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  1. Do you happen to know exactly what iteration of Chatgpt you're using?
  2. Would it be possible for the event queue display to show the names of the people who haven't joined?
  3. If you use the Police Station map in AE, the mission will not end until the player takes the elevator to the jail area, even if there are no objectives in that area. To verify this, I created a quick AE mission, #66156. It has a defeat all enemies objective, but it will not end until you take the elevator, even though no mobs ever spawn there.
  4. I'm not sure that render priority is the problem here. I was at an Adamastor summoning about a week ago where the same thing happened, and he didn't reappear even after most players left. I suspect that he spawned underneath the geometry because of crowding.
  5. In hero radio missions, the hostage is missing the "I can see you once again" dialog text.
  6. Or, for a more radical suggestion, how about chopping out all the intangibility powers and replacing them with powers that people actually use for reasons other than griefing? Black Hole, in particular, could create a small interdimensional cottage where your team can relax for a bit of tea before rejoining the fight.
  7. Blaster > Atomic Manipulation > Metabolic Acceleration accepts endredux enhancements, but it costs no endurance. This screenshot isn't relevant.
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  8. Same deal. I was planning on a middle of the road review- some stuff I liked, some not- but judging from the author's response to the above review I'm not going to bother.
  9. The Experienced Marksman recipe set seems to be on the "Do not sell to vendors" list.
  10. A nice fun mission with an interesting premise. Good writing, plenty of clues and details, and several custom groups complete with costumes and bios. Only downside is a few spelling errors.
  11. That might have been me when I was writing my review column on the Live forums.
  12. There a bunch of other weird restrictions like this that get in the way. For example, you cannot use Mastermind upgrade powers on pets that are flying via Group Fly.
  13. I've enjoyed JSH for some time now and have watched almost all of of his "worst MMO ever" videos. Nevertheless, this 'list' is garbage: if anything it's a list of the most talked about MMOs, not the ones you should play. It lists League of Angels at #77 or so, which even he says is 'soulless garbage'.
  14. Yeah pretty much what he said. It's not a matter of 'impeding gameplay', but rather "Uh what am I doing and why am I doing this?"
  15. On the Frostfire map, wall objectives in the Ice Slide Room can be unreachable.
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