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  1. If you expect every new player to play missions from 1 - 50, 90% of them will quit between 35 and 50 because the XP and available mission content are not appropriately balanced. If it weren't for PLing, TF's and MS raids most players wouldn't get past 40 because it's an absolute slog.
  2. Chris Jenkins, some sources claim he's the grandson of Maria Jenkins, she of the Heroes Hero/Heroes Epic arc. What their relationship is to Leroy, one can only speculate.
  3. They won't show the stats because then everyone would know that all of the sets they've created (Seismic blast, Symphony control, etc.) are rarely played above level 20 or so. I'm kidding! Settle down.
  4. If "Models" includes power customization, then using the "Mirror" setting from Illusion would get my vote, so you could summon 6 increasingly more powerful versions of yourself.
  5. Yeah, sometimes its dancing with the host, and sometimes you pick a literal Serial Killer.
  6. I think the only CoH Discord I'm still subbed to is CAKE because sometimes I like reading about the crazy modifications they make to the game...but I haven't actually used Discord for anything since the last time I ran a Masks campaign.
  7. Snarky's Tirades Are Really Tiresome? Just kidding! Don't bite me.
  8. Radical notion: maybe players shouldn't be able to play +3/8 solo against everything. If the tank has to turn down the difficulty against certain groups to +1/2 is that a bad thing? Again, I'd argue that it would be good if everyone had to turn the difficulty down on everything, but as it stands it's one group of enemies that's the complaint - even the buffed Council is still manageable solo at high difficulties. IMO if people don't like it, they should just go back to the AE building.
  9. Stop Taking All Reggie's Tendies.
  10. I literally said only half the team needed to do it. I don't think asking a few Defense based melees to cut out either Combat Jumping or Hover (Since they're kind of redundant except for the +Def) and replace it with tactics (especially when they're already taking maneuvers) is making everyone a cookie cutter build, in fact quite the opposite. The Devs should make more use at more levels across enemy groups that make people either turn down the difficulty, build for a team or both. Not just in "advanced modes" either, but throughout the regular content. +0/1 can stay as it is, no solo bosses or AV's is fine (Hell I'd be fine if they wanted to turn Solo AV's in TF's into EB's - I'm not against solo playing ) but I'm in the camp that thinks +4/8 should wreck everything but a well run team, Speed running endgame content (Aeon, MLTF, LRSF) should be literally impossible, and no character should be able to solo above +1/3 at most - and don't even get me started on how characters are so powerful that you can just literally ignore the Hami Raid's mechanics and burn him down 5 times in a row every night. IMO everything else needs the difficulty turned up - Even with difficulty sliders, right now 99% of this game is about as challenging as kicking babies.
  11. People need to start taking Leadership/tactics. Stacked tactics would solve the -to hit, the confuse and the terrorize. I take Assault/Maneuvers/tactics on almost every character, because there's no reason not to. Unfortunately a lot of people follow build guides meant for farming or soloing +4/8. People will say "builds are tight" but no, they're not. Builds were tight when you HAD to use up 3 powers to get stamina and two of those powers were only marginally useful. With inherent fitness, there's no reason for people not to replace those 3 powers with the leadership pool...again, unless they're building for farming/soloing/speedrunning. So yeah, if you've got a "team" of farmers/soloers/speedrunners you're going to have problems. If even half the team has made an effort to put team powers into their build, it will be much less of a problem. Personally I wish they'd give every enemy group a slight makeover that made fitting team powers into your build more useful.
  12. Even with their long cooldowns, the red side power is very helpful for Doms and Stalkers, especially for Doms before they get get permadom. The Blue side power is excellent for MM's.
  13. The Unity Plague (30 - 34) if you haven't done it. It sends you to all of the zones and their signature contacts, like a nostalgia tour.
  14. No, Time Lord. The accolade that you get if you have Oro and Cim day jobs. It gives +Rech if you log in either Cim or Oro, in addition to the normal bonus for that zone.
  15. Same thing is happening on my MM, and I'm NOT running it through Oro. Mission is straight up bugged. Oh, and this is one that's had its entry moved to the new section of the RWZ.
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