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Everything posted by ivanhedgehog

  1. Is it game breaking? What is the solution? Kneecapping every AT with a nuke? stopping exemplaring? I dont think it is as big a problem as that. Try taking a squishy on one of these fast +4 ITFs at level 35. You will taste floor early and often.
  2. you can avoid halloween trick or treating? It was a few loudmouths whining about wanting challenge when they had the option to add it for themselves. The direction of the game is becoming unwelcoming for those that dont want annoying changes to the game.
  3. yin is 20-25. you might get a 1 slotted nuke but It isnt some sort of I win button. ( i did a new character on test and leveled it but I must be mistaken on the level, Ty for correcting that)
  4. yin is 20-25. t9 can be taken at 28. It cant be 5 slotted by 31. I dont see many nukes going off before it can be taken. or is there some way it can be leveraged?
  5. It doesnt need to be addressed. without a lot of slotting they wont do much. Brutes run through these missions as it is, do they need to be nerfed?
  6. I would blame the short sighted people that decided it was a good idea to change the difficulty of the trial just so a few people could have their master of badge run. The devs are changing the game steadily while the people that want challenge have alw3ays had the option to give it to themselves. They dont want that, they want to change the game for everyone else.
  7. if you want the challenge, run the master mode, dont mess it up for the rest of us.
  8. patch notes are incomplete often so a lot of people dont bother reading them.
  9. So they gave it the HM treatment? Is there some reason they are driving people from this server? Changing this content so it excludes a large % of people that have NO interest in their HM content?
  10. Did this get changed? or is that the way it always worked?
  11. Honestly, you see people in the forums of many games telling others that they shouldnt discuss subjects like nerfs/buffs and game changes of all types. They are attempting to shut down discussions. If it takes 7 threads then so be it. its not like you are going to run out of threads.
  12. Just want to point out...characterizing pages of discussion as "wailing and weeping" is just a cheap trick to try to make peoples discussion look petty and foolish. It is a bad debating technique and should be beneath us. It gets used way too much by many people.
  13. Back on live, they "fixed" clear mind to not stack. That broke a lot of things. The devs were smart enough to revert the change because it was too great a change. sometimes the bug is a better way to leave things. Irradiated ground...they fixed a bug. but the rest of the power does not comply with other auras and the set as a whole kinda sucks now. did they fix anything or just moved the set to the "do not consider" set.
  14. If you make it conform to the proc standard of other auras it should conform in other ways also. like size and # of targets
  15. did that one on live witha bunch of mm's. it was glorious
  16. Its a direct result of people playing the game for a few years.
  17. I thought it was Wizards at the Bank!
  18. The only feedback they want is "power x needs to last 2.5 seconds longer" etc. any discussion over whether the change needs to be in that direction is hidden rather than taken into account. This is not a good system. The devs live in an echo chamber of the people on their private server.
  19. Is that why they are destroying IR?
  20. brokenly overpowered? no one would use them if not for fire centric or farming reasons. plainly, they suck at anything else. brokenly overpowered? really? has anyone seriously done any of hte devs new favorite hardmode content with them? are you trying to push the idea that fire armor is over powered? Has the current dev team abandoned so's totally? Because balancing around IO builds is very much more miss than hit. The rad set as a whole is broken, yet there is zero interest in fixing it. The crusade against farming continues.
  21. His post wasnt actually about numbers, but it was about the incredible coincidence of the 2 sets that farming uses having "bugs". and the last farming nerf was because of "bugs" It is looking like the best way to find bugs is to look at what makes farming work. I realize this isnt what they want to see here, we are supposed to not notice. We should probably discuss this elsewhere, this isnt the kind of feedback they want here.
  22. Is there any chance to get some big xp boosts to allow us to get to specific level ranges we want to test at? say a 200% xp leveling buff or any % you find appropriate?
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