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Mark Stabler

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About Mark Stabler

  • Birthday 06/16/1975

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  1. This is bloody awesome news guys well done to all for getting this done kudos to you all 😄
  2. Yeah the Rocket Boots and the Piston Boots are free to have from the creation menu, I remember myself trying to craft them back on live lol 😄
  3. Just changed my in-game fonts to what you said and it looks way better and clearer 😄
  4. This looks good might steal it and try it :D
  5. Well me personally I'd say no, but if it was there it wouldn't phase me to be fair, I do enjoy trying to find a good team and there's great ones I've literally been on a couple months and developed my Altitis lol its back with a vengeance but I love that, as for an instant 50 I think if it's implemented into the game then you should work your ass off for it OR Pay the devs for it, only problem with that is that you'll have a ton of people that will pay and lag up the servers I mean that will obviously help with paying for the servers etc but will impact the servers I THINK, I dunno................ I don't think we are entitled to anything it's FREE and most of the stuff we paid out for when the game was on LIVE we now get for free practically all the outfits and no rates for SGs (Base items etc) -Mark
  6. I like this idea too would be great to have one pet Partner to edit his/her costume too lol and that they should the same with MM pets lol
  7. That works if it's Possible :D
  8. Awesome ideas there :D
  9. I do like the look of the Water power-set but that's the only place you see it, I think lol, SO my question is would a Water Armour Set be feasible??? and can the Devs manage it? ??? (If this a repost my sincere apologies) -Mark
  10. Well even on the Live Servers I knew that you put the unused enhancements in your trays and go sell them that's what I've always done, far as I know I don't think the guys running these servers have changed it :D
  11. I remember when we had to run everywhere lol and had to get to the other side of the Hollows I used to call it the 'Gulch Run' lol because you had to go down in to Grendels Gulch and get past the mobs at level 4 upwards lol, I used to love that Then the 'Jetpacks' stuff started to come out and there was that 'Jetpack' you got and use it as a flight power until you could get 'Fly' or any of the other travel powers lol :D Got my arse handed to me a few times lmao by them 'Pumices' lol
  12. I did Grandville with a level 1 one lmao all I had was that jump pack thing lol a friend asked me to roll a new toon years ago and skip the tutorial and go straight to Grandville I got there and because of a bet I won got like 3m in inf lol :D
  13. I shall be using some of this nice one :D
  14. Mark Stabler


    Yeah I was on the Union Server and in The Super Union lol I'm on Indom now lol the same toon again lol @Mark Stabler
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