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Everything posted by Redlynne

  1. Singularity cannot be healed ... but you can boost the regeneration on Singularity (Temporal Selection, Regeneration Aura, you get the idea). Spirit Ward ought to work because it's a cascading Absorb that intercepts/prevents damage from reaching Singularity's health bar (see link provided for details) rather than a "heal" per se ... so it's ablative rather than additive.
  2. Siphon Power + Against All Odds = KM/SD Put Down Scrapper
  3. To be honest ... both builds use alternative means to reach the same ends. To be honest, I don't think of one as being "superior" to the other. However, in terms of being able to solo, I'd consider the Mind/Time build far more solo friendly simply because of Confusion. By contrast, the Gravity build can potentially stack more Hold MAG than the Mind/Time build can (thanks to Singularity) so there are some very peculiar edge cases where each build may have an advantage over the other, but in the "main" both are quite serviceable for almost all content. So the preference would pretty much come down to subjective preferences for one primary over another. Leadership isn't all that "powerful" when you're the only one bringing Leadership to your Team (of 1 to 8.). However, when more than one PC brings Leadership to a Team, the stacking starts getting pretty powerful pretty quickly. Best example I have for this is Maneuvers versus Weave. Maneuvers basically offers 1/2 the Defense of Weave ... so if you're the only one with Maneuvers (like when you're solo), then you're short a couple points of Defense than if you'd taken Weave instead. But if you're on a Team ... and 2 people on the Team have Maneuvers ... then EVERYONE on that Team gets Weave "level" Defense, rather than just 2 PCs on that Team having Weave "level" Defense. And if you've got Maneuvers (and slotted it) ... then you only need ONE OTHER PC with Maneuvers on your Team, rather than TWO, in order to achieve that level of performance. And on top of that with all 3 Leadership toggles you're adding ToHit and Damage as well. In other words, any Team (and EVERY Team) gets better/stronger when you join, because just by being around YOU they all get better at everything they do. When you start with that perspective, it starts becoming a no brainer for adding Leadership to pretty much EVERY build, even if you aren't getting "maximal" return on the investment. With my Scrapper and Tanker builds, I think of it in terms of being so good at what I do that everyone who even gets close to me becomes "better" at what they do too. So for me, adding Leadership toggles means that I'm part of the "solution" to the problem of making every Team "better" than they would be without me. Beyond that, it's all just min/max comparisons.
  4. Aside from the Which Powers When factor(s), the major difference is that the buffs/debuffs will be stronger here on the Defender version, at the expense of damage output ... including the Scourge buff when $Targets are below half HP. The simplest answer is to open up your build planner and "mirror" this build into a Corruptor version so as to cross-check the differences for yourself (and then decide). I'll leave that exercise as a take home exam for the disinterested observer ... ^_~
  5. /em sigh Both builds are reposted. If the Flip to Alternate on the slots doesn't work for you, that basically means that the alternate slots are either not being encoded into the code hash, or your copy of Pine's is not interpreting the code hash properly (or both).
  6. All part of the service ... ^_~ I skipped Solar Flare to take Dawn Strike ... and slotted Dawn Strike with the Knockback to Knockdown IO so it doesn't "throw away" everyone you're punishing with Dawn Strike. Furthermore, there's enough recharge in the build that you can use Dawn Strike every 30 seconds or so, which is "often enough" to not need Solar Flare in addition. Now that said ... if you're so inclined, you could potentially drop Radiant Strike in favor of Solar Flare and just shuffle the powers and slots around to do that. Hmm, that makes for an interesting option, actually. I chose Radiant Strike so as to have a melee attack chain of Radiant/Incandescent/repeat with the amount of recharge on the build, and if you need a filler in there between melee hits you've got Gleaming Bolt and Glinting Eye available. Of course, if you swap Radiant Strike for Solar Flare, you could do a Incandescent/Glinting Eye/Solar Flare/Glinting Eye/repeat type of attack chain ... although I'd need to do up the build in Pine's in order to confirm that for sure. But you're right that Nova Form is set up as being the Ranged+AoE "death from above" blaster, while Human Form is more of a Melee and Ranged swing role option that does more control, and then Dwarf Form is for Melee "tanking" so as to not overly duplicate what the other forms can do. I chose Misdirection not for the Placate effect per se but rather for the Resistance Debuff (-11.25% Res(All Types) for 15s) that's factored into the power. However, the Placate effect would be helpful for a variety of situation where you're in Human Form and don't want to be grabbing aggro. It also makes possible a sort of "swing role" on how you want to use Misdirection in combination with Dawn Strike (and Solar Flare?) where you can use Misdirection (20ft PBAoE) before delivering a Dawn Strike (and Solar Flare?) so as to Resistance Debuff everything you're going to hit with your PBAoE(s) ... or ... you can use Dawn Strike (and Solar Flare?) first and then use Misdirection to drop any aggro you've just gained so as to shift to Nova Form, fly back and then start blasting away with Bright Nova Scatter (Cone) and Bright Nova Detonation (Target AoE) so as to deliver a 1-2-3-4-(5?) combo of powers to SMITE!! a target rich environment ... and you've still got Dwarf Form in reserve after doing all of that. So Misdirection serves two purposes which aren't mutually exclusive, but depending on how you use it can support different engagement tactics. But the big thing is that if you're dealing with mobs that mez and you want to be in Human Form but avoid drawing aggro, you can use Misdirection to shift aggro (back) onto an aggro magnet if you pull aggro. So there's a setup and follow through capability that Misdirection enables. You won't be using it on every spawn group, but you'll have it there when you need it as yet another Get Out Of Trouble Now button that will help you to disengage from a bad situation if you get in over your head.
  7. Damage or movement (Knock, Repel, you get the idea) on a sleeping $Target will cause a wake up. Simply debuffing a $Target without doing damage or moving them will not break sleep.
  8. Just for reference, I show the "endgame" 50 budget build so as to give you an idea of what you're building towards ... that way you can sub in Common IOs (or even SOs, in a pinch) while leveling up for the Set IOs if necessary. The really key thing you want to pay attention to is getting the number of slots right, since changing slotting allocation means burning a respec. Still, whatever makes you comfy ...
  9. According to Pine's, the Overwhelming Presence proc has a chance to spawn temporary Pets, which presumably attack your $Targets.
  10. I'll have to check to see if I put the Level 50 Unbreakable Constraint into Total Domination on the Flip to Alternate Slots. If I didn't, I can always go edit that and then update the build post above to include that in the data chunk. I do however like to post the Exemplar Friendly version of the build without the Level 50 Purple IOs slotted in for viewing in forum format, since doing the whole Level 50 Purple Everything™ is more of a long term (farming) objective than something you can level up with.
  11. What I do is simply have like 6 Trays open at all times on all characters, so as to develop a common "muscle memory language" for where stuff is on all of them so I don't need to retrain myself to control all of the different alts I'd want to play. That means putting similar kinds of powers into similar places on each alt, so as to keep as much commonality among them as possible. I'd typically set up the 2 Tray as being the one for my 1-0 binds and the 3 Tray for my F1-F10 binds. This then left the 1 Tray "open" at the bottom for things like Kheldian Form powers (Nova and Dwarf in the same Tray, but using the bindloadfile to "enable" the keys in different parts of the Tray to be bound to the 1-6 keys for simplicity), but that then left me an open space to put other Inherent Powers on other alts. Stuff like the various Ammo types for Dual Pistols or now the Jaunt power for Mystic Flight, so as to be able to see them, know which one is active, and how long the recharge remaining is at a glance. Made things a lot easier on me once I settled on my own personal UI layout scheme. Trays 4 and 5 were for Shift+1-0 and Shift+F1-F10 so as to have a full set of 40 power slots addressable by keybinds. In a lot of cases, Temp Powers and other "rarely used" powers went into these slots. Tray 6 was used for things like the Ouroboros Portal and Base Recall and Show Map and other "utility" powers that I'd earned account wide. I'd bind all of these slots to Control+1-0 so as to be able to initiate them from the keyboard if needed. After a week or so, this common layout arrangement of powers became somewhat second nature to me, and made it a LOT easier to switch alts and not get hung up on trying to relearn how to "play" each UI setup for each alt.
  12. Right now, the consensus is that there's a bug preventing enhancements slotted into Pet powers from actually enhancing the powers of the Pets themselves. If memory serves, this bug would reappear every so often after an Issue update while Cryptic/Paragon Studios were handling things.
  13. Exemplar Effects on Enhancements ... Set Bonuses. Whenever you're looking at Set IOs, and what Level to pick for what you're going to slot ... always be thinking in terms of the Set IO being +3 to the Level that you want the Set Bonuses to "turn on" for you. The "raw" Level breakpoints for Exemplar content will tend to be: 14 ... 19 ... 24 ... 28 (Moonfire Task Force) ... 29 ... 34 ... 39 ... and 44 ... purely for reasons of story arcs and Contact Levels. This in turn means that the best Levels to set your Set IOs at are going to be: 17 ... 22 ... 27 ... 31 (Moonfire Task Force) ... 32 ... 37 ... 42 ... and 47 ... simply to match those groupings of story arcs and Contact Levels. IOs will exactly match SO enhancement performance output at Level 26, so any enhancements of Level 25 and below will have below SO enhancement output at all Levels. This means that the minimum Level of Set IO you want to slot for maximum Set Bonus "coverage" while Exemplar while maintaining SO-like performance from your Set IOs is going to be ... Level 27 ... because that gives you full Set Bonuses while Exemplared to Level 24+ for a wide variety of Flashback content and Task Forces/Strike Forces. Some Sets are Level 30-50, however, so for them the next best option is Level 31, so as to be able to include the Moonfire Task Force "within range" of your Set Bonuses. The final category that I can think of are some Snipe Sets that are Level 35-50, and for those I would recommend choosing Level 37 Set IOs so as to be able cover all of the Level 34+ Flashbacks, Task Forces and Strike Forces. With Procs and Globals, if there's no enhancement value bound up in the IO, I'll always go for the minimum level on the IO simply so as to be able to slot it into early into the widest possible number of builds if leveling up an alt and I've later decided to respec out of that particular Proc (for whatever reason). This is why whenever you look at ANY of my Built By Design For Exemplar builds you'll see MOST of the Set IOs being chosen as either Level 27 or Level 31, depending on the Level limits of the Set itself, with all of the Common IOs being Level 50 and any Frankenslotting of Set IOs where the Set Bonus is being discarded also being Level 50. After that, it's a just a matter of setting all of the proc IOs to the absolute minimum Level for the Set except if the Set IO with the proc also happens to have an enhancement value on it (like Recharge/+Absorb for example) in which case it falls into the 27 or 31 bucket just like usual. This then ensures that when using the Flashback system from Ouroboros, or when Exemplared for Task Forces, Strike Forces or in pick up groups, that your Set Bonuses are "working for you" at the widest possible range of Levels (24-50 or 28-50, essentially) so that you don't lose all of your Set Bonuses every time you Exemplar below Level 47 ... which is what happens if you just slot Level 50 Set IOs into everything. Or to put it into automotive terms that might make more sense for some people ... it's the difference between designing for a broad/flat torque band over a wide range of RPMs versus designing for a "peaky" torque band that only yields maximum power/work at the maximum RPM end of the scale only. Yes, the "peaky" design is better within its NARROW preferred range ... but that range is SMALL and actively discourages you from playing MOST of the game's content (because you self-gimp when doing 1-46 content). The "broader" Exemplar Friendly design ensures that it's only when you start Exemplaring below SO Levels into the 1-23 Level range that you'll lose your Set Bonuses, but from Levels 24-50 you're operating at full (or very nearly full) Set Bonus "power" the whole time. Since Levels 24-50 actually comprise the supermajority of the game's content, I find this to be an acceptable compromise between individual enhancement output by Level and the collective "oomph" of adding all of those Set Bonuses to my builds. And really ... when you compare the throughput, you really aren't losing THAT MUCH enhancement value dropping from Level 50 down to Level 27 on your Set IOs when you're 5 or 6 slotting for Set Bonuses anyway, thanks to how Enhancement Dysfunction limits the top end that you can enhance your powers to. So from a broad range of (acceptable) efficiency versus a narrow sliver of "maximal" performance ... I'll stick with the broader range of Exemplar Friendly ... thanks. That's all. Of course, this means that there's a side effect of being able to slot in more of these Set IOs while you're Leveling Up, so as to be able to "enjoy the ride" to 50 better, rather than having to wait for Level 50 to be able to get "anywhere" with your build because ... Life Begins (and ends?) At 50 ... or whatever.
  14. Sounds like an attribution bug. With most enhancements, by default they're going to affect the caster. Pets are different. With Pet enhancement, you need the enhancement to modify the Pet that gets summoned, not the caster. So if the enhancements slotted into Pet powers are enhancing the caster, rather than applying their enhancement values to the Pet(s) then that's a BUG alright. Note that Set Bonuses are ALWAYS applied only to your character and not to anyone else affected by your powers. This is why Group Fly (for example) "flunks" for being able to keep everyone flying in formation. Your character gets their Set Bonuses to Fly speed ... while everyone else affected by Group Fly does not ... meaning that your character often winds up being the fastest, so everyone else winds up falling behind (and if they don't have Flight powers themselves, literally FALLING out of the PBAoE of Group Fly). It's why Masterminds with Group Fly have to use a workaround of setting themselves to Follow one of their Pets, who will be "slower" than the Mastermind when using Group Fly, and then commanding the Pet they're Following (with all of the other Pets on Follow too) to move to a succession of destination points, kind of like with Teleport, in order to maintain "formation" with their Pets and keep them all together within the PBAoE of Group Fly. It's a hassle, but it can be done.
  15. Easy way to think about it is ... with SOs you'd need to reslot every 5 Levels because the SOs would "age out" and become non-operative at -3. IOs do NOT suffer from this issue. A Level 25 SO slotted at Level 22 will go from being +3 at 22 to being +2 at 23 to being +1 at 24 to being +0 at 25 to being -1 at 26 to being -2 at 27 and then -3 at 28. Once you reach Level 29, the -4 Level 25 SO won't be operational for you anymore and will either need to be upgraded (expensive) or replaced (go to your SO Vendor). By contrast, a Level 25 IO slotted at Level 22 will retain its enhancement value and not "break" or NEED replacement like SOs will all the way on up through Level 50. If you're wanting to play on an INF budget and save INF, go ahead and slot everything (that you aren't going to be loading up with Set IOs) with common Level 25 IOs. You can then use those common 25 IOs all the way up to Level 47, when you can craft/buy Level 50 common IOs to replace all of them.
  16. The day/night cycle has ALWAYS run at 60x real time speed. This means that 1 second of real time equals 1 minute of day/night cycle movement. A full day/night cycle completes every 24 minutes ... instead of 24 hours. Owing to the fact that mob spawns CHANGE with the day night cycle, this means that if you're looking for something that only spawns during the day or during the night, simply wait up to 15 minutes and you'll have a fresh set of spawns to go to work on. You can see this most obviously in Croatoa, where the Ghosts only spawn at night (for example).
  17. Honestly? Part of the challenge (for the Task Force that never ends!) is having to play it WITHOUT any Incarnate slots being active. I say ... leave the Level Cap on Dr Q where it is at 44. Besides, the Dr Q Task Force was created in an era (Issue 1?) long before Incarnates became a thing, and so consequently it isn't inherently (or otherwise) "balanced" for the Power Tsunami that occurs when Incarnate slots gets factored into things.
  18. Some of us are ... completionists ... who are compelled to play every story arc (in Praetoria), but who want to do so as the ultimate double agent playing BOTH SIDES all the way through. This means that every time you're confronted with an opportunity to SWITCH alignments between Loyalist and Resistance ... YOU DO. Never stay with the same alignment for more than a single arc within a zone. First and foremost ... DO THE TUTORIAL. I don't care if you've done the Tutorial before on a different Praetorian character. Do it anyway on any new character (not just Praetorians). The reason being that you only get the "undercover mission" options if you did the Tutorial and pledged your "true" loyalty to one faction or the other at the end of the Tutorial before you leave the Tutorial zone. Skip this step and you can't go back for a Do Over without rerolling. Besides, you wanted to get all of the Badges in Precinct 5 don't you? Especially since you'll never be coming back here ... If you're going to be doing ALL of the missions for ALL of the contacts in ALL of the arcs ... you're going to wind up earning too much XP, even without any XP booster bonuses. I strongly recommend going into your Options Menu and disabling XP gain when you're at Level 9.9 ... Level 14.9 ... and Level 19.9 ... so as to prevent an unfortunate situation of accidentally outleveling any Contacts. If your level rises above the Contact's "threshold" for levels, they will stop (usefully) talking to you and will instead refer you on down the line to later Contacts. This is obviously a problem if you haven't completed ALL of the content within a city zone yet for all 4 of the storylines within that zone and you don't want to miss any. Once you've completed your last mission and reported into your last contact in a zone, it ought to be a simple enough matter to Street Sweep for the last (under) 10% of XP remaining to get you to a level up to 10, 15 or 20 (after turning XP back on, of course!). Additionally, I recommend that when transferring to a new zone to resume progress it is a best practice to go and talk to EVERY Contact you are given, if only so as to unlock them. After ALL of the (starting) contacts in a given city zone have been interacted with ... only then will you want to start working on the respective story arcs. A best practice would be to do each story arc to completion (and alignment switch) before moving on to a new story arc. This will help prevent confusion regarding which content/contacts you have concluded already, so long as you stick to the plan below (or at least something akin to it). In order to get the Moral High Ground badge, you will need to make the end of story arcs choice of alignments between Loyalist and Resistance at least 5 times. The other thing to remember with Praetorian Contacts is that some of the arcs will "do things" that can prevent progress in a different arc. I've noted below which arcs "block" progress on other arcs so as to avoid this kind of progression blocking (look for the italics on the Contacts names for this, and read the NOTES at the end of all of this). The conflicts that can occur are in all three of the zones, with the biggest one being that the Resistance Crusader Contacts require you to be Resistance aligned in order to talk to them AT ALL (let alone access them in the Underground Resistance Bases). This limitation means that there is simply NO POSSIBLE WAY to always switch alignments while matching the alignment you choose with the Contact who gives you that choice, since you can only do Crusader missions while you are already Resistance aligned, and using this "rule" for yourself will mean that you have to both start and end Crusader arcs as Resistance, foiling the effort to switch alignments EVERY time you're given a choice. Conversely, in order to even talk to any of the Loyalist Power contacts, you need to be a Loyalist. This means that if you're going to switch alignments, starting from the "wrong" alignment, you will need to use a Warden arc or a Responsibility arc in order to switch to the alignment you're trying to reach. I've noted these alignment pre-requisites using either an R for Resistance or an L for Loyalist on the specific contacts who will "stop talking to you" if you are the wrong alignment for their arc. ===== Do Tutorial! -> Choose RESISTANCE! "Betray Alignments" Path = ALWAYS … Resistance Contact to Loyalist alignment + Loyalist Contact to Resistance alignment Nova Praetoria (1-10) Resistance Crusader (RicochetR > SpliceR > Jack HammerR) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Power (Deputy Assistant of InformationL > WarrantL > ReeseL) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Warden (Robert Flores > Tunnel Rat > Doctor Arvin) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Responsibility (Chief Interrogator Washington > Cleopatra) -> Choose RESISTANCE! Imperial City (8-15) Resistance Crusader (HatchetR > BeholderR > VagabondR > WardogR) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Power (Mr. GL > TransmuterL > Tami BakerL > Praetor SinclairL) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Warden (Jessica Flores > Luke Larson > Doctor Steffard > Seer 1381) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Responsibility (Interrogator Kang > Alec Parson > Investigator Whitworth > Chance McKnight) -> Choose RESISTANCE! Neutropolis (15-20) Resistance Warden (Aaron Walker > Penelope Yin > Dark Watcher) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Responsibility (Ivy > Praetor Tilman > Anti-Matter) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Crusader (CrowR > HelixR > Calvin ScottR) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Power (Dr. HetzfeldL > BobcatL > NeuronL) -> Choose RESISTANCE! Choose Hero or Villain "Accept Alignments" Path = ALWAYS … Resistance Contact to Resistance alignment + Loyalist Contact to Loyalist alignment Nova Praetoria (1-10) Resistance Crusader (RicochetR > SpliceR > Jack HammerR) -> Choose Resistance Loyalist Responsibility (Chief Interrogator Washington > Cleopatra) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Power (Deputy Assistant of InformationL > WarrantL > ReeseL) -> Choose Loyalist Resistance Warden (Robert Flores > Tunnel Rat > Doctor Arvin) -> Choose RESISTANCE! Imperial City (8-15) Resistance Crusader (HatchetR > BeholderR > VagabondR > WardogR) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Warden (Jessica Flores > Luke Larson > Doctor Steffard > Seer 1381) -> Choose Resistance Loyalist Responsibility (Interrogator Kang > Alec Parson > Investigator Whitworth > Chance McKnight) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Power (Mr. GL > TransmuterL > Tami BakerL > Praetor SinclairL) -> Choose LOYALIST! Neutropolis (15-20) Resistance Warden (Aaron Walker > Penelope Yin > Dark Watcher) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Crusader (CrowR > HelixR > Calvin ScottR) -> Choose Resistance Loyalist Power (Dr. HetzfeldL > BobcatL > NeuronL) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Responsibility (Ivy > Praetor Tilman > Anti-Matter) -> Choose LOYALIST! Choose Hero or Villain Do Tutorial! -> Choose LOYALIST! "Betray Alignments" Path = ALWAYS … Resistance Contact to Loyalist alignment + Loyalist Contact to Resistance alignment Nova Praetoria (1-10) Loyalist Power (Deputy Assistant of InformationL > WarrantL > ReeseL) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Crusader (RicochetR > SpliceR > Jack HammerR) -> Choose Loyalist Resistance Warden (Robert Flores > Tunnel Rat > Doctor Arvin) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Responsibility (Chief Interrogator Washington > Cleopatra) -> Choose RESISTANCE! Imperial City (8-15) Resistance Crusader (HatchetR > BeholderR > VagabondR > WardogR) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Power (Mr. GL > TransmuterL > Tami BakerL > Praetor SinclairL) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Warden (Jessica Flores > Luke Larson > Doctor Steffard > Seer 1381) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Responsibility (Interrogator Kang > Alec Parson > Investigator Whitworth > Chance McKnight) -> Choose RESISTANCE! Neutropolis (15-20) Resistance Warden (Aaron Walker > Penelope Yin > Dark Watcher) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Power (Dr. HetzfeldL > BobcatL > NeuronL) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Crusader (CrowR > HelixR > Calvin ScottR) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Responsibility (Ivy > Praetor Tilman > Anti-Matter) -> Choose RESISTANCE! Choose Hero or Villain "Accept Alignments" Path = ALWAYS … Resistance Contact to Resistance alignment + Loyalist Contact to Loyalist alignment Nova Praetoria (1-10) Resistance Warden (Robert Flores > Tunnel Rat > Doctor Arvin) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Crusader (RicochetR > SpliceR > Jack HammerR) -> Choose Resistance Loyalist Responsibility (Chief Interrogator Washington > Cleopatra) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Power (Deputy Assistant of InformationL > WarrantL > ReeseL) -> Choose LOYALIST! Imperial City (8-15) Resistance Warden (Jessica Flores > Luke Larson > Doctor Steffard > Seer 1381) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Crusader (HatchetR > BeholderR > VagabondR > WardogR) -> Choose Resistance Loyalist Responsibility (Interrogator Kang > Alec Parson > Investigator Whitworth > Chance McKnight) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Power (Mr. GL > TransmuterL > Tami BakerL > Praetor SinclairL) -> Choose LOYALIST! Neutropolis (15-20) Resistance Warden (Aaron Walker > Penelope Yin > Dark Watcher) -> Choose Resistance Resistance Crusader (CrowR > HelixR > Calvin ScottR) -> Choose Resistance Loyalist Responsibility (Ivy > Praetor Tilman > Anti-Matter) -> Choose Loyalist Loyalist Power (Dr. HetzfeldL > BobcatL > NeuronL) -> Choose LOYALIST! Choose Hero or Villain NOTES Resistance Crusader Contacts are only accessible while Resistance aligned because they are behind a locked door in the Underground that requires Resistance alignment to access. If you do not open them while aligned with the Resistance you won't have access to them, nor will you be introduced to them by Provost Marchand (for what ought to be obvious reasons). If you are Loyalist aligned, the Crusader Contacts will become Inactive and any missions you have from them will be dropped and cannot be reacquired until you are Resistance aligned again. This is true for each set of Resistance Crusader Contacts. The Loyalist Power Contact of the Deputy Assistant of Information is located within the Loyalist Lounge, which requires Loyalist alignment in order to enter so as to have access to him. For this reason you cannot access this Contact until after switching alignment to Loyalist, meaning you cannot even begin the Power arc in Nova Praetoria until you are a Loyalist. Be sure to open Resistance and Loyalist Contacts in Imperial City before exiting Resistance and Loyalist alignment shifting in Nova Praetoria. This will let you do the "breadcrumb" introduction missions from Calvin Scott and Provost Marchand, respectively, if that's important to you. You can do the same for the Neutropolis Contacts before exiting Imperial City. Doctor Steffard will be removed from the game world if you complete (not start, complete) the third mission for Interrogator Kang (which is the search 10 dumpsters for the Limbo Device mission), so be sure to do ALL of Doctor Steffard's missions before doing ANY missions for Interrogator Kang. Fortunately, the breadcrumb introduction mission from Provost Marchand to Interrogator Kang can be completed without removing Doctor Steffard. It is also possible that completing missions for Interrogator Kang may remove Seer 1381 from the world also (not confirmed). Aaron Walker will be removed from the game world by missions given by Calvin Scott, so be sure to do ALL of Aaron Walker's missions before doing ANY missions for Calvin Scott. The Betray and Accept Alignments paths laid out above will result in different (as in mutually exclusive) NPCs showing up at the end of your time in Praetoria for your journey to either Paragon City or the Rogue Isles due to the fact that each path chooses mutually exclusive alignment options in every instance. If you want to do the Newspaper Contact for each zone, you can, but I recommend doing as much as you want to before "moving on" to the next zone due to inactivation for Level range limits.
  19. Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.962 http://www.cohplanner.com/ Click this DataLink to open the build! Level 50 Natural Controller Primary Power Set: Mind Control Secondary Power Set: Time Manipulation Power Pool: Sorcery Power Pool: Leadership Power Pool: Speed Hero Profile: Level 1: Mesmerize (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27 (48) Decimation - Damage/Endurance: Level 27 (48) Decimation - Damage/Recharge: Level 27 (48) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (50) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 27 (50) Decimation - Chance of Build Up: Level 25 Level 1: Time Crawl (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50 Level 2: Dominate (A) HamiO: Peroxisome Exposure (+2 Dam/Mez) (3) HamiO: Peroxisome Exposure (+2 Dam/Mez) (5) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 31 (5) Devastation - Chance of Hold: Level 30 (7) Lockdown - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 31 (7) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold: Level 30 Level 4: Levitate (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27 (40) Decimation - Damage/Endurance: Level 27 (40) Decimation - Damage/Recharge: Level 27 (40) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (42) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 27 (42) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge: Level 21 Level 6: Confuse (A) Malaise's Illusions - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 27 (9) Malaise's Illusions - Endurance/Confused: Level 27 (9) Malaise's Illusions - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 27 (11) Malaise's Illusions - Confused/Range: Level 27 (11) Malaise's Illusions - Accuracy/Confused/Recharge: Level 27 Level 8: Mass Hypnosis (A) Call of the Sandman - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 27 (13) Call of the Sandman - Endurance/Sleep: Level 27 (15) Call of the Sandman - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 27 (15) Call of the Sandman - Sleep/Range: Level 27 (17) Call of the Sandman - Accuracy/Sleep/Recharge: Level 27 Level 10: Temporal Mending (A) Preventive Medicine - Heal: Level 27 (17) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance: Level 27 (36) Preventive Medicine - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27 (37) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime: Level 27 (37) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance: Level 27 (37) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb: Level 27 Level 12: Telekinesis (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50 (13) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50 Level 14: Mystic Flight (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points): Level 10 Level 16: Distortion Field (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Recharge/Hold: Level 27 (42) Basilisk's Gaze - Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 27 (43) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 27 (43) Basilisk's Gaze - Chance for Recharge Slow: Level 10 (43) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance of -Recharge: Level 20 (45) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold: Level 30 Level 18: Total Domination (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Hold: Level 27 (19) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 27 (19) Basilisk's Gaze - Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 27 (21) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 27 (21) Essence of Curare - Accuracy/Hold/Recharge: Level 50 (23) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Accuracy/Hold/Recharge: Level 50 Level 20: Time Stop (A) Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilize/Sleep/Stun/Terrorized: Level 27 (23) Will of the Controller - Confused/Hold/Immobilize/Sleep/Stun/Terrorized/Recharge: Level 27 (25) Will of the Controller - Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (25) Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilize/Sleep/Stun/Terrorized/Endurance: Level 27 (36) Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilize/Sleep/Stun/Terrorized/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (36) Will of the Controller - Recharge/Chance for Psionic Damage: Level 27 Level 22: Maneuvers (A) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance: Level 27 (45) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge: Level 27 (45) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (46) Red Fortune - Defense: Level 27 (46) Red Fortune - Endurance: Level 27 (46) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 25 Level 24: Tactics (A) HamiO: Cytoskeleton Exposure (+2 Def/End/ToHit) (50) HamiO: Cytoskeleton Exposure (+2 Def/End/ToHit) Level 26: Terrify (A) Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilized/Sleep/Stunned/Terrorized: Level 27 (27) Overpowering Presence - Confused/Hold/Immobilized/Sleep/Stunned/Terrorized/RechargeTime: Level 27 (27) Overpowering Presence - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27 (29) Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilized/Sleep/Stunned/Terrorized/Endurance: Level 27 (29) Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilized/Sleep/Stunned/Terrorized/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27 (31) Overpowering Presence - RechargeTime/Energy Font: Level 27 Level 28: Farsight (A) HamiO: Cytoskeleton Exposure (+2 Def/End/ToHit) (31) HamiO: Cytoskeleton Exposure (+2 Def/End/ToHit) (34) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 25 Level 30: Hasten (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50 (31) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50 Level 32: Mass Confusion (A) Malaise's Illusions - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 27 (33) Malaise's Illusions - Endurance/Confused: Level 27 (33) Malaise's Illusions - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 27 (33) Malaise's Illusions - Confused/Range: Level 27 (34) Malaise's Illusions - Accuracy/Confused/Recharge: Level 27 (34) Perplex - Accuracy/Confused/Recharge: Level 50 Level 35: Slowed Response (A) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50 Level 38: Chrono Shift (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Recharge: Level 50 (39) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Recharge: Level 50 (39) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50 (39) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50 Level 41: Time's Juncture (A) HamiO: Enzyme Exposure (+2 Def/End/ToHit) Level 44: Temporal Selection (A) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50 Level 47: Assault (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50 Level 49: Vengeance (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 25 Level 1: Brawl (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50 Level 1: Sprint (A) Celerity - +Stealth: Level 15 Level 2: Rest (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50 Level 1: Containment Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve Level 0: Portal Jockey Level 0: Task Force Commander Level 0: The Atlas Medallion Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift (A) Flight Speed IO: Level 50 Level 2: Hurdle (A) Jumping IO: Level 50 Level 2: Health (A) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 20 Level 2: Stamina (A) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50 (3) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50 Level 1: Prestige Power Slide (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 Level 1: Prestige Power Dash (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 Level 1: Prestige Power Quick (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 Level 1: Prestige Power Surge (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 Level 1: Prestige Power Rush (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 ------------ ------------ Set Bonus Totals: 12.5% DamageBuff(Smashing) 12.5% DamageBuff(Lethal) 12.5% DamageBuff(Fire) 12.5% DamageBuff(Cold) 12.5% DamageBuff(Energy) 12.5% DamageBuff(Negative) 12.5% DamageBuff(Toxic) 12.5% DamageBuff(Psionic) 10.31% Defense(Energy) 10.31% Defense(Negative) 7.5% Defense(Ranged) 6.75% Max End 5% Enhancement(Held) 5% Enhancement(Stunned) 5.5% Enhancement(Terrorized) 10% Enhancement(Immobilized) 3.75% Enhancement(Max EnduranceDiscount) 10% Enhancement(Confused) 9% Enhancement(Accuracy) 15% Enhancement(Sleep) 91.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) GrantPower Preventive Medicine (10% chance, if Scourge) 80.12 HP (7.88%) HitPoints Knockback (Mag -4) Knockup (Mag -4) MezResist(Confused) 33.75% MezResist(Held) 33.75% MezResist(Immobilized) 33.75% MezResist(Sleep) 33.75% MezResist(Stunned) 33.75% MezResist(Terrorized) 33.75% 12% (0.2 End/sec) Recovery 12% (0.51 HP/sec) Regeneration 8.25% Resistance(Smashing) 8.25% Resistance(Lethal) 4.5% Resistance(Fire) 4.5% Resistance(Cold) 3% Resistance(Energy) 3% Resistance(Negative) 4.5% Resistance(Toxic) 4.5% Resistance(Psionic) ------------ Set Bonuses: Decimation (Mesmerize) 1.5% Resistance(Energy,Negative), MezResist(Immobilized) 2.5%, MezResist(Held) 2.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 2.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 2.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 2.5%, MezResist(Confused) 2.5% 11.45 HP (1.13%) HitPoints 2.25% Max End 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) 4.5% Resistance(Toxic,Psionic), MezResist(Immobilized) 7.5%, MezResist(Held) 7.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 7.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 7.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 7.5%, MezResist(Confused) 7.5% Devastation (Dominate) 12% (0.51 HP/sec) Regeneration Lockdown (Dominate) 3% DamageBuff(All) Decimation (Levitate) 1.5% Resistance(Energy,Negative), MezResist(Immobilized) 2.5%, MezResist(Held) 2.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 2.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 2.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 2.5%, MezResist(Confused) 2.5% 11.45 HP (1.13%) HitPoints 2.25% Max End 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Malaise's Illusions (Confuse) 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery 2.5% Enhancement(Confused) 2.5% DamageBuff(All) 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Call of the Sandman (Mass Hypnosis) 5% Enhancement(Sleep) 19.08 HP (1.88%) HitPoints 2.25% Max End 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Preventive Medicine (Temporal Mending) 2.25% Resistance(Smashing,Lethal), MezResist(Immobilized) 3.75%, MezResist(Held) 3.75%, MezResist(Stunned) 3.75%, MezResist(Sleep) 3.75%, MezResist(Terrorized) 3.75%, MezResist(Confused) 3.75% 19.08 HP (1.88%) HitPoints 3% Resistance(Fire,Cold), MezResist(Immobilized) 5%, MezResist(Held) 5%, MezResist(Stunned) 5%, MezResist(Sleep) 5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 5%, MezResist(Confused) 5% 3.75% Enhancement(EnduranceDiscount) 8.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime) GrantPower Preventive Medicine (10% chance, if Scourge), GrantPower Preventive Medicine (if Scourge) Blessing of the Zephyr (Mystic Flight) Knockback (Mag -4), Knockup (Mag -4) Basilisk's Gaze (Distortion Field) 2.5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 1.25% Defense(Ranged) 2% (0.03 End/sec) Recovery 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Basilisk's Gaze (Total Domination) 2.5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 1.25% Defense(Ranged) 2% (0.03 End/sec) Recovery 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Will of the Controller (Time Stop) 2.5% DamageBuff(All) 6% Enhancement(Immobilized), 6% Enhancement(Sleep), 3.3% Enhancement(Terrorized), 3% Enhancement(Confused), 3% Enhancement(Held), 3% Enhancement(Stunned) 9% Enhancement(Accuracy) 8.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime) 3.13% Defense(Ranged), 1.56% Defense(Energy), 1.56% Defense(Negative) Red Fortune (Maneuvers) 1.5% Resistance(Smashing,Lethal), MezResist(Immobilized) 2.5%, MezResist(Held) 2.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 2.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 2.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 2.5%, MezResist(Confused) 2.5% 1.5% Resistance(Fire,Cold), MezResist(Immobilized) 2.5%, MezResist(Held) 2.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 2.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 2.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 2.5%, MezResist(Confused) 2.5% 2% DamageBuff(All) 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Luck of the Gambler (Maneuvers) 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Overpowering Presence (Terrify) 4% Enhancement(Immobilized), 4% Enhancement(Sleep), 2.2% Enhancement(Terrorized), 2% Enhancement(Confused), 2% Enhancement(Held), 2% Enhancement(Stunned) 19.08 HP (1.88%) HitPoints 4.5% Resistance(Smashing,Lethal), MezResist(Immobilized) 7.5%, MezResist(Held) 7.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 7.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 7.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 7.5%, MezResist(Confused) 7.5% 3% (0.05 End/sec) Recovery 3.75% Defense(Energy,Negative), 1.88% Defense(Ranged) Luck of the Gambler (Farsight) 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Malaise's Illusions (Mass Confusion) 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery 2.5% Enhancement(Confused) 2.5% DamageBuff(All) 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Luck of the Gambler (Vengeance) 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1549;730;1460;HEX;| |78DA6D93D94F135114C6EF9D5EC09642292D3B2D2DC80E15A2C42763222EC100692| |2AF5A07186492A16DA6C5C8A30F3EFAC4836BDC17DCD0F837B83D1BD7C43FC00D35| |6E89BEE099391FD0C44E32F9DDFBDDFB9D73EE9D3363C776FB97F71DDF2964D5B0A| |5E772A9E14C3A6F672CCBB0CBC6F5FCBCAD5BC279CAE86DD9585BDB961833D3D36B| |9378C1FAAEF99999C4843967A4C6F4B4999DB7F4BC99490747D2B3866DA4F389B58| |13F99A1280732F694612F04DCC9A8A14F1B766ED6CCFA78316B18D3417738923E6A| |E6CC49D332F30B8D7BB2E65422699B73BA95DAEB04C851AE5C9EE2D453B1DDF42E4| |98167B5449C22342AB1E53478063CCB1C3C079E27D62B7121BCEE259D30A8C46D8A| |27114FEE20947A8406AA9BC4A8126A891851A2F48FE6CE4BFF6AEEFC16193DF07A5| |04B276AE9442D9DA8A51BB5749F206F58893BE42D61AF2AF92EDDB54D3FC09F4CDF| |2FF037F3AEE48FE678CA1EB1E67FCCAC7C023E65563D635EA4337B51A3F7BD87D73| |E30DB3E32377F023F832BCC7B14A29CBDB23CCEF7E50717DB85A8C05D56BCA33379| |95B842B902C81578A5F1795F337BDE806F796FCF430A1E52A20F77B94CD320BCC11| |7BCB7FA25881861C4081F916E0DB516F32AE50DC11B3AC4B5D7A698F587411D679E| |04A79841BAD01AC9DE1A1FDF595F3958C1ECAF0403A063A07E0A91B78EBDB26EC8E| |9192A67887BE73EE90DA8A9A15AB9BEC610186636D780B5CC681DF31A9DA789E36A| |4D881705E3C8DD4AB923C81DE9E56F12051F90DE82DC2DE8AD187A2B86DE8AA1B7E| |2E8ADF837BECBEB94BB15DFB5F5B9E66A37486BE75C9EF693AC752C82E3ECEB9860| |5EA2BD5DBC57746DE79A2F93D68B98BDD85F4DF527B02F819E0A9336807D033867B| |3FAFF9F1D7534788597EAA85422A9D6FF6321710F910DEF6AD2E7DC148F0F168CF5| |82F164C1D85BB5FE6FAFAE902E914FB671EC2F855A176B5F0BB5FDDCDFDF3634296| |3BC4F03070ACFD6CF5A4F116DB088B6AD88B6B588F60F0CA6E212| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  20. Back in Issue 23 I also played a Mind/Kinetics Controller who reached Level 50 before Time Manipulation was announced, so by the time Time Manipulation arrived I wasn't exactly keen on taking another Controller from 1-50 just so I could play Mind/Time as a Controller. However, with a "fresh start" on new City of Heroes servers, that particular sunk costs fallacy no longer applies, since I'd be starting from scratch anyway ... and since I've already worked up a Ninja/Time/Mace Mastermind, a Time/Dual Pistols Defender and a Gravity/Time Controller already, I ought to be able to crib notes from my own builds and be able to come up with a build for Mind/Time ... right? Well, let's just say that I'd forgotten just how SLOT HUNGRY Mind Control is. Add that to Time Manipulation being a relative slot hungry set as well and it's inevitable that something's going to have to give. Having done both Gravity and Mind Control with Time Manipulation, I feel pretty confident in saying that with how I want to slot my powers, Mind Control is heavier on the demand for enhancement slots than Gravity is. This was basically the first build where I couldn't get away with 5-slotting Tactics for Adjusted Targeting and had to settle for 2-slotting with HOs. Also, in contrast to Gravity, Mind Control offers multiple paths to being able to lockdown groups of Foes, and with Confusion (and Mass Confusion Mass Comedy) it isn't even necessary to engage piles of $Targets directly. However, even so, the benefit of having Time's Juncture and Distortion Field acting as AoE "neutralizer fields" to make it easier to lay down more area wide control will help. Levitate is slotted as an attack power with a Force Feedback proc and is therefore intentionally designed to act as an "accelerator" for the entire build when including Levitate in a regular attack chain. Being able to proc Force Feedback for +100% Recharge for 5 seconds offers the same recharge benefit as having a +7.5% set bonus so long as Force Feedback is procced at least once per 66-67 seconds. I have a feeling that shouldn't be that hard to do with Levitate as part of the attack chain. Ordinarily I'd want to slot the Force Feedback proc into an AoE Knock power, but since neither Mind Control nor Time Manipulation offers that option, I'll settle for simply putting one into Levitate. The real coup of this build however has to be, I'm thinking, being able to slot Overwhelming Presence into Terrify so as to leverage Terrify into being an AoE attack that summons the "inner demons" (so to speak) of your $Targets to fight them while they cower in Fear of them, while at the same time extending the Fear duration well beyond perma (so as to enable 2+ stacking of Terrify). Considering that this build is getting the recharge on Terrify down around 10 seconds, that could potentially mean that when using Terrify in a target rich environment you can potentially wind up with multiple procs over time of Overwhelming Presence, yielding summons that attack for enough damage to compensate for the lack of damage enhancement in Terrify itself. It also gives feared $Targets something else to direct their aggro at besides just your Controller. Overall, I'm rather happy with how this build turned out, even if I had to make some compromises on what powers would receive enhancement slots (and how many). Purely from an aesthetic viewpoint, I like the idea of having a primary/secondary combo that Leaves NO Evidence that my character was anywhere near where all of my Foes simply wound up defeated (and arrested). Mind Control for the no evidence left at the scene win! As always with my builds, if you want to see what everything looks like when fully loaded out with Level 50 Purple IOs, simply load up the data chunk into Pine and use the Flip to Alternate option for the slots.
  21. Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.962 http://www.cohplanner.com/ Click this DataLink to open the build! Level 50 Magic Controller Primary Power Set: Gravity Control Secondary Power Set: Time Manipulation Power Pool: Sorcery Power Pool: Leadership Power Pool: Speed Hero Profile: Level 1: Lift (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27 (40) Decimation - Damage/Endurance: Level 27 (42) Decimation - Damage/Recharge: Level 27 (42) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (42) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 27 (43) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge: Level 21 Level 1: Time Crawl (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50 Level 2: Gravity Distortion (A) HamiO: Peroxisome Exposure (+2 Dam/Mez) (3) HamiO: Peroxisome Exposure (+2 Dam/Mez) (5) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 31 (5) Devastation - Chance of Hold: Level 30 (7) Lockdown - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 31 (7) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold: Level 30 Level 4: Mystic Flight (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points): Level 10 Level 6: Propel (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27 (9) Decimation - Damage/Endurance: Level 27 (9) Decimation - Damage/Recharge: Level 27 (11) Decimation - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (11) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 27 (13) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge: Level 21 Level 8: Crushing Field (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50 Level 10: Temporal Mending (A) Preventive Medicine - Heal: Level 27 (37) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance: Level 27 (37) Preventive Medicine - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27 (37) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime: Level 27 (40) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance: Level 27 (40) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb: Level 27 Level 12: Time's Juncture (A) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff: Level 27 (13) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Recharge: Level 27 (15) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Recharge/Endurance: Level 27 (15) Dark Watcher's Despair - To Hit Debuff/Endurance: Level 27 (17) Dark Watcher's Despair - Chance for Recharge Slow: Level 21 (17) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance of -Recharge: Level 20 Level 14: Temporal Selection (A) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50 Level 16: Distortion Field (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Recharge/Hold: Level 27 (48) Basilisk's Gaze - Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 27 (48) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 27 (50) Basilisk's Gaze - Chance for Recharge Slow: Level 10 (50) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance of -Recharge: Level 20 (50) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold: Level 30 Level 18: Gravity Distortion Field (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Hold: Level 27 (19) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 27 (19) Basilisk's Gaze - Recharge/Hold: Level 27 (21) Basilisk's Gaze - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 27 (21) Lockdown - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 31 (23) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold: Level 30 Level 20: Time Stop (A) Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilize/Sleep/Stun/Terrorized: Level 27 (23) Will of the Controller - Confused/Hold/Immobilize/Sleep/Stun/Terrorized/Recharge: Level 27 (25) Will of the Controller - Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (25) Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilize/Sleep/Stun/Terrorized/Endurance: Level 27 (27) Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilize/Sleep/Stun/Terrorized/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (29) Will of the Controller - Recharge/Chance for Psionic Damage: Level 27 Level 22: Maneuvers (A) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance: Level 27 (43) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge: Level 27 (43) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (45) Red Fortune - Defense: Level 27 (45) Red Fortune - Endurance: Level 27 (45) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 25 Level 24: Tactics (A) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff: Level 27 (46) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff/Recharge: Level 27 (46) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (46) Adjusted Targeting - Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (48) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff/Endurance: Level 27 Level 26: Wormhole (A) Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilized/Sleep/Stunned/Terrorized: Level 27 (31) Overpowering Presence - Confused/Hold/Immobilized/Sleep/Stunned/Terrorized/RechargeTime: Level 27 (34) Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilized/Sleep/Stunned/Terrorized/Endurance: Level 27 (36) Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Confused/Hold/Immobilized/Sleep/Stunned/Terrorized/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27 (36) Overpowering Presence - RechargeTime/Energy Font: Level 27 Level 28: Farsight (A) HamiO: Cytoskeleton Exposure (+2 Def/End/ToHit) (29) HamiO: Cytoskeleton Exposure (+2 Def/End/ToHit) (31) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 25 Level 30: Hasten (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50 (31) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50 Level 32: Singularity (A) HamiO: Endoplasm Exposure (+2 Acc/Mez) (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Damage/Endurance: Level 31 (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 31 (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Endurance/Damage/Recharge: Level 31 (34) Expedient Reinforcement - Resist Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 30 (34) Sovereign Right - Resistance Bonus: Level 25 Level 35: Slowed Response (A) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50 (36) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 10 Level 38: Chrono Shift (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Recharge: Level 50 (39) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Recharge: Level 50 (39) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50 (39) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50 Level 41: Assault (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50 Level 44: Spirit Ward (A) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50 Level 47: Vengeance (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 25 Level 49: Dimension Shift (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50 Level 1: Brawl (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50 Level 1: Containment Level 1: Prestige Power Dash (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 Level 1: Prestige Power Slide (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 Level 1: Prestige Power Quick (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 Level 1: Prestige Power Rush (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 Level 1: Prestige Power Surge (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 Level 1: Sprint (A) Celerity - +Stealth: Level 15 Level 2: Rest (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50 Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50 Level 2: Health (A) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 20 (27) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 30 Level 2: Hurdle (A) Jumping IO: Level 50 Level 2: Stamina (A) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50 (3) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50 Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve Level 0: Portal Jockey Level 0: Task Force Commander Level 0: The Atlas Medallion ------------ ------------ Set Bonus Totals: 17.5% DamageBuff(Smashing) 17.5% DamageBuff(Lethal) 17.5% DamageBuff(Fire) 17.5% DamageBuff(Cold) 17.5% DamageBuff(Energy) 17.5% DamageBuff(Negative) 17.5% DamageBuff(Toxic) 17.5% DamageBuff(Psionic) 6.56% Defense(Energy) 6.56% Defense(Negative) 5.63% Defense(Ranged) 4.5% Max End 5% Enhancement(Confused) 5% Enhancement(Held) 5% Enhancement(Stunned) 3.75% Enhancement(Max EnduranceDiscount) 5.5% Enhancement(Terrorized) 10% Enhancement(Sleep) 18% Enhancement(Accuracy) 10% Enhancement(Immobilized) 88.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime) GrantPower Preventive Medicine (10% chance, if Scourge) 76.3 HP (7.5%) HitPoints Knockback (Mag -4) Knockup (Mag -4) MezResist(Confused) 33.75% MezResist(Held) 33.75% MezResist(Immobilized) 33.75% MezResist(Sleep) 33.75% MezResist(Stunned) 33.75% MezResist(Terrorized) 33.75% 9.5% (0.16 End/sec) Recovery 12% (0.51 HP/sec) Regeneration 28.25% Resistance(Smashing) 28.25% Resistance(Lethal) 24.5% Resistance(Fire) 24.5% Resistance(Cold) 27.5% Resistance(Energy) 27.5% Resistance(Negative) 20% Resistance(Toxic) 20% Resistance(Psionic) ------------ Set Bonuses: Decimation (Lift) 1.5% Resistance(Energy,Negative), MezResist(Immobilized) 2.5%, MezResist(Held) 2.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 2.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 2.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 2.5%, MezResist(Confused) 2.5% 11.45 HP (1.13%) HitPoints 2.25% Max End 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Devastation (Gravity Distortion) 12% (0.51 HP/sec) Regeneration Lockdown (Gravity Distortion) 3% DamageBuff(All) Blessing of the Zephyr (Mystic Flight) Knockback (Mag -4), Knockup (Mag -4) Decimation (Propel) 1.5% Resistance(Energy,Negative), MezResist(Immobilized) 2.5%, MezResist(Held) 2.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 2.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 2.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 2.5%, MezResist(Confused) 2.5% 11.45 HP (1.13%) HitPoints 2.25% Max End 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Preventive Medicine (Temporal Mending) 2.25% Resistance(Smashing,Lethal), MezResist(Immobilized) 3.75%, MezResist(Held) 3.75%, MezResist(Stunned) 3.75%, MezResist(Sleep) 3.75%, MezResist(Terrorized) 3.75%, MezResist(Confused) 3.75% 19.08 HP (1.88%) HitPoints 3% Resistance(Fire,Cold), MezResist(Immobilized) 5%, MezResist(Held) 5%, MezResist(Stunned) 5%, MezResist(Sleep) 5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 5%, MezResist(Confused) 5% 3.75% Enhancement(EnduranceDiscount) 8.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime) GrantPower Preventive Medicine (10% chance, if Scourge), GrantPower Preventive Medicine (if Scourge) Dark Watcher's Despair (Time's Juncture) 15.26 HP (1.5%) HitPoints 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) 2% DamageBuff(All) Basilisk's Gaze (Distortion Field) 2.5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 1.25% Defense(Ranged) 2% (0.03 End/sec) Recovery 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Basilisk's Gaze (Gravity Distortion Field) 2.5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 1.25% Defense(Ranged) 2% (0.03 End/sec) Recovery 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Lockdown (Gravity Distortion Field) 3% DamageBuff(All) Will of the Controller (Time Stop) 2.5% DamageBuff(All) 6% Enhancement(Immobilized), 6% Enhancement(Sleep), 3.3% Enhancement(Terrorized), 3% Enhancement(Confused), 3% Enhancement(Held), 3% Enhancement(Stunned) 9% Enhancement(Accuracy) 8.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime) 3.13% Defense(Ranged), 1.56% Defense(Energy), 1.56% Defense(Negative) Red Fortune (Maneuvers) 1.5% Resistance(Smashing,Lethal), MezResist(Immobilized) 2.5%, MezResist(Held) 2.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 2.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 2.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 2.5%, MezResist(Confused) 2.5% 1.5% Resistance(Fire,Cold), MezResist(Immobilized) 2.5%, MezResist(Held) 2.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 2.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 2.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 2.5%, MezResist(Confused) 2.5% 2% DamageBuff(All) 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Luck of the Gambler (Maneuvers) 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Adjusted Targeting (Tactics) 2% DamageBuff(All) 3% Resistance(Energy,Negative), MezResist(Immobilized) 5%, MezResist(Held) 5%, MezResist(Stunned) 5%, MezResist(Sleep) 5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 5%, MezResist(Confused) 5% 9% Enhancement(Accuracy) 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Overpowering Presence (Wormhole) 4% Enhancement(Immobilized), 4% Enhancement(Sleep), 2.2% Enhancement(Terrorized), 2% Enhancement(Confused), 2% Enhancement(Held), 2% Enhancement(Stunned) 19.08 HP (1.88%) HitPoints 4.5% Resistance(Smashing,Lethal), MezResist(Immobilized) 7.5%, MezResist(Held) 7.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 7.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 7.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 7.5%, MezResist(Confused) 7.5% 3% (0.05 End/sec) Recovery Luck of the Gambler (Farsight) 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Expedient Reinforcement (Singularity) 1.5% Resistance(Energy,Negative), MezResist(Immobilized) 2.5%, MezResist(Held) 2.5%, MezResist(Stunned) 2.5%, MezResist(Sleep) 2.5%, MezResist(Terrorized) 2.5%, MezResist(Confused) 2.5% 3% DamageBuff(All) 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) 10% Resistance(All) Sovereign Right (Singularity) 10% Resistance(All) Luck of the Gambler (Vengeance) 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1545;733;1466;HEX;| |78DA6D94D94F135114C6EF4C6F8196A52D2D5BA1A52DB24BA571793326A2100D982| |612DFB40E6590494ADB4C8B91471F7C7441346E099BEB930F3EA8D127FF05E39AF8| |07B8E1EE83BEE0E99CAFD0C44E32F9CD3DF77CE77EF7CC9D193BB5AFE6FEC8E93D4| |2710FA5B45C2E319449E7CD4C2AA59BF631ED84911485AB92EEC8E64C31293A626A| |278DFC5C711C2E49D93B3B35151D3766F4C4989636B2B3292D6F64D29E03E969DDD| |4D3F968F1A1269EA1428733665237E75CD66054D7267533376D649D3C99D5F549CE| |1B36F2693D97F3EFCF1AC968DC3466B45462B8A0CDD132B93C956826ABBD749F530| |4AE75BBB842F04BD17D95D97B0DBC0EDE60F69D5185F049B1E8DBD0529C1093E23C| |D553504FD94DA8B009159477894129E43D62408A8A3FAA35AEF8AB5AE3854E216CA| |8677B4731871417A8981DF5ECF057057F55F0E7843F27FCD5C0DFBCC2AFA450AF12| |FE96C8B303F51CEF6D56FE960FE047F013B3FB33B8C65C266D35B4D50F555EEB11B| |3EE31F884E97ECA1EDC0FC884578A15D2D6C24BED21C5F2B24A3117EAB95EB16EDB| |6BF00D33F696FB10439D58B15734F440EB79C1B9F52F41D4F2A1860F7D6E84F626A| |DEB85D67B8CF7D69860361F0735A67F82D996647AA8A10D0A6B1B9C0A9F876AB096| |B9B50E74810541B3145ED236B156362DB2B7812570195CC1FE57999728BF85BDCA9| |67A69C5825E66B881D9D10836316FD1FE5A791DB575279FBD3630082F11F212E01C| |25D0CF6723085EA6783BFAD3BE8B75A1EFDCC3D00FF02733FC8B7B1AFE2DACBAB76| |9ED086B95C873D5AAD7F18CDFE11D9AEBE4356D9D6779AE6B01C499E81A67D693BF| |1ECE153D61F6354FDF473FCE503FF27D9417452C8ABD5D240C2236086D9BFCFF5B0| |D6CC6D6FB4AE707787EB04C2C5626B6BD4C6C4799D86821863D0907EDBB4E8AB8DC| |F85F0805FD77B837FE03EB6B4E9A8746419DAF9B314539C8DF85FF8862BD872FA5F| |93D9CFFAD343FC431158C3B0B515EEB68C9B356F23C51F2FC0FFE5CDF52| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  22. Back in Issue 23 I had a Gravity/Trick Arrow Controller, who I'd started about 2 months before Time Manipulation was even announced, I remember at the time agonizing over whether to reroll for Gravity/Time or just keep going with what I had. In the end, I stuck with Gravity/Trick Arrow, but was ultimately unsatisfied with how the primary and secondary played together. So I've always wondered what would have happened if I'd gone ahead and rerolled for Gravity/Time instead ... and this build is the answer to that question. One of the drawbacks/weaknesses of Gravity Control is that it doesn't do a whole lot of actual lockdown controlling aside from a fraction of its powers. What I mean by that specifically is that Gravity tends to be short on powers that "prevent" damage from being sent out from your $Targets to yourself and/or your team. Fortunately, Time Manipulation makes it possible to substantially mitigate that shortcoming through a combination of Time's Juncture (PBAoE toggle), Distortion Field (Target AoE click) and Farsight (PBAoE click) to do a combination of ToHit Debuffing, Recharge Debuffing and Defense Buffing. With sufficient Recharge Debuffing, it becomes possible to "ghetto hold" large numbers of Foes without resorting to Gravity Distortion Field and mitigate a very large amount of potential incoming damage. Additionally, it becomes possible to stack enough Hold MAG from Gravity Distortion, Time Stop and Singularity (also casting Gravity Distortion) to be within striking distance of achieving the necessary MAG 56 Hold stack to be able to enforce a Hold through the Purple Triangles of Doom on a single $Target if given sufficient time to do so (about 45+ seconds of animations) and not "distracted" with needing to deal with incoming damage. You will notice that in this build both Lift and Propel have been slotted with the Force Feedback proc in order to allow both of these powers to act as "accelerators" for the overall recharge of the build. However, if desired, the Force Feedback proc in Lift can be easily swapped for the Decimation Build Up proc instead. Owing to the fact that Propel can (now) "splash" Knockback onto additional Foes in proximity to your $Target, this makes for the best candidate "AoE-ish" power in the build which can be rapidly recharged and used as part of an attack chain rotation. One other thing to take especial note of is the slotting of the Overpowering Presence ATO set into Wormhole ... and specifically its proc for summoning additional "allies" to attack whatever $Targets you'll be pushing through the Wormhole. Use of this set on an AoE power like this increases the chance to proc the summons, hopefully increasing the odds of successfully summoning them when using Wormhole, which would make for a very interesting combination I'm thinking. If you want to see what this build looks like with maximum Level 50 Purple IO slotting, simply load the build into Pine and use the Flip to Alternate feature on the slots. Enhancement Levels are deliberately set to provide the broadest range of Exemplar Levels for set bonuses to be active (24+ and 28+) while still delivering acceptable amounts of basic enhancement performance (essentially "SO-ish" quantities). The frankenslotting of Chrono Shift may be of interest to others building for Time Manipulation.
  23. Minor note ... I've modified the build post with an updated version of this build. Nothing major changed, but I did want to do a little cleanup on some details.
  24. Note for anyone who has been downloading these builds, I've done a slight update on both of them to shuffle some enhancements around a little for a better balance of performance from Empty Clips which will be getting used A LOT as an accelerator for the entire build ... mainly because the Force Feedback proc won't "stack" procs at all, but once the 5 second duration of a proc has expired it can proc again, resulting in a lot of uptime ... particularly on a recharge heavy build like this one is. That meant that Empty Clips (honestly) needed a slightly better set of enhancement values for Endurance Reduction, which then prompted this update to both builds. No "new" enhancements were introduced into the build, just a slight reshuffling of the already existing enhancements was done to achieve this "rebalancing" of enhancement factors in a few individual powers.
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