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Everything posted by Dynamo-Joe

  1. This reminded me of an old convo thread where a clever guy posted the following:
  2. It's really really difficult these days to find the original Cryptic Studios Logo. At least in a fairly reasonable size. This is the best I could do. But I draw your attention to the logo - and then to THIS PARTICULAR ANGLE on the Hell Forge in Sharkhead Isle. Coincidence? I think NOT! :D
  3. This is an extraordinarily OLD Screenshot. I think circa 2004-2005. And it shows that Nemesis (and the staff) used to be a combo of Brass and CHROME colors! Or maybe gold and silver? In any case - this is what the initial look for him was when the game first launched. I don't know about any of you - but when I see this I realize I kinda miss this original look.
  4. "Uh... Guys? GUYS? *sigh*
  5. You know what? This particular one makes me think - "This is what Samus from Metroid would've been like if she'd been designed in the 50s!"
  6. I see what you did there. LMAO!! :D
  7. You know how it goes. You've been playing level 50+ for a while. And you decide to level up another character who's in the late 30s level range, and you look at your costume slots and think - "Oh that's right. Need to get the extra slot from the Founders Falls Icon. So you fly over the "Gish" neighborhood to get there direct. And get shot out of the sky from 5 different directions by those BLOODY CREY SNIPERS! Rez in the hospital, head back and start going to town on those snipers cause DAMN you're pissed off at those wanktrumpeting knobgobblers! And perhaps not for the first time you wish there was a BADGE for taking out snipers. Crey - Nemesis. Doesn't matter. SOMEBODY is going to pay. And you'd like a reward for it! Well have I got the badge set for you! 10 Snipers - Polite 25 Snipers - Efficient 50 Snipers - Has a Plan 100 Snipers - Kills Everyone (He/She) Meets 200 Snipers - Professional with Standards Some ideas for badge descriptions, with in progress and completed text. Polite This badge is for politely introducing ten snipers to the ground. You took down Ten rooftop and balcony snipers. It was the polite thing to do. Efficient Efficiently exterminate Twenty-Five snipers to obtain this badge. You've proven yourself more efficient than twenty-five snipers. Has a Plan Plan the defeat of Fifty snipers to get this badge. ... and it apparently involves throwing Fifty snipers out of their nests. Kills Everyone (He/She) Meets Put one-hundred snipers into graves to earn this badge. Or at least every sniper, at any rate. Considering you've piled up one hundred defeated snipers, perhaps you're holding just a bit of a grudge? Professional With Standards Be a professional counter-sniper by taking down two-hundred snipers, and you'll earn this badge to prove it. Counter-sniping is no longer just a hobby for you at this point. Two hundred snipers failed to meet your standards. Badge Titles above obviously inspired by - well. You know. :D
  8. Got another angle on the above: And... Uh oh... trouble brewing... :D
  9. This is one of those perfect moments to show how much the character creator and the costume options have expanded. In 2005 - that WAS the best that anyone could do as an homage to Dr. Fate. And you did quite well back then! But Mystic Fortune above shows what can be done NOW. City of Heroes costume/character creator literally changed the way people saw MMO potential back at release and continued to raise the bar until Sunset. The only one that matches it for options and creativity is Champions Online. But you have to BUY with real money SO many unlocks on that game to GET to all the options - and play a substandard game anyway - why would you do that when you can get THIS for FREE? AND the best Superhero game of all time? MICROPHONE RELEASED TO GRAVITY'S SWEET EMBRACE. BOOM!!
  10. I just wanted to say thank you - I've been using your Beam Rifle sound pack for my main: (This guy - Dynamo Joe RX-90) That heavy impact energy sound has become ESSENTIAL to the fun of playing my big Gundam style mecha! So much so that on a recent re-install of the game on a new computer - I booted up the game, brought Dynamo Joe up - took a shot at an enemy, then heard the old sound effect and shut down the game again to come back here and set up the Beam Rifle sound pack again before continuing play! It's THAT good! I don't think even authentic Gundam Beam Rifle sounds would work so well - because the game power set does more than just shoot. There are strafes and snipes and "full auto" that your sound pack covers so well! So again - thanks a bunch!
  11. Well - a texture replacement via client side modification might be possible. You don't have to mod the pigg files at all. However finding good clean versions of all those old load screens themselves might be a bit of an issue. Also - they were made back when 800x600 screens were the norm. That's one of the reasons they were replaced back on live.
  12. Well this hits a bit differently now, doesn't it? 😔 (Note for future reference - Daft Punk just broke up.) Well - we'll always have the songs they did create. The Beatles themselves had less than 10 years as a group and look at that legacy! I may make another version of this mix soon that's not as directly tied to the Tron movie. In any case - in addition to the link above - this mod is now a part of The City of Heroes Modder utility as outlined here in this post: So you can just download that tool and the Daft Punk mix is listed and useable from there as well!
  13. That did it! Thanks! Aaand now I'm a bit embarrassed... turns out I already HAD uploaded my Daft Punk mix and forgot I'd done it! Whoops! ^_^;;
  14. This is what I'm seeing.
  15. Yes
  16. Been trying to install 7 zip and it's not working.
  17. I disagree. I enjoy mods myself. Both costume and sound mods. (The Beam Rifle sound mod has become a NECESSITY for me.) I think this forum is poorly laid out to make such things available. It is not in any way obvious where to look. You have to do some hunting. I truly believe that if we had a dedicated "Client Side Modifications" sub-forum that a LOT more people would download and mod. In fact I came here today because I'm going to post a Daft Punk music replacement mix for Pocket D. EDIT: OK - it would help things IMMENSELY if you would use something to compress your program OTHER than 7 Zip. Because apparently I can't use that on my computer.
  18. Ok here's the deal - one of the things that SCORE apparently did in the 6 years in the wilderness was experiment with the graphics. (And untangling the game code as best they could. And removing all the pay-to-play elements etc.) One of the more interesting things they've done is add a cel shader option! Where is it? Well I'll show you. Below - see under "Experimental Graphics Settings" where it says "Cel Shader"? Click on "Disabled" in order to Enable this area. So - let's check out the differences. Let me bring my namesake character out, which is a big anime styled robot. The following is without the cel shader. And now - with the default settings for the Cel shader on: Here's the open environment with the default cel shading elements going. Now that's pretty extreme. But you can tone that WAY back. The following still has the cel shading and the outlines, but the over-saturated colors are removed. And here it is with everything BUT the actual cel shader back down to normal. So as you can see, you can tailor this new set of options to your own personal taste. Have fun!
  19. That's freakin' awesome!
  20. Or maybe it's pronounced Eye-Gore? :D
  21. Don't know why - but this reminds me of this bit from The Venture Brothers. :D
  22. That's exactly the powerset I would go with for Ultraman! And the alt-costume slot idea is killer! For Jet Jaguar I thought Martial arts would be cool. But ultimately I went with Street Justice for the screen caps. And I think if I made him that's what I would go with. That massive T9 Uppercut is just the thing to send Megalon flying! :D
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