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Dr. Voltage

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Everything posted by Dr. Voltage

  1. Galaxy City. Never Forget.
  2. Do you typically have any problems from Mothman?
  3. It's a dead link when I try to open it.
  4. Ooh, that makes more sense. I know the old mids had the names, and one of them had some sort of infomation.
  5. I remember reading that the incarnate system was to go up with tiers, after Hybrid would have been another two double rungs, and then a single, and that pattern would continue as they kept developing content towards cosmic level events. But yea, less clickies, maybe some toggles or passives.
  6. I would loove more judgements. Or more to the incarnate system as a whole, but I know how much work that'd be.
  7. This is disgustingly good, and I love it. Brilliant.
  8. I now want art of Hami in a sleeveless jacket.
  9. If you ever played the ooooold 1990s Lego games, there is a Rock Raiders remake in Unreal called Manic Miners.
  10. It sounds like you really enjoy your theme and head canon, so by all means, definitely stick to what you enjoy! The game is 100 times easier to play if you enjoy who you're playing. For example with myself, Bio armor is a killer powerset. It looks great on paper and has excellent reviews. But I literally can't come up with a satisfactory backstory for an ablative armor toon with how it looks. Best I've come up with is mold themed, or Hershey's chocolate shell themed. 😅
  11. That makes sense, thank you! Does that mean animations are done through the engine specifically? So new models seem simple enough minus time and people, but maybe animations require engine editing? Just making calculated guesses here. I want to say that graphics like power animations were done through another modeling software, maybe? I was reading the lore transcripts and a dev mentioned warshades took like 23 layers for a single power, lol.
  12. I'm doing my best with that metaphor, lol, but I'm assuming that'd mean with those "modern digital cameras", new models could be made? For example, Battalion. They're basically the Dominion from Star Trek, but transdimensional(?) and in thick Impervium plated battle armor, akin to Rikti suits. I would love to teach myself some Autodesk if CoH is still compatible. Because it's not the cheapest program in the world, lol.
  13. I didn't mean to insinuate anything about the Devs at all, just wanted to know if there is any actual technical limitations, not so much manpower or time limitations.
  14. Out of curiosity, does anyone know the limitations of development, if any? Can the developers make new animations and graphics? Or even design new full body models? I understand that the original 3D editing software used is defunct, is Autodesk still compatible with CoH, or is recycling all that can be really done.
  15. So P2W vendors next to the AE terminals? Got it.
  16. I have noticed the same thing but didn't realize it was due to Reactive. Been doing solo AVs on a AR/Dev blaster recently, and have had to spam web grenade to keep them still.
  17. When the number you're looking for is ≥50, the answer and choice is irrelevant.
  18. Apathy to ignorance makes the whole world dumb.
  19. The CoH community is one of the best and well-mannered in existence. Yet, sometimes you ask too much of us!
  20. This tripped me out, I was trying to figure out how you did this witchcraft, but then I saw it. 11/10, I've made a lot of national heroes like this and I've never been able to get GB right. I am 100% envious and might steal this trick. Amazing job.
  21. That's why you save your nuke and as soon as your teammates turn orange, you blap em! And then finish off the enemies solo. And then revive your team.
  22. For Tina Mac, the pre-GR Praetorian arc has a Carnie warehouse mission. In the mission intro it states something about "A tinny version" of a song. In the post-GR version, the same mission has the intro of "A tiny version" and I'm pretty sure Carnies don't care about data compression sizes.
  23. I'm not an expert by any means on procs, but I'd probably say if you're going for uptime, use a toggle. Putting in rage would lower overall uptime, due to the 2 minute clicky, but by my understanding, it should proc when you use it, giving you a couple seconds of burst damage every two minutes.
  24. The premise of endless ambushes does sounds appealing. Blueside, it really conveys a "Hold the Line!" kind of situation, I remember the old days on Live before the aggro cap, and watching some tanker in PP run past me, and then seeing the horde of thugs coming up behind them. It was really wowing, and having a mission where the challenge is sheer numbers could really give that hero vibe. It's done alright in the defend the vanguard base mission, and defending PPD HQ in Apex, but trying to hold ground against seemingly hopeless odds sounds like a blast. Redside, you could turn the tables and have the "Break them!" kind of situation. A seemingly impenetrable wall of defenders you have to wreck your way through.
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