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Akisan last won the day on July 18 2024

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  1. That'd be why I take usually take Kick. It isn't part of my regular attack chain, but it is a rather satisfying finisher on any mob that ends up with 1 hp after a regular attack. The force feedback +rech. is just a bonus after that.
  2. Two things: Framing Rivals Planting Evidence It won't take care of all the bodies, but it can drastically reduce the number of them. (@catsi563 had some good ideas there, though...)
  3. Can some of these also override brawl's animation? (e.g. hitting someone with a trombone's slide)
  4. *sigh* Use this spicy pepper spray, they said. It'll keep the cats (and other critters) from chewing on the cables, they said. Apparently, the cats like spicy stuff, so they chew on the cables more now... <Wanders off, wondering if they still sell bitterant sprays, and if the cats will like that too...>
  5. I mean, it would be nice to put a Stealth IO in Walk so that I can pretend I'm sneaking around with an invisibility cloak, but also kinda unneccessary? We've quite a bit of customization as-is, and being able to powerwalk seems like it'd be really, really low on that list for most people.
  6. I rarely alt - something about my main's build just clicks for me, which makes it harder to play other toons. Most of my alts were made specifically for levelling alongside others (and so don't see much use), and only 2 of them have made it above 40. So, yeah, AH space is a limitation for me. Realisticly, I have only 200 AH spots unless I specifically run AH mules (which, again, not interested in doing).
  7. ...Funny you mention Street Justice. Isn't that pretty much exactly what you're asking for? Maybe with the combo system from Dual Blades tacked on?
  8. And you almost can't: It takes how long for those to sell off of your alts? (Especially stuff like Range, or Tohit Debuff, or other niche enhancement types) I stopped trying to sell low level common IOs a long time ago - after a few weeks/months, I'd rather have my AH slots back (especially since I don't alt much, and making mules just to sell minor stuff on the AH seems rather counter-productive)
  9. My arch-rival. He keeps stealing all the good PR, too!
  10. This could be an interesting way to change things up. A couple things though: Trading a power for 2 or 3 slots is huge. To keep the game balance mostly as-is, you'd almost have to implement this in such a way that you can only take 22 powers, and must take slots on the other 27 levels. (And vice-versa.) This... would not play nicely while Exemplaring. Someone who took 22 levels of powers and then slotted up would have a massive advantage over someone leveled traditionally. It may have to be balanced such that you get the powers you would have at whatever level you Exemplared to, under the assumption that a character was leveled traditionally.
  11. I was talking about non-set IOs. The set IOs get added to their buckets on the AH, and will (usually) sell at whatever level people might want them at. Non set IOs stay at their level, and there's virtually no demand for very low level IOs - you almost can't even give them away!
  12. Again, acceptable breaks from reality. I'm perfectly happy to not have to be RPing as "Property Damage Man" every time I suit up. (Seriously, he has such a hard time with insurance, and cycles through PR people weekly). Stuff's fine to be a bit more comic-y, and some of us like having a smaller impact - one of the big reasons I quit CO was that I couldn't stop my tiny ninja character from leaving craters everywhere as I traveled. It's immersion breaking to be that destructive. Also, keep in mind the impact on AI - they're dumb. Really dumb. In zones with destructibles (most Safeguard missions), the AI will waste their alpha strike on nearby breakables before realizing that you're attacking them. We don't need the extra edge.
  13. Don't forget the suction cups on the ammo! I want to see Tyrant covered in Nerf darts! You got it! The damage falloff doesn't stop for teammates 4-8, so Defenders now deal up to -50% damage on a full team!
  14. It may also be possible to make it be a toggle that forcibly turns itself off after a short while, much like the Hybrid powers do. This would come with the added bonus that you could voluntarily cancel out of your T9 so it'll be up again that much sooner. Or, you could build the crash into the toggle itself - while the toggle won't turn itself off, it does inflict a self HP degeneration, along with an ever-increasing resistance to healing effects. This would force the player to turn the toggle off before they cook themselves with their own T9. (The stacks of Healing Resistance would fall off over time after Overclock is turned off.) It does look like it could be a fun set to run, even if it would take a fair amount of game knowledge to use well. (Arachnos/IDF would probably be a problem though). I'd probably want to run it as a magical set (preferred theme), like a suit of animated armor. Fortunately, the wording on the powers is general enough to do so, and might only need 2 changes: T7: Reconstruction (CLICK) Your armor has nanotechnological a self-repair system that can be used to forcibly repair it even on battlefield! This will rapidly heal you over time, restore endurance, while also empowering your resistance against all damage types except Negative Energy for first seconds of the effect. T8: Jet Charge (CLICK/AUTO) Utilize built-in jetpack thrusters to close distance between you and your foes. This will deal Smashing damage to foes near targeted location and knock them down. Additionally taking this power automatically grants you high protection to Repel, and Knock/Repel Resistance effects, and Speed Debuff Resistance.
  15. Any arguments in support of either, or you think thinking just makes it so? I didn't say anything about the sex choice, mind you, but, of course, women are nimbler and more resilient than men, who are stronger and tougher. There is no reason whatever why this would not apply to superheroes. Or does Black Widow punch through walls? There is She-Hulk, but she is hulky. Of course, in both sexes there may be some small superheroes with unusual strength or who leap between buildings on short legs, in short, where their abilities aren't completely limited by their body, but that is where superpowers come in. A short-legged character, I proposed, shouldn't run or jump well naturally, but he may have Combat Jumping or Superspeed or another power to offset his starting point. That, in a nutshell, is the entire concept of superheroes as they were originally conceived - that they are regular people, maybe even invalids or puny, but with something extra, from an investigator's talent to flying, that lets them go beyond and achieve. It's the American way! Now how did this turn into a situation where, instead of being surpassed, reality is la-la-la denied the way you and others here are doing? That may be true, on average, for normal humans IRL, but once you throw in tech, magic, mutations, science, or non-humans with different sexual characteristics, things go right out the window... Edited 7 minutes ago by biostem Pretty much this, in a nutshell. The sliders affecting character stats would make sense if we were designing, say, a fighting game, or a simulation game, or something where baseline human limitations might matter. Once hard superpowers (regardless of Origin) start getting applied, those baselines stop really mattering. Even our level 1 characters, with no powers toggled on, easily exceed any normal human baseline that we'd use: It doesn't normally take several dozen bullets, tazers, shotgun blasts, etc. to stop a normal person. Normal people can't effortlessly run back and forth across the city at 4 or 5 minute mile speeds, while easily clearing 6' fences and pretending to dodge traffic. And that's with no active powers (not even Sprint. We're out for a light jog.). Once we start registering "proper" powers, those baselines may as well be referring to a martian or something - they don't matter. This is a game that's taken a few acceptable breaks from reality, and the separation of cosmetics from performance is one of the very well chosen breaks. If this were a much more grounded game, where we were supposed to be slightly more powerful than the average person (low level D&D, some DM's interpretation of Paranoia, etc.), then yes, I would absolutely support body type having an effect on our capabilities - but it's not. We're incredibly overpowered compared to the average person, and easily in the range of that being an acceptable (or preferable) break from reality. So... still a hard no.
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