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About Saeletra

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Maria is so disappointed in them Congratulations, you two! This is now in my head cannon! It's like perfect family dynamic for "City of _" Got a little bit of everything with those three!
  2. I have a couple of head cannons, On Blueside the contacts Indigo and Crimson are job titles rather than individual people. There are the two "public" faces, that are the contacts for Heroes. Then there are the handful of Indigo class agents that are out and about gathering all the intel and then the handful of Crimson class agents that are using that intel for various black ops projects. I remember coming to that conclusion a couple years ago, when I kept running into missions where I had to kidnap or kill Indigo or Crimson and I kept thinking "Hold on, Didn't I just do that yesterday? How can there be more than One?" My other head cannon is that "Incarnate" also doubles as a power or threat designation. "The Well" doesn't fit into most people's origin stories or background or even where they want to take their character. For example, Midnight Thorn didn't drink from the well, but because of her intellect, experience, and her technological prowess, she's considered an "Incarnate Class" Villain. She has the potential for mass destruction or create a pocket realm/dimension or just cause Longbow/Malta/whoever to have really, really, really, bad day. Thankfully she has no interest in taking over the world, nor does she leave the isles much.
  3. PCU - Library Meg appears to be in her late 20's or early 30's. When she's standing, she's around 5'7" or 5'8". She's a brunette, on the darker side with shoulder length hair pulled back into a pony tail. Her features are lovely enough but wouldn't stand out in a crowd. In fact the only really non average thing about Meg are her eyes, the irises area pleasant violet color. The professor is wearing a white tank top with a sturdy belt, khaki pants, and a pair hiking boots. The boots have a thick tread look worn but well cared for, save for few spots that look scorched on the surface. She has the aforementioned satchel slung over her shoulder. And a light weight but sturdy jacket tied about her waist. "I'm not really a librarian, but I do know that a book of fiction isn't usually shelved in the periodicals section." Meg's smile turns from warmth to a professionally pleasant smile. "I'm not really an adventurer, Liv. My life pretty much revolves around Volcanoes and the study of them. Besides, I rarely have free time, and I have an obligation to dash off when a country requests the assistance of my team." Rather than accepting the handshake, Meg takes a step back to assess the situation.
  4. PCU - Library Professor Coburn grins as she continues to remove books and stacking them neatly. "Hey Liv, I'm Professor Coburn, afraid dancing's not my thing." Once the books are stacked to the side, Meg takes a couple steps back, giving Liv room too get up on her own. "Are you looking for "Treasure Island"? It's been a while since I've read it and I think there was a map in it. But If you're looking for an actual Diary of treasure maps, I got nothing." After a pause she adds. "What shelf was that book on?"
  5. PCU - Library A loud cascade of books falling has Meg out of her comfy chair in a heartbeat. The professor takes a beat to identify where the sound came from and if there are other dangers she should be aware of. By habit her canvas satchel is slung over her shoulder as she moves towards the sounds of the books falling. "Crap." Meg kneels near the red hair and starts to carefully remove books from the downed person. The professor speaks softly as she works "Hey, Hey! Hey? Are you OK? Can you move your fingers and toes? What's your name?" Though her voice is soft in volume, its timber is rich and warm. Concern is written in her violate eyes and across her furrowed brow.
  6. ((Sorry about the abrupt silence. RL had to take priority for a while.)) PCU - Library Professor Coburn lounges comfortably in a reading chair in the periodicals section, A copy of the latest "Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research" lays open on her lap. On the table next to her stands a reading lamp and a lidded thermal container of some sort of beverage. At her feet rests a worn canvas satchel that has a few singed spots and for those with sensitive noses, smells faintly of sulfur and ash. A generic ringtone emerges from the canvas bag at her feet and the professor moves with the reflexes one develops when avoiding falling rocks is a basic life saving skill. With a guilty expression and a quiet, "Sorry!" she digs out her cell and silences it. A slight frown appears on Meg's face and after a quick text she turns her phone off and slips it back into her satchel. One stretch and drink of her beverage later, Meg's back to reading her Journal.
  7. This is fantastic! Will you be doing the other three Horsemen as well?
  8. Nobody quit the TF. We were still 8/8 at that point. But it's good to know that that's a known problem!
  9. Yesterday I was on this Citadel TF and the second to the last mission repeated itself. We had to log off and log back in for the mission to register as completed and assign us the next mission. Today, I'm on a Synapse and the 3rd mission did the same thing. Repeated itself. We all logged for a minute, this time the mission didn't register as competed and repeated itself. Update: The location was the same, mission title the same. Different named boss. Mission completed and taskforce continued on as normal.
  10. This is exactly how I found out. Scrolling through imgur after midnight one winter night in 2019. Couldn't believe my eyes when I went to check it out and found Homecoming. I sat on it a few months to see if it was too good to be true. Since it didn't seem like it was going to go away anytime soon, I signed up and here we are.
  11. Radio Free Opportunity would be the perfect voice. With cheeky commentary by TV. Red side Represent!
  12. That is my main grip about starting in Praetoria. Teaming is odd and weird. And at one point, everybody will have to split off to do their own personal mission. If they want to advance their chosen path through Praetoria.
  13. The sewers are all very "samey" and Looooooong to me. Ghouls, I have the worst time getting them to leave their dying friends, so I end up having to kill them twice. And Clocks, well, I end up doing a lot of Psi stuff when in Praetoria. Strange how that works, huh? My first Praetorian was a Psi/Psi Dom. Mostly because I wanted to see if Mother was going to come after me, and if there was going to be a separate arc addressing why my character wasn't in the seer network and "Under Control". Since everyone knows that psi people are half a step away from losing control, and only Mother and her seers can control psi active people. For the good of Praetoria. So Mother tells us. <.<
  14. When doing gold side, I always end up running the Loyalist Power arc. I don't enjoy the sewers and there's just too much of that when going Resistance. I keep saying I'm going to try the resistance and the Loyalist Responsibility, And then I hit my limit for sewers, ghouls, and clockwork. When I get out of Praetoria I always tell myself "Oh, when I'm 50, I'll go do all the arcs through Ouro!" As of today, I never have! I'll probably get around to it in the future!
  15. I had forgotten about this, so I'm late to the party! My first set was 72, 59, 26 I could go 72 low for Scrapper or 72 high for Sentinel. I did both. Scrapper - Psi Melee/Energy Aura Sentinel - Fire Blast/Energy Aura The dice really wanted me to have Energy Aura! My second set 22, 18, 56 Controller - Earth/Ice My third set 8, 1, 77 It sounds like a birthday for a proof of age on a website. Blaster - Archery/Plant And then I realized, I wasn't using the table that included epic AT's. I like Kheldian's and Soldiers. Soo I used that chart and using the same rolls, things changed a little. First set, 72, 59, 26 Tank - Radiation/Electric Melee Second Set, 22, 18, 56 Corrupter - Dark Blast (Jackpot!)/Radiation. Third Set, 8, 1, 77 Brute - Battle Axe/Stone Armor (Bonus Roll! - 97) Brute - Battle Axe/Willpower And thus, The Wish Witch a Dark Blast/Radiation Emission Corrupter was born!
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