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  1. Living languages change language all the time/every day. And while there are past or present prescriptive rules used in various discourse communities, descriptive rules of discourse actually dictate most of those changes as well as their discourse community norms. In other words, you're over thinking it and the typically accepted pronunciations are fine.
  2. 1. If you want more opportunities to encounter people to help you, then you may want to choose higher population servers such as Excelsior. Playing during its peak player concurrency times also helps too. 2. What specifically are you needing help with game with? A certain amount of game play is experiential learning and the game is relatively solo friendly. We also have many guides, subforums and more as well which can help answer questions for you here too. In game when you make a new character you can also choose to designate yourself as someone needing help as a title to your character. Then you can simply ask in game's help channel or its general channel. Additionally, there is a discord channel for assistance. Best of luck.
  3. Excuses will abound by the detractors from people leveling how they wish to; but it boils truly down to elitism. They just dress it up otherwise. As an example, the ones that say that new players pl'ing is "wrong" and then attack such people for not knowing how to play(by their standards) instead of working with folks to learn to play when they denounce, kick, etc those folks from teams etc. They'd just simply prefer play of the game to be some form of an initiation where people either sink or swim and accepting the those who've swam sufficiently in their eyes. Same individuals typically also hate the April Mapserve event and the Halloween one as well. They've been responsible for running off not a small number of people over the years that have not conformed to their play expectations. Its a shame but every few months these sorts of debates on this get dredged up. They may very well win their desires for any form of leveling outside of a specific pace they wish to dictate as acceptable, but it'll likely not have the intended results they expect.
  4. Really you could've consolidated this into your other thread (or vice versa) regarding questioning whether psychic is natural or mutation.
  5. This is a creative choice by the player. Justifications for any origin can be made and debated endlessly.
  6. I'd caution to better think on and treat each build you make with different combinations on their own instead of comparatively when switching secondaries and other choices. Effectivity varies and in some cases widely.
  7. Must every two-bit criminal in the city have prolific lore and back stories in the game? Nope.
  8. In the most dripping Southern Drawl possible: "Oh, bless your heart."
  9. No. System doesnt accomodate that. You're going to have to run afk farm builds through the timed missions (and then reset and do it over) or active builds through the longer farm missions (so that you have less mission transition downtime).
  10. There's always friction when big ego's clash.
  11. 1. This isnt an emulator and this isnt the first time you've pushed that claim. Its an licensed iteration of the game. 2. Its taken you over 5 years, given your propensity for playing the game, to hit 1.2 billion? Ouch. 3. Given point 2 and your choice to upgrade so's from level 7 on to 50, that'd explain some aspects of that. 4. Merit selling is a poor man's bank account, but you know that and that's of course your choice but it certainly isnt something to vaunt.
  12. Yep. All to keep players paying for their subs.
  13. Can you show a comparison screen shot you were mentioning from the other person? Also, you could ask the other person for their exact settings too. Lastly, your settings btw are not on the highest graphic fidelity settings even though you have the "ultra" -section- opened. But basically the look would be the same just an fyi.
  14. Since you seem like you want to have some sort of erroneous confirmation bias and because people have explained this to you already but you still remain skeptical, please go to the beta test server and test this yourself.
  15. That sort of contradicts your original statement that you dont have the time to devote to playing another game. I suspect you got Return to Moria (yes I've played it) and if so, you're going to find it tedious by about midway in the game 😛
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