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Everything posted by InfamousBrad

  1. As best as I can tell, any NPC with their own attack powers can follow stealthed players, and non-combat NPCs can't. Am I wrong?
  2. I use keybinds instead of buttons, but yeah, when I'm in /help I tell people they need three: pet_com_all: Att Def (attack my target and immediately return to bodyguard mode) Foll Def (bodyguard mode) Foll Pass (stop everything and return to me)
  3. The problem with this is two-fold: * All five of the base CoV archetypes were designed to suck at any one role. Look at the primary/secondary modifiers: all five archetypes have worse primary stats than any COH AT's primary stats, but better secondary stats than any COH AT's secondary stats. They're all innately multi-role. And ... * CoV was designed specifically to not have any fully-adequate tanks or supporters. None of them have survivability primary powers. None of them have support primary powers. I remember arguing, the whole first year that Masterminds existed that they, not Brutes were the red-side tanks but I was wrong. They're way too squishy against AoEs. But Brutes aren't tanks, either. Their self-defense powerset operates at only 2/3rds of what a Tank's does, and their inherent buffs damage, not survivability. There is literally only one archetype in the whole game that has survivability as their primary, and that's Tankers. There is literally only one archetype in the whole game that has support as their primary, and that's Defenders. Now that I see what you're getting at, you're dragging us back to the bad-old-days pre-issue-5, of people standing around the Hollows yelling "3 dps lf tank and healer." The only way to even vaguely make this work is list every AT with survivability above a certain modifier under tank and every AT with damage above a certain modifier under DPS and every AT with support above a certain modifier under defender. And it's still going to be counter-productive in that it's going to make team formation all that much harder because the reward's too good to risk not getting.
  4. OMG, you finally added more Christmas decorations. I've been asking for this so long, I may actually cry. Thank you!
  5. I'd go so far as to say that AoE sleep powers should be removed from the game, period, since they overtly do nothing at all if you, or even one other person on your team, has an AoE attack.
  6. The name and animation of Buttstroke and Heavy Blow are backwards. I guarantee you that a rifle butt attack hurts more than just getting punched.
  7. There are very-bright hanging orbs called something like Red Hanging Light 1 (and 2), Blue, and Green. Set the attachment point to Floor, set the grid to None, set Enable Room Clipping. Position them so the "hanging" cable sticks up through the tree where you want the light, then shift-drag the actual light down to where you want it. It's the best I got. (I've stopped asking for the pre-lit Christmas trees from Winter Forest/Atlas Park. I'm told it's because they only light up at night. I'd take it.)
  8. Is the Blaster version of Mud Bath supposed to be ticking +defiance every pulse, even when idle?
  9. And in shallow water it doesn't activate at all. The only way to make it work and look right is if you're in water that's just the right depth for the "swimming" emote to put your head and shoulders out of the water. All the outdoor maps use that depth, and I think all but a couple of instances. And I'm pretty sure there isn't a thing they could do to make it work right in water of the wrong depth.
  10. I had assumed that it was the pulsing -spd that was doing it, but I can't duplicate it. I guess it was only Seismic Shockwaves, and that's getting fixed in the next patch.
  11. I don't understand why Granite even still has the +rech and -dmg penalties. It's not THAT impressive a power.
  12. There may need to be a power-customization option somewhere for this, because I know there are people that screen-shake makes sick, but without it, I would have a hard time telling if that visual effect was coming from me or not.
  13. Level 19 seismic/stone blaster and I'm averaging about 50% up-time on it, which is awesome. The info window says it's 7% chance per pulse to knock down, but the pulse rate is fast, like once a second, which means that every enemy is getting knocked down about every 7 seconds while it's up -- which is consistent with what I'm seeing, and suggests that it's auto-hit, which is crazy-good. Combined with the 15' radius, which also seems really generous? I want it to go live just the way it is (with the fix for it breaking sleep, of course). I hope it's not considered too good.
  14. Tiny little text glitch having to do with Tombstone. On the Enhancement screen, if you hover over it, it says it has base accuracy 1.0. If you open the Info panel, it shows the correct base accuracy, 1.39.
  15. Having Salt Crystals and Mud Bath in the same powerset is counter-productive, because Mud Bath makes it impossible to use Salt Crystals. You run in, fire your AoE sleep, it autohits, one second later Mud Bath wakes them. (I ran into the same problem with the Seismic Shockwaves power.) Any chance of making the blaster version of Salt Crystals targeted AoE instead of PBAoE?
  16. I've found two bugs with this power so far. At least, I think the second one is a bug. Hovering over the Seismic Shockwaves buff icon shows that it grants knockback protection -- but it doesn't. Confirmed via the combat attributes window, and by being knocked back by multiple mobs while it was up. Either the hover text is wrong, or the self-buff isn't applying correctly. Despite the fact that it's not a damage power, it "notifies" mobs, which wakes them out of sleep. Which means, for example, if you run in and fire Salt Crystals while Seismic Shockwaves is up, it immediately nullifies the AoE sleep. I feel pretty strongly that Seismic Shockwaves should have "Notifies enemies" set to false.
  17. Huh. Probably too late to change y'all's minds, but it'd make more sense to me if it ran for the last two weeks, instead of first and last.
  18. Try it some time. There's an ASTONISHING lack of winter-holiday decor in the base builder. No ice patches or snowy floors. No Christmas trees or wreaths. We don't even get the wrapped boxes from the Trickster event, and how hard would those be to import, they're in the library as clickable objects? It's do-able to decorate a base for Halloween. It's nigh-impossible to decorate for Christmas.
  19. I think this is a known issue? But if you have a costume that has more than two weapon choices, one of them is always invisible. It only shows the last two you edited; as soon as you edit the third, the first one turns off, ad infinitum.
  20. It also never worked. (Sauce: tried playing a mastermind during a base raid.)
  21. For controllers, the Enflame power from the Sorcery pool, and the Corrosive Vial power from the Experimentation pool, are missing their containment damage. I double-checked in City of Data, and they're the only pool damage-dealing powers that are missing it altogether. Although I did find one related bug there, too: Arcane Bolt from the Sorcery pool does have Containment damage ... but the Containment damage doesn't scale up with Arcane Power.
  22. There's a way to cheat that, but you won't like it. Make the supergroup logo the Mars symbol, and have Ms. Mars be the only one who has "display SG symbol" checked.
  23. The arachnoid-cave and talons-cave maps have multiple defeat-all missions where mobs fall through floors, so many you can't complete a single arc because you only get one auto-complete every 3 days and you can easily hit two in one day. So I wanted to open this thread where we can enter map names that need their gaps closed, starting with the one I'm waiting on a /petition on right now: * V_Arachnoid_Cave_30_Layout_20.txt (You can get the current map name by typing /whereami.)
  24. Five pages into this discussion and nobody has brought up the real reason why the content in this game is so easy for some of us, maybe most of us: We've been playing this game for over 10 years, elapsed time. We're that good at it. I've had noobs in text (and on rare occasion, voice) chat and let me tell you that they were struggling to finish Atlas Park. The fact that we all have in muscle memory how close we can get to a mob without aggroing it, the fact that we all have the combat formulas memorized, the fact that we all know this combat system so thoroughly that we know which powers to pick first and which ones to slot heavily first, none of these things are obvious. Once you know them, the game does get a lot easier. How could it not? I mean for crying out loud, throw even ONE new unexpected game mechanic at people (like the zoombies, for example) and watch how fast half of us stop feeling overpowered. This game isn't too easy. We're just too good at it.
  25. My main issue with the Warriors isn't with their looks or their powersets, it's that I feel like they're terribly under-written -- other than a throw-away reference in one line in one of the clues for The Bonefire Plot, and an even tinier throw-away reference in the Frostfire arc, we know almost nothing about how they fit into the magical-crime ecosystem of Paragon City. Now that the tip missions and the Moritmer Kal strike force establish that the Warriors and Odysseus are still major players at late as level 40, I feel like we need something that addresses the question of what Odysseus is hoarding magical artifacts FOR. I can see four possibilities: Stealing magical artifacts from group A and selling them at a huge markup to group B, then stealing them back from group B and ransoming them back to group A, is a really good way to get rich in a town where criminals all want to be super-criminals. (This is, I think, what the original devs had in mind?) Odysseus has some long-term plan to conquer the city/country/world that's going to require an army's worth of magical weaponry. (Boring.) Back before the Hollowing of Eastgate resulted in the world getting flooded with Oranbegan artifacts, the fact that Odysseus owned one magical artifact, the Fighting Codex of Alexander the Great, made him a power player. Since the Hollowing, he's been playing defense, and would be a bit player if he weren't also rich. (Also boring, but it would explain why he isn't in the end-game.) Or my personal favorite ... Odysseus started out as a small-time artifact dealer and smuggler with a street gang but found out that the Circle of Thorns and the Banished Pantheon have entirely separate plans to destroy the world. That would suck for Odysseus, because the world is where all his money is. As more and more of his attention has gone into keeping artifacts out of the hands of the CoT and the BanPan, without him realizing it, he's turning into an anti-hero -- still a smuggler and a thief, still corrupt, but fighting his own separate war against even worse villains. I don't want to see his goons upgraded all that much in appearance or armament or powers; I want them to stay goons. (Again, see the "cottage" rule.) Passive stat boosts making them harder to hit, and harder hitting, as you go up? Absolutely. But I want them to stay a street gang and I want their ties to "respectable businessman" Odysseus to be something that the heroes never entirely prove to the public and the law. What I want in a story arc about him in the 30-44 range is to see what his actual game is. I want to see him using weak power (and superior training and metric boatloads of money) to defend himself from the ultimately more powerful CoT and BanPan, while fending off the rising Tsoo. I want to see why he doesn't show up at all in the Envoy of Shadows arc, let alone the new Dark Astoria storyline. I want to know how his story ended.
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