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Everything posted by thunder_crane

  1. Not only that, but the current incarnate setup has you missing assault hybrid and musculature alpha in order to get the current defenses/resistances. The kicker is it's still not nearly there for resists/defenses even then. Not sure what is going on in mids to get the original screenshot the way it is, but I suppose if you're soloing or even doing 4star in a group, both of these are sensible sacrifices for a tank to make. I guess you're still doing plenty of damage? No idea.
  2. I tried to do the same but even accounting for all of the substantive slotting in the screenshot and some possible accolades/incarnates I can't seem to get the defenses and resists exactly the same. I'm not sure what I"m missing - maybe you can take a look: 4starsolotest.mxd
  3. Would you say that at the very least we shouldn't be running 6 set CS proc due to the enhanced recharge it gives? + recharge = -proc, right?
  4. Adding your 4 accolades should immensely help with hp and end. At your base of 1600 or so health grabbing your +hp accolades will get you something like 300 extra hp. It's very worth it. Other than that it looks good. My only recommendation would be to reconsider swapping something out (maybe Tactics) in favor of meltdown. Meltdown is a massive boon to resists and damage and once you have an ageless (radial for the +debuff resist for example) it's basically up half the time all the time. Really helps with harder content and absorbing alpha strikes. Additionally look into proccing out some of your main hitters down the line.
  5. This is what I came up with. I think it's pretty clear I don't know what I'm doing lol. I'm trying to build for hardmode ITF mainly so I'm trying to focus on ranged def, as well as energy and neg. Would appreciate thoughts on the merits of having fly over SS+Burnout. Also have been told I should proc out a lot more powers and stop focusing on defense so much (and therefore get rid of agility core as it messes with proc chance)
  6. Anyone have a hardmode build for a Fire/Cold? Bit unsure what needs 6 slotting on the /cold side.
  7. Here's what I'm running. Generally happy with it: Also a summary of chains and proc slotting from another thread:
  8. Isn't this essentially big gotter mobs in a freakshow map that hasn't been updated? This is essentially identical to any of the big gotter carnie maps right? Except I suppose the Dreck map offers substantially worse density than the carnie city layout.
  9. Is anyone working on an updated Carnie map?
  10. Have you taken it through trapdoor just to see how it compares on the damage side? i Also you mentioned it does first mission solo for 4itf. What about the second?
  11. Is this essentially a modified aprocalypse build? Noticed there's probably no cross punch spam opportunity here, but why not load up haymaker or KO blow with the winter set absorb proc for extra def?
  12. Essentially a summary of stuff here as far as I can tell: 1. BS opener with ATO2 proc in BS: A. BS (crit proc) > TF > ET (short) > Snipe > (BS > ET if TF crits, otherwise restart) B. BS (crit proc) > TF > ET (short) > BS (crit proc) > Snipe > (ET or TF > ET - have seen both not sure reasoning between the difference) 2. ET opener with ATO2 proc in TF: A. ET (long) > TF (crit proc) > ET (short) > Snipe > BS 3. ET opener with ATO2 proc in ET: A. ET (long with crit proc) > TF > ET (short) > BS > Snipe 4. TF opener with ATO2 proc in ET: A. TF > Buildup > ET (short with crit proc) > Snipe > BS What do you open with? Fit any of the above?? Fwiw Kanil said he runs BS opener to crit TF for double stacks as well. Didn't get a clear idea of his actual rotation though.
  13. I'm guessing Ratch only PMs the build to qualified people. Maybe you need to have proof that you can get under 1:10 with another build before he can give it to you. Sort of like...some...sort of...race car license...or something.
  14. That seems reasonable to me, but I see SS on the active farmer as well, and that's kind of the one I'm talking about. I had to switch away from it for this reason and just run a prestige dash and an athletic run together - more than fast enough and with ageless core end isn't a problem until maybe the last 30 seconds before it's up again. Fortunately, dropping SS allows you to pick up something like consume instead, which fixes that window. Moreover you can slot it with power transfer heal chance or perf shifter end chance. All around better for an active farmer imo.
  15. I tried this and it didn't feel good. SS has -threat on it and it really interfered with my pulling and grouping.
  16. TW S+ tier confirmed. Is this build solely a Pylon hero or would you say it's easy enough to transition into hard mode content without losing substantial dps? (If that's even possible for any build averaging under 1:30 on pylon) Additional, would you say the average without the snipe is still under 1:30? Or does Soul add a significant cut to the time?
  17. Any chance it's significantly similar to the build you used for 1:16 post nerf pylon? I didn't see any MB there but sounds like you maybe worked in the snipe to add consistency?
  18. I guess I edited my above post so my global is @Prodigal Son
  19. I think thematically and functionally the closest thing to your old scrapper would be WM/EnA. Unfortunately it seems someone has already picked it. Other contenders for similarity would be WM/Rad or WM/Bio. I see someone picked WM/Rad so I'm left with WM/Bio I guess. Which is fine with me. Bio definitely has some weaknesses but with the right team and slotting I think you'll be an absolute powerhouse. EDIT: I do remember seeing a nice WM/bio doing MoITF but that was before accuracy related changes iirc. The nice thing about Bio is that it contends with Rad for the most offensive secondary (and I think many would give it the edge), but I thin it offers a lot more flexibility.
  20. No it definitely sounded like you advise ATO2 in ET, but I was curious about the case for ATO2 in ET purely for wanting TF crits - to get 2 short ET stacks rather than one (essentially what that post is talking about) and how that would impact the overall dps. Not sure if having way way more short ETs overall would outweigh having crits in 2 skills (assuming you can't fit anything else after TF since it has such a long activation time). Sounds like having TF crit means you get no extra damage but instead of 1 Energy Focus for 1 short ET, you get 2 Energy Focus for 2 short ETs. So you fit twice the amount of short ETs as before (maybe resulting in never needing long ETs? dunno), but it sounds like you basically never get the extra damage from your ATO2? Might have to test the difference there..
  21. What about this post detailing the CS proc being in ET so that you can guarantee a proc on TF, thereby getting 2 quick ET stacks?
  22. But does that even matter? Various builds have various performance at various levels, or investment levels.
  23. Which is fine, I'm not saying RNG and skill aren't part of the game, but what exactly changed from 1 year ago for you to no longer have the same opinion of TW? You list it alongside S and A tier skills when it comes to ST. Even if we argue that it no longer is as good as any of these, are we really saying the complete TW set belongs in B tier?
  24. As someone struggling with a fire blaster I'm curious - what fire build uberstomp's the game?
  25. Also for a map that's been adjusted for XP since the new patch, try 2258. It's an asteroid type solo farm.
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