references should be fairly obvious. And yes - this was a Sonic/Sonic Defender. 😄 Along a similar theme is this one: I think this mantra should be committed to memory by all! 😄 How very... Tim Burton-esque. That's enough spammage for now. I've got about 30-40 more of these. So this won't be my last tribute post. 😄
  7. So yeah - another "Giant Mecha" type character. This one started out when I saw the following picture of Gundam Barbatos. And I immediately thought - "Now THAT is a Titan Weapons character I can get into!" In-game name is Ronin Barbatos.
  9. Well actually...
  10. Azure Dupree I obviously took more than a little inspiration from the classic anime Captain Harlock. The funny thing is - I built her as a Sentinel with Dual Pistols and Ninjutsu So - she's a Pirate AND a Ninja. 😄
  11. Very cool! And until we've got asymmetrical shoulders, you've got the next best thing going!
  12. This is THE Scrapperlock theme song!! 😎
  13. Did you mean the Mobile Suit or the Pilot? If the Pilot - just make sure you go to a Super-Tailor. Usually the one at the back of the Icon to the right or the one in the Tiki club in Pocket D. And when you open the super tailor, you get the initial screen that lets you change from Male, to Female to Huge and also change the height slider. If you mean - how is the Robot suit THAT BIG (like about a head taller than the top of the usual scale)? Well you see - there's this little editing trick I know of... 😄
  14. My namesake toon. RX-90 Dynamo Joe. Obviously a bit of an homage to the Dynamo Joe comics series from the mid 80s. Since these are inspired by Giant Robot Anime of the 80s, some of the pics will have the outlining on them. This is the Mark 1 Dynamo unit. The more detailed designation is RX-88 GP-01 This is the upgraded Mark 2. Designation RX-90 GP-01 Next is a Mark 2 Dynamo with an aerospace maneuvering package equipped. Parts of the armor and weaponry have been stripped down and made lighter. And a high performance set of thrusters with wing verniers has been added, as well as long range comms gear. Designation RX-90 FB1 Next variant is focused on ground operations with a focus on arctic environments. So the armor isn't any more effective than the base model - but it and the gun are bulkier with heating elements meant to prevent critical components from freezing in the cold. Also the paint job is muted in arctic camouflage colors. The unit CAN fly. But it's not very good at flight operations. The thrusters are better at providing a ground effect that Dynamo Joe can use to "skate" along the ground or icy surfaces at high speeds. Designation RX-90-AG1 Here's Dynamo Joe's pilot: Here's a comparison of the height difference: He uses the Rocket Board to get around when he's not in the Robot. I made a Pilot costume because the robot is SO big that sometimes it's just more convenient to switch down to smaller size for certain things. (Camera angles and the like)
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