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Everything posted by ivanhedgehog

  1. One activity is hands down the most rewarding playstyle in the game and the devs have ZERO problem with that. HM TFs reward the most hands down by a large margin. As you say"You do not "deserve" a higher reward rate than other players simply because you engage in your preferred activity." So your equality argument is void.
  2. the discussion on the basis of the changes never includes us. we get input on paint color, not the basic structure.
  3. On live, The entire release 9 from beginning to end I never got a single wing recipe drop. I made over 2 million prestige on my tank in that time. I was convinced that the drop rate was borked.
  4. If you do a dr q on a 50 and dont have your alpha unlocked? no prismatics surprise!!!!!! cant get them on a non 50 doing the wst either, because no one wants costumes until they have their incarnates unlocked. Those of us that use tfs to level? This content isnt for us.
  5. I wonder how a stone(non granite) build would do. gotta look at one.
  6. wasnt this supposed to be just the first part of a larger patch because they wanted people to test the powers changes? I seem to remember that from when this started.
  7. amazingly, the other "broken" powers never get a glance. RM is broken without the old IG but it wont even get a glance. Its amazing how many "bugs" you find that coincidentally slam farming. the devs dont like farming but want to be able to say they dont. Actions speak louder than words. We will be waiting a long time before they make EMP something more than just a few people want to build.
  8. why was IG the only rm power changed? Why hasnt EMP gotten a pass? almost no one uses it. not a conspiracy, just someone looking at places they want to make changes for a purpose. The devs have done this in the past, very recently. Not a shadowy cabal.
  9. I am looking forward to doing the croatoa zone missions with this change. one of my favorite zones
  10. people were saying that blasters getting nukes at 26 was going to make them feel useless as the blasters ran around destroying mobs. I say that everyone has some point in the game that their help is only minor. at some point. I love this change btw. I think it is spot on.
  11. agreed. as long as you dont hide yourself from anything you dont agree with you should be fine.
  12. Ignoring people to not see opinions you dont agree with is 100% creating an echo chamber. There will be no actual discussion, just agreement. That is one of the problems with social media. People form their insular communities of like minded people and begin to believe their own propaganda/opinions as fact, because "everyone agrees with me"
  13. thats one way of creating your own echo chamber.
  14. people were complaining about feeling useless on tfs. Its nothing new. and its no reason fornerfing at's or getting rid of sidekicking/exemplaring.
  15. A lot of people dont have built IO set builds at 25. A lot use so's until end game. This is why balance was always vs so's. the devs broke that.
  16. unless you have an aura or burn patch or any aoe going off. then you are dead on some classes.
  17. you cant read patch notes. must be too challenging. agro changes damage changes. elite bosses in TOT etc. the fact that the only ways to get the new costume content is to grind grind grind or do HM
  18. agro and damage changes are optional? changes to trials that effect all players are optional? The drive to nerf all farming is optional?
  19. I am looking at stone tanks getting granite at 26 and drooling. The hated climb to 32 is no more!
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