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Everything posted by QuiJon

  1. The thing is that your comparisons to the other items don't hold water. In fact AE was intended for everyone to use. The developers put no limit on it when they introduced it and Positron even said when it came out that players could go from 1-50 all in the AE and never go to other zones if they chose to. That is was deisgned that way. Granted they nerfed XP on it on live, I think this was likely appropriate to do, however it still remained a feature intended for all on the server. Just as the items from the P2W vendors were. I know some of them were given out based on veteran reward as far as how long you were subscribed, But even if every account had earned them, they would have gotten them you just had to meet the qualifications. The other powers there were available as money purchases, which again, anyone willing to buy the things could have them, all they have done now is simply change them to be available for in game influence rather then real money. I totally get what you are saying, and I like having it available to me also, and I also have not exploited it. But even so its an admin slash command and was not made to give to players, unlike your other examples. I am just hoping that they find a way to allow for the use of a base teleport with a manageable recharge rate, that then also allows me to maybe keep a memory bank of Access codes if I want to go into other bases then my own. That is all I think any of us really want. And I am not gonna make a fuss about what they do use, until I see what they are going to use. Its pointless there are more posts on this topic it is not like the devs don't know our wishlist for a replacement.
  2. Look I know its to late to do it for this year, and over all it is not a big change or a big problem just something that is irksome. But I feel like it would be nice if there was a mechanism in place that prevented you from getting duplicate Halloween costumes. I mean if I am going to take the time to farm to 50 of those mugs to get all the badges it would be nice if when I was done I had 50 temp powers not 29 like I ended up with tonight. Like I said not a big deal and I am not saying to award them at any increased rate or anything just that when you get a temp power somehow when you earn another the RNG should only include temp powers you have not received yet.
  3. So essentially as a melee character you feel that content that doesn't all you to be the star of the show is garbage is what I take from this. I mean part of what you are complaining about I feel like is the point. Things like making holding aggro a challenge. Or taking taunt auras out of play. I mean both would for certain impact a brute since so few of you take taunt. However as most tankers take taunt it seems like it brings them into the forefront of being the agro class of the game doesn't it? I mean sure it might side line your fury, but how do you think a blaster or other squishie feels that's entire defense is sidelined by the blue flames? I mean it doesn't seem to matter how much defense or res I can run if I am caught in blue flames for more then a second I am dead. But what I find funny is that essentially all the content this game had up to the ITF can essentially be run with nothing but a melee toon tanking hundreds of enemies at a time. And yet ONE trial is added to the game that breaks that mechanic slightly, and suddenly the entire end game is devaluing your character. I personally think having different trials require different tactics then some brutish character having to run up to it and punch it into submission is a welcome addition to the game. Because so far that is exactly what 95 percent of this games content was. If only now we could get to the idea of giving characters centered around controls a purpose again.
  4. I have to say my first scrapper back in the day was a katana/regen. Yes I made her because at the time everyone had a regen, and it was way over powered and virtually unkillable. However times change. And so has regen. And now my favorite defense set happens to be Will Power. Which I think is more or less what Regen should have been spec into when they changed it, but likely they were still trying to find something original and "wolverineish" feeling at the time. However I do wonder if perhaps one aspect of WP is the solution for Regen. IMO regens basic issue is that you can balance something like regen around the idea of a perceived appropriate fight level. Meaning if you attribute that a single hero should be able to fight 2 minions and a Lt. then you can base the regen powers to provide that level of protection. But it means that it becomes more woefully underpowered as you try to challenge it. So maybe the solution is to find a way to have regen be able to ramp up to the challenge so it maintains a closer to base line performance no matter the difficulty level you play at. The only way I can see doing this would be to perhaps give a bit more of a def or res buff, but that is not really "regenish" but why not make integration something that provides a base buff, but also then provides larger buffs as to the number of enemies you have in melee range. Kind of like WP does. WP gives you an increase to your base rengeneration based on how many enemies you are fighting, I don't see why this should or could not be done also within the regen set to help make the base line performance of the set a bit more adjustable across challenging game play without having to say "well just invest 200m influence in IOs and it seems fine." I mean I can run a WP brute in a SL farm at +3/8 no problem with nothing but common IOs, no set bonuses. I am not quite sure I could say the same for a regen, infact I am pretty sure I couldn't.
  5. I didn't say it was unwelcome but I said that the mechanics of how an NPC agros and attacks makes it less significant to have a wider melee range for PVE then it does for PVP. I mean when I can pile myself in mobs that just huddle around me attacking without quitting they are going to get killed eventually by my attacks be it a 5 foor or 10 range or whatever. If fact I could also argue that with targeting caps on the powers that in many cases those extra 2 feet are enemies that would fall outside of that cap anyway and have to wait their turn to die. All I am saying is that the distance increase was of more benefit to PVP and likely would not have come about if not for it, and people would likely have not cared because it was not something pvers complained about.
  6. Wow did you make that up yourself. Cause I am quite sure the MILLIONS of dollars companies like WB, Disney, and many more spend per year on hiring research firms to garner the opinions of people on their products so they can make alterations would say that the "entertainment industry" says more or less "find the product the most amount of people will like and make that." WB reshot half of Justice League because of bad receptions to preview audiences even though 1 creator made his vision. Lucasfilm sidelined the director of Rogue One and did massive reshoots, as well as fired the directors of Solo mid movie because of the feedback they were receiving. Fox would not release Dark Pheonix before the merger with Disney was finalized because of how bad reviews said it was no matter if it was the writer/directors vision. And still it seems Diseny will not allow New Mutants to see the light of day. If you are gonna pull sayins out of your ass atleast have them make sense to what is common knowledge and practices within the industry you are trying to act like you have knowledge of.
  7. Oh I came to that point somewhere around page 20, and got a nice warning by a GM.
  8. It has already been said but frankly my only use for this base command was easy of use. Sure having no animation time made it nice, but frankly until it was mentioned here I never once thought about skipping out of a pvp fight with it (thought I don't pvp) or escaping a death in pve with it etc. I only though it doesn't have that huge animation that half the time screws up at the end and it doesn't have a 30 minute cool down. It later became easy to be able to set to get into friends bases having multiple macros set with different codes. So really to me I say this is the fix: Give us back a click power that has a reasonable 5 minute cool down. Give it a animation time of a few seconds, maybe 5 but not interuptable, and have it only work out of combat. So like of like Hide works on a stalker, if you have taken or given damage in a certain amount of time I wont activate. Then change the teleport mechanic AND the base portal mechanic from zones to be able to program into it different Codes to come up. So I don't have to enter a code everytime I want to go into my SGs base vs my personal base or a friends, but I can just select off a list. Either I can add to the list or maybe it just holds my last 5 codes used or something more general. I think that gives everyone what they really want with little to no ability to abuse it.
  9. But you are talking about changed that had to be done for pvp that were of negligible use in PVE which is why they were not done until pvp was added. When you have a mob of NPCs standing around you fighting toe to toe a 2 foot difference in melee range means nothing. When you are fighting someone jumping around like an idiot on a hopped up combat jumping it does. Same thing goes for the taunt range. Don't need that kind of range when all your enemies are standing in a room or on a map and not moving or roaming around looking for enemies. You only need to hit the ones you can run up to and agro in yoru immediate range.
  10. Though I wont disagree that regen was originally performing way above the curve I also agree that it was hit particularly hard because of the type of set it was in an attempt to balance it for PVP. In PVP the numbers had to be much lower for the regen buffs because in many cases it was being balanced to fighting ONE other player. When in PVE the set faces multiple enemies at a time. And with no def and mostly non-existant resistances in the set it means that when translated to a PVE world where a scrapper set of a different choice like willpower can still stand in the middle of a mob of enemies and live, Regen has problems. Now you can debate if any scrapper set should be able to tank if you want, but the fact is many do, regen used to, and now it can not. And those changes cut deeper because of PVP balance. Now for myself I can prob add to this list that on my energy blaster total focus used to be a mag 4 stun. This IMO was a balance to how long the animation was and how long it rooted you, and the idea that you were a blaster so this rooted you into a long animation in melee range of an enemy. They reduced it to a mag 3 stun because it was deemed to strong of a stun to have in pvp.
  11. Accept you are then REQUIRING that if I want to build I perma-dom I have to take 5 powers that can slot defense, and be able to afford 5 powers worth of 5slotted purples to obtain it. Where currently it is available with hasten without having to be so exacting. So getting rid of the current state of hasten essentially will mean that anyone that wants that reward will now just be making cookie cutter builds that have CJ, Hover, Stealth, Manuevers, and the fighting pool to get to weave. I think the minority of the community that doesn't like hasten should just decide for themselves to not take it, and leave the rest of us alone that want it because it gives us freedom to actually make the characters we want instead of taking half our power choices to just fit into a certain build mechanic. If you admit that hasten is not OP then it doesn't need to be nerfed. Why does it matter how I choose to build my toon in comparison with how you build yours?
  12. And you can already get this bonus by way of incarnates. Take the right incarnate and get a 45 percent bonus to all recharge 2/3s of which can by pass enhancement diversification. So once again, what is being sought is available to you, however I am sure the response will be "but I need to take alpha X because I need the Y effect it offers in my build" Which is your exact same issue for why you want a small inherent buff and to nerf hasten so you can pick something else. Essentially you are being presented with a choice. Do you want that extra few percentages of resistance or defense or whatever, or do you want hasten. And you pick that you would prefer both essentially. Well character building is about tradeoffs. And the same thing is present in Incarnate slots. There is a reason why you can not take a alpha that buffs, damage, acc, control, recharge, end mod, and end red all in one pick. Because it is a CHOICE which you want the most. Nothinig with Hasten's current power level or selection requires you to take it. If you wish to skip it, in most all cases you can, you can get its same benefit from other means like IO sets and then take the powers you want to replace it with to your liking. OR you can take hasten and then use IO choices to fill in the def or res etc that you otherwise gave up taking hasten. The point it is a build choice. But what you are saying is nerf hasten requiring that thousands of characters have to be completely retooled that are happy the way they are because you don't think you should have to make a choice between taking hasten and taking combat jumping. You are right, you suggestion as nothing to do with wanting balance it has to do with wanting everything you want at the exspense of people that are happy with what they have.
  13. Blasters used to have that bonus in defiance, and it was totally hated because by the time you got any sizable bonus you were essentially a half a shot away from being dead. As for Steam's ideas, again how about not and we just leave it alone. It works just fine the way it is.
  14. Pile stealth with SS and you are essentially invisible. That is a pretty neat over powered trick. Boxing has a stun effect. OMG if I took boxing and used it with bonecrusher or total focus or another stun power I would not even need to wait for my stunning power to recharge to be able to stun a boss. That is even better then hasten giving me a recharge bonus. Assault grants 10?or 15? percent damage boost to all team members, hell the other team members don't even need to have taken that power and get the benefit of it. OMG that is totally over powered at least every character has to take hasten to get the benefit. Teleport friend allows you to skip past content with your team and jump to the end of a mission, nerf it!!!! Hover allows me to slot my blaster to only have to avoid Ranged attacks to make him uber, NERF IT! How about this. You play and design your own characters how you want, and I will do the same to mine. If you don't like hasten because you think it cheapens the game, then you don't take it. Problem solved. If you think you would be happy with just 20 percent or so boost to recharge I will send you a list of IO sets that can give that to you. Problem solved. Then you can stop being a troll and looking at telling me how my characters should be built to your approval.
  15. The thing is the troll that started all this basically has admitted he is just trolling with his second idea. He was still offering the same level of buff. And was saying that he felt most players would be happy with a 20-25 percent native boost to recharge. Well the thing is that a player can already do that. Don't take hasten and just drop some IOs with recharge bonuses into your build. Hell you can prob pull in 20 percent recharge without even planning for it. So if that is all players wanted they could easily do it. He is a troll, he wants to start crap by telling people how he thinks our characters should be built. Noone has to take hasten if they don't want to. One of the rasons why it is so popular is likely nothing to do with wanting recharge but needing to at times fill in a power choice with nothing available you really want to take. I run into this all the time. And yes even if I have not thought it was needed before that, I figure hasten what the hell it is only one power that needs little resources. Or I think Stealth, I can mule an IO into it. Or Combat Jumping, or Hover etc. 966k characters and they said only like 150k of them have hasten. I know that sounds like a slot but it is just around 15 percent of characters and when you think of how many power pools there are to pick from that is not really a strong factual basis for saying that everyone takes hasten. Yes it becomes more likely on level 50 build sbecause people have more power choices and are min.maxing but it means people don't feel the need to have it to level to 50, so I find it hard to buy into this too good to skip mentality. Players are obviously skipping it for large swaths of the game play.
  16. Sure we do we have to add that trolls need to stop suggesting how other players should design their toons and just stfu and hasten should remain as is.
  17. So probably roughly the same amount of the 911k characters that have taken the fighting pool, or the leadership pool have taken hasten, wow I can see why they think it is a problem.
  18. I have played a dominator since COV was released. And when they made adjustments to the Domination buffs Positron was directly asked if they would be nerfing perma-dom (this was around when all the t9s in armors were taking the hit) and he replied their were no plans to do so that they felt with the changes they currently made that the AT would be working as intended. Stop talking out of your ass like you know the intention of the developers of the game. Many powers have been introduced and remain able to be perma'd with little to no investment in recharge or hasten. By nature of his response Postiron confirmed that originally the devs might not intended sometime but that they fix it on a power by power or item by item basis. Not just a blanket "no perma" policy. If a power is currently able to be perma and is breaking to the balance of the game then bring that up and lets discuss it. But hasten is not breaking the balance of the game. Your claim is it is allowing things to happen that breaks that balance, but so far I have seen nothing as an example just "nerf Hasten never intended" well pumkin pie, Hasten was able to be perma with 6 slotted SOs in recharge on day one of this game being released. With perma hasten many of these powers that you claim Cryptic didn't intended to be perma-d were able to be perma-d easily.. So easily it could not be known it wouldn't happen. And by that I mean I don't have to build a 300m IO build around doing it, I mean t9 tank armors could be perma with 6 slots on hasten and 3 more on the armor when this game launched. That is not a heavey investment that is unpredictable that a player would do when you figured the benefit and that a t9 only took like 2 enhancement types to begin with. So stop talking out of your ass that you know the intention of the devs. If there is a specific power that in perma status is broken then lets address it, otherwise all you are doing is telling other people how you approve of them making their own characters.
  19. Practiced Brawler is a click power, that is clearly able to be made perma with just its own slotting. Right there that breaks your theory as to the devs intent. That power has existed that way since day one of the game. In issue 5 when ED was put into the game yes some perma powers took a hit. However the devs also then implemented IOs which in turn gave additional bonuses to recharge in MANY MANY sets and in great enough different ranges that clearly allowed under the rule of 5 mechanic that multiple levels of buffs would be available on the same characters. And when these levels of buffs allow for some powers to become perma again, many of those powers that you might correctly point out the devs didn't want perma, had their recharge times adjusted to reflect that and prevent them from running perma. Hasten though was NOT one of those powers. Infact through all the changes of ED, IOs, and nerfs to other powers recharges I don't believe hasten has ever had its base recharge time changed. And this is going for literally YEARS between the introduction of IOs at which point perma hasten became a feature again, and the sunset of the game. And of course I don't have access to the old forums anymore, but I am absolutely sure that at one point Positron was nailed down on a discussion of Perma-domination during one of these rounds of nerfs to T9 recharge timers in armors and such and when asked said that the devs felt that perma-domination was not a factor the devs were not looking at it as a imbalance to the archetype. So stop assuming the devs intent. If you don't like hasten don't use it. Don't assume to tell the rest of us how or when we can use our powers.
  20. Still completely idiotic. So what you are saying Is that you now want to allow Hasten to be perma with 2 recharge SOs but if people stack in enough global bonuses they can achieve the same 70 percent they once had. OOOORRRRRRR Just leave the F'ing power alone it works fine. If you don't like it don't take it. Frankly here is the flaw in your thinking...No one has to take hasten. And if you would be happy just getting 20 percenet bonus and not taking the power, guess what tiger, YOU CAN DO THAT NOW. Simply don't take hasten and slot 20 percent global recharge off the bonuses from IO sets. Pretty freakin simple fix to your dilemma that is already available in game and requires no changes. And also lets those oh us that have no need to push our bullcrap ideas onto other peoples play style keep the power we like how it has been in game since launch. You are posting a solution to a non-existant problem. No one is forced to take hasten. They take it because they want to. Just like some people take stealth because they want it. Or some people still stack fighting pool on top of a heavy armor set. Stop thinking that we all need your approval for how we want to build our characters and stop thinking that since we don't ask you that you should get powers changed to inflict your derangements upon the rest of the player base. If You don't want hasten, if it doesn't fit into YOUR concept, or YOUR theme, then YOU can skip it. If YOU only want a free 20% recharge bonus, then YOU can plan to earn that 20% when YOU build YOUR character with its IOs and plan to get it from set bonuses. See that accomplishes the same thing as your "plan" and only effects YOU. For some reason you think YOU should get to effect US.
  21. Maybe the sets are that way on purpose because aoe powers for your example, inherently have a longer base recharge then a single target attack so they purposely limited the recharge options in the sets. The devs likely designed the sets that way for a purpose.
  22. Jesus christ between this and the hasten thread what is it with these purely idiotic ideas that people put forward that not only would require volunteer devs to put in months of full time effort to design a concept so based in absolutely no need to the game. Dont like sets and find them to messy then dont use them. But I think the vast majority of people have no desire to revamp multiple characters because you want bonuses that allow you to make a character to your liking while likely screwing over hundreds of other players happy with theirs.
  23. Permanent dom you need 123 percent on top of hasten. Take into account you need enough of a dom overlap to get it activated again. But point is still who cares. Why should I have to give up how I like my characters cause you th think a power is too good. Hoe about if you dont like it then YOU dont take it. I alot of times only take stealth and maneuvers from those pools should we nerf those also. Fitness required 3 power selections to get the only power anyone cared about having th hat is why it was m as de inherent. So how about just make your own characters take the powers you like and stop pissing on what other people like cause you dont care for it.
  24. Sorry worst idea ever. This change has more sweeping implications then just giving a smaller insignificant recharge boost to all characters so they can have a different power pool selection. The recharge level of hasten is in many cases the basis around which a character is built. For example Perma-Doms would be almost completel impossible to have under this plan. A 20 percent recharge bonus would mean you would have to find like 160 percent recharge from set bonuses. Also even if many of the melee characters T9 armors are not perma anymore, people have builds based around recharge that off set that down time in different ways that would be totally borked if hasten lost its power. Essentially Hasten is a good power. It offers great recharge bonuses because it has a long recharge and because it requires a power choice. You want to have some benefit of that bonus but don't want to have to take the power choice. This is different completely then the stamina fitness issues. Game design was really built around the idea that people took fitness. The cost of powers required it to maintain the fight and to use your toggles. Also the only power people really in most cases wanted in that pool was stamina which required taking 3 power choices and waiting until level 20 to get at that point. It was a borked system that required to much investment to get the required return out of it. Hasten is simply one power choice, and though yes I tend to take it on most of my builds, it is honestly not required, and with IO sets more then ever can be skipped now if people really choose to. Again back in the old days a power was pretty much slotted with SOs at 2 acc, 3 damage or some combination. With IOs we 6 slot powers more often now. Those IO sets build in a certain level of recharge in most cases that already grant the 20 or so percent you want hasten to give. And if you don't want hasten it is pretty easy to get said 20 percent global recharge in other ways without taking hasten. What you want is the ability to take more power pools and not have to "waste" one on hasten. And what I am saying is if you only want a 20 percent all the time bonus to recharge then get it from IOs and don't take hasten, the solution to your issue already esists. There is no reason to muck up 100k other characters to get what you want for yours.
  25. Honestly don't want them to. From what I have seen these sets are cobbled together as just trying to work in other powers into some new theme. And most of them are not that impressive looking. I want new sets and I don't mind some of the basic ideas these people come up with but I would rather see what people that are not simply recycling powers from other sets might come up with on their own.
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