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Everything posted by TechbotAlpha

  1. Maybe something to do with a lot of the playerbase being old-timers, who were used to hasten being a thing, who just carried on old habits? I still work it into a lot of builds, just not all of them. I don't find the game any less fun.
  2. Ultimatum statement in the very first line, in obnoxious capitals and not-even-passive aggression. Nah, thanks. Jog on.
  3. Give Crab Spiders KB protection. Please. It's so tiring having anything that's supposed to be able to toe-to-toe with a KB hole. Yes, I know there are IOs for that, but that's a stop-gap, rather than addressing the issue. When you have something that's meant to be a walking, multi-armed tank getting batted about like a support class, it's just not fun. Other than that? Soldiers are pretty fun. That's the main issue that always stood out to me.
  4. Currently levelling up my Dark/Dark Brute, and noticing two visual issues that haven't been addressed it seems. 1) Dark Embrace, even when set to 'no fade/pulse' in the tailor, does just that; it pulses. It's quite noticeable, and, for me at least, quite irritating. Can the no pulse option be changed to actually do what it says on the tin? 2) Cloak of Darkness, when de-activated, has no fade-in. When you turn it on, the character fades out steadily. Turn it off? Pop; you're 100% solid straight away. Kind of jarring. I know these are 'minor' issues, but they'be been minor issues for a long old time, or it seems that way.
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  5. To be fair, I don't think Shades were ever about ST Damage. He's not at that point on the Rogue servers, but my Nictus on Live was an unstoppable AoE god, and that's when he wasn't even fully IO slotted; run in to groups of x8, spam your AoE buffs, swap to Dwarf for a Mire, then swap back and nuke. 90% of stuff died in one go, and the rest could be buffed up with a turbo charged Nova form. Rinse, repeat.
  6. Get rid of KB to KD on PBs. People keep saying about 'There's an IO for that'. No; I have my attacks six slotted for IO bonuses I WANT, not something I feel pressured to take because KB is a pain in the tin-plate-rear for teaming. Build in some mez shielding for the Human form shields. Or... something. Dwarf form is cool and all, but Perma-Lightform is a fairly valid option. The HP and End crash is annoying, but hey oh. Bring back the option for the Special Enemies! The odd Quantum gunner is a poor substitute for the variety we used to get, and with a full 50 Incarnate supergroup having the odd Cyst-shaped speed bump would be quite nice, frankly.
  7. I have no super strong feelings on difficulty, apart from the fact that I will chime in on the side of "If I want to get punted around by generic mooks, I would go and play WoW or any of its clone offspring." At low levels, yeah, I'm not moving off +0 x1 except for the odd AT (Brute etc) but, by the time I hit 50 and slot and Incarnate? Feeling like a SUPER HERO/VILLAIN and being able to crank up the difficulty is one of the reasons I loved CoH and why no other MMO can scratch the same itch. In WoW, any equal con 'minion' becomes dangerous if there are 3 or more of them. That's not 'super' or 'heroic' or, a lot of the time, even 'FUN'. So none of that in CoH, please. Or you'll re-sink the game just as surely as any market data analysts ever did.
  8. Having an Inherent that wasn't team reliant sure wouldn't hurt. Even if I, personally, spend pretty much all the time on Khelds teaming with friends anyway, kind of not the point heh.
  9. Other than wishing to change PBs KB to KD (Yes, I know there's an IO, No, I'm not going to lose set bonii by having to have it in every power...) I honestly don't think much change is needed. Maybe remove the HP crash from Lightform? Didn't they change a lot of the other Godmodes to not HP crash, or am I mis-remembering? Also, I'm honestly disappointed they just ripped ALL the unique mobs out. No Dwarves and Novas, no Void Seekers, the No Shadows Cysts really bit, as I intended to use them IC in some missions with my SG. Then I found they... don't.... actually spawn anything? Very, very lame. Personally I'd like an option at Null to turn them all back ON.
  10. Simple answer; Yes. Tons of my chars have fly.
  11. I'll leave the back and forth arguing to you lot. I just wanted to chime in and say 'Heaven forbid we're made to feel powerful in one MMO again, out of the slurry of mediocrity'. CoH was, and still is, the only game that made a character feel like a super powered individual. If I want to find a mob of 3 non-elite enemies a bit rough depending on class, I'd go back to playing WoW for feck sakes...
  12. Jim Temblor/Faultline, if I remember rightly, can jump fully in Granite Armour when you run into him in the RWZ. So, basically, this is a PC only limit. And it's one that's so darn old and so not-in-keeping with the later life designed sets that, really, I don't see much loss in removing it? I mean, do people even play Stone at this point, beyond thematics? Stone itself is a mess, given Granite renders the majority of the rest of the set obsolete anyway...
  13. I don't think I even remember them having un-typed damage before, and that particular aspect, IMO, can stay dead at least. I mean, if people wanted that as an option too, sure, I guess? But if removing all the flavour from Kheldians was in the name of 'balance', then surely making their Inherent do something outside of teams would be a better place to start? As has been done before with Blasters and their old, useless inherent, Sentinel tweaks, Stalkers too I think?
  14. I run into Quantum Gunners, i.e. Galaxy Quantum Gunner, Rikti Chief Quantum, etc. Since HC there's not been a single Void Hunter, - Nova or - Dwarf or Shadow Cyst in any missions I've run. I saw a post saying they'd been removed from mobs?
  15. So, for the longest time I thought I had missed some sort of arc trigger or just had very weird luck. But then I found out that, in fact, Homecoming had actually totally removed the natural spawns of all special enemies bar the named faction Quantum Gunners. Now, I get it; not everyone liked them. Running into a Shadow Cyst on a full team below level 20 was tantamount to a death sentence, I do remember. HOWEVER, having a bit of extra challenge for a SG team that habitually crunches x8 +4 with ease, along with un-breaking the Cysts in the Kheldian Story arc, would be really quite a nice option? I mean, we have Null the Gull, right? Please?
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