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Golden Azrael

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Everything posted by Golden Azrael

  1. True. 'Hero' defining in the Web-Slingers case. Lots of retellings. I prefer the Stan Lee & Steve Ditko version, though. Azrael.
  2. Can you go to the P2W vendor to turn all inspires off bar Damage inspire drops? I seem to recall a turn inspires to Damage bind/Macro? I have one on my brute for large, medium and small inspires. Forgotten where I got it though. Azrael.
  3. Heresy. MOre than we'll ever know. Latency. Wireless k/b. Wireless mouse. Wireless connection 3 floors from the Modem etc. All adds up. I'd prefer wired. I think I'll work to that. I may even get my PC guy to check the 'pick up' on my PC. Frustrating to have it sitting there doing nothing. It can be great. Then it takes ages to reconfig when it drops. Azrael.
  4. On my Fire/Spines Farmer Brute. Can I turn off other inspires just leaving me to collect the damage inpires? Azrael.
  5. I like the 'Origin' travel power or animation idea. Azrael.
  6. Interesting. I think an area where the 'community' of this 'community' led HC Dev' game is in AE. We already have 'Pick of the Day' of 'Choice Cut' Dev choice AE. I think the next step would be trying to incorporate that into the actual game something. The HC Devs could tweak the choice picks. Ways to incorporate AE 'best arcs?' Tips. Radios. Origin arcs for each Level range 1-10, 11-20 etc. If content dev' is a problem? Let the community do the heavy lifting on that. Azrael.
  7. Yeah...no kidding. (As in I wasn't in a rush to do it again. I think I did it 'once' on Live. Once on HC so far.) Azrael.
  8. I'd be quite happy if Magic Origin characters were better than other Origins at certain things. What would those things be? I don't think that's much different to how the Brute is 'the chosen one' cuz of Damage. Players go where the damage is. Surprise. That's just an example. Damage is one potential criteria. In a Magic Mission it may be that only a Magic alt can open the portal of the hoary portal of grasshopper. Or that on a given Magic Mission, a magic blaster MAY be more potent than a natural blaster. I don't think that's much different from blasters and sentinels having different strengths and weaknesses. A natural origin may stand up to a sock on the chin in melee much better. Who knows. What perks and whether they balance (good luck with balance...) the game. That's up to HC. They've done a decent job so far. It's their judgement call. Azrael.
  9. I do have a Windows Box *looks over there. 12 Core AMD. 32 gigs of ram. 3070 GPU (had the 3060 until he could fit the promised 3070.) 1 TB SSD etc. Decent Power Supply. It sits there. Turned off. The Wireless dongle seems to flux. On my iMac? Even on PC Bootcamp, it pick it up. Not sure if it's a problem with the M/Board or wireless dongle. My friend said. Just get the thing 'wire cabled.' Fair play to Apple, I never thought I'd see the day when sales with 'M' series cpus would hit 6-6.8 million a quarter? (Maybe I imagined that number. I don't follow their conference calls like I used to.) I'm certainly looking to see what they do with the M3 on the die shrink. As for the 4XXX series. Nv have always had blowers and then reined it back in with efficiency. Wasn't it the 5XXX series that ran hot with a blower? I guess AMD Radeon are ratcheting up the pressure on them this time. Azrael.
  10. I'd like to see what HC Devs do, if anything, with it. Origins define characters. Amazing Fantasy 15 comes to mind. It's been under utilised. How (IF) that ever gets done in a way that pleases the players is another matter. Different power sets and ATs just provide a bit of variation on a theme. A greater level of customisation is an emblem of CoH. Eg. A nemesis system would be cool. Azrael.
  11. What's the one in the orange dimension called? Dr. Quattermain or something? Azrael.
  12. I finally got around to making an SG base a couple of months ago after all that time on Live and HC...I finally did it. Very functional 'does what it says on the tin' storage, crafting, transport, self buff and yes, an SG Banner and Conference table for my alts to sit around and drink Tea. There is that TF that takes place in the orange dimension that takes ages. To get that going fast, I was on a team that each had TT. But it was still a dollop of time I'll never get back. 😄 I've only recently realise (...) that I can go to the P2W vendor and buy quality of life stuff like mission transporters, TT for group transport, SG base TP to give quick zone access. (And yes, I've been sitting on hundreds of millions.) Like 'crafting', and consolidating wealth from all my alts as part of one SG, it wasn't obvious that I should do it. A bit like being stuck in 2003 on patch 3 or something. Azrael.
  13. Some of the 'kill alls' are a bit repetitive. I remember doing Psy' in around an hour. I had a crack at soloing one or two TFs from a lofty exemped alt. End drain a bit of an issue. Maybe a flaw in my build. I never did get my head around building for lower levels. But it did ok. Azrael.
  14. The one thing missing from CoH that was sound in Champions. The Nemesis System. Be cool to define your Nemesis when define your character on the creator. It's the missing step... *(puts in suggestion box for HC Devs.) You create your own Nemesis? And you fight then in periodic mini-mission arcs in the level ranges 1-10, 11-20 etc. Azrael.
  15. Opening a 7th slot is interesting. You could have a unique 'Origin' icon and associated 'gift' ability as you've suggested. Azrael.
  16. Sound post. Good ideas. It's about making those Origin arcs count. For me. Having the Magic Origin linked to receiving your magical item. Having extra 'magical' items (from other magical arcs) every ten levels until you hit L50. So you could end up with a handful of magical artefacts. Unlocks. I liked having to 'earn' the 'Cape Mission.' I'd extend the Origin arcs from Atlas to each range. 1-10, 11-20 etc. So there is at least one explicit origin arc you could do in each range. And yes. Linked to an artefact of power/ability. Any divergent mission arcs or content available? Make it really explicit that it's magic origin content. There is plenty of content. You have a point about the early game being streamlined. I wasn't overly keen on that move. Or destroying Galaxy. Or Statesman. Azrael.
  17. Good idea re: Origin Tips. And if you have a Magic Origin, you get an inherent buff for those types of missions. eg. -5% to hit against CoT to somewhat counter/neutralise their very own -to hit powers. Azrael.
  18. Perhaps a more obvious label to the 'Origin' path that 'is' there currently. (Somebody on another thread suggested a little 'Origin' badge circle icon on a given Origin type. So that when you pick up your next content it is crystal clear to new comer and vet players alike.) Tailoring content explicitly to your Origin 'path' throughout the game. Giving each Origin a buff unique to that Origin that isn't available to the other Origins. This could make a team of out of the box 'magic' characters/heroes stronger against Magic foes. Giving each Origin type a unique costume part. Eg. Unique magic belt/helmet/gloves/chest emblem etc. Azrael.
  19. Isn't Synapse the one that takes 4eVuRRR? Good point about 1-3. You still have that element of risk. Especially with a 'cold' roll from Level 1 and up. Azrael.
  20. Some enlightening and 'just interesting to read' responses so far. I'll take the point about not getting married. *(Unless she's rich...) Though I do seem to recall an 'in game' Wedding in Founders Fall on Live. (Was it Tiche? Was that her name?) Re: teaming. 1 = 'Me, me, me.' I only have to think about myself (many of the reasons cited above by Ukase.) I like to learn the AT. Strengths/weaknesses. How far I can push the AT. 2 = Duo. Intimate? Awkward. Weird? Tension filled? Rewarding? The other 'lone' hero can really compensate for any weaknesses. But with that other person having their own personality and independence of thought, wants and direction you have to be on the 'same page.' And even then, it may not work. Familiarity can breed contempt. One of you might like to 'quietly' kill mobs whilst the other talks you to death. (Not guilty.) My favourite style of teaming but it can come down to 'culture.' Like asking someone to dance at the Dance Hall. 3. = Threesome. Two's company...but three's a crowd? Chance for a bit more chat, 'maybe.' A bit more AT balance that might tip the balance vs eg. An AV. 4. = Fab Four. You can almost have one of each CoH AT which means you'll be geared for most challenges and can push the envelope more whilst levelling. On PuGs. Like some have said. It can be interesting how one person leaving can lighten the mood, change the team dynamic, make the team perform better or worse. I used to do a lot of them on Live. Not so much on HC. I guess I've become more knowledgeable about the game and 'don't have to' make teams to make progress. Though I have still done RWZ Raids (Shen' will ask me if I'm doing the Raid...so I say, 'Yes.') Primary reason I can 'not' team is due to time constraints. ('Are we there yet?' syndrome.) Our USA cousins are enthusiastic but the time zone difference made me ill (hard to team tween 11pm-2pm...) and then someone wants to do a TF that seems to last forever. Or team on CoV. (Though I do have L50 alts on Excelsior specifically for teaming with USA based heroes and covert black ops CoV 'villains.' Though don't tell anyone, my reputation, what's left of it, will be in tatters.) I guess that's why I like Tips and Radios. 'In and out.' Doesn't last that long. (Please, no jokes.) I'd rather the TFs broken up into bite size chunks or cut them in half size wise. ('TF bailer!') Azrael.
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