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Everything posted by Healix

  1. I will give you the same directions that I was given for correcting any corrupted things in your game, so try this first: Find your HC directory, which is probably under C:/Games/Homecoming; if not, you can open HC Launcher and click the "Screenshots" button. From there, you can navigate to the main folder. Once in the main folder, look for the folders labeled "Accounts", "Architect", "Costumes", "Demos", "Powercust", "Screenshots" and/or "Settings". Depending on what game features you've used or not used, not all of these folders may be present. These folders contain personal data (like costumes, screenshots, and settings, like the folders say) that would be lost if you just delete the directory wholesale, so back up those folders somewhere (like on your desktop or something). You can either copy them or move them, doesn't make a huge difference. Once you've done that, delete everything else. No need for an uninstall wizard or anything like that. Next, download and install a fresh version of HC launcher from here: https://manifest.cohhc.gg/launcher/hcinstall.exe Before you move anything back into your new HC directory, ensure that the game works as it's supposed to. You'll still be able to log in and access your characters. The only things you moved were client-side backups that don't impact the game. Do NOT restore the back ups yet at this point, just check to make sure the game works. If it does, you can move everything you backed up, into the new HC directory, allowing you to restore your binds, access costumes you've saved, etc. If you have also installed the CoH Modder, be sure and add this to the Extra Launch Parameters line: -assetpath assets\mods Hope this fixes it for you like it did for me!
  2. veni, vidi, vici weenie, weedie, weechi
  3. A name in the game I always wondered about is Unai Kemen... I always pronounced it OO-nigh KEE-men (if it had 2 m's it would be KEM-men). Some say YOO-nigh or oo-NAY.
  4. I hope that works for Faelia, because this is such an awesome program. (I had problems getting it to work at first, but it was because I didn't put it in the right place.) The mods I installed have added so much enjoyment to my game. Thanks a quadrabazillion times over for giving us this gift, Michiyo.
  5. ...and you WILL laugh...
  6. I'd run fast too, if my legs were on fire!
  7. well, I had this link bookmarked... http://web.archive.org/web/20120904100456/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/index.php
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