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About Temporal

  • Birthday April 12

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  1. Loved the design of the caverns and the general rocky aesthetic /rock placement rather than just open space. And that's saying something as my main is tall and doesn't like banging their head constantly on the ceiling 😁 I did have one thing to note: On the final mission an NPC was able to evade my AOE... turns out the character was underneath me ([474.4 -107.1 3271.7]). Since I was smaller than normal I was able to fit into the space and defeat the villain. Just letting you know in case you need to address any geometry/pathing issues there. Normally I wouldn't have been able to get into that space πŸ™‚ Thank you for your efforts!
  2. Hi All, Really enjoying the changes so far! WATKINS ARC Completed the Agent Watkins arc (at +0 with Team Size 1 and Elite Bosses) with Temporal (Psy/Time/Mu Blaster). Flow was good and I enjoyed the arc much better -- as indicated by previous posters -- and I was able to solo effectively with a few inspirations and a couple of friends for the final battle (HVAC and Amy Jonsson πŸ™‚). Difficulty was as I expected. Pathogen Battle Object Issue (Spoiler Alert - please highlight to read) One thing to note: The 'hitbox' or clickable region for the security terminal object was very far to the right rather than centred when I encountered it. May be confusing for some people who don't think to 'feel around' the glowie object. I'm not sure if that's a fixed geometry thing but I thought I would mention here. I found the terminal just past the main entrance QUICK BASE While it's not necessary for most folks, I made a quick pocket dimension base for everyone to use with all the beacons et cetera. SG: BrainStorm Passcode: BS-14. Enjoy it until it gets wiped πŸ™‚
  3. Artemis Planck: VoilΓ  un lien discord pour Vigilance FR πŸ™‚ : https://discord.gg/gAf2mtC5kJ
  4. Thank you and congratulations to all the finalists and winners. Lots of great ideas and thematic colours across the shards πŸ†πŸ’―
  5. It's still there, but different πŸ™‚
  6. A nice relaxing place to sit for a spell, reflect on your deeds of the day, and prepare to do what must be done πŸ™‚ Your character name: Temporal Your global handle: AristoMachus Your Supergroup name: Phoenix Force The shard you’re on: Reunion The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: PF-2837 Contributors: Me
  7. Thanks for that logical tip! I went back to do some further experimentation based on the maximum level issue and a possible workaround; of course, this wouldn't necessarily be an issue outside the testing environment. I was able to re-slot it, as CrudeVileTerror suggested, so then I applied an enhancement catalyst to attune the item. After that I was able to store the enhancement for another day. Hoorah!
  8. FYI Please delete if needed. I've done a search of the forum, and the intarwebs πŸ˜‰, but couldn't locate this particular issue... though I may have my wording askew... I realize this may only be relevant to the beta testing server but thought I should point it out. I've made several recipe enhancements of unique, attuned items and also used popmenu to obtain several enhancements. I've had no trouble moving multiple enhancements back and forth through character inventory and enhancement table (even after upgrading to +2 or crafted 'attuned' items). The Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize" version (created from within popmenu, using the Autoenhance IO Sets option) cannot be stored in the enhancement table. When I pulled Razzle Dazzle A.1 from popmenu, I was able to convert it to A.6 and store it in the enhancement table. I also created the level 30 version of Razzle Dazzle: Immobilize from the chat tab Freebies and was able to store it in the enhancement table. To summarize, the version of "Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilization" created by Auto-Enhance IO Sets is flagged as untradeable and cannot be stored, although other versions of this enhancement seem to be working as intended. Attached message screenshot below for errors that i receive when trying to move it. "Cannot add Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize to inventory" followed by "You cannot add untradable enhancements to storage." Hope this Helps! UltraSonic (BrainStorm) Proximus, Temporal on Reunion among others πŸ™‚
  9. Balance-115. Extremely plain default base with as much as I could cram into it πŸ™‚
  10. Hello Pinnacle, I used to hang out a bit on Pinnacle - most often - as Visceral or HyperWarp. Nice to see so many familiar heroes! Cheers,
  11. Happy to see you all again! On Guardian I was known by a few handles, like most of us ... ::) :o ;D My oft-used heroes on Guardian: Proximus, Tenet, Ascesis, AristoMachus, MindField Cheers All!
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