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Everything posted by Crystal Dragon
Hey PK? Thanks for the modder tool this really helps.
Yeah, unfortunately. Still bruises. /E accepts the aspirin and hugs the Bert. My boy can be quite brave, but he's still a hatchling, he's got some years to gain before he can spook anyone worse.
The Welcome Wagon for new roleplayers, and old!
Crystal Dragon replied to Crystal Dragon's topic in Roleplaying
Our next class session weekend will begin July 30th, at 5:30 PM. Location TEATIME-17990 The 2nd class on the 31st will be mobile, as I do plan to attend the CC coming up on that evening, and would like the participants in the class to see some of the bios and descriptions written by other players in the contest. This one will likely be held in league chat, to avoid spamming the local channel with our RP chatter and lessons.) The 3rd class will be held at 5:30PM on the 1st of August at a Roleplay-A-Day location, we will be moving together as a group so league may be needed for fast transport and teleportation to safe locations for the lower level attendees. -
The Dark Coven - Nightclub Resurrection Event - August 8th
Crystal Dragon replied to ScarredSilencer's topic in Everlasting
Villyenta takes a very long look at the notice posted up and saunters off with a little skip in her step, someones going to have a chat with her Prince about attending in fashionable wear... (Hook line and sinker, I'm so in..) -
/e sits and enjoys her afternoon coffee, still fielding a headache. I love waking up to a soda bottle being thrown at me. /sarcasm/ Five year olds...gotta love em.
My best tip for new and old Roleplayers is simply this. Listen to your gut. I've had a few instances in my years of roleplaying that I've found myself in a situation with a player that not only disrespected my limits and boundaries, but trampled all over a 20 year old story line I'd written for a character that I was playing at the time. Boundaries are wonderful to have, when others uphold and respect those limits you set for yourself and don't cross them. Sometimes, you have to guard those boundaries to protect yourself AND your characters.
"Fun" is a Four-Letter Word
Crystal Dragon replied to GraspingVileTerror's topic in General Discussion
I play quite a few different games, but City of Heroes has taken it's front seat with me ever since HC brought it to the public and opened its doors. What I think is fun, may not be fun for someone else, but in groups it can be entertaining to read and watch how things evolve in written format. I don't look to push for progression, or engage with the pvp scenes, because it's not fun for me. Focusing on minimaxing/DPs counts/attendance points, all of that is wow speak, things I left behind more than six years ago and I'd like to leave buried in the grave that is that games history. I did my part, I got to a point in wow that I was ranked in the top 50 hunters worldwide, during Wrath of the Lich King, and I had a great time finding an RP on there, but that time is done and over with. My focus has shifted from raiding and working with large numbers, to focusing on the little things, the little matters that make the environment, and the game ambiance in itself different and more welcoming for any level of gaming experience. I get the importance of finding something entertaining and engaging and rewarding and I feel like some people completely miss that point with this thread of discussion and are choosing to cherry pick, and pull apart others play styles to tell them they are wrong, when they are not. How one person finds enjoyment, doesn't mean you will have the same level of enjoyment as they will do the same practice and methods, but that doesn't mean you can harass someone over it and try to derail the thread in itself. I'm not picking out names, they know who they are and honestly need to take a step back to recognize that this isn't a thread for argument or debate, but rather discuss what IS fun, in fundamentals, rather than taking it as a lead to attack one another. That's not what we are here for. We exist, we share a game world together, and we engage in any number of ways within this game world. Let's take a closer critical look at that, and see where the differences lay in what each of us determine fun and how we decide what is fun for us as a person rather than judge others based on their play styles and preferences for gaming. Honestly, I like reading philosophical threads like this. It's interesting to read other peoples points of views without the shades of "This is the right way, and nothing can change my mind" sort of lens on. -
"Fun" is a Four-Letter Word
Crystal Dragon replied to GraspingVileTerror's topic in General Discussion
I might have skimmed past a few larger wordy posts just to remark a few points in the thread that I've noticed to be reoccurring. (No offend to anyone that had responded with thoughtful posts, I respect that, but have a very limited attention span for reading at times.) "Fun" itself as a term, is subjective to opinion and bias of the individual finding enjoyment. Enjoyment in a game, is multispectrumed, and can't necessarily be filtered into a single category or factor but can be split into multiple facets in composition. To compile such a composition of "fun" aspects could lead to an absolute monstrosity of a game, but taking elements in small parts to improve on an already established game isn't always a bad move either. Last but not least, I thank everyone for contributing to the thread discussion, and thank you all for keeping cool heads about it. Sometimes picking apart what makes fun of one's self can be a very definite form of self reflection and therapeutic in itself. -
"Fun" is a Four-Letter Word
Crystal Dragon replied to GraspingVileTerror's topic in General Discussion
Well. Given the way I tend to play games, whether it's an MMO, or a couch-coop with my loved ones, how I find games fun varies widely from what I've read so far in this thread. I look for several aspects in the game that would drive the players of it to continue playing. Rewarding, whether it's loot, unique costumes or parts to character design-equipment-unlocking spells/skills/content zones. Not a HUGE learning curve, because I play with one older player and a younger player that has a varying scale of patience in participation. Enjoyable community, if there's roleplay, it's likely I'll find enjoyment and fun in my own way. Creativity is vital for me to enjoy myself and lacking the means to create, makes for a very poor time for myself as a gamer. Accessibility to social areas for all players, no matter faction, or levels. This one is pretty important to me as well. Overall, every player has a different means and method to find "fun" in a game, and many of those features are considered fun to myself as well, but the added bonus of creativity of the community allows me to take a peek at the person behind the screen of the character, gives me an insight of what kind of things they are passionate about, what interests them, and what drives them as a player in games as well. Bases for instances in this game, are amazing, I love how people can break the limits and go nuts with their creations and make some really mind boggling spaces to share with the community. (Hey Pagoda, AMAZING build, love that space, I WISH I had a fingernails span of that kind of creative thinking in designs.) I was part of the Live community for a while at least from 2008 onwards to sunset, I saw things change in the way the game was played, the costuming features that got locked behind pay-store markets and parts for bases that were locked behind the Veteran rewards system, which isn't implemented here. It hurt seeing the game slowly slide into that greedy money grab sort of plan from the developers side, and I get why but it didn't feel right to me and I parted ways with this game for a few months before Sunset, only to return to say good-bye to Live for good when Sunset finally happened. I know a lot of players that enjoy PVP aspects, look for competitive sort of aspects in this game, and I cheer them on, cause I know it's hard to get into that and enjoy it for themselves, but I'm not about that side of the gaming sphere. I've always been, and always will be, very much a creative soul when it comes to gaming and fun going hand in hand for me. Now, I do know there are others that will say that creative gaming, of the type I go for, can be boring, and yes, having patience for another players post to come through in the chat window can be boring, but if you are really engaged and enjoying the story being written between yourself and another player or other players in a group, what's stopping you? I suppose to say in conclusion on my views with this, is that yes the topic itself can be inflammatory, but I think the general tone we need to read and understand this from, is building a common understanding that everyone has a different point of view and idea/concept of what Fun in a game is, and sometimes, it may contradict your own, but that doesn't mean it's not a welcome asset to grasp and welcome. -
Well, I got a few skittish characters that have trouble meeting new people and making friends in bars and big gathering hotspots. She mainly meets people on the fly/in the wild more than she does anywhere else. It can be hard at first, but striking up conversation during a mission with group mates can be like striking gold.
The Roleplay-a-Day System
Crystal Dragon replied to FoulVileTerror's topic in Roleplay-a-Day's Discussion (OOC)
All good, I'll talk to the mentors and see if we can find a way to make it more possible. 🙂 -
Wouldn't that be something of a contest Nemu? I mean, issuing challenge to new comers is great, if they have the means to learn their way around without aid, but not everyone has a solid knowledge of the game when they start out. I'm talking complete newbs here, but I get what you mean about issuing them a challenge like that.
So basically Learned it. Own it/Obtained it. Created by/Born to it. Granted/gifted it. What of evolving into it? Not necessarily a mutation, and definitely not the obtaining by birth, but odd occurrence happens and character had become something else from what they originally were? For instance, bakeneko from oriental legends, said to be originally just an ordinary cat, but during the Edo era, cats were regarded as signs of impending strange happenings, because they were stretch up to lick at the lamp oil spilled from the lamps since the oils at the time were derived from sardines. Just an excerpt and question really to see what category that character type would fall under in the magic origin filings. lol
/e rolls out of her den and curls up on a nice sunny stone. Good afternoon, slept in a bit today I'm afraid. We had some curious happenings with the player global channels last night which caused some of them to hiccup and hop right out of their tabs they were assigned to. It was funny but odd too, talked to one of the folk behind the issue and well it's being worked on and checked out. /e sips on her peach sparkling water and slithers off to grab a quick hot meal. Oh, and saw the notice about the fantasy/fairy tale themed costume contest coming up, I might have to reschedule the RP guide classes for the 31st to participate. How cool would that be to win something that big? /e slithers off for now.
The Roleplay-a-Day System
Crystal Dragon replied to FoulVileTerror's topic in Roleplay-a-Day's Discussion (OOC)
What would you say of having the biweekly classes I host being held in some of these locations during their session dates/times? Might that help with opening up the idea of in-the-wild RP discovery's? -
It depends entirely on your preference. There's story style, immersive, and light/heavy roleplaying. Light tends to be more new roleplayer friendly. Myself, out of habit, I tend to keep my out of character remarks out of quotations and use <bracket> so there's no confusion when I'm in character, and when I'm out of character. The most vital thing is to remember to have consideration and respect for other players. You can stray from RP conversations to speak in out of character if you want to, but most people tend to be pretty friendly and willing to help you along the way if your very fresh to this style of gaming socially.
I happen to really like tortillas but cat is not exactly a flavor I enjoy, no worries, I like the purring more than I do the taste of the wrapping. /e nods.
A purrito you say! /e picks up the purrito becky and snuggles, enjoying the purring kitty in an edible wrapping. Adorable. :3
Admittedly, I skimmed the first few responses so I may sound like I'm repeating others but it's not my intention I swear. I find giving gifts to new players arriving to the servers such as influence is very helpful, though continuing engagement with the players helps with answering questions about skill choices, slotting, enhancements and so forth with keeping them involved and giving them guidance that new players frequently need. When I started out, I scrambled for every iota of inf I could get to just handle slotting and enhancing my character from the start. I didn't know there were leveling farm maps in the AE, or even farmers offering to help players like me. I was going at it pretty much on my own for a long while until I ran into a bunch of the Chaos United members and fell in with them as a friend and coalition leader among them. I play on Everlasting here, been here since well... a while now. But I am not worried about a players choices to stay or go, but I do keep an eye out for those that stay and try to invite them to raids, TF's and events happening on the server so they have something new to see or do in the game or more access to content not usually available to a solo player. If I see a new player asking for some help, even if it's just asking about the server community, or aspects of game play, I try to give direction on where they can find their answers, and if I don't know, I try to look it up to see what I can find for myself to assist. If I had a large sum of inf to hand out, I try to do something more involved with the community so that wealth can spread out, like costume contests, or quiz's and trivia. I don't sit on a wealth of inf a lot of the time because I'm working on at least 12 other characters, beside my main little dragon character here. I suppose the point I'm trying to make is that, depending on the server shard you are on, there's any number of ways to keep the new players involved and giving them a chance to learn the game, how it plays, and what works for them through a little help now and then.
Just dropping by to say thank you @TwoDee that does clear a few things up. I was going to post something of the like myself since I write as a hobby but am venturing into literary profession as a passion. A lot of my posts, reactions and responses will include expressions, sometimes visible thought processing in facial reactions as well as posture changes because the body language is just as important as what is heard and spoken. I tend to be very much an immersive roleplayer, so how I respond and react to events happening around me, is pretty vital to how my characters are portrayed. I hope this helps the OP.
Oh! /e gets booped by a ninja fairy kitty and aww faces happily! So cute, I love kitties! /e smells donuts, begins her search to snag one for herself! /e sees a becky, dressed as a giant...box of donuts? /e headtilts in puzzlement. Smells like becky but looks like donut, confused.
The Welcome Wagon for new roleplayers, and old!
Crystal Dragon replied to Crystal Dragon's topic in Roleplaying
If anyone would like to donate base spaces for hosting these events, please do let us know. We're trying to find quiet, calm spaces that aren't overwhelmingly brightly colored in lighting, or noisy. -
/e purrs with being pet and nods. I'll be careful. Thank you for the warning.
The Welcome Wagon for new roleplayers, and old!
Crystal Dragon replied to Crystal Dragon's topic in Roleplaying
Tonights class is going to be held in the Dragons Cafe (basecode: DRAGONSCAFE-20744). 5:30PM EST, class sessions are about an hour, to hour and a half length. I will be teaching this one solo tonight, so go easy on me as a first time solo guide here, haha! -
Interesting, especially when you aren't from Prime Earth or Praetoria. /e takes out a packet of cherry blossom mints, popping a couple in her mouth. Some people expect some beastly thing, but I'm far from a beast. /e grins and shrugs her shoulders.