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Everything posted by Crystal Dragon
Pancakes! Yee!! Ooh and a donut too? Hi! Hi! Good day! Just getting my head out of life for a while and enjoying cozy company. Hows you two doing? /e noms on treats happily.
*watches on in confusion at the mad scene.*
The Welcome Wagon for new roleplayers, and old!
Crystal Dragon replied to Crystal Dragon's topic in Roleplaying
Yeah, we're breaking the sessions up into hour long gatherings so that we don't cut into other events that take place on the server at this time. @McSpazz did a fantastic job deep delving into many of the topics we brought up during the session and I'm very happy to help anyway I can. Thank you, we both were going off the cuff with how things were presented and it just felt like it fell into place. -
I will be hosting "Introductions to roleplaying" sessions biweekly Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening at 5:30PM EST starting this week. (7/16/21 being the first class night.) Classes are walk-in welcome and held in different locations each session. Monday will be Q&A for any topics, or issues that came up during the weekend class sessions and for work-shopping character backgrounds, details for bio writing, and other roleplaying related information to be shared and worked on as a group. Sessions are NOT a requirement, and players can join the Q&A sessions for a fast work through and problem solving workshop if desired. New teachers or guides are welcome to join the sessions to get an idea of how I'm working with the planner and organizing their own scheduled sessions in turn if desired as well. I do not expect to headline this forever, but I welcome mentors and guides that would like to participate to sit in during a session or two before beginning their own scheduled sessions, and please join the Roleplaying Guides Collaborative club so we can make sure schedules don't overlap one another and organize the planners so we cover the most important topics first. If you would like to participate or just want to dip in and see what this is all about, I only ask that we are respectful towards one another as players of the same game and not to interrupt or override one another in chat. These sessions will be hosted on Everlasting on my main character, Crystal Dragon, and I do welcome anyone that is willing to to dip into new ways to enjoy the game content. There will be other mentors that will be hosting their own scheduled sessions most likely in the future and are trying to work with the same scheduled times and days so that we can take in more new players at once, and do our best to guide them along the way. Mentors signed up @CrystalDragon @McSpazz @SolSoldier Guest Mentors (Irregular mentors willing to assist with the sessions and guide things along.) Wingman @Wylde Fyre (Will fix if this tags the wrong Mel!) @Grey-Ghost Fox Fyre @Shadeknight TBA (And yes, if you wish to sign up as a mentor, we're looking for more!) This will get updated as new mentors volunteer and I want to thank everyone for taking your time to vote and letting me know in-game what issues are the biggest to approach and tackle in the first sessions, I cannot tell you how valuable that input is for shaping these meetups. Uh, might need translators fluent in Portuguese and Spanish in the near future. (Saw some Roleplayers speaking Portuguese and roleplaying in Atlas Park today and this reminded me that there were other languages spoken and used in a game that may need translations.)
I hadn't forgotten this post, please make sure to get your votes in by midnight EST so I have an idea of the community views on this project concept. Thank you! P.S. I did start a club to help with planning, and scheduling session times and days for players as well as internal discussions for guides and members to participate in. It's closed at the moment until I'm done setting things up, but if you want to join as a member, or a guide, feel free to send me a message.
Well, if anyone wishes to meet mine and my husbands vampires, feel free to add us on global. @Crystal Dragon and @SolSoldier
My Roleplay Problem: I Suck at Clubbing
Crystal Dragon replied to GraspingVileTerror's topic in Roleplaying
As someone that enjoys building storylines off of various different characters and creating indepth tales to delve into, I find roleplay can be hard sometimes because I don't push myself out of my comfort zone as much as I'd really like to because of my own personal fears of judgement and misplaced concerns coming from past experiences I've had in other mmos. COH was my first attempt at Hero / Villain roleplaying and I've really enjoyed it but large group events, gatherings with lots of people I hadn't met or know IC, I get really flighty and try to escape the scene as quickly as I can because it puts a lot of my anxieties to the forefront of my mind. I want to be able to involve more players into my circle of IC contacts, but I don't want to deal with misunderstandings, miscommunications and crossed wires that often happen for people that are of the neurodiverse spectrums. I do tend to lean more to a clique sort of collective for roleplaying because of this, most of the people I play with are either experienced roleplayers, or learning the ropes - which I'm more than happy to help with answering common questions and sometimes assist with developing background details or help find information to solidify their concepts. As a roleplayer, I'm fairly open to walk-up's, cross encounters, and introductions through any of my friends, and most of them know who they are by now. As long as we understand communication is key to story development and player interactions, there won't be a single issue with me. Club scenes tend to put me on edge in a manner that I cannot foresee interactions with random players going well and tend to stay the wall flower and watch how things unfold and react to things as I see it with my characters, and very rarely get involved. I'm a late night lurker in clubs, my front line duties with Crys takes a priority that most players find either annoying, or interferring with their play time schedules so I don't have as broad of a group to make contacts with as I'd truly like. But I keep myself out there, like dangling a bit of jerky for hungry nibblers. If ya wanna RP and don't mind wandering OUT of the Club scene, feel free to hit me up or just see if I'm interested via tell. I keep my tell's in a seperate tab from the main local/emotes/team/league chats but I'll definitely hear the ping and answer it as quickly as I am able. TL;DR ver. I do like to watch things happening in the clubs, but am generally hesitant to jump in unless I legit know the characters involved personally. SOMETIMES I jump in cause it's the right thing to do, and SOMETIMES it's just a matter of how drunk my character really is. Beyond that, I avoid staying in the clubs for longer than a couple hours at a time for my own peace of mind. -
My Roleplay Problem: I Suck at Clubbing
Crystal Dragon replied to GraspingVileTerror's topic in Roleplaying
*hugs to you* I getcha. I have anxiety as well, it takes time to overcome it, but I get panic attacks with large gathering and events. I find ways to plow through it by tunnel visioning but sometimes that can really make or break an RP scene for groups. -
*laughs in scaring the hell out of her MSR run mates with Villyenta Duskwisper and her bonded Xavier Tepes Dracula.* For real though, there aren't enough vamp style characters around, I'd love to run into a few more that aren't over played.
My Roleplay Problem: I Suck at Clubbing
Crystal Dragon replied to GraspingVileTerror's topic in Roleplaying
I can understand that feeling. Many of the clubs and such venues I generally avoid. Oasis is the rare exception as I generally take my husband with me if I go there. But the rest? They either have lighting that really gives me a headache, or certain people there that I would much rather avoid and not make contact with again. -
My Roleplay Problem: I Suck at Clubbing
Crystal Dragon replied to GraspingVileTerror's topic in Roleplaying
I try to take in everyone in the scene as part of the Rp when I'm in character in the club scenes. I dislike removing others from social interactions unless they themselves made themselves unavailable to chat with or just to take notice of IC. It's understandable why anyone would be hesitant about rping in those scenes though, and I try to make myself available to RP with pretty much anyone, no matter the space or place in general. How you open that door, is up to you, but a lot of people don't have the energy to put a whole lot into their introductions and joining of new scenes straight away and like to vibe things out to see if the people present are comfortable with their own character playstyle or not. -
My Roleplay Problem: I Suck at Clubbing
Crystal Dragon replied to GraspingVileTerror's topic in Roleplaying
As a player that wanders scene to scene, I find the club going scene to be the most enclosed honestly. I like to switch things up, meet in a club, and move the scene elsewhere to do something else. Sort of a Hi, feel like hitting the streets to check things out in Brickstown? Or I'm just on a break between raids and unwinding for the moment to prepare for the next one, wanna keep me company and chat a while? I find people are actually more than willing to leave club scenes if you give them the right initiative or hook to draw them in for some more in character play, but too many haunt the social scenes rather than just getting in and digging hooks into other parts of the game and it's environments'. You aren't the only one however in this regards, there's been a few roleplayers expressing a distaste for stagnant scenes like the clubs and it just tends to be very disorganized as a while. I get people enjoy something stale now and then, but branching out doesn't take much effort if people just look outside of their routines now and then to incorporate roleplaying into their daily affairs. (Yeah, I know, says the one that roleplayings while healing a full MSR run and the occasional Hami.😄) -
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. I'll be more than glad to fill anyone in on what might be missing on the whole project. I don't intend to be set in stone as is sort of package program, but something that flexes with the needs of the community itself and what information needs to be encouraged and curbed before it becomes a problem for the whole.
Ack okay, quick note from myself on this. This was intended as a flexy project, not something I want to do completely on my own because I'm a mother outside of game and my playtime can be at times erratic, but I figured the idea itself would be really helpful with educating and informing fellow players on the basics and the more advanced techniques and paths to take with character creation for roleplaying themes, and the variety of different ways that roleplaying can take place. I'm not sure of my tone conveys as well as it does among my friends and contacts, and I wish to apologize ahead of time before anyone draws any conclusions that might suggest the intent to push any specific kind of roleplay style on others. This is purely meant to help open up the playing field a bit more, help making contacts more possible with newer players themselves and assist with teaching and educating the finer points without putting other players out of the circles per-say.
Planner draft (Things are in flux for shuffling to different "course" sections so any new ideas to share, I'm happy to add along the way, maybe create an advanced class of sorts for the future too.) Personal note: I also wish to add that I want these classes or courses to be as transparent with the community for development and further refinement of the community itself. Any additions, I want to make sure is something that community itself wants, supports and wishes to enforce themselves as fellow players on the same playing table.
I had been talking with my coalition mates and leaders as well as friends about maybe organizing a community effort to help educate the basics of roleplaying in mmorpgs, and many of the unspoken courtesy's that often get over looked by beginners. I have something of a rough draft planner set up for such a task, but I was wondering if there could be more people to help assist with such a move? I'm highly experienced as a roleplayer, that's no boast, but I'd like to help bridge the gaps that I know exist in the game, in regards to understanding the players need for help refining their characters, introduction approaches and how to mesh well with group roleplay as well as how to write in various different points of view. It's not a NECESSARY thing to do, but I feel like there's a lot of players lacking in the general knowledge of the unspoken rules of consent, and ooc permissions for fellow players they engage with and maybe this could help address that point in a clearer fashion. What do you people think? -- Adding to this a bit further info on why I'm asking about this. I want to help foster a safer roleplaying environment for all of our city friends. But I'm not asking to dictate how we play, but rather enlighten and educate on the various different ways that roleplay styles exists and in what ways to establish personal boundaries within roleplay and enforcing those boundaries so that no drama crossover happens. A teaching tool of the basics, I felt may help with refreshing players knowledge and round out their understanding of termology and short hand often used by roleplayers as well. If more needs to be added to the "lesson plans" I'll happily take a look and see what sections it would fall under and add it to the list of topics already on my planner draft, there's a lot to cover already but I'm happy to hear what the community feels needs to be widely addressed as a critical lesson for the community newcomers as a whole. ❤️
I honestly wouldn't be surprised. They seem to have some really poor luck with hosting COH servers as a whole, from the history I've seen.
Trust me, a lot of us are worried about this very same problem and the length of time the servers have been down. 😞
Yeah I admit that is a bit worrying, but I think the team has things on the ball.
Okay. *sits there staring at the angry person for a long period of time.* Paid. Check your bank later.
@Krow @Bearserker to name a few of my heroes. These guys are some of the most fun, and informative players I've ever had the opportunity to run and play with. I love joining their ITF's, TF's, MSR's and whatever other content I can jump into with my mains and my alts. Not only that, they are great with suggestions for build ideas, character ideas, and just love the game and it's community both overall. I look up to them both, as raid leaders and organizers for events, and think they are just overall really great people to play and hang out with in-game. I don't think there's an alt I've rolled that they HAVEN'T played with at least once or twice in the last few months. @SolSoldier cause he's probably one of the most stubborn, but supportive players I've ever met, and yea, he puts up with me IRL, but he's one hell of a role-player and has kept me up nights, just pursuing a story line to see where things turn next. Pretty sure if he wrote a book, I'd buy first edition just cause I know he's a page turner for writing style and creativity both. There's a lot more to add from the Everlasting shard, but I think they all know who they are. /Signed your favorite dragon, Crys.
Maybe it's just me, but I have no problem with roleplaying in club settings and taking the roleplay out of the club setting to the game world. I've had people walk up in attempts to hire my characters on for mission runs (Which is great to me, I love it.) but there are times that it can be annoying, like when I'm in the middle of introducing myself to someone new, or getting some vital details about another event happening with a friend. When I hit the bar with my characters, they are generally in cool-down time, just got off their shift, and out to have a drink and a few laughs to unwind from a tense day. I get the need to expand past that, but not a lot of people do and it's rather disappointing really. The pub/bar/club scene is not intended to be just a hot spot for roleplaying, but a meet up point too, a place of familiarity that can be used to stepping stone into other areas of the game world. I guess it's the DM in me that thinks this way, but that's just my two cents. Also, it would be nice to have a Not Roleplaying flag for users too, but I kind of like keeping the roleplaying flag up cause I'm available for roleplay with anyone and everyone really and I tend to use a OOC bracket if I'm speaking out of character in channels.
As one of the judges for the Chaos United Pride CC this year, I wish to add this announcement. PRIDE CC: CU CC is set for 06/19/21 at 11pm EDT, in Atlas Park. Theme is PRIDE. There are LGBTQIA+ judges that will be observing the event, and the prize pool at this time is upwards to 2 billion in influence. (Possibly placeholder for other events from the Chaos United coalition and associated SG's. I'm awaiting confirmation on anything more to add from the rest of the leaders.)