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Everything posted by Dahle

  1. Thanks. I love that it pairs so well. I'll have to look at loosening up on some of me Def buffs maybe. I might've gone overboard if Fade+Power Boost works that way. Probably can open up some slotting.
  2. I really like my Elec/Rad. But I can't survive the initial engage on them, even doing corner pulls into Static Field or engaging with Synaptic Overload doesn't do the trick for me. I want to be able to get in mobs and sap their end while Chocking Cloud locks them down here and there, but the Gremlins just don't stack up compared to Imps when it comes to making up for the lack of damage in the set.
  3. I went on Justin last night and tried it out. I was very disappointed, and felt let down. So that's the end of trying to do that. Thanks yall
  4. Anyone playing Fire/Dark out there and have any feedback? I'm thinking about going for Power Boost and dumping everything i can into +Recharge and Perma Haste/Fade. You can easily exceed the softcap for something like 15 of every 35 seconds I think (Depending on Force Feedback Procs). Meaning I think the I might be able to soak some damage on engage when soloing. Thanks
  5. I'm looking at options for a fun confuse controller. Elec of course has an amazing Chaining confuse and Plant/ has Seeds. But I am wondering really if anyone has stacked Arctic Air on World of Confusion. Not even sure what secondary I'd pull with it, maybe /Dark for some hilarity. Of course I'm not sure I could play such a toon seriously, but I really am wondering if the confusion effects are strong enough. Thanks
  6. Throw a Force Feedback Proc in all of them and let the hilarity insue. Just wait for the Gremlins, they throw out Jolting Chains also.
  7. These two have a lot of overlap that makes them nasty to play together. You have to look at the powers and note that you will have distinct play styles with different groups. If you are solo or running with a Single Target party, Static Field and Conductive Aura, with a rare application of hurican to herd the mobs may be great. And in an AoE team you would throw out an Alpha strike with Synaptic Overload from stealth and then start throwing in Freezing Rain. It is an odd combination, but I love both powersets. I personally run Elec/Kin and Elec/Rad instead and Fire/Storm. You might have better luck for a pairing by choosing Elec or Storm and then going Dominator for Elec with something, or if you want Storm going Defender/Corrupter.
  8. I feel this statement deep in my soul right now. I keep telling myself to just get to 32 and get pets, then I can do away with Arcane Bolt, Sands of Mu, and Blackwand as my damage dealer. I have a great suggestion on once you get the pets... Slot a Overwhelming Presence KB to KD into it. I love it.
  9. I absolutely love elec/. The problems I have are that it takes an age to kill anything.
  10. This is what I thought! Thanks for the info
  11. In a knockdown build, that might be worth the slot...
  12. Well consider the suppression on the FF proc doesn't apply any longer, so if you can chain the proc while fighting, you get that ridiculous cooldown A LOT. Paired with the fact that I am looking more for End Recovery and ACC from sets over stacking cooldown, and most of that is from 2/3 slots, I can stack it everywhere.
  13. I have one in each KB power right now, along with a Force Feedback proc....
  14. Yeah, Elec damage is just really low. Even buffed it feels slow.
  15. Yeah, Overwhelming Presence is good on imps because it gives them a Knockdown. And I believe they otherwise on KB when the enemies are too low and they just do too much damage.
  16. Mine all spawned at me and then rushed towards enemies. But sometimes they would freak and go to a different one and then run away.
  17. No, they cast some of your effects. Most notably they do Jolting Chain, which will throw people for miles away if they are to far below your lvl. This might only come up when Tip farming though. Fire Imps just attack, no control effects. Visuals and sounds. I avoid Sonic because the sounds...
  18. I use both sets in my Fire Storm controller. Overwhelming Force in Bonfire, because it also adds Damage. And then I slot it with 4-5 of another set usually. Sudden Acceleration in Gale with the Force Feedback Proc for +Recharge. It is practically spammable and you don't have to worry about it. just throw it in the rotation to get those procs. Sudden Acceleration in Hurricane so that it becomes a toggle Repel and -ToHit. Sudden Acceleration in Tornado so it doesn't toss every enemy it touches to the nines. Sudden Acceleration in Lightning Storm for the same reason it is in Tornado. It works great, and I don't need to worry about anything going everywhere. I kinda want to pick up Whirlwind for the build for even more KD, but the build is so End heavy at the moment that I can't justify it.
  19. Tried it in the Beta on my fire/storm troller. Just to see, Fire Cages is ona 2.2 sec cooldown. I got 4 of them out. So I'm going to say it procs will in AoE Immobs. But I also did not notice a significant damage increase.
  20. Dahle


    Thinking the same thing
  21. I agree with this completely. I can't truly figure it out right now and wish that it was put off or not implemented at all.
  22. Honestly... 3 slots at the end for Dark Servant is worth it rather then not at all... And to get it all the way to 5 slots I'd drop the slots in Health and Stamina, unless those are the slots you are considering already.
  23. Alright, here is me being completely lost and forgetful, what is the Energy Font from Overwhelming Presence do? Thanks
  24. I would 100% try Grav/Dark. And it is my next character after I bring my Fire/Kin and Elec/Rad to places I like and feel like I need another Alt... maybe tonight cause Alts are what this game is about.
  25. If we leave out straight Travel powers, because those will always be a preference. (I'd choose TP on every toon if I could make it work...) # 1 is Leadership. It buffs you, your pets and your team. Assault being bottom of the 3 main you probably will take and Tactics being the top. Maneuvers is great early too, with a few End Reduc IOs. # 2 is Fighting. Grab one of the 2 openers and leave it empty if you want and then grab Tough and Weave. I'd take the Leadership powers and only grab these if I had room though. And honestly, if you want you can slot the openers for something I guess. ----------- Now, if you are looking to perma something with recharge, or you are just looking for an extra defensive, that may effect your choice for a travel power. Haste - Obviously Perma-Haste is a thing. And everyone would love it. Plus Super Speed is a great power with a Stealth buff in it. Combined with a something else that gives you stealth, you can run to the end of missions. And if you can somehow teleport your team, complete those missions. Hover - Kind of expensive, but maneuverability in combat is great. And you can make it move kinda quick. Fly seems to be a top pick for travel too, as it allows for controlled movement in most situations. Combat Jumping - Low cost, great defensive power. Can't complain, but I am not a Super Jump fan... So make your on conclusions here. Recall Friend/TP Foe - Recall friend is great if you are bringing someone along for the ride or you have a full stealth mechanic. TP Foe can help with positioning. Teleport can also be the fastest travel power. ----------- With 4 Power Pools to select from, and the ability to select as many as I wanted from my 4 choices with no real thought for my endurance and team, I would take: Leadership - #1 Maneuvers, #2 Tactics, #3 Assault Speed - #1 Haste Flight - #1 Hover, #2 Fly Fighting - #1 (Boxing or Kick cause I have too), #2 Tough, #3 Weave
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