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Everything posted by termyt

  1. I did not suggest any such thing. It is disingenuous to imply I have. I said they nerfed Super Speed without an explanation as to why, which is exactly hat they did. None of the dev replies in that thread give a justification. They simply explain the change, how the system works, or provide an alternative to getting the same effect with a different build. I didn't even explicitly disagree with the change. I just requested a clear reasoning for a change to something that's been in place for so long. I personally I never said a nerf was an argument against it. My very post implies the exact opposite. I requested a clear reasoning behind it, which was not given either in the patch notes or in the feedback thread. They changed something that his been in place for 18 years. An explanation specifically related to this change is not too much to ask for. Super Speed is not a Stealth Power. It was never flagged as such until now, some 18 years later. There are thematic reasons for it being like that, which enhance the story and setting for super beings. I'm of the exact opposite opinion on this. I still wish Super Speeders didn't go into the "swim" emote when moving across water and could run up the sides of buildings.
  2. I don't intend for this to gather hate one way or the other. I don't post a lot here because, overall, it's been a tremendously positive experience. I know you are all volunteers and you are doing an excellent job of it. But this has been really bothering me, so I need to say something. You nerfed Super Speed. You changed the nature of a power that's been around since the beginning and the only notice was a single line in the patch notes like it was nothing, an afterthought. The feedback thread went unanswered. That is not good. The functionality lost is not terribly difficult to replace, but that's not the point. That you changed how Super Speed works doesn't bother me near as much that you made a change to how something has worked since the early days of Live and didn't give us a reason for it and didn't answer our questions about it. If you had a good reason, great. Share it with the entire community. Ignoring our concerns is not a path forward. Thank you for your time and attention. I really do love the game and am happy with what you've done with it.
  3. I, for one, will appreciate the ability to fight the EB's solo.
  4. Whenever I run Ouros missions, I set challenges for fun and badges. I do it a lot. I don't have any analytics, just experience doing it. So my question is whether the "Player Debuff" challenge has changed at all, perhaps unintentionally so. It's a lot harder now than it has in the past to the tune of a 25% hit rate at best when running in the 20's and 30's level ranges. I can't believe it is luck as I never experienced that before and get no other experiences but that now and for the last month or so - definitely not just since this new Page 4 drop - it's been a bit longer. Anyone else experiencing this?
  5. That's possible. I will have to experiment to be sure.
  6. I just upgrade both Baster AT attuned enhancement sets to Purple using catalysts. The cost was 2 catalysts per upgrade.
  7. It seems like al the new content - going back to Praetoria and the "new" King's Row arcs - is designed around high level toons doing the content through Ouroboros - where they have fully enhanced and fleshed out powers. It's extremely difficult for toons actually doing it at their appropriate level with training and dual-origin enhancements at best. I don't know what the answer it, though. The power imbalance between an actual level 15 and a 50 exemplared down to 15 is huge.
  8. I'm definitely not fond of the idea of reducing badge requirements too much. It's already been done once. I'm sure a lot of folks would like to get all those badges for little effort on the average walk from 1 to 50, but that's not really what earning those badges are supposed to mean. If you look at a toon and they have 1500+ badges - that means something. But, on the other hand, "Born in Battle" is one of the key accolades that more than just badgers want for it's +HP +End power award. It's the companion to Portal Jockey on the blue side and both are intended to be end game accomplishments. I think 100,000 is too light. 500,000 (second badge) might be appropriate, depending on where those badges are typically earned.
  9. This might be a big ask, I'm not sure how the game engine works, but I have an issue with auras when I'm flying. Since most common power auras now have a "minimal fx" setting, I can mostly avoid the issue. But when flying, whatever aura you have with any kind of trailing property flies straight at the camera. It fills the screen with pulsating light obscuring everything else and giving me a splitting headache. Afterburner used to be the worst - so I absolutely adore the minimal fx setting. Would it be possible to just angle the GFX down instead of straight to the rear? I can see how that could be extremely difficult if that's how the physics work, but it would be fantastic, and I'd love to use more of the auras in the game. But if you don't ask, you aren't likely to get.
  10. For the record, other than Romulus in the Finale, there are no Cimeroran Traitor enemies in Sister Solaris's arc. The principle villains are Talons of Vengeance. Cyclopes and Minotaurs are likely excluded on purpose because of their own badges.
  11. I did not receive badge credit for defeating Cortex in the "Graveyard Shift" story arc. I don't recall if I specifically checked the counter after defeating Pathogen, so there's a chance it's Pathogen that didn't count. I'll update when I figure it out. Edit; beat Cortex in the sewers and got credit, so confirming I did not get credit during the Graveyard Shift arc. (Level 50 Vigilante Rad/Dark Defender)
  12. I've started the arc twice now, both times I found the same issue. Not sure if it's a bug or I am just missing something. In mission three, I lead the two doorknobs to the waypoint, killing everything in the mission (there's little choice on this). Get to Pierce by the locked door and the glowie and ... nothing happens. No dialogue, the door is locked, the glowie is unclickable, none of the three NPC's can be talked to.
  13. I was able to get both badges running the "Curious Case of Benjamin Decker" arc (10.06). Perhaps because the arc you ran is an incarnate arc?
  14. Shouldn't "License to Chilll" be "Licensed to Chill?" Since it can be worn as a title.
  15. For any Strike or Task Forces in Ouros, can we add which strike force it is in parentheses? Such as: The New Recruits (Positron TF) Saves some searching time.
  16. Can we have the innertube while flying?
  17. "Mob Specialist" needs some more work. The Help text says "100 Prisoner Bosses" But the number is 200 and LT's count, too.
  18. Back on line, when the "No Travel Powers" challenge was selected while doing a Flashback arc, the Ouros Portal was still available. Now it is not. This is a problem if the mission is in Ouros and you don't happen to be there. There is no way to get there, save by someone else's portal.
  19. I caught Sally swimming through the island in the center of the lake in Croatoa. Sorry I did not get a screen shot, but it was on the Southern shore and she was swimming from East to West.
  20. Your character name (the character with the red star): Termyt Your global handle: @termyt Your Supergroup name: Friends of Ouph The shard you’re on: Everlasting The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: foo-602 The character names or global handles of any Supergroup members that contributed to building the base (up to a maximum of five, including yourself if you contributed): @termyt There are many features of the base that I am very happy with, far too many to show in a few pictures. The base requires a lot of exploration to find them all. All 10 inner-base TP locations are in use with several portals to let you explore them. The above-ground area has all the amenities a base requires and allows for quick access to trainers, stores, and, of course, TP pads. Highlights include the Lantern Festival, the Colosseum, the hot springs, and the Sky Lounge. Take a walk on the arcade and take in a movie or perhaps a show at the theater. Browse the books in the library (don't forget to visit the library basement - but beware the librarian), or take a swim in the park and walk along the stream. Points of interest include the pool, the chapel, the subway and the catacombs (if you can find them). If you are up for challenging your stamina, climb the Stairway to Heaven or jump from A-Bomb's Leap. Whatever you do and whereever you go, I hope to can always observe the first rule of Ouph - Have Fun. Bring along a friend, because the second rule is, the first to die buys the first round of drinks.
  21. I was going to say you are early, but it's only too early in North and South America, so carry on!
  22. It has been an issue for as long as I remember. Definitely older than the last couple of patches.
  23. My eyes are not young. I set my Windows Opacity to 100% so when I have two windows up I can see the text in the one that is active. Every time I log a character in, the value changes. Usually back to 0, sometimes some value between 5-30%..
  24. I've been fighting an issue lately where my settings for both Auto-Accept Level Changes sliders keep resetting to 0. What's worse, every time I zone, I get prompted again if I want to keep the level change. I like to have both of theme set to 50 because I do a lot of TF/SF's and I am aware my level is going to decrease. I really hate having to go in and check my settings every time I log in.
  25. It's 3 plaques in Cap and it worked for me. Perhaps you missed one? Or perhaps a roll back due to a server issue removed one of them from you? Or maybe it's a new bug.
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