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_NOPE_ last won the day on March 30 2020

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1992 Excellent


About _NOPE_

  • Birthday 07/14/1980

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  1. Hey there, I love CoH Modder but now I am getting a pop-up error message loading it. See screenshot attached. I managed to hold my enter key and click the remove button to get it in the 'uninstalled' window but the error repeats upon restarting the program. It hasn't let me access the 'delete' button in the uninstall section yet.  It wouldn't even let me close the program because each time I closed the pop-up, it reopened so fast I couldn't click anything, even holding down the enter key. I killed it using Task Manager but am afraid to open it back up.  :(   Wasn't sure how else to contact you. 


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