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Golden Azrael

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Everything posted by Golden Azrael

  1. Stunning. I. DO. Like. That. Tank. Tastic. Azrael.
  2. Tanking Tip. Taunt into your Attack Chain. Why? Firstly, it costs no end! It can stem the outflow of end by giving 'pause' to your relentless attack and thus save you endurance. Think of Taunt as playing a combat role. (And it does.) You can control mobs at range. You can pull mobs off vulnerable squishy team members who have aggro'd 'too much' aggro. Narratively, I'll put a mob on its Az with Footstomp. (Big END user...power.) Then I trash talk them with Taunt when I've got them on the ground allowing my EQ to recover. If I'm on a single target or on a particular power eg. Stone Throw? And they go flying? I'll 'Ha-Har...!' to boast at my prowess, trash talk them, 'Get up...c'mon GET UP!' If I get roughed up by a mob and fight my way back into it? Taunt saves end. Narratively, I'm saying, 'Dat what you got? C'mon...' I use Taunt as a form of 'intimidation' (Narratively) even though the CoH game's HC Dev's haven't set it up that way YET. I'd be all for Taunt having dam' procs or double hits for the targets you taunt, to hit and/or other random bonuses unique(!) to Tanks. Make it a compelling choice. I used to think of Taunt as a waste of time. Now I know otherwise. Some may argue that you don't technically need it. Certainly not to draw aggro'. Conceptually, I feel you do. And there are many benefits to it. I'd argue for HC Dev's to include more. Tanking Tip. I try to fight with my EQ in the top third or quarter. Using Taunt regularly to curb Range aggro' helps maintain this. Better to do this than fight with your end in the last quarter of you end bar. If you blow out your end, then you're toggles drop and you begin to become vulnerable to knockback, stuns, saps, a general kicking. Tanking Tip. Before battle, take a moment to weight up your opponents. Do you see Sappers in there? What about an Arachnos Widow or Fortunta Boss? What threat do they pose? How are you going to take down, strategically, the main threat to you? Are you going to leave the Sapper to last? (Not a good idea unless you want your toggles around your ankles...) Eg. In the Malta. Is the Titan? Sapper or Malta Cowboy Gunner the main threat? Who you going to go for New Kid on the Block Tanker? Tanking Tip. Prevention is better than cure. Pop a Luck or a Damage BEFORE you enter battle. Battle Ready is GOOD. Why? Too late to start hitting those Luck inspires after you get a kicking by wandering into a mob of Arachnos or Carnie. They'll strip an entire tray of 'comeback' inpires after they alpha beat down you. (Some veteran players eschew Inspires. They are part of the game. Especially for starter Tanks or CoH players.) Better to? Pop a luck BEFORE you go into battle if you're unsure of the results/consequences. 🙂 Azrael.
  3. For NEW Players. (Following excerpt from Sovera's 'Brunker' thread. A ('MUST') Read their thread for details. Builds galore. But danger, you might want to roll it and have fun. Here's an over view.) I quote: "Fire/Ice Melee: the all rounder. - Pros: This has become my favorite and my recommendation for a new player. Unlike the Martial Arts variant it works at near full potential right out of the box. The damage is good and the build has a very nice power progression. We get a good AoE at level 4 that usually makes me crank up spawn size to 4-5 that instant, we get Build-Up at level 16, then Burn at 18, then the ultimate protection skill at 20 in Ice Patch. At 26 we get our second Build-Up in Fiery Embrace, and at 28 we get the heavy hitting Freezing Touch. Everything afterwards is just padding. It is common to just destroy whole groups of enemies with Build-up + Frost + Burn leaving only nearly dead lieutenants and an half HP boss." It has that balance of wholesale damage and relative safety. This would suit the 'new' player or new Tanker and offers an alternative to the compelling Single Target 'beginner' Tank in Invulnerability Energy Melee. Azrael.
  4. An Ice / War Mace Tank. The very thought. *Drool. Azrael.
  5. That's good to hear. You have to give it to MA. It's very 'explosive.' Nothing quite beats Crane Kick and the Mob flies 'off camera.' It always gives. 'Turbo-Charged' is a phrase I've come to use on my Tank drive chains. (The FF's have been a recent science for me. Turbo-Charged. The means by which armours and attacks recharge their intentions.) And a Turbo-Charged BLow TOrRcH sounds like rains glorious fun. With a capital F. All dat burning, proccing, floppin'...FF (what does the F stand for *wink. Force Feedback or *********** fun?) Like you say, I try to move Heaven and Earth (without chopping up my Primary and Secondaries...) to get that 45% Melee cap. If you have that on a Fire/MA. They're going to be difficulty to handle. And like all great fights? It's who gets the 1st punch in... Aye. My preference IS to level with SOs. Recently, I've softened my stance on this to surgically add the 'odd' Unique IO as they become available. You know, the usual suspects of Panacea, FF's. Global defences. I'd maintain to any 'Starter' Tank or anyone 'new' to Tanking? Just a handful of of Uniques and later, the Tanking ATs can go a long way for relatively little coin. As I've noted re: your build advice. You often include a 'cheap' build option. Ergo. You DON'T have to spend hundreds of millions to have fun. Using your 80/20 rule you can create a fun tank that is 'good enough' for most game content. The 'two dam' procs in Burn is noted. 🙂 Azrael.
  6. Well, that's pretty good going when you put it like that. The thing is. Every narrative needs a nemesis? Or where would the fun be in CoH if you were completely immune. Part of the fun reading your Brunker thread is the 'struggle' of your journey to get that holy grail of balance in Defence/Attack for Tanks. That's the whole challenge of 'what's the best tank?' Everybody has a solution for the design trade offs involved. In particular, I had fun reading your proc solutions in your Brunker Tank Trinity. Proccing is something I've got into in the last year. And laser targeting in a Tank build deals aggregate damage or speed. (One you've wrapped your head around them.) And your cake fest of procs in a couple of powers made me think, 'I want a slice of that...' Azrael.
  7. Well, here in the UK, you'd better watch yourself saying dat ta someone. *(Brunker, 'You called me, what?!') Ok, Sovera. I've read re: the basic idea behind all three builds. The Fridge. The Dragon. The Turtle. The idea: one is safe, one deals the damage and another comes out top in both metrics in terms of 'Balance' for your Brunker terminology? (Is cool for a CoH phrase that caught me off guard and will go down in community Lore. Sure, why NOT a mix of Tank and B****?) The one question I'd ask Sovera? If they had to give a 'Fun Factor' out of 5 for each one, I wonder how they'd score? I've done Claws on live and HC. I think it's seamless. It is for melee what Energy is for blaster. Pure butter. (Many of the 'old school' sets are silky smooth though. The design on them. Top Notch.) MA is super cool. But I'd rate Stone higher than MA. Will Sovera's Fire/Stone Odyssey supercede even their Fire/MA? I've saved 'most intriguing' of each build variations to my Mids Folder. *Tanker Dice rollin' hand. **Gettin' real itchy. (Don't do it Azrael, you've rolled Ten Tanks in a Row...let it go, man. We don't want ta have to take you down tuh the Tank Therapy Centre.) Azrael.
  8. I'd say. 'Try it.' I 'DID' put a Force Feedback in Shield Charge on my Shield/MA Tanker. I had 'that' many AoEs in the end I could just use a couple of powers with FF and max out my Melee with Oblivion Set in SC. I, ofc, find Force Feedbacks best in AoE attacks when surrounded with 'moar' mobs. Both my Shield MA and my Shield Elec Armour are 300% recharge at times (with other recharges taken into consideration...) Azrael.
  9. Another way I'd further diverge Tanks and Brutes? I'd make Taunt do Proc Damage. 'Intimidation.' ie. I'm gunna whoop ya. It's clobberin' time. Your Momma (jokes...) etc.' You could give it a to hit bonus. Almost like a 'light' fear power. It could be a random boost of Dam Proc (even a random 'double' hit), to hit and Fear based off a dice roll. Given the nature of Taunt? If a 6.5 Invul' Energy Tanker comes up towards you, I think that would be intimidating. I think a more custom 'unique' to Tanks 'prowess' for Taunt would make it's choice more compelling. I like Tanks. They've come along way since HC stepped in. But I don't think they're finished developing. Yet. Azrael.
  10. I thought some of the mobs were getting upgrades here and there. I even got Taunted by one of them which I hadn't noticed before... Azrael.
  11. Well, AVs are bit grindy. I always thought so. Entire teams thraping an AV for 20 mins and wondering why they got nowhere. That's where I'd call a Rad/Sonic Defender as back up. I limit my Tanks to doing EBs. I haven't got the patience for solo-AVs. Would Rad/Stone better for that? And the 'Degen' Interface from the Incarnate Interface? Anything S*L resistant. We know when we hit that wall in the 40-50s where the debuff based play grinds. GRINDS! I guess I just double up and hit them harder. 😛 I love giving the Malta Gunslinger the Seismic Beatdown. 'You're not Captain America now, are ya?# Azrael.
  12. Tactics. Punchvoke. Giving each mob a 'smack in the kisser' each. Hitting a mob will ensure you have his attention. Taunt. You can use Taunt to stifle the mobs Range and bring them closer to you where you can deal 'The Gift.' Pull a mob (basically by hitting one or taunt several and running to a given place) to a pillar, a corner or someother 'blind spot' hiding place from the mob. They will follow you. Let them cluster on you. It's more efficient to deal your attacks and for any damage auras you have to work on them whilst YOU work on them with melee. Big Man. You can just wander into a mob and take them to the cleaners, Johnny on the Spot. For some, this is more efficient. Depends on how many you are taking on and what your capabilities are. Pop a Luck. If it's a big mob? Take a Luck (purple) inspire to absorb the 'alpha' initial aggression. Work the Boss. If you have boss settings on. He's the Apex of the mob. And most likely to really hurt you. But you have to watch the accumulative damage from the rest of the mob too. Work on him whilst giving the odd punchvoke to the rest of his minions. Once he falls? The rest of trash is being taken out much easier. Azrael.
  13. Beginner Tank Challenges. Level 1-5. Street Sweep Challenge. Hellions. Test your yourself against a single Helion in Atlas. You'll notice he can't hurt you much at all. Even without your 1st Armours Tier 1 and 2. Next? Surround yourself with 3 mobs. And rather than clobbering just one mob out the three? Pass the damage around to test your 'Punvoke' which is a way of agitating mob aggro' through physical violence. 🙂 After that. Try 5-8 mobs surrounding you. You'll find the 5 mobs 'doable' if you get a wriggle on with taking them out. But keep an eye on your health bar. With the count of 8 mobs, you may need to pop a luck inspire and eat that green health inspire. Have a crack against a single mob Boss. Get the feel of how hard they hit (and they do) and how long the fight will take. L6-10. Hollows Challenge. You'll get your Wincott Contact and be given missions against the Outcasts and Trolls. Try those missions on +0x1. Now exit the mission and try this on -1x4 and -1x8. Using inspires (eg. Lucks, the odd green and blue...) you have the temporary 'Reach' to take on more mobs. A luck inspire will mean you'll deflect many of the blows/attacks of a mob when you're surrounded. And depending on your armour and chosen attack set you can test how much aggro' you can take and how fast you can 'take out' the mobs. By lowering the difficulty but increasing the 'width' of the mobs in missions you can deal damage 'Wholesale.' This is where you grind a mob down 'over time.' A blaster may insta-kill in a few shots and a scrapper will eat things for breakfast very quick. Tanks take a wider, more global view of the battlefield. But it IS satisfying. You can take it and dish it over time. x4 and x8 'wide' settings give you moAR mobs in a mission. By varying your mission multiplier of mobs you can stress test your Tank even at an early stage. Of course, you're ultimate test from Flux (the next contact on from Wincott) will give you FrostFire, the fabled end of arc mission. Probably the most iconic mission arc in the game. Can you -1x8 it? L11-20. Steel Canyon Challenge: Outcasts. Outcasts rule the streets. But that was until you appeared on the scene. You're about to change all that. Get a Radio mission that features the Outcasts. Start? Try it on -1x8. Then exit before completion (you can get a few levels by repeating this mission...) and as you reach L16, can you try it on +0x8? Canyon Challenge Two. Outcast Bosses! You can keep repeating an Outcast radio mission to hone your wide setting tactics and sporadic use of inspires. OR! GO after the BIG MAN! The CaHuna. Lead Fire. Lead Electric. Lead Stone. Pay insane amount of XP chunks and influence. With your Double XP buff on? You'll see your level bar pinks move up dramatically after each Boss win. Be careful, though. A Lead Fire Boss and his Fire Imps are not to be taken lightly... Popping the odd luck inspire 'just to be sure...' (fire hurts...) L20+. The Talos/Striga Challenge. Warriors. Here you can move to +0x8. Can you do +1x8 as you level in your 20s? L30+. The Brickstown Challenge. Freaks. All the best Freaks are here. Please, stop staring at me. Find a radio mission with Freakshow. Can you stand up to +1x8 Freaks? Or Push it to +2 as you traverse your L30s? Can you mix it with a Freak Tank? Can you cope with the end draining shenanigans of the Super Stunner? This may well develop your sense of tactics and endurance as those Freaks will rez from the dead and take you all the way. How is your end bar? Do you run out of end? (Have you got enough End Reductions in your toggles or expensive attacks? L40+. The Council Death Match Challenge. It's you or them. Gdm Vamps. Annoying Warwolves wit their slap and run tactics. And those Sniper Shooters killing your attack chain with 'slow' debuffs. So, what you going to do about it? Run and Hide? Eat grapes in Tank Hospital? Settings to try +0x8, +1x8, +2x8, +3x8, +4x8 as you progress from L40-Super DING L50. L50+. Council Obsession 'How Fast Can you GO?' Challenge. Damage. Whole sale. FAST. As you choose your 1st Alpha, choose wisely. Still have an end problem? Cardiac will slice all your end costs. It will, at Tier 3 limit incoming damage. Need MOAR damage? There's Muscularity. And many others. This Alpha will give you a 'Level' Shift. You'll notice how much easier things are. Compare how fast you can clear a Council mob now to how it was in your L40s. (Why Council mobs? Why not? They hit hard. They slow. They -to hit debuff. Some of them are quite a robust to nail. A good baseline mob challenge for new Tanks.) Note. Of the Top Ten Tanks in this Thread? How are all the Tanks different? Azrael.
  14. Stylistically? I thought this was 'great' on Live. Pretty set. Then? I grew tried of it's long animation times. And it's damage didn't seem that good for the wait time to execute. I don't think I finished my journey with it. It began to feel like 'hard work.' Maybe it could do with its cast times editing down? Azrael.
  15. Tanking Tip. Read Sovera's Tanking Trinity thread: 'The Brunker.' By testing a common variable eg. Fire Armour. They try to test how different Melee sets compare eg. Ice, MA and Claws. Some are more offensive. Some safer. Some inbetween. You'll have to read their thread to find out. 🙂 All three I haven't tried WITH Fire Armour. But I know from having played those Melee sets (from my in theme Tanks and on my Scrapper...) you'll have a lot of fun. You could test all three. Roll them. Take them up to L10. And I'm quite sure you'll take one of those much higher. Note. Sovera has also happened upon the Fire/Stone Tanker. Having tried one as a B****, you'll find any Fire/Stone Tank compelling to play. Alot of fun. Azrael.
  16. The simple fact is Stone IS that good. Put Fire behind it. And...I did it on a brute. But a post patch Tank and following the Stone pass...be worth rolling said wit a Tank. Relentless. My Stone/Stone Tank is insanely good. Walks into a +4x8 Arachnos mission. You know what's coming next. 🙂 Claws. Never tried it on a Tank. But it's sublime on my Scrapper. Though I dare say I'll crib some finer points from your Fire/Tank build. Focus. Chunk. Spin. And a Claw AoE throw attack. Vicious stuff. Aint no mob going anywhere went I gets my claws inta dem. (Proc city. Assault Radial Tier 4.) Th' only way they leave is through a cheese grater. Azrael.
  17. Elec Melee. Well. At least it gets Lightning Rod and Thunder Strike. Azrael.
  18. Interesting read, Sovera. A Trinity of Tanks. Then you roll a Fire/Stone Tank. 🙂 I smile. Because a while back, before I went on my Tank Top Ten spree.... I decided to see what all the fuss was about regarding Brutes. (Sure, I'd rolled a Shield/SS Brute and capped it out in all positions...who hasn't? A real 'gangster' with Electric fence, Ball and Pyro' Incarnate to AoE the hell out of mobs...stacking with Shield Charge and Foot Stomp.... *Hmm....Mmmm...powerful this one is....) So I did an experiment and rolled x3 concurrent levelling Brutes. Rad/Rad. Fire/Stone (*Waves at Sovera) and? Elec Armour and the Energy Melee. Oh yes. I did the beatdown to L50. Rad/Rad. And I do like all three for different reasons. Rad/Rad melts. And it hits hard single target. You get the damage ticks. Then you get that Tier 9 with the Res' Boosts and Dam' Boost. It's off the charts good. It will melt Council +4x8 with no resistance from them. Ambush mobs, the lot. All melted. Fire/Stone. This came from my slight irritation of play Invul'/Energy Tank and Invul' having no passive tick. I wanted MOAR damage. (I think this was before the Tanking patch and BEFORE the Energy Melee pass.) So I put my Tank on 'pause' to level up later. I rolled the 'Brute' version of two brutes. Fire/Energy and Fire/Stone. I was far more satisfied with the aggregating damage from a brute and the passive tick. It was night and day compared to pre-patch Tanks. So I came back to the idea of a Fire/Stone Brute with my 3-Way Challenge. Fire/Stone on a Brute is a revelation. Yes, we know Fire does damage. But Stone melee seems to get bonus if you have Fire armour? What I like about Stone is it is fun. Nothing beats getting Fisted (!) by a Stone Fist. Or a Stone Hammer. Or another STone HaMmUR that is even bigger than the other one. You get TWO AoEs. One that didn't used to do damage but now DOES! (And that makes a big difference on the post Patch Tank.) And another that is up in the air, down to the ground knock the skittles over satisfying. It never fails to 'give.' Stack those two? You get decent hedge trimming values for a mob. Fit x2 Force Feedbacks in those and mobs never keep their feet with a foot stomp and a crashing beat down. Then you get Seismic which is absolutely quick, devastating and super accurate stun tastic. Stone is relentless. It's the one melee set I've tested than any other. WP/Stone Tank. Stone Dominator. Stone Brute. Stone/Stone Tank... (All of these I did on live as well.) So that's 8 times, at least I've played Stone Melee. With fire? It's riotous. Council mobs hate me...and I give them a burning kicking. Elec Armour/Energy Melee. +4x8 Council Mobs can hurt me over time. But I have a pocket regen button that brings my health back. And Power Sink to dampen their enthusiasm. Mean time? You deliver some City Rocking Blows to to +4s. Two shots minimum. Many one shotted. It hits with Heaven and Earth. The much improved AoE/Cone and AMP'ed Total Focus mechanic thin the herd with compelling speed. Wide Screen Truck Hitting. The mother of said. I could roll ANY of these as Tanks and Find them compelling. My Conclusion? You'll really enjoy a Fire/Stone Tank. Best of both worlds. You get some AoE Burn, some BIG hitting Melee Attacks. You even get a couple of Melee AoE attacks that stack with your burn auras and keep mobs on their Az. You even get fun thrown in for free. Azrael.
  19. Tanking Tip. SOME Tank attacking sets can fit Force Feedback Procs. This can give a real turn of pace in your attack chain. If you fit two of them in your attack set you can almost perma them against mobs (where they have an increased likelihood of rolling a '6'. This can really close the gap on 'perma-hasten' (the holy grail of speed!) This is something I only recently worked out to an efficient level. Now I have some insanely fast Tanks. Eg. Shield/Elec. Shield/MA. (The latter, whilst being 'mainly' Single Target, I infused with extra tertiary AoE powers to have Council Mobs permanently on their back side whilst I unload the Mother Truck.) Force Feedback kicks in....FORCE FEED BACK KICKS IN....HASTEN....AGELESS....*SHEER INTAKE OF STAMINA OXYGEN. Azrael.
  20. (Reply to Sovera on his consumate 'Holy Trinity' of Damage dealer Tanks Thread...) He has an approach that would soothe the ambitions of the 1st time Tanker! So I'll repost it here in this 'Starter Guide for 'new' Tankers... I like your '80-20' approach. You don't HAVE to build an immutable tank. You can build an AT (any AT...) to the point where it will give a good account for '80%' or 'most' of CoH's content. (Ie. It may not survive all edge cases. It may not have the fastest Pylon Time.) But if you build a very good (as opposed to 'Excellent') Tank which you can enjoy playing. He can 'hang' with the big boys even if he's not the 'Superman' on the block. I call this 'reach.' Eg. When you're leveling. Weave. '5%, you don't notice that.' (I do.) Then you take Cj. Another 2.5%. Then Manoeuvres. Another 2.5-4%. All of a sudden, you have At least ten per cent defence to all damage types. Pop a luck and that's another 15% giving you a temporary 25%. Add that to Resistances of 60-80% and you're a Tank that can handle themselves. Obviously a build out can push you close the cap or past it depending on your trade offs. Azrael.
  21. As for incarnates. I used Cardiac on my Fire/Fire Tanker. Stamina problem well and truly vanquished. I had it sorted with SOs. Fire is a squishy tank. So I like Cardiac's -20 % to incoming damage? I can take Ageless Radial to soften/stop the debuffs to slowing up my #regen attack/survive chain on the alpha mob hit. Plus Winter's Gift (which I'd put in CJ.) Plus the Avalanche style sets. Base global recharge of 60-70% plus Hasten. 130-140% recharge? I can make up the damage by? The Tank patch. I'm a fire tanker. I'll take Assault Incarnate. I'll take Pyro Judgement and 'vark' anything that decides it wants to 'Have a go...' Plus I get damage bonus points from my purple sets. I have build up. I Fire Embrace. I have burn. I have a damage Tik. Just how much damage do I need? 😮 Azrael.
  22. "It was still annoying and if I was to start over I would do two endurance reduction in each attack and cover the gaps with the use of Swipe." Ya don't say? 😉 Seriously. My golden rule for stamina equilibrium (which is what I call the conflict between stamina going out and stamina coming in...) is toggles. Minimum? x1. For Fighting Toggles? x2. Tough and Weave seem expensive. I wouldn't run Man's from Leadership with no end red in it? 😮 I'm obsessive about it. In fact, my SO builds are often better with stamina than the build outs. Attacks? If it's above ten? x2 End Reds. If it's below ten, at least 1 End Red. You had plenty of stamina coming in. Just not enough inertia on the stamina going out. And it's easily and quickly spent on an AoE, MA (quick performing set) Tank. You already had loads of damage up to L20. The priority for me, when 'turbo levelling' is end. Keeping my feet. I don't have to stop because I prioritise the Eq. Since the patch, Tanks do plenty of dam. And if you have Fire AoE armour, you're golden, even unslotted for damage. I'm not surprised you were having end issues. (Almost all alts seem to have a problem with end on that TF, though.) An enthralling guide. I'll take notes for my next Tank. But which of your Dragon, Turtle or Ice/Fire will I choose? Azrael.
  23. I like your '80-20' approach. You don't HAVE to build an immutable tank. You can build an AT (any AT...) to the point where it will give a good account for '80%' or 'most' of CoH's content. (Ie. It may not survive all edge cases. It may not have the fastest Pylon Time.) But if you build a very good (as opposed to 'Excellent') Tank which you can enjoy playing. He can 'hang' with the big boys even if he's not the 'Superman' on the block. I call this 'reach.' Eg. When you're leveling. Weave. '5%, you don't notice that.' (I do.) Then you take Cj. Another 2.5%. Then Manoeuvres. Another 2.5-4%. All of a sudden, you have At least ten per cent defence to all damage types. Pop a luck and that's another 15% giving you a temporary 25%. Add that to Resistances of 60-80% and you're a Tank that can handle themselves. Obviously a build out can push you close the cap or past it depending on your trade offs. Azrael.
  24. Tank. I really enjoyed Elec Armour (with War mace...) One of my favourite Tanks. On live. On HC. A pocket rock regen', sap protection, Psi and Elec resists. Dark/Dark Tank. A revelation of thoughtful tanking. Layers of DoT float and dance above mobs. The Chainsaw Tier 1-3 attacks. Tough of Fear now does Damage. I have Dam procs in Dark Regen, Taunt. Dark Consumption...etc stacked with...Soul Drain. You see where we go with this. You can just take mobs apart with Dark/Dark. Here, you've got a decent build. I think these two together would make an enticing Tank. Some good resist numbers and your melee is close to the cap. I wonder. Will you take Barrier Incarnate to cap it? Azrael.
  25. The Tank patch was a huge step in the right direction. Which, to a beginner Tank or CoH player, they'll be grateful for, without knowing it. In fact, I don't think the Damage for Tanks didn't go quite far enough. I'd hand out a sustained 'Rage' button (without a crash...) or equivalent mechanism to ALL Tanks. Giving it at least the values of 'Assault' from Leadership. Or a double hit proc mechanic. It's quite ok that each Tank gets it's own style of Damage Buff mechanic. Energy recently got the Total Focus mechanic, Rage is awaiting a 'fix', Radiation armour has it's brilliant Tier 9 which buffs Res' plus Damage. Shield has it's damage toggle. Bio has an impressive T9. Ice had a 'buff' pass. Azrael.
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