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Crystal Dragon

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Everything posted by Crystal Dragon

  1. Admittedly I have only one I keep regularly updated at this time, but I am working on getting several carrd sites up for the two and a half dozen characters I play regularly and linking them to the character descriptions in-game. I *love* using blog pages for character journals, summaries of the day, and such, sometimes for story writing when I'm not in the mood to put up with random people in general. It's handy honestly. (Considered using Tumblr, but after seeing how the wow community went to town with it, I avoid the hell out of that space these days even for my personal journaling.)
  2. I kind of like organic meetings and introductions, even with my SG recruitment. I find that the most interesting characters tend to be very well immersed in the game, or avoiding being publicly advertising about it their interest in finding groups and roleplaying. I've been avoiding using FBSA because I prefer using my own carrd pages and brief bio descriptions. I do encourage players to use it though that come to the Welcome Wagon classes, just cause it is a community feature that was given to us to use. I suppose it's very much up to the player. There's forums here, super group recruitment in-game (LFSG is kind of new but it's there as a global route, just don't spam it and remember it's a public space.) and basic word of mouth. Everyone has their own flavor though on how they go about it. I agree with Grey here. While discord is useful, I don't talk all that much on there and kind of do my own thing between each class schedule.
  3. New zones with missions and task forces and introductions to new hero/villain NPC's. New costumes! Absolutely this, there's a lot that can be taken apart from NPC appearances. More base parts and elevated base part number limits for certain. Elevated limited for global chat channels and zones. Perhaps, and this a wild shot in the dark sort of cloud 13 sort of wish, more refined tools for UI adjusting, and additional window options for macro building to save account wide.
  4. I'm of this variety myself. I love finding a group that I can befriend and develop story lines with, it makes for a lot of fun. However I try not to blend stories either for the same reason. I've had a few try and end up blocked for making the attempt without talking about it with me privately, or even making an attempt to ask.
  5. Very much this. Especially from a roleplayers nondramatics aspect outlook. Many of the groups I'm working with tend to be very much so careful whom they bring in to the circle for play simply because we don't want to deal with other peoples drama but don't mind sharing and listening to each others views and offering advise and help to each other with missions/tf's and what not. I work heavily with Chaos United, and a couple other groups that I'm not sure if I have permission to invite to, but the more you listen/read the conversations and ongoing matters with roleplaying groups that gather in public spaces, the more you get to know them as player characters and their stories too. I'd recommend giving Kassie on Everlasting, or @_Kai_ a tell sometime to talk about your character and your story interests. They might have some insights on how to break into the scenes and find a good villain player that wants to have some story writing fun.
  6. Oof, yeah sounds like you ran into a really poor group to play with. But yeah, the splicing genes matter there with hybrid that big of a number would be near impossible, even within this world we're playing in. I tend to do a lot of randomized rolls for some of my characters pros and cons, just so I play fairly and leave it to chance. I get ya though, that can be absolutely annoying to put up with. Most of the good roleplayers tend to avoid Pocket D except for rare instances they WANT to get utterly plastered. (counting myself there since I do sometimes take a stroll through to see what's up and if anything new is happening with a few friends that haunt the space.)
  7. This sets me to question quite a few things actually. I have at least a couple dozen multidimensional characters but none of them are immune to the effects of this reality. Questionable "bloodlines" um, hybridization happens. Portal Corp has been opening portals all over the place for how long now? Counting sunset, and there's no telling exactly what kind of worlds they all were, or what dimensions they opened to. The open loopholes are quite broad in spectrum in that sense but everyone has their own ideas of what might be a cool character and I just kind of flow with it until it crosses lines that simply don't make sense with what I know of the game world and it's dimension cross overs. No, godmoding is more like players not taking into mind the limits of their own abilities, and definitely not asking for permissions to act, interact, or perform with you or other players around you. I find selective reasoning to global ignore them is a fine way to get around the nonsense, but starring/character noting the account will help with making sure you know WHY that person was ignored in the first place. Additionally, I'd like to add this as a recommendation: If hyper creativity is an issue, avoid those players. It's not all that hard to do with how big the game world really is. Edited addition: To answer your question about how to deal with those types and what limits I play by, I generally try to keep an open mind, but there does come a point that I pull all strings and take my toys to play with someone else. Ultrapowerful characters tend to be the line drawn in the sand with me, being strong is great, having a lot of knowledge to use as a caster is wonderful, but there is always something new to learn, always something new to experience and explore. There's no way anyone could ever really fully encompass those particular aspects as an "expert" given that the game is still in operation and development with a volunteer team and updates come as they are tested and proven stable. It's okay to play a character from a different dimension, but don't judge the character based on that sole aspect. The last line that I draw, is meta gaming. I hate when someone uses backstory I wrote for my own character as a means to pull information that isn't listed as public details known to City Hall. Hooks are listed for a reason, use that to your fullest advantage, but don't exploit my backstory for your own story writing without discussing it with me first. I'm very approachable, I have no problem with talking over story concepts, character growth plans and issues with character play, but what I write for my characters is mine, and I would appreciate others respecting my brainchildren as much as I respect everyone elses.
  8. Would be a delight to have ya there P.V.
  9. OH very much the same in regards to seeing the potential. It can be a daunting task to do when no one else seems to take interest or are unaware of it.
  10. I got too much on my plate to handle right now to contribute to that, but I do hope that it pans out well @GraspingVileTerror
  11. Aw, Hugbert, be careful!
  12. /e warbles some song that's been stuck in her head for the last few days. Therapy day. Might as well kick back and chill with some calm tracks.
  13. Next class semester will be held at 5pm Sept. 10th, 11th, 12th, and workshop on the 13th for new and old players interested in learning more about roleplaying, or refreshing their personal knowledge base. We moved up the time schedule to allow for a little more wiggle room between raids being held on Everlasting. All classes at this time, are being held on Everlasting as it is the unofficial roleplaying shard of the server.
  14. I honestly like the idea of having a club to join for roleplayers seeking to make new friends, @GraspingVileTerror I noticed the club features don't get enough attention, much less use to be considered a first thought of option, so maybe that might be a viable solution?
  15. Well, most of my characters have day jobs, or involvement with community projects within the city. A few remain within the Vanguard headquarters, either working and training new members, or just general assistance with paperwork and so forth. I've a few that are deep in their books, studying to better their knowledge and expanding on their personal practices, but time wise, I try to keep in mind that some players aren't as readily available to play as I am and respect the line between real life and in character availability. I've a few friends that had computer issues recently that had to wait for new parts, equipment, and other such things to come in and were offline for a bit, but we worked out a background story for the time offline to help smooth over transitions into new ideas and such that came up amongst ourselves, so it generally works out with a bit of talking in ooc global to figure out who and what fits for whom.
  16. It would be cool to have a meet up on Everlasting. I mean, I know there's going to be players that might not mesh well with my play style but that's okay, I don't mind. Everyone has their own preferences and I'm pretty much okay to vibe with that. We could use better ways to recruit for SG's though and well...I don't really like using discord as much given the privacy issues it has.
  17. It's quite fun, I enjoy teaching roleplaying to new and helping refresh knowledge for the older players returning to the game. It's kind of a community service thing I do for all the help I got over the last few years with my...army...of alts...*blinks at their roster of 24 characters, pending 25 at the moment.*
  18. True, however adjusting the loot tables may take more work than the dev's are able to put into given the sghetti coding. It may break things to try.
  19. There are a lot of enhancement recipes you'll receive if you are leveling through missions and normal content. Hang onto it, make it if you can use it, or sell it on the user market for some influence/infamy for your characters leveling. 🙂
  20. I organize and teach the Welcome Wagon introductions to roleplaying classes on Everlasting. 🙂 I've a few mentors signed on to help out but this week I took it on myself just to give the other mentors a break.
  21. /e sets up a white board and a pointer and sets down a book or two on a desk near by. So today, I'm teaching class for welcome wagons...might be a bit busy until around the first MSR. /e puts on teacher glasses and winks. Time to get to work.
  22. As much as I love the idea of compiling lists of characters per account, I feel that there are quite a few singular threads for account character lists. I don't mind the idea of having a list of details to help with filling out a character bio, prompts if you will rather than a standardized form, but I hadn't really seen anything but for a couple questionnaires that fit that sort of usage. I do think that we could use some writing prompt threads, scenes or things that make us think about our characters and their reactions to such things. Just...you know, throwing my two cents out there. But for meeting players in game? I'm the odd ball that tends to just drop into a scene without worrying about causing upset or disruption and introducing my characters, even if it's just some silly trip and fall in a puddle sort of thing.
  23. Shiny things distract me. Am sorry for that, haha!
  24. Specialist Mayday would gladly drop into this. Time and day?
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