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  1. To be complete about it, these are the badges that require you to be on a specific side. Hero, Vigilante: City Official (Atlas city hall), Law Enforcer (police stations), Commuter (train stations), Shop Keeper (stores), Dimensional Explorer (Shadow Shard), Intern (PI Portal Corp) Villain, Rogue: Pilot (Arachnos helicopters), Crey Employee (Nerva Crey building), Arachnos Official (Grandville), Arachnos Agent (various Arachnos bases), Smuggler (ferries), Demagogue (Port Oakes city hall)
  2. Another of our biweekly Master of Aeon runs, and another round of Becky getting stuck on the glowie. Gave up on her a little faster this time because we were all sick of this issue. Three attempts in a row and haven't gotten the badge in 6 weeks now.
  3. BlockingAccept happens when the player is in a league of one. This used to happen a lot when using LFG to teleport, but can still happen when someone was in a league and all the other members quit. The reason the second invite works is because the error also signals the game to remove them from the league of one.
  4. That's because the same power for multiple ATs are actually different powers in the code. For instance Blaster Ice Bolt, Corruptor Ice Bolt, Defender Ice Bolt, and Dominator Ice Bolt are all separate powers. However Arcane Bolt from Sorcery is the same power in the code regardless of the AT it is taken on. That means that Blaster Ice Bolt can be set to take Blaster ATOs but not Corruptor ATOs, etc. I'm not sure if the equivalent can be done with Arcane Bolt.
  5. Recently they added a cooldown of sorts on being able to search. You should be seeing a "You cannot search again so soon. Please wait a few seconds and try again" message in system chat if you try to click search too soon after searching (exact time seems a little inconsistent, maybe 10-30 seconds).
  6. I'm pretty sure the issue is that the "door" to go from the second area into the third is right on top of the glowie that you have to click to spawn it. She tries to enter the door to follow, but gets caught on it. If the glowie could be more offset from the door, this probably wouldn't happen. Any attempt to fix it by having the character she's following die, exit the mission, or get teleported back to the second area can result in her detaching from them, and then bugging out. Usually walking through walls and getting lost. Ultimately ending up in the state of the second screenshot where she refuses to reattach to a player. I have no idea how that one can be fixed, but I've also seen that kind of behavior on other escorts before, so not unique to Becky.
  7. While I generally will use the regular threads to build my first Alpha ability on a character up to T3 for the all-important level shift, I will frequently save up shards to use for building it up to T4. Threads have 5 other slots needing them, so until I have enough threads/salvage for those, I don't like using them for Alpha. Plus, it is always a pain to get actual VR salvage rolls, so if I can use shards and Notice of the Well from weeklies to make a Favor of the Well, that can save on the frustration. (Of course, if you're not a hoarder like me and want to just use Empyrean Merits for stuff like that, feel free to ignore me.)
  8. If you mean a penalty if someone quits the team while a TF is in progress, I see two major issues immediately: 1. A player who wants to quit will be incentivized to just log off instead, leaving the team to face missions that assume the player is still helping when deciding how many enemies to spawn. We cannot penalize people who log off because the TF system is deliberately designed to allow the team to log off and resume at a later time. 2. What if a team has to reset? For instance the team might not be able to overcome some AV challenge and wants to try different content or swap out for better built characters. Also, when we run Master of runs, we frequently have to restart when there is a death. How would the game know that these players quitting are not just "leavers"?
  9. Forgot to mention it is a "Board Transit" mission, so easily accessible in Ouro as well. The red-side version is Wu Yin's Personal Story which is basically the same (I prefer this one because I do most of the other level ranges red-side anyway).
  10. What level enemies did you test Radiation Therapy against? I notice that the regen effect does not have the "Does not scale with enemy level" flag. If you were fighting something one level higher than you, that would exactly reduce the effect by 10%. So, I'm guessing it applies the regen from hitting yourself and then if there are enemies around it immediately replaces the effect with the one from hitting them, level scaling the effect and all.
  11. As far as holding him goes, the titan has the same kind of purple triangle protection that most regular AVs have. They just are not visible on him. So part of the time he's as vulnerable as a boss, but most of the time he has 50 more protection.
  12. I find doing most of it red-side with a splash of gold-side a little easier, so I go with 1-15: The Loa Bone (one boss) 16-20: Blood of Tyrants (Imperial Crusader, Ch 5) (no combat, choose resistance and just run to end) 21-25: Pride in Your Work (Neutropolis Power, Ch 4) (no combat, choose loyalist) 26-30: Eliminate Negotiator and Witnesses (two bosses) 31-35: The Unlucky Artifact (one boss, stop him from escaping) 36-40: Attack Longbow Portal Base or B4nKbUsTah (this level range doesn't have great options, but I still think both are easier than the Doctor mission to do with challenges) 41-45: Selestar (one boss, do have to clear his room) 46-50: Wu Yin's Personal Story (no combat)
  13. I beg to differ, considering that this game has a low level "robot" faction, the Clockwork, that turns out to just be metal pieces telekinetically moved by an unstable psychic. No reason why a robot mastermind couldn't be a mage doing something similar.
  14. I'm not sure it was that way on live, but the head becoming vulnerable with 2 tentacles left has been a thing for a while.
  15. That definitely seems new. I have definitely stealthed through the tunnels on mission 3 of Market Crash. With all of the stealth stacking changes, the only way you're going to be able to overcome 90ft perception is if you are a stalker, you are an illusion/arsenal controller/dominator, or you're stacking support set stealth auras (shadow fall, etc). On a side note, no amount of stealth stacking is going to do anything about Rularuu. Certain enemies like Rularuu eyeballs, Rikti drones, and all Knives of Artemis apparently ignore your stealth without relying on increased perception. Otherwise they would see unstealthed characters from much longer distances (the eyeballs do actually do this, but it's separate from the stealth ignoring) and the 200ft stealth of illusion/arsenal would probably be enough to still be stealth against them.
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