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Posts posted by Chuckers

  1. 1 hour ago, Yoru-hime said:

    Personally, I love CoH for a lot of reasons, but the sounds are not one of them. The only time I turn audio on is when I'm looking for a contrary blinkie that isn't on my map. I could spend hours tweaking sound files and there'd still be something that would grate on my nerves after a while. It's really hard to make sound effects that don't get repetitive and annoying for someone by the end of a long play session. Some are just far worse than others.


    I like a lot of the sounds in the game. I LOVE the clomping of my bots as they get close to me. Especially when there's one bot who's running back to me.. it reminds me of a 2 year old that hasn't learned to bend his/her knees when they run. Makes me smile. 

    I do remember LONG ago there were some noises, powers especially, that EVERYONE hated and the devs took that into consideration. I think Sonic got a heavy sound make over. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, PaxArcana said:

    My ex-girlfriend has this, for any loud, sharp noise.  And also for anything towards the bass end of the spectrum (I had to use headphones to play any shooters; the sound of gunshots from the game was literally painful for her ... even at a volume lower than normal human talking).

    Wow.. I haven't witnessed pain, just annoyance. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Oubliette_Red said:


    Same here, on both regards, that's why have modified or silenced several sounds within the game,.

    Demon Lt rawrs drive me nuts, so I changed them to infant giggles.

    Bots stomping around, now squeak like rubber duckies.

    Glowies now cackle like hyenas.

    Other, like Spines' aura or Lightning Field, I just silence.



    RUBBER DUCKIES!!!!! OMG that's sooooooo cute!!!


  4. 13 hours ago, reconfigureyourface said:

    Can we PLEASE either make the interval between her drinks further apart or just change her animation and sound from drinking completely? JESUS.... 😛 

    I can sympathize with you on this. While I haven't heard it personally and will go check it out the next time I can, I can say it would drive me insane as well.


    For those who don't know, there is a term for this:


    Misophonia. People who are sensitive to certain sounds sometimes cope by blocking them out. Misophonia, literally "hatred of sound", was proposed in 2000 as a condition in which negative emotions, thoughts, and physical reactions are triggered by specific sounds.


    I suffer from this as well. I will lose my shit if I have to be next to a person who slurps or chews with their mouth open for more than a few seconds. I *know* it's not their fault, but it really gets under my skin like nails on a black board. My coping mechanism is to remove myself from the situation, but sometimes you can't.. like when you're stuck on an airplane and you have a noisy eater next to you and it's taking all of your will to NOT throat punch them... (which I would NEVER do, but fantasize about and that sometimes brings me relief 🤣)


    Knowing it's an inside joke and having met War Witch in person, I don't think it should be changed. 


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  5. 31 minutes ago, Number9 said:

    It seems to me that in the old old days of CoH runners would often come back with other enemies. They seemed to run farther and trigger other groups. This doesnt seem to happen anymore. 


    Is this a false memory of mine? 


    Anyway, I like the runners, and I like them bringing friends back to the fight with them. 

    I seem to remember that if you had a toggle on a runner (an aoe debuff from Dark or Rad for example), that toggle would aggro other enemies. I don't know if that still happens. 

    I don't mind runners, but I really feel that Lts and Bosses should run a lot less then minions. Lts and Bosses didn't get where they were (in my mind) by running away from a fight. Minions are grunts and I can see them getting scared more often.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Megajoule said:

    I'm going to be a stick in the mud and/or a bucket of cold water, here:


    The administration of a game, or a server, is not and IMO should never be a democracy.  I've seen too many failures, hurt feelings, and long angry rants about what the devs should be focusing on (and what should be totally easy) to think otherwise.


    I don't see this the same way you do 🙂 I see this as the Devs saying "We are going to work on either A or B next. Which would you rather see us work on?" Not a "Hey, what do you want next?"


    Yeah, people who pick A when B wins, may be a little out of sorts, but that doesn't mean B isn't going to be worked on. 


    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    Could do an In-Game Voting NPC.


    Set up a P2W Vendor that sells two Temp Powers for free. If you buy one you can't buy the other, simple Yes/No question.


    Then after a week, Datamine how many times that vendor sold Yes and how many times it sold No.


    The only problem I see with this is would it be linked to the account or the character? A person with 100 characters can vote 100 times....


    Can you link a temp power to the account?


    • Thanks 1
  8. My search-fu isn't that good, so I don't know if this has already been mentioned (watch it's probably right under this post..)

    It seems that since I have gone to the 64 bit client, my mini-map closes for no reason. I keep it open in the upper right corner of my screen. When I do something that refreshes the whole screen (zone, open the enhancement window, etc), my mini-map disappears as if I had pressed "M". I just press "M" to bring it back, but it's weird. Has anyone else noticed this? 

  9. 1 hour ago, Falsey said:

    Not being able to disable Speed Boost's buff to run speed. Truly annoying, especially during cave missions.


    (For those who are not aware, you can disable this feature by visiting a P2W vendor).

    I thought Null the Gull shut off the speed part of speed boost.. does it shut off the whole buff?

  10. 5 minutes ago, PaxArcana said:

    I think you have a shallow understanding of Masterminds.  You seem to think, on a team, the MM should be putting most of their attention into their secondary powerset.


    And I strongly disagree with that.

    When I am playing my MM properly, I rarely use my secondary. I buff them at the start with bubbles and then re-apply as necessary. I'm too busy micromanaging my bots to even use my primary MM attack powers. 

    • Like 1
  11. On 8/15/2019 at 5:32 PM, PaxArcana said:

    Nor is anyone asking MMs to dismiss pets EVERY time they leave a mission (though, personally, I _do_, just because I don't want to drag the pets through the entire zone on the way to the next door).



    This is me with my bots/ff. I dismiss them at the end of every mission because they will aggro everything on their way to the next mission or end up dying anyway. It's easier to dismiss and re-summon. Since I only solo with my MM, because my friends don't really know how to play with an MM on the team, I don't mind the extra few seconds of set up at every door. 


    But in relation to the topic, I can't believe that I got stuck in a room because my PHANTOM army was blocking the door.. they're phantoms.. phantoms are insubstantial entities.. WHY can't I walk through them? 


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  12. 1 hour ago, Pyriold said:

    So, when i see things like that, i offer advice. What's wrong with that?

    Nothing. I will ALWAYS listen to advice, as long as it's couched as advice and not as "Hey you dumb S*, why aren't you using X and Y?"  (I'm not saying you do that. I'm just making a point). I have some characters I am very good at playing and some that, well, I enjoy but are definitely sub-optimal. 

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