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Everything posted by MunkiLord

  1. Awesome, thanks for the replies so far. I'm going to look into some of the sets mentioned, and try to come up with a few specific ideas. This is more of a long term goal it will take a while to get an extreme high end build with the right incarnate powers. Plus I wanna work on an Elec/SD Scrapper first, and I know I won't be taking this on the two Scrappe STF. As far as rules go, two Scrappers only is the only one. We'll prep beforehand and get a ton of inspirations and whatever temp powers we may possibly need, but won't use them until we really need to just so we can see how far we can push this. It's been a long time since I've done this TF and my memory is fuzzy, but are there any major concerns other than Ghost Widow(and possibly pulling all four at once) and Lord Recluse? Most AVs I'm not very concerned about. I've beat GW once on my own, but I really think that was more due to luck than anything as her hold didn't land a single time. So I'm going to assume she could be a major issue.
  2. MunkiLord


    I started a similar topic a long time ago on the old CoH boards, here is a link to it with a few builds from myself and other people: http://web.archive.org/web/20120905082446/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=259614 This is for end game stuff and doesn't use some of the newer AT enhancements, but it's a decent reference.
  3. I'm generally the opposite. I loved getting to 50 fast, putting together an expensive build, grinding for accolades, then seeing how far I can push the Scrapper and what I could solo with it. Neither way is better, but this is a good example of what makes CoH so fantastic, there is really something for almost everybody.
  4. So a buddy and I want to each use a Scrapper and complete the STF using only those two characters. Now I realize this will take extremely high end builds and Incarnate slots, we're good with that. What I'm wondering is what types of Scrappers do you all think would be best to build for this? His old DM/Invul has tanked the STF before, but we had other buffers/debuffers to help out, so while it's a great combo, would it be good enough? My initial thoughts are primaries likely need great single target more than AoE for some of those AVs. Fire/SD was a favorite of mine back in the day, I also have significant experience with Fire/WP, DM/SR, and Spines/Fire. I'm currently leveling an Elec/SD for farming purposes, but I don't think she'll be a good fit for this goal. So I'm open to any and all suggestions.
  5. Shield has pretty decent Defense Debuff Resistance, and if you're +5% over the softcap you'll be good most of the time. And if you watch your defenses and pop a purple once in a while, you'll be good nearly all of the time. Mind you, sometimes RNG just wants you to die. You're right, I didn't generally have many problems with my Fire/SD. But it did happen from time to time, and it always cracked me up when the Scrapperlock turned into debt. Really I'm just grasping for reasons for someone to skip a really great set.
  6. This just made me so happy. I had completely forgot I soloed the ITF with a Spines/Fire Scrapper! The good ole days. Now if I can just figure out a good way to search the boards for a few of my old builds.
  7. So much this. I'd also like to add that you can go with lower level IO sets so you can still be soft capped when you exemplar. My DM/Sr was soft capped all the way down to level 27 or 28, and this was before Incarnate slots were introduced(I don't even recall how those work when exemplared). It was a ton of fun running Hess and Citadel Task Forces soft capped and able to go full Scrapperlock without any real worries.
  8. I don't really use it for leveling, so I generally start throwing powers I know I'll take in there, and fill it out from there. Then I'll usually have a general goal in mind as I start. For example, I'm about to work on making an Elec Melee/Shield Scrapper, so close to perma-hasten and soft capped defenses will be high on my list. I'll start slotting my primary and secondary powers with specific sets to help me get more recharge and positional defense. For my first run I'll actually go through it pretty quick and not looking too deep at it. Then I'll check out my first draft end usage, recovery, defense, and recharge and tweak from there. For this specific build I'll be going for positional defense, so if I notice my fire defense is 30% I'll look at the sets that give that and see if they can be swapped out for something that gives more Ranged defense or recharge. A friend and I that played together for years have a shared Google Drive folder and we'll look at each other's builds a lot, so that helps give fresh eyes and someone to bounce ideas off of. I realize my method isn't the most organized so it may not work for you, but I find it effective.
  9. Do a bunch of ITFs and watch those defensive numbers plummet fast? To me that's its biggest drawback, but that's a weakness most sets have to varying degrees. It's been a long time, but I recall feeling WP and SR did a better job of keeping me alive longer than Shield for longer fights, especially against AVs. Shield is a pretty great set, quite likely the best overall secondary for Scrappers(depending on preferences of course), so I'm not sure I can talk you out of it. I was able to solo Ghost Widow once(but only once lol) with my DM/SR, and I don't think I would ever get close to doing that with my FM/SD. Edit: Bio may not be the prettiest set, and I don't have experience with it, but the raw numbers appear to be extremely impressive. So when built up with high end slotting, it very well could be pretty great.
  10. I had a Fire/WP Scrapper and I can confirm they do indeed work together very well.
  11. You should relax, it's not that big of a deal.
  12. I'm doing pretty good myself, same shit different day so I can't complain. How about you?
  13. Few questions, is there an ideal single target attack chain for this? If so, what recharge numbers do I need to reach it? Or if someone has an old link to this info, that would be even better. Any and all help is appreciated!
  14. What are you goals with this build? You wanting to farm? Massive damage, more survivable, AV or TF soloing? I'm also working on a Staff/Bio and have yet to put a build together, but I'm likely going to throw together a rough draft sometime this weekend. If we have the same goals I'll repost it here, if not I'll either tweak it or give you some suggestions and post it here. Either way I'll share it once I have something. But give me some ideas and I'll see how easy/difficult it is to make it happen.
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