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Derek Icelord

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About Derek Icelord

  • Birthday 01/28/1004

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  1. Currently when you get the "The Black Market is too busy to process your request. Please try again in a few moments" message it spams every chat tab, with a duplicate of the message for each transaction. The message is listed as a tell. Can we please get this restricted to just the private messages or market channel?
  2. It'd be nice if we could get the Infested faction, as well as the Infested tunnel maps seen in the Underground trial put into the AE. I was making an arc that goes back to Praetoria do dig around for lost information and these would've been perfect for a couple of the missions.
  3. Speaking of surveying NPCs, the marker for Arbiter Lupin (contact #4 in Nerva Archipelago) is incorrect. He was moved to outside the AE building and the map icon is still by the zone trainer. Not critical by any means, since he's the red side respec contact and you can just use a slash command for that, but figured it was at least worth a mention.
  4. First post (finally) updated for the changes to Mids' that have come along in the last 4+ years. And it may be uncouth to request this of my own thread, but can this get a sticky?
  5. Will that patch include the fix for Heroes/Vigilantes running the Chaos Spiel version?
  6. Badger is now up to date with the new Spring Fling badges.
  7. Looking for advice on a Mercenaries/Traps Mastermind. I haven't played Mercs since live, and feel a bit lost. Attached is a build I threw together. Mastermind (Mercenaries - Traps).mbd
  8. So when I inevitably fat-finger drag a character out of position, and fail to notice, my character list is still the way I want it.
  9. The in-game description for Invader is a copy/paste from the Task Force Commander power.
  10. Possible? Probably. But I don't think it should. While it would technically be possible for characters without Electric or Kinetics powers to obtain it, it would be far too tedious, requiring Incarnate powers that no one typically picks otherwise, and aren't useful for normal play. Yes, I'm aware Ion Radial still does damage. It's strictly inferior to Ion Core.
  11. A Triple Threat run is what prompted this thread.
  12. Unless I missed it in one of Homecoming's patch notes, getting mezzed also suppressed the effects of your toggle powers.
  13. I use Peregrine Island radio missions. You only need 1 or 2 Sappers to keep you perma-held.
  14. At the very least, extend the timer post big Tyrant by 10 minutes (or more) so that if Tyrant bugs out, there's a better chance a GM can be called to fix the problem before the timer ends and the trial auto-fails. Any player who doesn't care or want to wait can just quit the league.
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