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Everything posted by ScarredSilencer

  1. Thanks so much!! I hope that I'll revisit it in the future to add more to it, but it's in a good spot currently for plenty of visitors to swing by. 😄 Definite inspirations were Bladerunner, The Fifth Element, Ghost in the Shell, Cyberpunk 2077, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  2. To the general design team: 1: Was there anything specific you really wanted to add to the game that never got greenlit/was turned down as an idea? 2: Was there anything specific you really wanted to add/change/get to work on just prior to the shutdown of CoH? 3: Who's your favorite superhero, if at all?
  3. Fortune City, Nevada, 2082 Code: CYBERPUNK-14407 Shard: Everlasting
  4. Whoa!! Hey man! Welcome back home! Honored to have you back in Paragon City! 😀
  5. Post Translation: DARK COVEN All Hallows Eve Sunday, October 29th 7:00PM EST to 9:30PM EST Dark Coven, the re-animated Gothic themed nightclub is hosting a One Night Only event once again this year for All Hallows Eve! With guest staffing from our sister club, THE BLACK CAT! Featuring: Helene T. Sanguine as DJ! Primary Genres: Metal, Industrial, Gothic Rock Base Code: DARKCOVEN-5519 Blind Costume Contest The night of, there will be a blind costume contest taking place at around halfway through the open hours. Everyone will proceed to the Grand Hall for prizes. TEN Veiled Categories 100 Mil Influence Per Category Be there, or Beware. All are Invited. Vampires Drink Free.* Nightclub Rules: (A : ) *Vampires are entitled to (1) B Positive glass of blood. Drinks are no longer free past this point. (B : ) Dark Coven is considered neutral grounds. Invoking violence is punishable by removal or termination. Starting a fight forfeits your safety within club grounds. (Assume the same rules as Pocket D.) (C : ) Likewise, Vampires found draining victims dry or invoking violence is also punishable by sanctuary rights removed. (D : ) Vampires are protected under sanctuary rights, and considered allies to the nightclub itself until proven otherwise. (E : ) Obey Baroness Eris, and do as she directs. (Nightclub rules are guidelines for roleplaying within the space. Understand that the rules are solely to promote a healthy environment for roleplayers, add flavor, and to discourage specific behaviors.)
  6. I was afraid that might be the case. 😞 While it wouldn't 100% bother me, I know some people it might. I know that what I'm asking is like... not an easy thing to do. Hence my asking for like, this texture in particular, because it's texturable with colors and more 'bare bones' than other textures are.
  7. 100% support this functionality. I very often find the color selection lacking in trying to achieve things I'm trying to get. I use a lot of desaturated colors when designing characters in programs like Heroforge and others, but when it comes to CoH, I do not have much of a choice in the matter and often get colors that are "not quite good enough" for what I'm trying to achieve. *especially* when it comes to multi-colored skin tones like reds, blues, greens, and etc. and I'm trying to achieve something a little more "realistic" (at least for a fantasy setting) and not quite as bright or vivid. I would like this kind of thing available for both clothing pieces and skin tones, it would help a lot with makeup, paints, clothes, skin tones, even a little bit of weapon colors.
  8. I know this sounds super specific, but it's the first time I really picked up on the fact that there's an entire suit, the Bodysuit Muscled Matte and Gloss, and the boots available for this are only available in the Smooth style, which is heeled for both men and women. Is there a chance we could get a similar/mocked up same texture for flat foot boots? So it would go in the vein of: Lower Body --> Tight --> Boots --> Flat --> Bodysuit Muscled Matte Lower Body --> Tight --> Boots --> Flat --> Bodysuit Muscled Gloss A specific ask, but I prefer my boots non-heeled or flat in nearly all cases. 🙂 Hopefully others agree! I vaguely recall there ARE other textures as well that have this issue, but I can't recall off the top of my head what they are. If anyone knows of what they are, add them to this list! I would like to see all textures that smooth boots have added to flat boots! So that would be my bigger ask aside from this one texture: Make ALL textures on Smooth boots available on Flat style boots as well, if they do not already have an entry.
  9. While you are using the fly power, you're able to sit/stand/do a few select emotes, like floating a /e lotus sitting position. Is it possible for this to be carried over to the magic carpet/void skiff/etc. ? It sounds like a lot of work to me, but I am also not the devs and don't know how much work would need to be put in to allow the ability to emote while maintaining the illusion of "sitting" on said platforms, or doing a couple other various emotes/stances such as /e lookup or /e villainstance2 while flying?
  10. Character name: Build'It BillGlobal: @ScarredSilencerBase or SG Name: The Dark CovenShard: EverlastingPasscode: DARKCOVEN-5519Item Count: 6,999 Category for Contest: RP Base Under 7K ItemsOther associated contributors, (up to 4 more people): Not Applicable Additional Info / Must-See Areas of Note: The primary method of seeing areas in this base is by doorways. They will just be open doorways, and need to be walked through to enter new rooms. However, certain other areas are accessible via teleporters hidden into surfaces that look like doors. Some of these are decently well-hidden. This base will be most easily shown off via base tour as there is a lot of twists and turns. The base itself is a Vampire run Industrial/Metal Goth nightclub. It is heavily inspired from Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, and World of Darkness. While also serving as a nightclub, it is also a well protected sanctuary for vampires and their kindred to work with one another under the watchful eye of Baroness Eris, a tall and foreboding vampire figure having lived a great, yet unknown, number of years with one goal in mind. Raise their kind from the ash and shadow, and eliminate the Brotherhood of the Moon, a rival clan of werewolves. Easily missed locations/Must-Sees: A - The door directly to the left of the entrance portal has a teleporter to access an apartment that's a well detailed portion of the base. B - In through the main door of the nightclub, directly to the right, behind the bar, is a hallway. This hallway leads to a great many areas, but through the hallway, there is another doorway on the right entering into a secondary lounge/bar area that's a must-see. C - In the area directly mentioned in B, there's teleporter doors to a rainy side street with a truck. Check the back of the truck for a super secret teleporter. 😉 D - Back on the main dance floor, up on the stage, there's a doorway that leads into an office area backstage. Continue through this area until you reach a set of stairs leading up to a teleporter door. This teleporter door leads to a main office, that's a well detailed portion of the base. E - In the main office mentioned in D, there's a teleporter door to a bedroom. In the bedroom, there is a hidden teleporter behind a plant, that leads down into a whole secret crypt area. ... and much more. Screenshots:
  11. Post Translation: DARK COVEN ALL HALLOWS' BLOOD DRIVE Monday, October 31st 11:00PM EST to 1:00AM EST Dark Coven, the re-animated Gothic themed nightclub is hosting a One Night Only event for All Hallows' Evening! This year, we will be doing something a little different. This year for All Hallows' Evening, Dark Coven will be running a special Blood Drive. All those who donate blood (Whether it be theirs or otherwise.) will be treated as a thanks for donating. Featuring: Helene T. Sanguine as DJ! Primary Genres: Metal, Industrial, Gothic Rock Base Code: DARKCOVEN-5519 Blood Drive The night of, there will be a truck parked out front of the Dark Coven nightclub. Come stop by, and step on inside, to receive compensation for your donation. See you there, if you dare. All are Invited. Vampires Drink Free.* Nightclub Rules: (A : ) *Vampires are entitled to (1) B Positive glass of blood. Drinks are no longer free past this point. (B : ) Dark Coven is considered neutral grounds. Invoking violence is punishable by removal or termination. Starting a fight forfeits your safety within club grounds. (Assume the same rules as Pocket D.) (C : ) Likewise, Vampires found draining victims dry or invoking violence is also punishable by sanctuary rights removed. (D : ) Vampires are protected under sanctuary rights, and considered allies to the nightclub itself until proven otherwise. (E : ) Obey Baroness Eris, and do as she directs. (Nightclub rules are guidelines for roleplaying within the space. Understand that the rules are solely to promote a healthy environment for roleplayers, add flavor, and to discourage specific behaviors.)
  13. A little bump for awareness that this event takes place tonight!
  14. Post Translation: DARK COVEN Sunday, September 25th 7:00PM EST to 9:30PM EST Dark Coven, the re-animated Gothic themed nightclub is hosting a One Night Only event once again! With surprise guest staffing from our sister club, THE BLACK CAT! Featuring: Helene T. Sanguine as DJ! Primary Genres: Metal, Industrial, Gothic Rock Base Code: DARKCOVEN-5519 Blind Costume Contest The night of, there will be a blind costume contest taking place at around halfway through the open hours. Everyone will proceed to the Grand Hall for prizes. FIVE Veiled Categories 100 Mil Influence Per Category Be there, or Beware. All are Invited. Vampires Drink Free.* Nightclub Rules: (A : ) *Vampires are entitled to (1) B Positive glass of blood. Drinks are no longer free past this point. (B : ) Dark Coven is considered neutral grounds. Invoking violence is punishable by removal or termination. Starting a fight forfeits your safety within club grounds. (Assume the same rules as Pocket D.) (C : ) Likewise, Vampires found draining victims dry or invoking violence is also punishable by sanctuary rights removed. (D : ) Vampires are protected under sanctuary rights, and considered allies to the nightclub itself until proven otherwise. (E : ) Obey Baroness Eris, and do as she directs. (Nightclub rules are guidelines for roleplaying within the space. Understand that the rules are solely to promote a healthy environment for roleplayers, add flavor, and to discourage specific behaviors.)
  15. Updated my last post with more codes *sage nod*
  16. Only the bottom right is mine (prior to fixing a base drift issue 😡), but I wanted to post it as I found it fascinating how many different ways people make stoves. 😄 This was an adventure me and some friends did last night to go check out each other's stoves.
  17. A Formal message from the Baroness: I would like to extend my personal thanks to everyone, Black Hand Society, Frank's Bar & Grill, and Club Gehenna for providing guest staffing throughout the year. None of the events with the Dark Coven club would have been possible without the efforts of everyone involved. Dark Coven is a location solely run by me, and it is a lot of time, effort, stress, and planning on my behalf to run said events and gather the staff necessary to run them. Secondly, thank you everyone who has attended any events within Dark Coven in the past year, we of the dark salute you, and have much gratitude to give for coming to said events. With that said, this is not goodbye, but there will not be any more Dark Coven events for the remainder of this year. Know that this club is always public. We never change the locks on our door. Should you feel that familiar, dark, and carnal urge, we encourage you to come visit again and bring your friends. Our doors always will remain open. And perhaps... you might discover some new, secret, additions later on, in the future. Thank you again, club goers. We're glad we could provide you with enjoyment and fun. We look forward to the day when we can meet again next year.
  18. Edit made for tonight's announcement.
  19. A blind costume contest is where the public shows up to the event, but don't know the actual categories of the contest that will be voted upon. They are secret until the actual reveal of the judges' results! People seemed to enjoy it a lot last time, so we're doing another one, but with different categories than last time.
  20. (Click on image to enhance, and see a bigger image) DARK COVEN - ALL HALLOW'S EVE EVENT: Dark Coven, the resurrected Gothic themed nightclub is hosting a One Night Only Event celebrating it's favorite holiday: Halloween! Featuring: Helene T. Sanguine as DJ Primary Genres: Metal and Industrial Metal Blind Costume Contest - 100 Mil Influence Per Category Five Ghoulish Categories! Wear your best costumes! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 7:00PM - 9:30PM EST Base Code: DARKCOVEN-5519 (Visit any of your local base portals to attend) All are invited. Vampires drink free.* Must be 21 or over to enter *Vampires are entitled to (1) glass of B+, and no more. Dark Coven is not liable or responsible for any patrons who have become a victim of a feeding. Though Dark Coven is a privately sanctioned ground, feedings that turn violent are subject to swift action and a permanent ban from grounds. Furthermore: Swift action could lead up to, but not limited to, sanctioned rights to be revoked and/or Dawn Exposure. This is a Role play-centric event, as are most Nightclubs on Everlasting. Come! Invite your friends along to Dark Coven. Anyone who stays past the event's hours are more than welcome to an open-house exploration of the base, as some sections of the base are not fully open to the public for the duration of the event. A new code will not be generated for the foreseeable future or for this event. SPECIAL THANKS: A VERY special thanks to Club Gehenna for providing members as guest staff to help make this event possible!
  21. Thank you for such kind words! ❤️ It’s one of my older bases and took a few late nights and many hours to bring it up to my current build standards. :) Being that it was just me, it took awhile, but I’m glad I could finally share the updated look with the RP community. The staff are from Frank’s Bar and Grill as well as the Black Hand Society! They were all great and did an awesome job in addition to GM Tempest as Ghost Widow ❤️! I’m glad that my music set was enjoyable as it was also a lot of work to put together in addition to the base! Thank you all for coming! :D
  22. Update: Updated the video in the main post to reflect that this event is tonight! (As well as updated the special thanks, and DJ links!) 😄 See you all there!
  23. Update: Weekly reminder video was added to the main post, as most folks here who aren't part of the Discord servers wouldn't get to see it otherwise!
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