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Everything posted by Healix

  1. OldSchool SC Fight Club, thank you for your wonderful post, and thank you for your service!
  2. Seems his name truly suits him
  3. Wow, Scutt! That is really impressive!
  4. This is not my creation, but it is one of the cleverest and best costumes/concepts I have ever seen in the game. I thought it was worth sharing TOASTER MAN!
  5. The City Mod Installer is really such a great tool! I found a few game changers for me that were wonderful are I can hear the glowies way better..the sound is louder, but has a pleasant bell sound instead of a sonic buzz. (Double Loud Glowie} Dulling the annoying sound from hitting a power key when it is recharging. (Powers Recharging Less Annoying SFX Sound) Portal at the Portal Corps are not loud and headache inducing anymore (Portal Corpse Quieter Portals SFX Sound) Improved flying sound (Flight Realistic SFX Mod) readable signs for the base portals (Base TP Beacon Labels - Issue 27) assorted other mods that quiet things like pulsing quills, Arctic-Air, hasten pop-bang, lightning field, etc.
  6. I don't care who 'played' Statesman. He was (and always will be) Paragon's symbolic Hero-of-Heroes to me. I thought it was one of the most senseless and illogical things ever done in the game. Any base I ever created on the blue side always had a special area to honor him...a glass case holding his mask, usually. People have made fun of me for missing him but I don't care.
  7. Analytical Flame Augmentron Apparatus Auxiliary Cell Alternator Machine Kit Superior Disaster Automatron Engine Bionic Flame Conductron Gizmo Optimal Data Conductron Machine Kit Percussive maintenance method 2 - hit with a hammer
  8. Thanks for the nice comment, High-Beam! I have another like it from Live A LONG time ago!
  9. Mind bullets will make your hair grow out in bangs...
  10. If I have the numbered coordinates for a plaque/badge, how to I enter them so they create a waypoint on my map?
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