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Golden Azrael

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Everything posted by Golden Azrael

  1. I could go with that. (Currently playing the synergistic Water/Ice.) What's your ice build? Do you have all the ice powers? 😮 Azrael.
  2. Barfyook, You didn't take the 2nd Blaster AT set? Some very interesting sets and good ideas for sets eg in Rehydrate and Frigid Protection. I do like your power selections and build much of it mirroring my own thinking in power choices for 1st, 2nd and epic. For example to use ice as another layer of debuff against the mobs. It stacks with the slows in water. And then you've chosen the ice epic (also like moi) Snow Storm to really give the 'big Freak time' the Matrix Bullet Time experience as he wanders around in slo mo and you can dart around him debuffing him with constant -defence from water and mOAR slows peppering them in a relentless slumber of treacle debuff whilst hammering their -def constantly. I like slows. I think they're an under rated debuff. It buys you time to think, react and run rings around mobs. The council like to debuff your attack chain with slows...and it's nice to give some of that back! Your defence numbers seem a little low. Not included are the Gladiator's Armour (3% global defence?) and Steadfast Defence (another 3% defence global.) that's 6% defence left on the table!!! Over two slots!!!!!!!! (I'd see that as the quickest way to boost your def' for little 'cost.') No defence in Hover? With Frigid protection, Hover will run for free. So you could either Luck of the Gambler Def' in it or a global recharge to push for perma hasten? In that, with a casual play with mids I had my Water/Ice build with much higher overall defence numbers. Maybe you've gone for a resistance based build? Though I'd prioritise 'not getting' hit in the 1st place as a blaster. (with the caveat that I always try to maximise my res' numbers behind a good def' build.) See as you have ice shield? You have a big chunk of def' there? Why not add eg. 2x global 3%=6% def to that? Pop a purple inspire in battle and suddenly you have a bigger dollop of defence. So I'd work on bringing your base def' higher. You used Devastation Sets to provide some nice chunks of Psi def'. I was intrigued by the use of the Performance shifter in Frigid to increase AoE def', Theft of Essence is strangely appropriate in Dehydrate with the Stamina unique and Max end numbers along with the mez resists. And the slow set in Whirl Pool gives Range numbers for def' along with MOAR mez resists. All 3 sets are synergistic with the thrust of each power there. I'll 'appropriate' that sound thinking for my build. (For now. I have a build I'd pre-made on mids. But I'd like to try some of your ideas.) Erh. Your Apoc' set isn't complete? You're missing out on 5% Psi defence there? 😮 I do approve of the Unbreakable Guard for the end discount. Sound. I like end discounts. TCR Savage, I had a water energy blaster on live. I really liked it. Water was 'the future' as far as blasters were concerned. Rinse repeat novas and self buff heal. It was a new dawn for blasters! As for help. I note in Barfyook, he hasn't taken the blap attacks of Frozen Fist and Ice Sword (some make take one or the other?) and I've taken both for that blappabililty up close and personal. So if any of those water whirl pool or ice mat ignorer mobs (hey, you, Warwolf) just run on over? Ice Sword (a power I've never taken before) and Frozen Fists can double whammy blap their snout and they do decent damage. Specifically, if you 4 slot slot Kinetic Combat in both of these? That's 3.75 smashing damage each! That's nearly 8% S*L def' you can add to your Ice Shield! (That's what I intend to do. I always try to chase the S*L cap for the most common type of damage.) You can go Scorpion Shield for that huge dollop of defence. But I went Ice Shield this time (or will do. I@m currently L37 and just obtained the 'bullet time' anchor the bosses...from the ice epic.) Water is a sound blast debuff set with the - def'. (good for those Paragon Protectors...) So anyone new to it, pick a 2ndary that compliments it. Ice, to me, is perfect for this! Slows debuff your opponents run speed and attack chains. Time is the blaster's friend. If you can buy seconds of it in the gambler's gun fight of he who fires 1st? You get the 'white pawn' 1st mover's advantage in the strategy of the fight. The ice epic gives you a mega slow, hit points, heal, defence chunky numbers and hibernate (which fills your heal and stamina bar! GOLD! Pure GOLD!) And it gives you a great Slow anchor for the boss and his friends who give you the matrix bullet time experience. They go super slo' mo' and you're all Keanu smack fu on their bacon. Selection? I take all the water blasts. The steam blast being a favourite. A high dam super wide AoE which really stings the eyes! Frigid protection from Ice is a fantastic self buff with stamina, heal and slows which is very helpful as mobs try to close to melee range...you have quicker feet than them! I like blapping so, as mentioned, I've taken Fist and Sword. I won't take shiver as I'm not sure I see the point as I have as much slow as I need with the Snow Storm anchor (unless someone can tell me something I'm missing there...). I'm debating taking frozen touch as I have the melee blaps I need from Fist and Sword. I want to take Man's, Hover, Flight and 3 more epics. Problem? I have 5 more power picks left. And I was toying with getting the Ice Foot stomp sleep power. (Not for the sleep) For the damage AoE for when I'm in melee with Whirl Pool. That would 7 more powers with 5 choices left. I may forgo the Hover. Flight, now that it includes Turbo Flight is mandatory pick for me now. I want the Hoarfrost and try to push that as close to perma on global recharge. And that ice defence shield is non-negotiable. So 3 epics. Flight. That's four. And? Prob' Man's to push the defence numbers. It's 3.5% base and that adds to global def' numbers. Which means I don't get my Ice AoE foot stomp. (But hey, I used it alot on my Ice Tanker...) That gives me the 5 remaining powers. So, I'll miss out on hibernate which is perhaps moAR pertinent for my Ice Tanker. You have more than enough mitigation to not really need Hibernate. Frigid provides moar than enough stamina and heal for you not to use Hibernate for this. And given your arsenal of debuff offence? There shouldn't be a need to wrap yourself in an Ice Preservation Cage with good defence numbers. My 'steam of conscious' thoughts. Azrael.
  3. No water jet? :OOOOOOOOOOO I went water/ice. Fun blaster. Debuff in attack. Debuff in 2ndary. Epic? MOAR debuff! Azrael.
  4. Spot on. I waited years for the game to come back. Whilst I appreciate the good intentions of many of HC's qualities of life and why the dev's starting to put short cuts in via Oro and Pocket D (for players who have experience of the game...) the travelling by tram carries alot of nostalgia for me. But most of all? Using my travel powers to fly around the city. Experiencing the zones and the game that I missed greatly. Atlas, Brickstown, Founders Fall (I always thought this was a beautiful zone) and Talos (and let's not forget Steel Canyon or the dead Hollows...!!!) I count amongst my fav's. Or the superb ITF zone which was some of their last work. Now with the improved 'super super' travel powers and the 'almost' free Turbo flight given to everyone who chooses flight you can get to missions super quick but also get to tour guide around the city's zones whether badge hunting or just remembering that '1st' time you experienced those zones. I could TP to missions, but I choose not to, I'd miss out on running, jumping and flying around each zone, using the trams, using the oro. Just travelling around Paragon is part of the experience. For me, the zones and the backgrounds are the unsung stars of the CoH game. The dev's did a superb job on the zones and making each one have its own character. Azrael.
  5. I use the tram. *fond memories (from the corner of my mind...*breaks into Streisand.) I use oro. I use my travel powers. And I do like the do-nut emote. Azrael.
  6. Now that is interesting(!) to know. 😮 I find some of the incarnate descriptions a little vague at times. Double buff number for the pets would be worth chasing. Once I 'cap' out with initial builds, I then like to experiment with the incarnates to see if I can 'tune' for optimal performance. Sometimes I will change the alpha, the destiny or even go from the left side to the radial right side of the incarnate tree. Demon Girl.
  7. I've gone higher on def', pushed the -to hit and taken the resistances as far as I can with the 1st build (minus tweaking the build and the uniques for the Pets...) so broadly the same formula. I found this thread very informative. So many ideas, it's hard to try them all straight out of the gate. Have been finding good builds over the last year or so and tweaking them. But this time I have my own idea to build on the fly and finding this excellent thread perused the compelling guide to 'how it is' with Miasma. (A set I never quite got there with on my Dark/Dark defender who sits parked on L41+. What's the point of dark if I hit so gently and get mezzed? Thought I.) Probably one of the most authoritative and enjoyable guides on HC. And I've read one or two. An epiphany of Miasma. Demon Girl.
  8. I've found the 30% + very useful. (Pop a luck inspire and you're about at the cap.) I find in CoH, the numbers can say one thing and the in game situations can say another. For example. The proof in the pudding is outlier cases such as Master Illusionists or Malta. (The latter absolutely hammer you.) They seem to get through. And I'd end up frozen in ice or held. Prior to picking up the Incarnate powers. +3 or +4. (and x8) where the dice rolls are abundant. 'I'm a mastermind...' says Demon Girl. Yeah? 'But you're held in a block of ice.' Says Malta Gunslinger. Ergo 'Clarion.' I've not been 'as bothered' since. I find a good defence build backed with decent resistant numbers seems to work great. With -to hit, it's gold. The Incarnates have helped. Of course, the level shifts. The Alpha Radial Musc' and the Hybrid Support being notable stand outs and the mandatory Destiny Clarion. The icing on the cake for me, was Hybrid Support. It really takes the pressure off in peak combat situations. Not only to you get incarnate approaching def' numbers but that -50-ish end reduction makes a massive difference to the endurance heavy miasma set (and those boat anchor end toggles.) With the lashings of defence and the - to hit. Miasma delivers a 'Masterful' experience. There's always a chance to try a resistance based build. (The Dark shield on top of the res' numbers I have would be a compelling choice.) And idea of putting the uniques in the pets is still something I haven't tried. Currently experimenting with Degeneration vs the -to hit Interface. One will seemingly kill faster, the other 'seems' to offer better tankiness. Still testing. I've been in situations where my pets have been 'alpha hit' by Malta and I've been last Demon Girl standing. I thought I'd be a gonner. But I'm amazed that I could turn around a fight with a lone Master Mind. The weak link in the build seems to be the pets. They're better with the buffs on them. (Does Hybrid extend its support to your pets? They seem to last longer when Support is running) and I spam the Heal anyhow to absorb the alphas whilst they munch through the mobs. That and dropping Howling on the apex of the mob. Anyone who hasn't tried Demon/Miasma? It's a compelling Master Mind. Demon Girl.
  9. Miasma Masterclass for Masterminds. How intriguing. Most impressive. My own Demons/Miasma alt was built and then parked. Then I came back to it recently. (I never got past the Mez thresh hold. So I wondered what all the fuss was about on Miasma on Defenders, Controllers, Mastermind. It seemed to have potential but upon early to mid-level you were vulnerable to the mez and dead errant roll of the dice from certain mobs. And I never rated the heal on it either but I did like the Tar pool.) But once you do persevere and get Miasma to the late game and build 'on the fly' then it becomes a very robust debuff set. My aims were to cross the cap on S+Lethal. And push all defence positions to 30%+. (Only melee fell a little short.) To boost these defence numbers further I'll be going Support (left side.) I rarely get mezzed due to the resists I have but when I do, it's not for long. (Yet to die from being mezzed but I have had occassion to use breakers.) However, the game has a way of mezzing you when you least expect it. So Clarion it is. As in the higher content you'll get those mobs that will give you the 'So you're a miasma, eh?' treatment. And I want to give the 'I sure am...' treatment back. The set is very end hungry with .65 end chokers. I've tried to put some set built stamina bonuses in there, plus all the usual end proc' suspects. Added the end' redux (I think this is what Dark Miasma needs...) set in the dark stealth toggle. I only use primary attacks to finish off the odd stubborn mob near the end of the battle. Now finding peace with my role as directing traffic and debuffing for the beginning of a fight. It's taken me 50 levels to realise if I wade in and attack, attack, attack!!! Then I'll just empty my end bar. As for Incarnates. I'll go with Alpha Musculature Radial. I was going for intuition radial. However, the slow and ranged? Not sure how much I'd get out of that, change wise. So you've got the damage and the debuff? I'd rather Musc' Radial. You get similar to intuition and I can help boost the endurance further (still slight lingering end issues eg. with using the Mez Rez Bomb) emptying almost half the end bar even with an SO of end redux in there.) I do carry blues to offset that as I cast. But I think getting the Support core left side choice will give boosts to dam, end redux (will stack with my Musc' Radial Alpha choice...to further nail the stamina) and most convincingly is a further boost to my defence build. Which hinges on that Scorpion shield which allowed me all the power choices I wanted. (I'm keenly aware of the resist based and 'Dark Patron' builds posted here. However, from what I can see, I'm bringing something a bit different to the table.) I was going Ageless for the destiny but how can I be a Mastermind with a straight face if I don't take Clarion? Helps with knbk for Pets? Melee radial allegedly helps with status but if it's only up 50% of the time then why bother. Eeeking out further damage and debuff? Degen' seems a good interface to take. The kind of effect you'd expect from 'Demons.' As for Lore. I'll see if they have any demon choices... 🙂 That or the Banished Mega Demons. Which have debuff amongst their attributes. I've taken note of the role of the Twilight Grasp as an offensive debuff weapon. And use this aggressively to stack the HPs debuff so the attacking demon hordes can put the alpha boot into a mob and they melt like buttter (yes, with three ts...) I've used the Howling power on EBs during the AV arc. And then spam Grasp on top. They don't stand a chance as Demons plus Hell goes all 'Star Wars' on their posterior. Tactics? 1. Fear Stare. Feared folks buy seconds to lay down the debuffs. And that's what you need to debuff. Time. Miasma is great but it does take time to put down some of the slow casting boat anchors. Fear is one of the most powerful attacks in the game from a tactics point of view. They're held in fear or limited in retaliation. Time to weave dark magic. 🙂 2. I then put in the Fear Hold for the lieu or senior member of the group. Apex of group then gets eaten by my demon shock troops. The hold, seemingly missing from some builds is a crucial power to me. 3. I put the darkness toggle on the held mob. (I didn't know it still worked on ded mob.) Minus their acc and they wander around slowly. Enjoying the mountain of - to hit with the substantial def position numbers with the smashing def' capped. 4. Put the Tar Down. (I'm not getting touched at all by the mobs at all. No attacking. Just using the debuffs offensively for the Demons to incite.) Any damage that gets through is severely diluted as they're slowed to death and eaten by nimble Demons.) 5. I now lay in with the Heal spamming to -regen. Buttter. Which the Demons melt. 5 steps to hell, eh? If there is anything significant (Boss or EB, or AB? Howling puts the smack down on alpha from me. Then as above.) I'll try and post my build. (now posted) I'm pretty happy with it bar the incarnates yet to fit. I'll be following my demon build with great interest. Caveat of my build. The one caveat are the Pet Uniques noted in the builds so far posted. I'm giving up quite a bit of demon numbers there, I suspect. I'd need a bit of creativity to keep my build as is and to fit such appetising Uniques...? My first build as I level build. I was somewhat grasping around for Masterminds in general (I've done one or two, Robots, Neco to late 30s and though, 'Is that it? Usually feeling the castor attacks like the gun and the whip were slightly naff. (But I did enjoy my Beast Mastermind on live. Thought that was great. I have that one to Lvl 50 with Nature Affinity. But it's not set built.) Light Bulb Moment. When someone said. You need to put the AT sets in the build to stop the pets dying it was illumination. After that the pets stopped dying instantly upon attacking. Far more robust. So I made the priority in the build to set cap each Pet with the aim of pushing towards the defence objectives of defence and recharge. I also prioritized the slotting of the heal, the miasma pet (ofc) and the signature powers of the dark stealth and the -to hit anchor. Strangely, I didn't have many slots left over for the strategically important fear aoe or fear hold which have got by with minimal slotting. I couldn't see a way around that as my slots began to evaporate. I did want to sneak 3 more slots into weave, the Scorpion and Man's. But I just ran out. This is the 1st time reaching L50 with a Mastermind with a satisfactory build as I go approach. (I normally gauge the SO build, get that right, understand the AT then build around L45-50.) It's now seeing what the Incarnates bring to the table. One other small thing. Musc' Radial seems to boost some resistance numbers also? We'll see. Regards, Demon Girl. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1645&c=724&a=1448&f=HEX&dc=78DA6D94594F135114C7EF74A62C854A9162595A680B08146CA9A2E293892244A5095016971832690798480B6921D1473F807BE2BEBDFAE293B2BDBA7F13A342597CAFA7F33F69278E376D7E67CE72CFFFDEB977623706ABDF0DDF3A2D24D7D905359B9D89A9D9652D93D2D3497B4C9DD313B210A26A504B2DA6FDC37A66215C4ECF8152D24C7C2545B1B091C10F7A7AAED99471666576363CA866AECFC474359B528573747171213CA4CFCD2F53AAC3788A2F695AB2C630473435A965B2F3FA1212635A524FE869CD7B6E494F844D13C7D484C67A6F3690AC01FA3F71091E7945DC26041511B8C3BC0B86EE81BDF7C14985281935763145465411656360451C744C80BD93E09171F0A98B4BA956FA290C9FED17F337A86C31B7C1B21CF88C6A65D4CAF228B4B48F31C759631C9C228D76E4DAEC3DA8AF603A98D394538E7528E5AB36C357BDC65C07DD1BE0A14DF03969A8448DA80C609E17E4ABE23555BD57B0DE35E60730BACA5C676E802FA9D6C97BE99C80EFC024730A744D332F81072F8305D4706DCDB68C580E74EF80FE7DB07317ECDE035F51DF5AD65C9BC3DAFC3BCC5DB07D0F0CED33FF8057A86F1D6AA5BA26EC411BEF858DCE7B3D62A23E4F43C8E4F140A5EC6920C3A788060FF328D44422E06B52D5C8AA1A3FC1D7F499F905F47E657E035BBE8357495533776E66550AF5F6A1B7CD578F13D8E2665E44DD1BEAD9CA6FB49557B14EA120D7055DC86FE3FA36AEBF46FD3A78F73BBC98EBB08FD9C26CE5DDF7330360907475A156EAE2D31861165E720FAFA3A7F0F55064514B0C737E98754458471DC5FA587F1FEBF72AC55B4DBFC25B08593C7D164FD4E23966F1F45B3C23164FACE4C98F2AC5FB2E24235A59BAC5F92D074525733457F248D205323AE9CC9E07B72DD93B258F2C3DE69BFA000C3C02BB1F82FDA1A292FC71937DC2649F24DBC9F680C93E152A9ECB7CD04DD3A1E77FC7085D8D28E77E0C966C63BC3505873CFF048DF1A3BD34FD5F9960365A
  10. The problem with TFs I always found? Boring. (Especially the one in the orange dimension which will physically age you.) Over written. Over blown. 5 missions is enough for me. As it is...'some' team members rush to the end. To expedite the TF runs. A choice. Ofc. But many do to move things along a bit. (As in 'get on with it.') By the time I've done most TFs I've forgotten my name. I prefer tips by comparison because there isn't the same time lock in. And I didn't like the 8 man teams either. A team of 5 would be enough, also. For me. Edit them. Trim them down to size. Another 'minor' detail. 'How many missions to go now?' It would be nice to have the mission progress bar for the contacts in blue...segmented or numbered to show how far along the TF you are. ie. Mission 3 of 5. It brings the 'Are we there yet?' out in me. With the poor team leader needing to know the arc off by heart, from a photo memory or look up the answer on CoH wiki. Why all the angst re: TFs? Time commitment. They are too long for me to get involved in them. If ten tips gives you 40-50 merits. Make the TFs 5 missions long and give you have of that. 20-25 merits. I like the Hamburger format of CoH in general. To have a more 'pick up and play' version of TFs would be nice. Maybe have 'eazy' and 'hard' versions. Or short and longer versions which vary by reward as per the difficulty. Maybe an option to do a shorter version with less rewards to the equiv' longer version. Option for a. Hamburger TF. vs. b. War and Peace TF. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Let it out Azrael. I've waited a long time to get that off my chest. *Breaths into a paper bag. Azrael.
  11. That would make sense. It would stand out more on smaller teams. I'll have to try test it out. I could stand going for Musculature on my Alpha. And Double Hit on my Hybrid. See how that feels. Azrael.
  12. Mac and CoH. Buy a Windows PC. You'll get a cheap Windows PC that will run it ez. Same if you want games in general. The Mac Pro is ridiculous. Price wise. A joke. Just get a 3080 Nv and the latest 12 core AMD. Far cheaper. And you'll get an 8k display cheaper than their 6k display. Or save loads by just going for a decent 4k display. Me? I bought the last 5k Intel iMac. It doesn't run even a 2004 game without overheating. An 8 man team or a fire farm will get teh single fan kicking up a fuss. Why? I don't know why. The 10 core Intel? The 5700 gpu? Both down clocked. In fact, stuff my 2012 iMac did cause the fan on this to fuss. Unfortunate timing of when I bought it. I should have waited and bought a PC tower and the new Mac Mini M1. I'd had both for the same amount of money. But yes. I can dual boot Mac PC. I'll go M1 Mac at some point. Despite what some are saying it will usher in a golden age of gaming. Eventually. When you're part of a 1 billion unit eco system...you can see why Apple has done it. Control. Hardware and software efficiency and optimisation. And heat! You can't push an iMac without it fussing. Same with the laptops on Intel etc. It's not like the Mac was ever 1st class in gaming even after it went to Intel. And no NV gpus and yet still some Mac users throw themselves over the Mac coffin to defend that. It's always been 2nd class apart from the early Lucas Games and Bungies Marathon era. Millions of iPad and iPhone apps will work on the M1 Macs. And that gravitational effect will usher in the £££ from other developers to do more 'traditional' console/PC games. Apple have control over the api now. The store. The machines. The cpus. The gpus. The new M1 Macs are remarkable. But that comes with a short term price. And that's CoH. Maybe there will be Open GL to Vulkan to Metal cross polination at some point. If you like Mac. Any of the up and coming M1 or M1x or M2 Macs will blow the doors off for what Macs 'do' and when you're outside of that envelop your PC 3080/AMD 12 core will be a multi tasking beast with game streaming whilst you render ray tracing in the background. Azrael. Ps. There is already plenty of gaming on the new M1 Macs. WoW was alright. I've benched it. Runs ok on the 'last' Intel iMac. Decent settings and all: Quad HD 100 FPS. Np. But it's no CoH. If you're on an M1 Mac you have access to all those mobile phone and pad games. Many of which are quite good. And affordable.
  13. ...and you find that makes a significant difference on a Defender's damage? I currently have Hybrid Support. But I already have plenty of defence in my build. It could stand a bit more damage... Azrael.
  14. We've seen those Mire AoE ownership WS's from live. WSs matured like fine wine back then. So an all out attack build with some defensive resolve makes sense to me whilst rockin' some proccin'. Defensive Amplifiers? Eh? Power? Io Set? Translate? 🙂 The build looks interesting for human form. I had a tri form on live. Got to L44. Key human powers. Some Nova for blast. Dwarf for double stack Mire. With Fluff pets. How is the progress going with your new human build? Azrael.
  15. Claws Regen on live. twice. Enjoyed it. Both times. To L50. Never built it out with IOs though. This will be my third attempt at it. I prefer that Regen's 'stuff' is 'on call' unlike WP. Any Proc builds out there for a Scrapper Claws Regen? Any dark Moon Magic for such a build? Azrael.
  16. I was going to roll a Rad Rad Tank. But I did Invul Energy instead. What I do have is a Rad Rad brute I need a build for. So I'm looking at these builds with great interest. My current L50 brute has Spiritual and Barrier. Not sure these are the most optimal incarnates but seeing as my Res' are about 50% and my Defence 7% pending any build...then Barrier shores up my res/def' for now. Perhaps Cardiac (has resists?) at Tier 3 until I do my build... So cardiac and barrier are interim measures until...I get... A hybrid of high resists with high defence sounds good to me. Somebody doesn't like SS? For me it's Titan Weapons... Anybody got a Proc Monster Rad Rad brute? Azrael.
  17. I like busy. +4 x 8? I'll have to try that on my Council Farm Map. Azrael.
  18. +3 x 8. Most things. Mobs take a beating. Real quick. TA/Arrows before and after the patch. Very good before. Excellent now. Under rated before. I should imagine it will be very popular now. Plays beautifully. Azrael.
  19. I've looked at Sir's build for the proc EN Invul. Interesting on the attacks. Currently L43 on the 'revised' EM with my Invul tank. Any new build ideas for the updated EM? Eg. Power Crash? Force Feedback proc on eg. Total Focus? Currently at 15% def before Invincibility kicks in. And resists at 80%+. Azrael.
  20. The incarnate interface is terrible. I don't know why Paragon didn't just use the standard interface. ie. Me? I'd change it to use the standard interface. Much simpler than this fuss fest. Azrael.
  21. I'm running a Stone/Stone/Ice Epic Dominator. Taken all the primary and secondaries. And four of the ice epics. Not sure about mud pots. End heavy. Doesn't seem to do alot? No Hasten. Though I'll bring that in with the rebuild. Thinking about proccing on this one. Anyone got any juicy ideas (procs etc.) for a stone/stone/ice build? Azrael.
  22. Just rolled a Corruptor. DP. Time. Seems very light on damage at L30... 😮 I've...er...put my mission diff' on -1. There you go. I'm hitting harder already. 😛 But the animations are super cool! I guess it's a candidate for 'proccing' as with the above build which I've taken a quick look at as a starting point for my build. Proccing is something I've recently got into and it can really add a lot of fun, damage and excitement/variety to a build. The 'roll of the dice...' I took Time Distortion to cause a 'matrix' slow time for mobs 'bullet time' situation. I have hover for some defence and 'cuz' hover blasting. I'd lose the sorc' pool and the epic. Bring the 'in house' dp/time attacks back in. Perhaps go for Scorp shield for some S&L def. To add to what Weave gives. If any body has any DP/Time Corr builds and Proc Monster ideas..? Please do share them. I enjoyed looking at the above build and will peruse it further. Ofc. Azrael.
  23. Faster. Strong...urrrr. More PowUrFUL. Seems to have a problem with Window's Option Tabbing to other windows? Azrael.
  24. My, what out the box thinking. No torn apart primaries and secondaries for the almighty trinity of the Fighting Pool. Here we have 'dice rolling' on a grand scale and an expansive mindset progressively traversing the conceptual infinities of space time itself. Gravity. Difficult to master. But fun to admire the rainbow energy fonts that explode off the wide dice rolls. That said. 'He took out Crush?' 'Because he's crazy.' Frasier Crane. The heal is out. The Crush is in. 😉 The 'Energy 'Power' Epic is out. The Ice Epic is in. Incarnates. Don't matter? 'So certain you are...' *Yoda voice. Azrael. PS. Glam rock. Your time in the sun was altogether brief...
  25. Any chance of an alt power effect graphic for the Disruption Arrow..? I find it nauseating to look at. Perhaps an alternative effect? Something like the Orange disruption style from Sonic set for Defenders? It might contrast nicely with the new EMP graphic effect too. The pulsing grey is...'urhhh...' I note the EMP has it's own graphical flurry now with teh blue dome field. Anything different in the pipeline for Disruption Arrow? I didn't take the power for my TA alt. And I'm avoiding Long Bow missions for now. Azrael.
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