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Derek Icelord

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About Derek Icelord

  • Birthday 01/28/1004

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  1. First post (finally) updated for the changes to Mids' that have come along in the last 4+ years. And it may be uncouth to request this of my own thread, but can this get a sticky?
  2. Will that patch include the fix for Heroes/Vigilantes running the Chaos Spiel version?
  3. Badger is now up to date with the new Spring Fling badges.
  4. Looking for advice on a Mercenaries/Traps Mastermind. I haven't played Mercs since live, and feel a bit lost. Attached is a build I threw together. Mastermind (Mercenaries - Traps).mbd
  5. So when I inevitably fat-finger drag a character out of position, and fail to notice, my character list is still the way I want it.
  6. The in-game description for Invader is a copy/paste from the Task Force Commander power.
  7. Possible? Probably. But I don't think it should. While it would technically be possible for characters without Electric or Kinetics powers to obtain it, it would be far too tedious, requiring Incarnate powers that no one typically picks otherwise, and aren't useful for normal play. Yes, I'm aware Ion Radial still does damage. It's strictly inferior to Ion Core.
  8. A Triple Threat run is what prompted this thread.
  9. Unless I missed it in one of Homecoming's patch notes, getting mezzed also suppressed the effects of your toggle powers.
  10. I use Peregrine Island radio missions. You only need 1 or 2 Sappers to keep you perma-held.
  11. At the very least, extend the timer post big Tyrant by 10 minutes (or more) so that if Tyrant bugs out, there's a better chance a GM can be called to fix the problem before the timer ends and the trial auto-fails. Any player who doesn't care or want to wait can just quit the league.
  12. Even at 60% fixed Lethal and 40% based on ammo, Incendiary still does more damage than Cryo in the Behemoth example. At 30/70, Cryo edges out Incendiary by less than 4 points of damage. 60/40 split: Cryo is 79.58+(53.05*1.2)=143.24 Incendiary is 79.58+(53.05*0.8)+(42.28*0.8)=155.84 30/70 split: Cryo is 39.79+(92.84*1.2)=151.20 Incendiary is 39.79+(92.84*0.8)+(42.28*0.8)=147.89 This is with the target being both resistant to Fire damage and vulnerable to Cold.
  13. At current, Dual Pistols attacks are ~70% fixed Lethal and ~30% Lethal/Cold/Fire/Toxic depending on which ammo power is active. Swap Ammo replaces Aim in the set. Changing ammo types changes secondary effects: No power (lethal) is a knockback Cryo Ammo is -Rech and Slow Incendiary Ammo is a chance for DoT (fire) Chemical Ammo is -Dam The issue is two fold. First, the Cryo and Chemical secondary effect can generously be described as situationally useful. Second, the DoT from Incendiary is large enough that even if an enemy is resistant to Fire and weak to Cold/Toxic damage, 99% of the time Incendiary is still the best choice. Yes, I'm aware Cryo ammo makes Stunning Shot a mag 4 hold and Chemical Ammo increases the hold duration. That is the exception. Piercing Rounds now deals its -Res debuff regardless of ammo type as of Issue 27 Page 6. For example, Circle of Thorns Behemoths have a 20% resistance to Fire and a 20% vulnerability to Cold. On a Blaster, Executioner's Shot deals 92.84 Lethal and 39.79 of the ammo type. The fire DoT is 42.28 (4x10.57) with an 80% chance to trigger. With Cryo ammo, the total damage dealt is 92.84+(39.79*1.2)=140.59. With Incendiary ammo, the total damage dealt is 92.84+(39.79*0.8)+(42.28*0.8)=158.50 I suggest the damage distribution for Dual Pistols attacks be changed to 30% fixed Lethal and 70% of the ammo type. This would leave the total base damage the same, but make swapping ammo types based on enemy resistances worth considering.
  14. Can confirm this is very much the case. In addition, the Arachnos spawns outside the bank are labeled as "Council Guard" instead of "Arachnos Guard".
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