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Everything posted by Sunsette

  1. basic rule for teaching anyone anything: say whatever you want them to know early, and say it often, then keep your expectations low people might be distracted, they might be forgetful, and some things just don't make sense without context as an aside, I don't understand why people insist on rescuing all four heroes and *then* clearing -- it's a lot more prone to errors in execution and not really any faster than clearing and then doing all four heroes.
  2. I was mostly running default options after I came back at the end of January and when I pressed WASD, the character moved relative to the character's position rather than the camera's position, to the point where I needed a bind set to reset the camera so that I didn't have this behavior occur. This is a different computer from that I last played the game on, and I started new characters that inherited nothing from the previous characters.
  3. I usually forget they do anything at all until I do Outbreak again or someone brings it up. City isn't a "click everything you see for immersion" game and their art assets don't call high attention to them in a way that breaks through the visual noise of the city, on top of all travel powers but Speed generally being too vertical to notice them.
  4. You underestimate how much I love that song and my extreme tolerance for earworms.
  5. I mained MA/SR back in the day but I think I missed that or it got wiped from memory. I was actually thinking how much I wish we had Chun-Li Kicks as an option to recycle too.
  6. It's probably best to have both. I don't think anyone enjoys hostage hunting on an outdoor city map, and more signals are better for more people.
  7. It still (usually) happens, though it can feel inadequate on larger or more complex maps, and it's easily missable for anyone who doesn't keep a custom tab *just* to track NPC speech
  8. I think the OP's goal is specifically to better enable multi-element characters My suggestion was meant to piggyback on it to also work for mono or dual element characters without adding a *lot* of user-end clutter -- I don't think we could handle four new pools just for elements though.
  9. Getting ready to go to bed, will try to help in the morning if all questions have not been answered by then. Just FYI, some newer content like Praetoria and HC-developed content will ignore your boss solo settings from time to time. I've seen a few people complain about this who have bosses set to off.
  10. Appreciate your openness to input, clarity about the fact that you would look into it whatever the result, and the information about steps that ended up being taken. It's very nice to see. Thank you.
  11. So first of all: sorry you're experiencing that. However, I do think four different AT/powerset combos struggling past level 15 suggests that build or play is the issue far more than anything. That's not your fault or failure if so; the game leaves a lot to be desired about instructing people in play and build compared to most other MMOs. If you don't mind my asking, what are your characters? Maybe we can help.
  12. I would be very surprised if server had anything to do with it. No idea what the problem IS but at least we have several ideas what the problem isn't? In any event, thank you both so much for your input, @Frostmoon and @Britannic
  13. Interesting -- thank you for checking. Testing again at 24 with all tips clear, still nothing on the same character I tested with before. Saw several other people in Everlasting's global channels confirm the bug yesterday too. I'm convinced something is happening but no idea of the cause. ETA: It looks like it works normally once at least one badge is received -- the exploration tips are flowing freely now. Did not see that behavior for other zones. @Frostmoon -- did you test this on a character that already had a Steel Canyon badge?
  14. That might be more demanding on the art to realize than I intended, and mechanically it might require multiple power redirects -- but I *do* love this idea, if it's feasible. 🙂
  15. What works best for me is whatever helps the community feel like the game does a better job representing their concepts -- 'Chaos' seems like a good one since Chaos magic in different forms is a recurring feature in Moorcockian fantasy and its derivatives in D&D or Warhammer, as well as the many mages of DC and Marvel, but also can represent a number of more science or technologically bent takes on the concept, like Douglas Adams' Improbability Field and Terry Pratchett's Ronnie Soak. Primal would also be great since it calls to mind both primal as an occult concept of nature and fundamental forces of physics. But I'm mostly making the suggestion to help out others here. ^^
  16. Eyyy, very relatable. I've worked on this part of myself the last few years to be more tolerant of not being peak performance -- but I still always want my 'main' to be high-performing and also a concept I appreciate and did not have to adulterate to pull it off. I managed a few non-psi mixed-range characters but it required literal weeks of pouring over builds each time to get the performance I wanted.
  17. While I also have a lifetime subscription, it sounds like you've played CO more than I have, so I respect your evaluation. For me, I think both CO and CoH are equally dull in most of their solo experiences, but: I enjoy Praetoria and late issue mission arcs more than I ever enjoyed any of CO's Comic Arcs, and The notoriety settings in CoH allow me to tailor difficulty so I can get some self-directed challenge -- I never really felt that in CO I will say that the Vibora Bay plotline was decent as a solo experience, so there is that. I do think of CO as more of a teaming game though because the Alerts bar and Giant Monsters seems to be all the content anyone ever does. It was like pulling teeth the once or twice I got a friend to do a comic arc with me. I don't think I ever met one person who understood any of the lore except for people who played the TTRPG and spent their existence mourning what CO did to the setting. I did feel like Kaiserin managed to make the Giant Monster encounters legitimately interesting -- I prefer them to incarnate trials or the revamped Giant Monsters here -- and things like the tower of that weird cloning guy in Canada were pretty fun but accessible challenges that made use of the fact that CO's combat engine is much more responsive, with the block mechanic being a great addition. Unfortunately, it's just such a small spot of the game's content.
  18. hah, fair. SWTOR solo experience feels like a shell of itself to me, as someone who beta tested and launched the game. A lot of fights in the game as originally conceived were designed to reward mastery of your character and it made story-difficult missions feel rewarding. Between intentional reduction of difficulty and several class revamps that would have required complete reworks of encounters, all that's gone. Can mindlessly spam 1 to get through everything. Now all that's left are some steamroll fights between decent BioWare cutscenes, like it's the uncanny valley of RPGs. I like that the game's accessible and I have a love-hate relationship with outfits in that game -- my Jedi is stylin', but I did spend a few dollars I shouldn't have to get her full ensemble -- but if they could ever do the story difficulty settings for the class stories the way that KotET and KotFE do for their chapters, that'd be the only thing that could really bring me back for another go.
  19. The funny thing is that I don't remotely want a Chaos powerset for myself. It's not a kind of magic that I've ever been interested in; even when I play D&D, I tend to avoid that kind of wizard. And I don't like magical characters in comic books, with a handful of exceptions. But I believe it's a reasonable desire and it's not something the game illustrates very well despite being a type of power that shows up in comics fairly often. It'd be great if we could all look at suggestions in the most positive reasonable light, I think.
  20. I left the game for multiple years in part because I had chaotic life circumstances, but also in part because I disagreed with what looked to be dev direction in a number of ways. I came back when I decided I could live with the direction of things that weren't going to change and just ignore them so I could help out my friends who got into the game for the first time. So yes, I get the frustration. Which is also why I wanted to be openly positive about something that was actually a big deal to me and my attempts to support my friends. I could write up three (more) paragraphs to explain why I find these changes helpful, but I don't think it's going to do anything to change the fact that you're angry, and right now I'm frustrated and don't have the spoons for this.
  21. Much of this was, but if there was a way to disable the tank controls (where Forward/Back/Left/Right reacted to where your character was facing as opposed to the camera) before, I was not aware of it. I also believe the click-drag handling was improved for non-interference with UI elements. Response in Help is not going to be indicative of the effectiveness of the decision because it's a change primarily targeted at new players, although I certainly agree that the rollout to existing players was not ideal. This topic is exhausting, and it makes me sorry to have been happy about something. I prefaced with sympathy for the people who were unhappy for a reason, because I don't think the complaints are unreasonable, but jeez.
  22. As long as there are sufficient whales to justify the ROI. The game is viciously monetized, which is the drawback to its incredible character creator. Really? Because my main impression of Champions Online is that there wasn't a game worth speaking of. I am a perennial soloer and group content was about the only thing in CO worth doing at all; the solo content is just *that* drab (and/or terrible in the case of their redone starter missions). The comic arcs or whatever they call them are okay for solo stuff but a lot of 'too-little-too-late' for the game. The combat system has promise and I think is a better framework than the mess that is CoH's but there's little content to support it and the freeform system makes CoX builds look quaint and simple. One server, as I recall.
  23. The homecoming discord server. Link is on the main page of the forums. I should probably rejoin at some point but I'm already in so many discord servers already...
  24. Yeah, I think that's how it happened to me too, now you mention it. So probably going to have to do the side-by-side rebuild thing, unless someone here's figured out a way to sanitize things, sorry. (Data import/export with mids has been a little borky for a bit so I doubt it.)
  25. I ran into a similar issue earlier this year when I was looking at some old builds and I thought it was due to some internal data structure changes. Trying to fix these old files, any modifications continued to display this resistance calculation bug. I ended up having to open a second copy of Mids and put them side by side, then rebuild enhancement by enhancement in order to see the actual values. I haven't had this issue trigger on new builds I've created. Mine are also in the .mbd format.
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