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Everything posted by MunkiLord

  1. It still happens, now it's happening in a few other higher level zones like RWZ. Anybody else have this problem?
  2. I mostly solo due to my abysmal network ping (I don't want to drag teams down with my bad performance), so I've never had a chance to learn a lot of the tricks in teaming. However, I'm curious... how do you target *through* someone else? If you select another player you will attack whatever enemy they are targeting.
  3. It really is haha. It just seems silly fun. Also I should probably credit you for the Shield slots. As far as I'm concerned your slotting for /shield scrappers should be the gold standard. Please do share! I should factor in Incarnates. I haven't ever had a 50 though, so I have no idea what I'm looking at with those. I just can't settle on a first 50. I have a SS/WP brute @30 but I'm thinking about either making this Elec/Shield or Murcie's Dark/Shield and taking that to 50. It'll be a few hours, but I will absolutely share. I would like to warn that the build I'm sharing is absolutely not my final build, it's something I cobbled together with my leveling build, but was still able to reach the soft cap and get perma hasten. I do still have some endurance problems, but not that bad anymore. As far as Incarnate stuff, the Alpha Slot is the only one I think you should really plan for sooner rather than later since it unlocks so very fast and gives a significant boost to a few different stats. I'm using top tier Alpha Ability Agility that improves recharge, endurance mod, and defense buffs(https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Agility_Core_Paragon). It made reaching my goals with my Elec/SD significantly easier. It's like having an additional 33% recharge enhancement in every and a 20% defense buff enhancement in powers, with 2/3 of that boost completely ignoring ED.
  4. I can't look at this right now because I'm at work, but I have one of these with Incarnate abilities unlocked and because of that, it's stupid easy to get perma hasten and softcapped defenses. So if you haven't already, I suggest factoring the Alpha Slot into your build. I also have Spring Attack, and it's very underwhelming in my opinion and I'm planning on dropping it during my next respec. I also have Fireball and use that a ton. I'll share my love build and some more thoughts this evening.
  5. I'm at work so I can't look at the build at the moment, but have you considered /SR? You can soft cap early with sets and it's a blast at that level.
  6. You can get common salvage from 500-5k influence each at the market depending on your patience.
  7. To be fair, warshades appear to be more popular then peacebringers right now. And on a full team at high difficulty settings a cyst crystal spawn can be lethal. I've seen so many Terra Volta trials fail because of a cyst spawn or two which people didn't notice fast enough. And since cyst crystals only spawn if there's a keld on the team, I can understand a team running a difficult or tedious TF not wanting any kelds to join. That, and playing a keld well (especially a warshade) takes a LOT more skill then any other class. Plus specialized macros and binds which not everyone will look up how to make. People intentionally excluding Khelds are doing us all favor. They are showing themselves to definitely be a poor team leader, and there is a good chance they are also a control freak and/or just bad player. So it helps me decide which teams and leaders to bail on ASAP.
  8. I feel it should be noted that when Marvel sued Cryptic they were a failing company, so they likely filed that lawsuit out of desperation.
  9. I don't care about any of this. I don't think they're being shady, and if they are, I'm good with it. Because the specific dishonest actions you think they might be doing is something I'm willing to overlook since I'm getting something out of it(playing CoH). To summarize, I'm not worried about your FUD.
  10. Those people that were sued by record labels were participating in file sharing. So the uploading of the content is what got them sued for copyright infringement, not the downloading. It's just that in file sharing they happen to be one in the same.
  11. Ok folks, if the rest of the post didn't give it away, his use of SJW should have. This is an opinion, and person, that can simply be dismissed. Anybody using SJW as an insult is the type of person that brings no value to a discussion.
  12. That is a fantastic suggestion! Just made it, Channelock, our very own Scrapper channel. Are channels like this public by default? Is it even possible to have a private channel? I don't want it to be private. Anyway, search for the chat Channelock and join! We can talk about Scrappers, Scrapping, Scrapperlock(that's the name of jshmoe's and my SG!), builds, all Scrapper TF(we need to start doing those btw).
  13. Does one already exist in game that any of you know about? If not, is that something yall would be interested in? If so I can start one. But.........what should we name it?
  14. You can definitely start it solo, but I was using an Elec/SD Scrapper so I didn't make it very far. Couldn't do enough damage to the first AV.
  15. How much influence and merits do you have now that you're willing to spend? Also, can you post your current build?
  16. Follow Up boosts based off the base damage, and since Scrapper's is higher, the bonus is higher for them.
  17. Depends on what your goals are with this particular character. That Luck of the Gambler +7.5% Global Recharge only cost 50 merits, so you can start on it now. Though just one of them won't make a noticeable difference. Or random recipe rolls! Gambling is fun.
  18. That dude sounds lame. If you aint dyin' you aint tryin', debt badges are a thing of beauty.
  19. I like the idea of this, but for me it would depend on how it would impact characters already made and if it would change XP gain or anything else. Currently, Homecoming is set up to allow quick leveling and gathering of other resources. If that would have to change in order to be in on something like that, I would not want that to happen.
  20. This is true, but in all fairness, Scrappers are the best/only AT to play!
  21. I've met a few great friends in this community, so I do value it. But I think many people perceive it to be something it's not. CoH is just like any other, mostly decent to amazing people, with our fair share of problem members.
  22. I also feel for normal content to maybe +2 levels, at level 50 you can make the Scrapper and Tank survivability very similar with invention sets, but the Tank will never approach what the Scrapper can do in damage.
  23. I prefer it this way, I don't have the time to do trials countless times to grind out abilities. If you don't like it, then do the trials a bunch before you acquire any abilities and it'll take you just as long as it used to! Stop complaining that other people aren't grinding as much as you think they should. And let's stop pretending grinding in a game to get rewards is some sort of accomplishment or great feat, it's not. It's simply grinding and it's not a notable accomplishment in any way and it's nothing to feel special about. It's simply grinding. If you enjoy it, cool, then do it.
  24. This isn't true. Two even level single origin enhancements will make it perma.
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