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Everything posted by ivanhedgehog

  1. Less people playing the game. Less farmers. They made it clear that they disliked farming and some have left. Maybe many. Maybe the devs can find bugs in the AH as fast as they do in farming/AE? That would be nice.
  2. Balance? right. this game has a long history of the devs deciding that a set is OP and nuking it right to the very bottom of the stack. When feedback is given it is either ignored or they are told that "it will be looked at later". fast forward 3 years or so, and they wonder why people dont play a set. Look how long blasters sat in a horrible place. look at regen currently. The gogogo mentality came from wow, along with the concept that only HM participants should get good rewards. Purples drop for anyone in 50+ content, they are not reserved for the select few. This concept should have continued on throughout the game. it hasnt. Welcome to city of wow. They even brought the toxicity.
  3. If you do the opposite, make the cost of everything much less, it will make the usefulness of huge amounts of inf much less. why farm incessantly when you can get the cash for a new build in an hour or less? It would bring farmers and marketers down to everyone elses level. Something to think about.
  4. I thought we are on double secret probation.
  5. everlasting runs 2 hamis back to back 3 times a night and more than that in the day even(not my schedule) takes 20 min usually. 120 merits. If the devs regularly seeded the market with cheap recipes and mats, no one would have a need to farm and the market would really be a super market.
  6. Dont delude yourself that marketers have MUCH more money than most farmers. They could solve the whole problem by reseeding the market once a month at 100k per enhancement, 10k per orange salvage etc. They could let the players get back to playing the game instead f city of stockbrokers. Instead they created a new class of "haves". If everyone is super then no one is super.
  7. I didnt say that, try reading. people doing the 4 star ATF could make 3 billion on the prismatics alone. Shifting that kind of cash to a few players that quickly will tilt the economy. at this point so much inf is sitting on so many unplayed charcters that while they can tell you totals, that isnt the amount of inf actually in play.
  8. BS. The hm TF launch allowed a small group of people to accumulate billions in next to nothing. It certainly shifted the balance of the economy and the devs were just fine with that. Dont try to trot out concern for the economy without remembering that. when a single player can make 3+ billion from 1 tf? yes that shifts the economy.
  9. deliberately taunting people with antagonistic crap like "victim complex" is needlessly toxic. not needed. COH community isnt what it used to be.
  10. pvp hot button? really? you seem to be incapable of having an adult discussion. Bye!
  11. Those old tractors lasted forever. I spent a lot of time with a bush hog attachment behind one.
  12. Did you post to add to the discussion to just be toxic? If there is nothing in a thread that you feel needs to be discussed, pass on it. If you feel you have something to add to the discussion, please add it. but just chiming in with insulting garbage isnt helping anything. This isnt helping anything.
  13. not a chance. 30 min to an hour to get 240 prismatics + everything else? good luck on farming that.
  14. I have never afk farmed in my life. But it is obvious that the devs like to nerf farming early and often. Actions speak louder than words. I dont give a rats patoot that we can continually edit farms to adjust sorta kinda. The devs will change what they want to change. got that. But they cant make us like it.
  15. You intentionally didnt even read what I posted. Are you just trolling this thread for giggles or is it too difficult?
  16. some people are entitled to some things. its the FALSE sense of entitlement that is the problem.
  17. Dont forget the prismatics. the way that was introduced shifted a lot of inf very quickly.
  18. So if they were to get rid of the first 3 pvp zones, the pvper can still pvp in what they have left right? what is the problem, things change. You think the pvp community wouldnt complain?
  19. You just said that all activities are NOT rewarded equally. Toons for HM are built just as carefully for that content as farm toons are built for theirs. If you were running on SOs you might have a point. when they are completing in 30 mi, there cant be that much risk. ae farming is not and has not been the 1 stop shop for rewards. HM farming is however.
  20. not all teams can farm, but you have no problem nerfing them to try and get people to do HM. But you have admitted there is NO EQUALITY. so stop trying to shovel that bs.
  21. so you admit that the whole "equality" argument is BS. and higher risk of what? if you build your toon for an activity you lessen the risk. Properly geared toons are doing 4 star ITFs in 30 min. risk???riiiight
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