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Golden Azrael

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Everything posted by Golden Azrael

  1. Tried the 801.2 'Starter Edition.' Stone Tanker. Guess the defence zapping was true. 1st mob went well. 2nd Mob (which had a 3rd mob to buff them or debuff me....) didn't go so well. A little 'eavy on the debuff sauce. Scotch bonnet debuff. Azrael.
  2. I ran an Electric Stalker on Live. Got to about L42 before Live got yanked. Had a Palpatine vibe about it. You target the apex of a 3 mob group with stealth mode. 'ARGGGH!' That's down. By the time the 2nd mob turns his head? He has half his HPs. And is about to die? The third one panics and begins to run...but you're all over him like a rash. Rinse. Repeat. I found the 'art of surprise' quite fun. Azrael. PS. I know Elec has it's critics, but I've used the elec melee set on Blasters, Domi's, Scrapper, Tank, Stalker. I find it compelling.
  3. True words spoken. And that's the beauty of CoH. You can min max. Or you can just have fun. It doesn't always have to be the mOAST GuD PErFUORMeNcE. Azrael.
  4. Bionic Flea, The pearls of flea wisdom? Laser printed into my Hive Mind. A wide-screen picture. *Doffs Cap to you, Sir. Best Regards, Azrael.
  5. And how (enquiring minds need to know) do you make 2.5 billion to 3 billion using 15 'marketing' alts each taking 30 minutes? (That's 15 Alts times 30 minutes? So it's... 450 minutes total?) 🙂 I have an AFK farmer. I like to run the Shiba Fire Cave. Very hot. As for my play. Very casual. But I did recently make the best part of 3 billion 'in a week' using the market to do the heavy lifting and some farming to feed that marketing. That also included selling a backlog of recipes from the last year or so. Back of the sofa stuff. It took best part of a week to craft it all. It came from 'nothing' but the 'revenue' of game time. But it taught me how to craft. One you do something 100 times, you get 'ok' at it? I'd consider myself a student of the market after following the advice of many marketing luminaries on this part of the forum. 40+ alts. When I added up a minimum spend of 500 million (often far more) spend on all those. It appears I've blown alot of influence (20 billion, I can't have...) on builds. I guess you can't take it with you. I guess I could have made 'far more' and banked moAR if i'd 'played the market.' Azrael.
  6. 'The Sound of Silence.' I do love Simon and Garfunkel. Azrael.
  7. That's a terrific picture, Erratic1. Probably about right in terms of capability. In terms of 'fun' or button pressing engagement? Oooooh. It's close between the classic Regen and the progressive Bio which is a terrific armour set. I used to own Bionic Man ('Guh-g-g-g-g...' and 'D-d-d-d-du-dur....' You know those sound fx, right?) rolling up the elastic on his right arm. And looking through his telescopic eye. And that's...Masketron? I used to own him as well with all the detachable masks and computery circuit bits. Masketron looks like he's giving Steve a real hard time there. 😮 C'mon, Steve, put your back into it, son! Azrael. PS. Bionic Women and Steve. Didn't they ever 'get it on?' 😕
  8. Ah, a bug in Tar Patch? That explains things. I take your point about 85% resist. I try to aim for at least that on most of my Tank's resists. I'll give some feedback from my 'maiden' 801. Probably from hospital wrapped in bandages and my broken legs in casts. Thanks for the reply. Azrael.
  9. I'll try out some of my Tanks on it, Carnifax. There's stuff in the game that torpedo hits defence and resistance. It doesn't sound like you can do much except hit the heal button if you have one. Azrael.
  10. 'City of Heroes is Different.' You said it. Azrael.
  11. There's plenty of 'Regen' tanks. They just do it slightly to 'Regen' on a Scrapper. Is there a petition for Regen on Tanks? Where is it? And why haven't I signed. Why wasn't I consulted? Azrael.
  12. Regen Tanks. 🙂 Energy Tanks. *(Had an energy brute on live...with Dark melee...eye of the storm....barely got hit. Recent Energy Armour on my Sent'. Love the unstoppable on it. 3 minutes of ye-ha! I just filled the build with procs.) Hmmm. Mmm. The very idea. *Salivates. Azrael.
  13. Excellent points. One is active. One is passive. On my Claws scrapper, I like engaging the peak performance (from Regen' ) at a time of my choosing. eg. Alpha strike of a mob. It's got some great attributes. Several 'tricks' such as Instant Healing, Moment of Glory, a 2nd end bar in Quick Recovery, a brilliant power in Integration, a Tough power in there for some resistance. I like it alot. WP. I don't know what it is. It's....very passive. Boring? (I had it on live on a scrapper, I think...) But so is Reflexes. So is Invulnerability. I built out a WP that can take an almighty beating. I can see why it's popular. I think I stripped down my WP/Stone Tank for parts. The only Tank out of my 11+ tanks I chose to do that with. Azrael.
  14. Good job on that. Channelling a bit of Guy Gardner? Azrael.
  15. That would work. Bubble Energy Defender. I think that was my 1st or one of my 1st combos from early on Live. Bk in the day... One of my favourites. Azrael.
  16. Hal Jordan. My GL. Erm. I'd go Rad/Rad Defender. (Corruptor if you must....) Could be En/En blaster. Could be a PB or WS. The latter two have 'cosmic' style powers. You just colour them green. Come up with a name that doesn't fall foul of our 'love' for such popular culture. eg. Green Lampost. Green Torch. Emerald Candle. Moss Glo. Teal Beam. Are the worst examples I can think of. Azrael.
  17. The Beauty of DUOs is that they can give MOAR. Any duo can work if you both are happy with what you rolled. As long as you both have the attention span to see it through to L50. But if you have the right combination, it can be much easier and alot of fun. However, I find Defenders uniquely suited to DUOing. Eg. Two Force Fielder Defenders. You both effectively become a Tank. That could work with x2 Dark/Dark Defenders. In either case, you'd be pretty tough to hit. In the case of you wanting something to help out (rather than compete) with the Tanker, the support option of Defender is spot on. In my view, the Defender is a 'Junior' Tank. It just goes about things in a different way. By empowering your friend? You empower yourself. Azrael.
  18. Bubble Defender. Big dollop of defence. Dark/Dark Defender. -To Hit. One of the best heals. Soupy Malaise for mobs. Holds. A tar pit to put under the tank with lots of juicy benefits. A very good shared team toggle. Roll either (both?), play to L10 and test/see what you like best. Azrael.
  19. The real money (or more rewarding money) is still to be made from playing the game. 'Free stuff' (drops from the sky) in Generic IOs, cats, convs, Orange Salvage, Yellow Recipes, Orange Recipes. Vendor it. Craft it. Put it on the market at a 'reasonable' price. There's a couple of million there. Most of that drops from playing a Council 'farm' mission on +3x8 for about 10-15 mins. From somebody who used to respec on live (following a Volta respec mission) just to get 'up' on the cost of next round of SO upgrades, that's a lot of money to me. Though if you sell a Global LoTG and somebody gives you 28 million for it when you were only asking 6.2 million (10%-ish below it's current market price today...) then that's a bonus. I find after a casual session I can get 8-10 million. A dedicated farmer can probably do way more than that. As for Converters. Looks like the commodity buyers have bought up the stock of them on their 5-10 different CoH accounts. Buying them is a lot slower than it was a few days ago. The answer to that is still to play the game, though. Given that yellow recipes can be made from practically 'nothing' then you don't need Converters if you're prepared to craft and sell the yellow enhancements for 'reasonable' prices. Converters are, for me, more for 'aggressive' crafting. If you want to take that yellow recipe/enhancement to the next level it can be just a few converters. And quickly find something that will give you a couple of million or so. If you are after something specific for higher rewards than that? You can spend alot 'influence' 70k per converter to get what you want to 'guarantee' that sale for a juicy millions. When you've done the best part of 100 x 70k of them...'just' to get that potential reward. It can sometimes be like flipping coins. Heads or Tails. Do that for 100 times and lady luck plays her part. When ever you gamble, sometimes you lose. So, the use of them worked best for me with a more measured approach though given the current market, things may sell more slowly. Over a day or two rather than 'instantly.' Yes. The Market takes its cut. What yo sell for - market cut eats into your 'profit' margin. That 'range' of potential profit. If you're working on 5%-10% profit margin, that's cutting it fine. There's no point doing a transaction just to break even or make a loss. Azrael.
  20. Test. 1 unit of Converter bought at 70k. Sold at 90k. 20K profit on that unit. 20k x 10 = 200,000 20k x100 = 2,000,000 20k x1000 = 20, 000, 000. I've made more from yellow enhancements. Just takes the time to craft each time. I got through my backlog of yellow, orange and purple recipes over the last Homecoming year or so. That was 'alot' of crafting to get through the backlog which I'd deemed 'junk.' I managed to put back 3 billion after 5-10 billion spent on characters. If you made 2-3 million a day, you'd be on a billion or so per year for 'casual' play. Azrael.
  21. I think that is something you'll have to test with someone... Azrael.
  22. Good question. There is a range of values of any given commodity. A low. An average. A high. Obviously, the intent is to buy low. And sell high. The process of this can be quick or take some time. Depending on what the market is 'moving' on. And what those with billions are buying or dumping into the market. Obviously, if you bought a 1000 Converters at 55k and sold at 85k. That's 30k profit x 1000. Do that with 10,000 trades you can add a zero to your profit. Azrael.
  23. Tanking Tip. So, it's your 1st Tank build. You've looked at some fellow HC Forum Tank luminary's builds. But you've managed to build your Tank's Melee Defence 'just shy' of the Melee cap. What do you do? Rebuild? Take Barrier Incarnate Power. This will take you to the cap and over. Tier 3 (left side) is a good 1st port of call. This power will also get you a level shift. Added to your Alpha Core Level shift. And now you are a force to be reckoned with. It makes you even Tankier. Useful for those squishy Tanks eg. Fire Armour. You laugh at the tickling damage of Council on +3x8. Azrael.
  24. End problem? Tanking Tip. This may(!) seem like an obvious one, and this STILL catches me out. You're not fighting with Sprint on, are you? 🙂 True story. I once left my Athletic Run on in combat. Somehow removed it from my combat tray. I spent an hour in a mission figuring out what was causing a catastrophic end problem... *Please don't tell anyone. It's just our little secret. Azrael.
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