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Frosticus last won the day on October 20 2023

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  1. strongly recommend 5 damage procs in flashbang. Proc'd whitecap (needs fury -res and ffback) Proc'd flashbang (5 dam procs, +5 acc/rech) Proc'd epic aoe (annihlation + dam procs) That's good aoe by an AT's standards. I let smoke can do any extra controlling that is needed. Add in the huge safety and control that marine brings and there isn't much that will give you pause.
  2. the only drawback of pairing it with kin is that tricannon will rarely benefit from fulcrum shift. to the thread in general, smoke can is a pretty unique power with a lot going on under the hood. I personally feel it is set defining if you lean into leveraging it.
  3. It might initially seem counterintuitive, but don't actually lead with Assassin Strike. Open with your highest damage normal single target attack or your epic aoe (depending on content). Use assassin strike in fast mode, ideally with 2-3 stacks of focus depending on team size and availability of other good attacks. Slow AS is pretty rarely used these days.
  4. I may have misunderstood the thread. I thought OP was looking to do this challenge style: no insp/amps/temps/lore kinda deal. If they are ok with the above then play whatever, temp summons and lores can probably do it with you being afk.
  5. AVs are what they are. -regen hardly matters against them if you are a high damage build (all pet heavy builds can be). 500 pylon dps will generally kill a 54 AV in 3ish mins. At which point being able to survive the more dangerous ones is more valuable ime. I'd be surprised if Demons and mercs outdamage bots against GMs though. 600% -regen ends up being 90-100% regen (lower lvl GMs have less debuff res) and they regen ~350hp/sec at the top end. GMs spam aoes now, often with buttloads of knockback. Standing close to them (ie demons) can be an issue. At any rate, just what I'd do as a MM. I do have an ill/Marine troller that exceeds 1k pylon dps with no -regen present. It can blow thru some, but not all GMs as their aoe spam will kill off phantasm and my spider and then it starts to stall out as you get stuck in a resummon/buff loop and tank dps.
  6. If i were making a mm to do this (ill troller being my first pick) it would be bots/Marine. The personal attacks of bots provides ample -regen, more is not required. Marine is probably the best secondary available.
  7. too focused on survival imo. Much better to be offensively focused with this combo. Just toggle on darkest night for any encounter/AV that looks tough because you can blow through everything else with ease. Tanker (Bio Armor - Savage Melee).mbd
  8. Frosticus

    Most damage

    Stalker, but fast ET never gets old ET Baby
  9. Ya icesword circle hits quite hard and rolls procs decently. Trip mine on the other hand does not. Chilling embrace is actually fantastic and has good synergy with powerup, it will noticably slow enemies. While it is mixed damage, cold is rarely resisted and it makes a difference. Arsenals main draw is targetting drone and how it allows you to bypass most acc slotting for more procs throughout the build. If you plan to leverage that then it is worth looking at it more closely.
  10. It is 1st or 2nd arrow i fire every single encounter. 1pc performance shifter +end makes it a free cast.
  11. I Aim for 50% slow res, it makes a difference in QoL. 1 20% slow res in a travel power 2x acc/dam, dam/end winter sets (melee/pbaoe/ranged aoe) =50% More is welcome, but 50% puts you one common team buff away from immunity.
  12. Can't shoot or move: Earth If you are ok with them moving slowly and occasionally shooting (just not at you): Arsenal If you are ok with them shooting lots, but rarely at you: Plant Those are my 3 favorite dom primaries
  13. Eagles claw (w/cs) > ball lightning> dragons tail. Turns martial arts into an aoe powerhouse. Edit: in response to how critical strikes proc works.
  14. If you aren't married to a scrapper then I much prefer psi melee on stalkers. Other than janky animations it is a perfectly serviceable set for Stalkers, but less than stellar on other ATs.
  15. Dunno what you are trying to do with the build but in general you either can handle spawns or you can't, none of those options are going to consistently get you thru a mission unless you go very slowly. Now if you are just getting stuck on EBs or similar, then powerboosted unleash is pretty good if you are avoiding insp.
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