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Golden Azrael

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Everything posted by Golden Azrael

  1. L29 and climbing. Force Feedback into Ripper. 🙂 Azrael.
  2. What a killer combo-KoOL ideas. Quills on an Ice Patch. *boggles mind. Azrael.
  3. I have to say. Loving Ripper (you riPPa!) on a Bio/Spines tank. SpInEs. It was never that good on my scrapper. I like Regen on teh Scrapper though. But tanks are not short of equivalent options. Just build in some debuff res' against mobs that slow your chain. Brute Boredom? Or Tank Goddage? Bio-Armour-Heaven for me. Azrael.
  4. Oh. +3x8 anything on Tips missions. Domination rocks. Longbow. Arachnos. Council. Carnie. All p-OwNeD. The Psi damage may be mediocre. But somethings you have to play the hand you've been given. I've put procs in the Assault (inspired by Tex's build) and? I went Assault Radial to have a high chance of a double hit. That's reasonably potent for a Domi AT. So whilst I didn't 'hit hard' I NOW hit way HARDER than I did. Something for mediocre damage dealers to think about. You have to build it in and make the right trade offs to get certain things. Not Blaster or Brute territory. But not everything is about them. ('My ego says otherwise.' Blaster's voice.) I a bit bored with it having shelved it at L40. But _Tex and the other contributors to this thread gave me the inspiration to 'reach higher.' Azrael.
  5. What an orgasmic tank. An intoxicating pairing. Anybody played this pairing and got a build or experiences they'd like to share. I'm impressed. And I thought Rad' was good! Azrael.
  6. I can well imagine Shield would lift Stalker's from that level of vulnerability they have in a pitched fight. I haven't got a Stalker to L50 yet. But my Shield Tank with Elec Offensive? It's high octane stuff. If someone hasn't tried one. They owe it to themselves. (I guess I like AoE stacking.) My recharge is so fast, the cool downs feel like attack chain powers. Azrael.
  7. Oh yes. My Rad/BS tank. Felt very regeny to me. Great tank. Clicks in the right place at the right time. Absorb the alpha. And the Tier 9 power is off the charts good. Crepe ton of res + dam'. I wish all Tank Tier 9s were this good. Yeah, Rad, Bio, Ice, Fire...Elec Armour (pocket version) all have that 'click' Regen feel to it. Regen in all but name. Try them all. I have. Bar Bio. I just rolled a Spines/Bio tank. (See this Bio Armour for myself, I must...) Azrael.
  8. Some good numbers on dat Fire Tank. I'll have to check my numbers out. Don't think I got my melee def that high. Azrael.
  9. Yes. Fire armour is another which comes across very regeny and you have Consume. Can't argue with half your HPs every 15 sec. I've quite enjoyed playing Fire/Fire tank. Perhaps get the Ageless Radial to tackle the 'debuffs'. The one problem you get fighting high end mobs. Had the same issue with my Ice Armour tank. Slowed and the whole regen drive chain slows down. Azrael.
  10. Farming is very calming. Azrael.
  11. Update. 🙂 I have fully built out the Mind/Psi Domi'. Very good. I have improved the defence S*L beyond the cap with Stealth. Dropped CJ. I'm a 'Hover' Domi. I have improved Global Recharge to 90%+. Domi does perma. I've gone back from building out Musc to Cardiac. End bar is very wobbly due to no end red' in Weave or Stealth. Expensive toggles compared to 'just' Cj. No end problems now. So I've focused on maxing damage opportunities from Assault radial. Now Tier 4. It builds upon the 'proc' damage I have in the build. (I brought 5 more proc's into the build...much better 'base' damage. Be nice to have Musc Tier 4 but I wasn't happy having to make the DS call every 30 seconds. If you miss your end tanks. Well it did on my build. Fighting is expensive on end as is Stealth.) I've brought in Barrier insttead of Ageless Radial. Didn't need the extra 10% speed now I've boosted global recharge and hasten is 8 secs off perma too. Much happier with build now. Just Tier 4 of Barrier Left Side to do. Currently T3. Just need to make the 'defences/res' last longer over 2 mins. I can take an alpha beating from 2 mobs no problem. Look at them and then put the controls down. It's a show of force. Much better survivability with Barrier less burning of Lucks to stay alive. On the original build I was burning lucks each mission. Decent (but not brute or scrapper levels of damage...) damage, super fast, AoE stacking. Great controls. Locking down mobs, sleeping them, making them lampposts, Confusing them.... I like it. Azrael.
  12. Also. Think Shield works better on tank than brute for me. Towering defences. IF I was going to roll Shield/MA? Be as a tank. And I'd use my Shield/Elec as reference. Azrael.
  13. That looks very gladiator-ial. 🙂 Impressive screen grab. Shield is an impressive tank. I have one Elec/Shield tank. Turbo charged. Shield Charge just crashes in there with bursts of damage stacking with Lightning Strike. Thunderstrike as well. World of pain for mobs. SR is a good amour but it is very passive. No DoT, no Shield Charge. Add Shield Charge to Energy Crash and Whirling Hands and you have a world of hurt. Add that to any AoE epic you can get or AoE Incarnate and you're rocking. Azrael.
  14. I also think Rad', Elec Armour have some level of 'control' over the armour as in a 'Regen' armour set. WP. You don't. It happens. And not always for the best or for the key moments in a battle. Even Ice armour, with a heal, HP+, end and def' modifiers have a 'regen' feel in that regard. You get heal, +HP, end, defence. Great set. Plus uber Hibernate. Which is the best heal and stamina return in the game plus you get to be indestructible. I have tried Bio. Good armour set. Haven't got one to L50 yet. But it's another to try. Azrael.
  15. No. 'Street Justice.' For some reason, I think of it as 'Street Fighting.' (SF.) Cryptic clue (Pun intended), I guess. 😛 Azrael.
  16. I like the look of the alt. Good show, Tex. I think I'd go the Max resists route if you can. Mine are around 66%. I don't think that's enough. But my defences are insanely high. But when stuff gets through... I've taken a Healing Destiny power to compensate for any 'bad luck.' Good build you got there. Enjoying it? Did you get your resists higher? How's it doing vs different kinds of mobs and what settings? Azrael.
  17. I have a SR and SF. The dam is quick and light but fun. 50 lvls of fun. (In a knee to the jegs kind of way.) SR and Energy would give you a TKO Tank. (A tank can't do that damage, can it?) Those are the two I would consider, Tex if I was to re-roll. KM. Last tried on live. Very posey. But, somehow, I'd rather be doing the 'Lights OUT' damage of Energy Melee. The question you have to answer, +Tex. Are you BatMan (does teh 'I'm Batman...' voice) or Superman. One you fix that in your head. You're going SF or EM. 🙂 Azrael. PS. You can put some really nice Proc damage in Whirling Hands and the Energy Cone. Before you know it, the mob is gone.
  18. Rad. WP. Elec Armour (a pocket sized version.) I'm very fond of Rad and Elec Armour. Try each and see what you think. Azrael.
  19. Update: So, I finished the build. It's somewhat flawed. There are powers I could trade for an extra 12% S*L defence and push the global recharge past 82.5%. I have all powers Inc' Shifted. Hybrid Tier 3 Radial Assault. (Really builds on the procs I've put in the build and the damage pops nicely in a crowded mob.) I'll take it to Tier 4 for more 'Double Hit' chances. Taking a Psi Double Hit moves it from mediocre to 'decent' if not Earth moving. I've also changed the alpha from Cardiac and tried Musc which is currently Tier 3 radial. (I think Left Side Tier 4 45% damage is where I'm going with that.) Suffice to say? Musc lifts the Psi damage up a level. You know those 'last sliver of white even cons that take 3 ranged psi shots to take down - yes, it was that bad levelling up - then you don't get any more multi shot sliver of mob life nonsense anymore. Mind blam. On the floor with brain fry (with fries.) I think Stacking Musc' Left Tier 4 with Radial Tier 4 Assault is the way to go. With Destiny's Radial Tier 3 speed, hasten and global rech' you have quite a rinse machine. I'm now up to +3x8 Council Mobs. Because of the blistering speed, I can use 'controls' as weapons rather than purely defensively and conservatively. ie. In a far more offensive way in melee. I can start with range and move to melee with far more conviction. So, if you want a Domi' that isn't Fir-UR and Puh-LANT, this has possibilities. It has some reach. But you'll have to stick at it. The ice epic 'Sleet' hurts them and with the insane recharge you can pretty much each Mob some 'Sleet' (I said, 'Sleet.') The procs elevate some of the powers from AoE mediocrity. Eg. Fear and Psi-Scream...and Shockwave. 3 blams of that and mobs have had a psychic skewer run through them leaving them in tatters. There are AoE stacking possibilities here. I could probably lose Subdue. Don't use it much. Mental blast. Don't use it much. TK. Don't use it much. Levitate. Don't use it much. That would give me the Fighting Pool and Weave would add 6.5 defence. I could with the spare slots, fitted another Purple set into the Tier 1 blast. Giving me another 10% Global Rech' to take me to 92.5%. It would allow me to take the recharge set of 5% fitted into the Tier 2 power and fit eg. The set Tex has in his Tier 2. That's another 5% smashing and lethal def. But it would -5% recharge to my global to 87.5%. The net gain would be 87.5% Global recharge. 6.5% global positional defence would be added to what it currently is which is quite modest at the moment at around 10%. And 11.5% to S*L taking me from a 'modest' 25.5% to 37%. Which leaves me only needed a modest 'luck' to cap out in that regard. I could add the extra power to select Man's from Leadership to give me 7.5% more Global Rech'. And 3.5% more defence? Taking me from 37 to 40.5% S*L. I could add extra slots to Mind AoE and Total Dom' to get an extra 18.5% global recharge as they are currently 1 slot short in each to get that 'extra recharge.' Though I could take Stealth rather than Man's. How much of Stealth's defence remains after you attack or are discovered? Does Stealth make it harder for mobs to hit you in combat? I have it on my Night Widow. (It does seem to keep some defence once attack begins.) I do have a 'Celebrity' Stealth Unique in my Sprint power. So, yes. The build isn't perfect. And plenty of room for optimisation. 🙂 Azrael.
  20. Thank you for providing the 'Fold Space' clip. It clearly demonstrates the technique you mention, _Tex. Update. I've fitted purple sets and others. And due to my 'sub-standard' slotting...I've fallen agonizingly short of the Domi - Perma 85%? At? 82.5% Global Recharge. 😄 To offset this. I've taken Ageless Radial and I have Hasten and they give a blistering speed boost to overcome this short fall. So I'm well inside to 'Perma.' Having Perma=Domi is major league ownership on x8 mobs. Carnies. Council. You name it. They don't like Domination. 😛 The damage is still somewhat 'light' (I do think the Psi set could do with a pass.) I can see why you went with the dark patron to augment the damage as a multiplier from the drain. I've gone Ice Epic. So I'm doing the 'reverse' I'm -def the mobs. And it does put the boot in. I have all primary power sets. All 2ndary power sets. Ice Epic: Sleet, Snowstorm (stacks nicely with sleet...) and the Ice Armour for S&L defence. CJ. Hover. (Yes. I@m hover blasting/blapping/doming.) I've sought inspiration from your build, _Tex. Though, I'm not sure I could live without Psy' Scream. Really stacks with Shockwave and the Fear. Because of the 'all in' selection of powers, the slotting isn't entirely optimised. I'd have to respec to get the eg. TP powers in. Probably lose Stealth (which would be nice to have.) and keep 'Scream.' Cardiac. Ageless Radial. Storm cloud Lore Pets. (Thematic. And Carnie don't seem to like them?) Judgement. Ice blast. Interface. Not fitted yet. Hybrid not open yet. Might do a 'build 2' with the dark patrons and the tp stuff. And lose some of the Psy blasts as per your build. Not struck on mental blast, another blast I can't remember and a few others eg. TK and maybe 'Lift' if I have to leave 'something' out. Current build needs tweaking. Still some headroom for more damage and defence. But that may require a respec. Azrael.
  21. ....er...which is fixed by making it 'full screen' whilst right clicking the options whilst hovering over the icon in the task bar... Hmm. Deary me. That's something that should be looked at. Minor annoyance. Azrael.
  22. I've installed Mids Reborn. But the icon has a blank preview and the program won't load? Strangely, it did work the '1st time' but hasn't worked since. It will load the old version for me, though. It's not on Windows Security black list is it? Azrael.
  23. Cheers, Vince. I thought it was somewhere around there. I think I have a build path to get there. (I was working that out in my head instead of counting sheep last night...) When Domi is active? It really elevates Mind/Psi. Fights just turn in an instant. Intuition or Musc' Radial. Noted. They both have a shopping list of QoLife features attached which could benefit a Domi. Primarily Damage but the other stuff is 'good' to have. You notice if it benefits your alt. I am eager to try the 'MOAR' damage option. I@m not completely crazy. I think I'd like a bigger radius on DPsyche. 🙂 MoaR practice required for me. *Goes back to Mind / Psy' school with 'L' plates on. Azrael.
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