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  1. I was running the mission "Cause Mayhem in Brickstown" from Mr. G as a level 50. One of the PPD inside the bank spawned as a level 40 sniper. I assume that he replaced a lieutenant and that PPD Operative enemies simply are not set to spawn higher than level 40 (especially as all PPD at level 50 are peacebringers or robots, this guy definitely broke the theme).
  2. The mez badges are weird in that they only seem to award credit when you leave the mez, and there appears to be a cap on how much time you can accumulate when you do leave the mez. Had some interesting consequences when trying to farm those badges. When farming sappers, you want them to not be able to keep you constantly locked down. So you can't use too many sappers or have too much of a level difference to increase mez duration. Having them keep you mezzed more often would ironically decrease mez badge progress. We thought we would have an easy way to farm those badges using the rez pods with the stun field in hard mode LGTF mission 3, but found they would only work if you kept moving in and out of the field.
  3. Yeah, despite them saying it would be temporary, it still hasn't been changed back.
  4. Most debuff auras without damage are autohit and the stacking definitely seems intentional. The debuff being unresistable is the thing about Crystalize that annoys me.
  5. Midnight Grasp should as well. The ingame detailed info doesn't show it, but you can clearly see it in City of Data: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=epic.controller_dark_mastery.gather_shadows&at=controller
  6. Their Footstomp power does have required level 32: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=mastermind_pets.thug_boss_3.foot_stomp&at=mastermind I wasn't aware the pets actually cared about the required level. Would be interesting to test exemplaring down to 25. You'd still get to use Upgrade Equipment but would the Bruiser stop being able to use Hurl since that has required level 26? Edit: Tried it out on one of my masterminds. Bruiser in fact did not use Hurl against enemies when exemplared to 24, despite being fully upgraded.
  7. Yeah, using power analyzer tends to make the influence count in the combat info not display right for a while. Doesn't actually impact your influence, though. Would be nice if it was fixed, but never was a real issue past the shock factor of your influence seeming to drop to zero.
  8. I don't really have problems with transfusion, but transference I constantly have to worry about. I even joke with people in voice that the fastest way to ensure something dies is to try to use transference on it, since I so frequently try to refill my endurance off of an enemy just for it to take a hit and die a split second earlier, wasting the transference recharge.
  9. I'm guessing it has to do with the ampersand &. Doing a search on City of Data, the only other power with one of those in it is [Winter's Bite: Recharge/Chance for -Speed & -Recharge] and its superior version. I couldn't get those to link ingame either, even though the similar [Winter's Bite: Accuracy/Damage] and the like worked just fine. Not sure if changing the linking code to allow ampersands would be easy, but I would think it would be pretty easy to just change the name of the power to a simplier "Mark and Recall" instead.
  10. Burk

    volcanic badge

    Do it in the Cavern of Transcendence trial. The groups of igneous in the center room respawn so you don't even need to reset the mission.
  11. It's not trying to spawn one for each alignment, but for each team member. (Granted I have no idea why that's what the game decides to do)
  12. Just came here to mention the same thing. The client tool definitely did not recognize Plugged In on my new character.
  13. Well, its not random, its just in the order that you received them. Sometimes that can be helpful, but its weird to be the default.
  14. Gamma tanks are easy to farm in any 46+ crey mission. Note they can only spawn one per group, so you don't need to crank up the team size. Cryogenicists can be farmed in south Eden with a targetting macro. Does take some time, but much less than trying to find them in missions.
  15. Team Transport has a target cap of 255, so there's no issue with transporting everyone in range. However, the radius is only 15ft.
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