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ChzBoi last won the day on January 27 2022

ChzBoi had the most liked content!


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  1. ..........years of this.......
  2. Whooohoo! Got in! Go Team Homecoming!!
  3. ...of course...but it's all good....
  4. ...oh good...I can mention this again: "OneSlot Challenge".......can only slot 1 enhancement in a power......! 😋
  5. .....all I heard when I read this..............
  6. ........large group ->"A Coffin of Snarki"......?
  7. ...plural -> Snarkies or Snarki.......? 🤔 Snarkuses? 😊
  8. .....some days...I love you folks more than family.........well....most days......... 🙂
  9. .........you can even get inside it if ya want!!...........
  10. .....I see Snarky more like this......... 🙂
  11. .........alas....neither metric will I reach........
  12. ......This works well too!.........
  13. .......on this challenge, I also roll 2 more 6 sided die: 1st roll = how many times you press the random costume button....and 2nd die = how many items on that costume you can change. I've gotten a few good characters out of this.......limitation can be creative motivation.....thanks TROO!!..........
  14. ....some days you all make me laugh out loud....and my wife looks over from the couch with that look.......and I know she is thinking back to the day she married me.......
  15. .......D.U.S.T. Ranger Badge...........a favorite of mine.....
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