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0th Power

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  1. I invented K'ong Proof More Proof Even @Cobalt Arachne can confirm... maybe...
  2. I had something like that at first, but it seemed a bit yodaish.
  3. Any arachnos tech map. 100000x worse than caves
  4. I don't care what anyone says, I think bigotry and racism are bad.
  5. I would love for everything to be tracked but I don’t want perfect to be the enemy of good. I would enjoy any stats at the end even if it was incomplete.
  6. This reminds me of a "this is sportsceter" or baseball tonight commercial back in the early 00s where there were a bunch of athletes were talking about stats and then the prototypical nerdy guys walk by and call them nerds (or dorks, its been forever since ive seen it).
  7. It can seem like that to you if that's what you need.
  8. I was going to make the same joke... Concerning the OP, more animal heads would be a hoot.
  9. I think it would be fun, but as you can see, I'm in the minority.
  10. I remember reading a suggestion similar to this a while back. That idea and yours too are interesting.
  11. Unless they released those post i13 or pre open beta, recharge inspirations never existed
  12. A powerboost one would be cool too.
  13. I have always stayed away from defense sets. It is tough to get them leveled up early on. Resist sets are more survivable in the early game and regeneration is more fun, at least for me. It is also easier to chase defense with IOs than resists. I know there isn't going to be DDR, but even with cascading defense failure, I still have my resists and regeneration. I do have a lv 50 SR tanker which almost impossible to kill in normal content. If we're counting invulnerability as a defense set (I'd say hybrid set), I have one of those too.
  14. This is what I've been doing for most of my characters. Throw in a crushing impact or mako acc/dmg and you are 78.8% of a nucleus. Higher percentage if youre running into diminishing returns.
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