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Golden Azrael

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Everything posted by Golden Azrael

  1. 'I'm 37, I'm not old.' Monty Python mud packer and one of the downtrodden imperial collective. Azrael.
  2. I'm curious. Gooawwwn. Be a devil. Post it here? HC search function always throws up randomness for me. Azrael.
  3. Touch of the Beyond. Slotted mine with SO of acc/heal/end mod so far. No issues so far. Even before Touch of the Beyond. (Which is quite nice. - to hit 10% to start with.) I'll try fitting a Numina Unique in it. Careful placement of end reduction in thirsty powers with damage SOs on the backburner (only 1 SO dam in a few powers...) and 1 slot Stamina so far. Dark Dark is end hungry. But there are ways of managing as you note. Azrael.
  4. Nasty piece of work, Dark, Dark anything. Particularly so on blaster. That mix of blast and blap. Painful stuff. L14. Stamina. Double end red' all attacks over 10. At least one SO end red under 10. Depending. And they're still pricey to use. So efficiency of attack is key. The DoT toggle? Also x2 End Red' on SOs. The Dark Torrent Cone is nice and strategic. Will stack nicely with tentacles and Smack Fu's AoE. Got the snipe. Will try it out on Frost Fire. Azrael.
  5. PLVRIZER, Thanks for you build advice. Appreciated. Azrael.
  6. Good idea. Splash Damage. If it's 'that loud' it would affect more than the key target if any are close by. I like how Thunderstrike has a key target and 'splash.' Maybe start introducing the migraine effect into the Primary. Whilst we're at it. What about an Epic Sonic set? Take the Sonic Defender buff S*L shield and have it as an Epic shield selection for Sonic blasters. Always good to have thematic Choices. I'm still down with the Screech Cannon. It would be a cool out of the box thinking idea to have a snipe that BOOMs a target and anything nearby takes some damage and 'folds' with a stun/migraine effect ringing in their ears. A bit like how the Sonic Nova stuns all. So moving that to Shout and creating another big hitter in a Screech snipe with some AoE splash dam/stun/migraine would really sexy things up for Sonic Primary. (An underappreciated aspect of the sonic nova when I was playing on live was its stun. 'What's the point of a stun on a nova?' I thought. I'm digging it now on my L50. I'm a bit more enlightened these days.) The migraine effect in Sonic Manipulation and it would be cool if they can integrate that here and there with the Primary. My level 50 Sonic/Sonic Manipulation has become a Junior Tank. Or a Tank Blaster. I'm really pleased with it's booming single target damage. Bosses and 'hard' targets literally melt under the onslaught of Sonic's -res. If the primary ever gets a Quality of Life / sexy it up pass the secret will be out. Currently a well kept secret. Azrael.
  7. Agree. Sonic/Sonic L44 and counting. Azrael.
  8. ...and get you killed if you activate it in a middle of a mob. (Which I didn't do, of course.) Great beginners guide. Authoritative CoH Info'. A must read for starting and veteran players alike. Azrael.
  9. Had a Sonic/En Blaster on live. It was very good. I'm currently L35 and counting. I've been impressed by Sonic and Sonic Manipulation so far. Primary Tier 1 and 2 have -res that fire quick and you can see the target melting. Love the Tier 1 punch from Sonic Manip'. *Hit...*Watches the mob flying along the ground....or zoom left off the camera. That will never get old to me. Piles of -res. Stuns. Holds. Sleeps. It's got that Ice/Ice controllery vibe. Bosses melt. It's butter. Real butter. Now, I'm ten pages into the blaster thread and no Sonic/Sonic Manip' build. If you want something doing... Update. L40. Got the big tier 9 melee sonic hitter from Manipulation. Closest thing to a snipe. 350 Dam if x3 Slotted. Most attacks '5' slotted. Fitted Blaster ATOs. 1 Global Rech' in Hover. Put Obliteration in Sonic Nova. 6x slotted. Some nice melee def' from that. Some acc. Some recharge. Tactics. Rinse the AoEs. Howl. Shockwave and the one from the Sonic Manip' (which I haven't committed to memory yet. Put a hold proc in it which is cool for proc energy cage.) The Tier 1 and 2s really do soften up the mobs/bosses for the big hitters. Absorb in Health from Prev' Med'. End just becoming an issue. Only 1x slotted in Stamina. No stam' in the self buff yet. Tier 2 primary and Tier 2 melee secondary give double buttter melt DoT. I do wonder about the proc dam opportunties for Shock and Howl. Epics are on the horizon. What to pick. The Bonfire Mat might buy a bit of time. The Scorpion Shield help with S&L defence. (Council wolves an' all that...) Erm... Provoke. (A different suggestion made. I don't have a problem provoking mobs...) Combat Jump for some more overall defence. Something that would buy a bit more time. I've had the Bonfire Mat on a couple or so Blasters now. And the time and space it creates is amazing. Update. L41. I DID get Bonfire. I will convert knockback to knockdown. 'Tank Mat.' If I have any notions of getting Provoke, Bonfire is a must. I also got this on my Energy Blaster and my Assault / Devices Blaster. Azrael.
  10. I think that Screech could be a super cool snipe. A snipe that stuns! Any Sonic/Sonic Manip' builds out there. 1st 5 pages of the blaster thread and none? I'm enjoying mine. L35 so far. Azrael.
  11. Interesting. I've seen this advice on YouTube ie. Pick up loot and roll it using a convertor. I note the L15s are in demand. So people catch on to the tricks I guess (convertor tables and all...) I find playing this game depends on dice roll luck. (or getting L15 enhans.) I've gone through 40 convertors and not got a good roll and you're down 2.8 million at 70k each. Sometimes I'm up. What it has helped me to see. Rather than selling all my recipe loot for nominal '1 cent' at the AHouse, take some time to make them as you get more for made IOs than you do recipes. IT can be a drag crafting, but if you get into it or set aside some time to do it for all your 'junk' you can get better prices for Luck of the Gambler, Unbreakable Guard, Experienced MMan etc than the prices I was selling them for, which was peanuts. If you do that and roll a few convertors on yellow (uncommon?) enhances you make, you can bring in some millions. Using Farming, raw mission farming with Council (so quick to rinse Council missions...), IO making, Convertor rolling. Having a mixed strategy really helps. Also, looking down the back of the sofa on old alts, unplayed alts, holding them upside down for every cent that falls out of their pockets and you can make tens of millions, find 50 million here and there and before you know it you've gone from spending 700 million on abuild to getting back to 150 million and all the way up to 1 billion if you make a concerted effort with this strategies. Beginners ask 'How do I make money?' Get a L50 as quick as you can. And play it. *ie. Play your L50s before racing to the next one. That will fund your next build. Key: Ordinary recipes are 100K+ a pop. Sell ten of those drops and you're over a million. Plus the influence earned for rinsing Council Radio Missions at +3x8. The osmosis will see you sitting on 200 million before you know it. Azrael.
  12. Much of that is framed around building. I'd argue that CoH out of the box isn't a building game. It's hamburger, pick up and play, SO slotting. And out of the box, Shield has great defence in Tier 1 and 2. When I thought about all of that in two armour powers, it pickled my brain. Grit. Yeah. Yeah. But it's no Dull Pain, is it? (And maybe it shouldn't be if you're getting all of that positional goodness in Tier 1 and 2.) But you're on two toggles already. (and you need many more to get it past the cap...and to get that perception...and they add up...) It was torture when TOs were the rigour. Running toggles with your tongue hanging out. Taking a knee every other mob. Sure. SOs at L4 have helped massively. I talked about the +Damage. (I did say four armour powers?) Mobs do less damage to me? 'Does seem dat way to me, I'm taking damage and I've got no heal to fix it.' 'What does less damage mean?' (beginner tanker me.) Not so obvious to the beginning player/tanker (well, it wasn't to me when I 1st rolled one. 'What does this tank do exactly? It's got no resistance, no heal, no stamina return...) Team defence buff. Meh. I don't team alot. 😛 Who cares about dat? And yes. The '2nd best' DDR in the game. (Which again, you need to turbo charge 'a build' to run it to the level you're suggesting.) To the 'nuanced' player or tanker, it is a bit different to what a beginner tanker or player may see. But I did say Shield Armour was an advanced tank armour set and I think the dev's designed it that way. You get 'this' instead of 'that' and those are less obvious than pressing a button for 'moar' heal. That's ok until you fight the Nemesis. (...uh...how do my HPs come back again? Or a Carnie Psi strikes you in one or two hits. No panic button there either.) And so you can build (put in some heal procs/regen tissue etc.), take rebirth (as a choice) or use hit and run tactics that kind of turn you into a Scranker which is the way I view this particular tank. But a high octane one in my case. I personally feel Ice is a better, more interesting tank. You get Dull Pain variant, Def' stacking, stamina return and the Godly 'I'm an Iceberg' power. Shield? Take away Shield Charge and you're left with 2nd best def and a damage aura. Dat's ok...but Tier 1 and T2 and that Sexy Shield Charge are the main draws fer me. As it is, you can tune it to a thing of beauty marrying great hit and run tactics with AOE stacking bombast to rock alot of mobs to their core. But with debuff mobs...it might not be that plain sailing. Which in turns makes it more interesting to play than just standing there with an absorb and DoT ticks.) Azrael.
  13. Hello Infinitum, I made the choice to do something 'different' this time. (After you've rolled 10s of 'moar' alts and 4 shields...the question is then, 'How can I do this differently?') So even though I've logged hundreds of hours on tanks and the like, I'm always looking for something new and to learn something new/tips and tricks from luminaries such as yourself. eg. How can I do something different, do what I like to do and learn from my fellow players. Note. One thing I don't like to do is to take powers out to 'hack' builds. I try to keep as many of the primaries and secondaries as I can. It pains me to do otherwise. However, this means I still run into those same design trade offs I posted earlier.) So the decision was made to go all out on AoE/Cone/All Around Me Roundabout damage powers. So, I got Shield Charge (ofc...), And I thought that Spring Attack might stack with that (I'd tried that power on my MA/Regen' Scrapper...and it is an effective AoE stacker...), then my friend suggested I could try the 'Slap' power out of Fighting (the one that's in Street Justice...) and that's more AoE cone goodness when inside the mob, then you've got the Dragon's Tail which is AoE goodness and...I got Mighty out of the Incarnate Judgement, added some knock up radial Tier 3. By the time I unleash that AoE bu-a-shakka on a Council Mob, it's all over. What's left of purple/red mobs is slithers which makes MA seem much more impressive than it actually is. What's left doesn't survive a Cobra Strike, Storm Kick or Eagles Claw. One, two or three blows max for the stubborn bosses. My 1st Shield/SS brute. I took the obvious route and got Mu Attack. On this tank, again, I wanted something different. I don't want to be just building for stamina (as much as I like to drive the stake through the heart of stamina sucking builds...) And like I eluded to, my rational for this build's concept got in the way of adding 'mOAR' slots to the key End reduction sets in Def' Shield, Grit and Tough. Aka. I could only fit 1 set in Def' Shield. IT was that tight. I even had to drop my beloved 'Taunt.' ('He's a naked tank. Har, HAR!' *Brute points and laughs.) So gain. Shield Charge. Spring Attack. Dragon's Tail. Cross Punch. Mighty Judgement Radial. (And in that chain, I get to rinse Dragon's Tail twice.) So effectively giving me a 6 AoE attack chain with lungbusting stamina use (ergo my sermon about Cardiac/End red'. But as I went along, I took Agility for MAOAR def. It has SOME stamina and it runs faster travel on Radial. This choice gave me far more defence onn my already 'build prioritised' Melee Defence. I can stand in amongst Council +4 x 8 and barely get hit.) So in the end, yes, I got the Ageless Left side and stacked it on top of the Agility (which Stamina and Agility alone couldn't cope with Foc' Accuracy in AOE Attack Chain pushed to the floor melee.) Plus. With Shield Charge, Dragon's Tail, Spring Attack(?), Crane Strike all have opp's for Force Feedback. (gulps in MORAR stamina...) So getting to 300%++ peak recharge (with Ageless, Hasten, FFeedback etc) isn't a problem at all. It really drives the AOE attack chain. Something I refer to a 'Drive Chain' for a build. You can even make some cooldowns or long charge AoE seem like regular chainsaw chains. They come around super fast. You attack fast. Hard. Stack the AOEs. And finish the drabs and drips with KER POWR! Single attacks. Also, Cross PUnch in Fighting has it's own special bonuses. One of which is moAR speed?!!! 😮 All those attacks are 6 slotted. (Which limited my slotted choices for End Reduction sets. eg. The two global Def' 3%ers are in Grit which is 5 slotted. Tough has 1 end red in it. Calculated choices.) Purples for Acc/Recharge/Dam bonus and Dam Proc OR Oblivion for Melee Def/Recharge depending on build balance. ON this build, there's no point 'saving end' on two other powers when a fight is over far quicker going the AoE route rather than taking ages spending end on single target attacks which aren't that impressive but are decent. If you haven't rolled one with this emphasis. (It's not an obvious route or one I've seen much of in other builds.) I think your son would enjoy this (and you could have a sneaky go yourself? I'd be interested to see how you'd go about building it. It's got that Mike Tyson, 'Every one has got a plan until they get hit in the mouth' feel to it. Just like his explosive KO. Regards, Azrael. PS. If you want to see it in action, just hit me up on Reunion sometime.
  14. I swapped out Cardiac for Agility. Both are Tier 4. I DID 'just go' with Ageless Left Side Core (which I tend to do with most of my L50s. It DOES solve alot of problems and you get MOAR recharge.) If you're stamina independent then Ageless Radial T4 would be a good pick to handle those classic debuffers like Arachnos and the like. I am to change from Ageless Core to Ageless Radial on my Ice/Ice/Ice Tanker. I get killed by debuffs on +4x8 Arachnos/Longbow stuff. Kill the recharge and you're in trouble. I checked out your Shield build. Good stuff. But it does tie in with my view in that we build according to our objectives. And that can come with tradeoffs. Fortunately, the Inc' System allows the caveat for our key weakness. ie. What we leave out can determine whether we nail stamina to the cross. It's just that on this occasion I wanted MOAR def and MOAR AoE attacks. Which limited my choices to replicate your 'shrewd' placing of Endurance Discount sets like Unbreakable Guard which you included 3 times in your Shield Build (and the liberal placement of End' Procs.) Anybody who wants to learn a Shield build would do well to check out yours. Regards, Azrael.
  15. Great post, IronBlade. Azrael.
  16. I'll have to look at your Shield build. I have looked at your Invul' SS build. The equilibrium of Stamina coming in and the flow of it going out, endurance reduction is a running battle with tanks. 3 slot stamina running Foc' Accuracy and alot of toggles and that will not be enough. Sure, we can consider playing styles (moderate paced vs high octane vs fighting x1 Council vs x8 on Arachnos with the end drainers...) There is taunt to stop the 'cascade' of your end bar down with relentless attacking. However. Looking at your eg. Invul'/SS build, of COURSE it won't be as much of an issue as you have built accordingly (and builds are about trade offs...) with no less than 6 sets having end reduction(!) reducing the flow of stamina going out and about 5-6 procs/uniques to increase the flow of stamina coming in. AND you have Physical Fitness. AND Conserve. (And...you have Agility Tier 4 left side maxed...) So. No. In that scenario. End won't be an issue bar the odd Hasten/Rage double crash. But that might not be the case for many tanks that have not built that way. On Shield, I have run 2 Brutes and two Tanks now. Shield has issues due to the amount of toggles. Add Foc' Acc' on top of that. Of course my priority on my SO build was to cut the flow of stamina going out. I SO'd each toggle. I double end red' SO'd any attack over 10 and single for any attack below 10. Some toggles need x2 end reds. So, in Foc' Acc' case? Two IOs. It's pricey. Following the build, it doesn't seem quite as efficient on end as it was on SOs. Why? Well, I put Obliteration in two AoE sets. Nice set. But it's not as generous in the end reduction bonuses. But I was after the def' for melee and more recharge. I also don't have x4 slots in Tough for unbreakable discount. Didn't have the slots to spare. On my Shield MA build? The objective was blistering speed and AoEs and to augment the defence even further to the cap and beyond. Running Shield Charge, Spring Attack, Dragon's Tail can be very thirsty work on a high speed build (global + Hasten + Ageless Radial recharge...), you add the toggles (Fighting set alwyas feels pricey on end...) Add Foc' Acc' into that... (Plus I have the pricey Tier 4 cone punch from Fighting six slotted. So many Aoes/cones six slotted part of the reason I ran out of slots.) Sure, I could have 'lost some powers' to get the end reduction into the 3 powers that took the end reducing sets. I could have not taken as many AoE end guzzlers. I could have traded that for Physical perfection etc. Unbreakable Guard. I managed to fit in one for the End Reduction in deflection. Could have max slotted Prev' Medicine x5 in True Grit or Even Tough((?)) for the end red' but I needed to put the two defensive uniques in there. Because this isn't a resistance based set, there were less opportunities to use those to cut end costs. Only '1' end reducted set vs the 6 you have eg. in Invulnerability. 2 end procs vs your 6. In the end, it was easier just to take Cardiac as I have done so with most of my tanks. I did notice the absence of Physical Perfection (I coudln't swing it/fit it in) from my Shield/Elec Melee tank to this Shield/MA tank. But Cardiac is so good at cutting outgoing costs. Sure, I COULD change my build around, lose some defence to put the end reduction sets in Tough and True Grit. Add an extra end proc in health instead of the regen unique and put in the perf' proc' in my 3rd stamina slot. Another example. On my WP/Stone Tank. I had two end bars. It still wasn't enough. Because stopping end going out is as important as the end coming in. If not more so. You can build around end with sets. Ofc you can. The opportunities vary. Shield is an advanced set. It doesn't have end return. An absorb. Or a heal. You've basically got def', a damage buff for being surrounded and Shield Charge. It's pretty stark. It's basically a 4 power armour set. Normally it's end efficiency above all. But on this build I wanted to push the AoEs, the speed and the defence higher to build on Shield's strengths. But I've had to use Incarnates to mitigate the price of that ambition. And that's the trade off. I haven't tier 4'd Cardiac yet. I am experimenting with Agility. I will probably bring in Ageless left side. (Throwing in the towel, Azrael?) Azrael.
  17. I'd 2nd that. Foc' Acc' is an end hog. If you're running alot of toggles it can add up. Physical Perfection can mitigate that somewhat. It can be better to just get left side Ageless. I find it's better to just get Cardiac Alpha for my tanks. It slices the prices of all the toggles and the big attacks. Azrael.
  18. Hmm. That's why I never noticed needing it. I have done an Ice, Dark, Stone, SR and Willpower tanks. 🙂 Aha! They had it built in (as I did note when I looked at their stats.) I guess I took it foregranted all tanks had it. :)) Needed to take it on Shield. On my Elec Melee and MA Melee versions. So that makes sense now. It aint built into Shield. Bah. You make a sound point about perhaps using Tactics instead. Probably much lighter on end cost if all I want is perception (and I get the To-Hit as well.) Good reply. Azrael.
  19. So it's the Atlas, Hollows and (Steel?) exploration badges? Do you get any merits for them? Or just Badges? Azrael.
  20. Do you get Merits for the exploration badges in Atlas, Hollows etc. Do you have to do them straight away? Or come back and do them. Can old alts do them? Azrael.
  21. Yeah. I thought it was just the program not opening. It was like you say. A display issue where by you just need to right click on the 'whited out' icon' to Maximise the screen. Slightly annoying, but now that I'm aware of it I don't have to howl at the moon. Azrael.
  22. I'll try it again (I didn't check the stat window.) Just observed that the Arachnos could blind me. I was quite excited by the idea of being able to use the benefits of the increased perception vs Arachnos without the monumental end drain of turning the toggle on. (My accuracy is high enough. So perception was my main reason for getting Foc' Acc'.) I run Foc' Accuracy with x2 End Reducs in. And I have Cardiac and Agility Alphas (my end bar was all over the place running Agility and Foc' Acc.) I find it runs best if I have Cardiac on as it does a good job of slicing the costs of sprint and the likes of Foc' Acc'. But I did have to turn the toggle (Foc' Acc') on to 'see' the Arachnos after I'd been blinded. (I have noticed some Crey missions now have mobs that can blind you as well. Is this another recent addition? A broader question. Do some Tanks have perception built in and some don't? Is Focused Accuracy now a necessary pick for some or all tanks? Not that I like fighting Arachnos that much. (They weren't my favourite mob when they were introduced. They were plastered everywhere. It seemed like L50-L60 mob type but they forgot to raise the level cap.) Azrael.
  23. I put this in Foc' Acc'. It didn't work? I had to turn Foc' Acc' on. Azrael.
  24. I've started an Invul/SS tank to compare to the Shield/MA I've built out. It's quicker to get resistance up for S*L, for starters. Invincibility almost caps with mobs for S&L def'. Current L42 and have put a few uniques in. About 15% def' in positions. 83% S&L Res'. Anybody got any thoughts on how this should be built out? We still have the Rage 'tank' when Rage drops with the end almost falling off a cliff. I'm guessing I'll have to take Foc' Accuracy and Physical Fitness too? Azrael.
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