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  1. Probably will be 18+ to ride.
  2. When it comes to tank builds, you are my spirit animal guru. Thank you.
  3. Just take a "break" from playing until the next update or new powerset comes out (or both) when I bored or done with them.
  4. Not me. Makes me think of that meme "learn to code". So confused.
  5. How do you open your link so I can get a peek? New to this one, use to everyone just posting their builds.
  6. Do you work for Bethesda's marketing department or something? Todd Howard: "We are coming out with an expansion to Starfield called "Shattered Space". No we will not tell you about the story, you will have to wait 9 months minimum before we tell you about that. No, we will not show you any footage. Again you have to wait those many months. In fact we will only tell you about the title and hope you will be excited over it while you enjoy this buggy game, and where we will feed you content that should have been in on day one. But, be hyped about the expansion." Now I am not saying the CoH devs are like Bethesda, far from it. But by using your approach, it sounds pretty damn close. I am not asking for spoilers. Just more lore too add and flesh out the new expansion a bit without saying too much that will ruin for some.
  7. How long does it take to get to 50? As long as my head canon allows. I do have a bit who are level 50, but I am not in a rush to fill pages full of 50's.
  8. Sarcasm noted. Back in the day to hype up a zone would post lore on it. Like Croatoa Like Croatoa there would be a story behind them. Why screens? An video is just as good if not better. When the council separated from the column there was lore on why and again on why it happened so people could read it. Odysseus should be no different. I am a lore (censored) and wanna get hyped on the new issue. Why push against on wanting on more information. I am askin for "Spoilers" just more hype.
  9. So what is the lore on this new area? Who are these new enemies and what is their beef with us? Why did the Warriors upgraded themselves? Side note: Can we get a demo on the new water power?
  10. Some context, since 2019 I have tried to find one council mission that had the robot rebellion. I tried looking under oro, running random contact missions and to no avail, could not find this mission to save my life. But somehow I finally got it in a form of a 2 contact mission. Must be a glitch. Well it began will Allision King in Bricks with only 3 missions. I was so excited to finally to do my fav mission and I really do not have many mission I would love to repeat over again, for only to end just that quick. This left me with the preverbal, WTF, and left it unsatisfied as you might guess. Then less than a month later for it to be picked up again in Founders Fall with Jose Escalante, this allowed me to finish. I went into the wiki to find which missions they were and what mission it was called and they are not normal contacts to give that mission. Regardless, that itch has finally been scratched and wish this was a TF rather than a mission and an event attached to it, so I could farm the crap out of it.
  11. Sorry, but surprising the idea would not be original.
  12. Forgive my ignorance, but I never understood "End game Content". To me it sounds like, when you are done with the main quest, it is all side missions and nothing else. This has puzzled me for years when someone brings it up. Carry on.
  13. Came in around issue 3 I think, during the Ralaruu invasion. Ah, the invasion in AP was so fun.
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